Referencing JSON object fields after assigning to variable in useEffect() - react-native

I'm attempting to retrieve a JSON object from an API call, and then set a useState variable to the response for use in my app. I am able to successfully receive the JSON response, but if I try to reference specific fields I get an error saying
null is not an object (evaluating data.type). I understand that this happens because initially the data variable is simply null, but I'm not sure the best way to go about preventing this and I suspect I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.
Here's the function which queries the API and retrieves the response data:
export function searchFlightOffers(postData) {
return getAmadeusToken().then(data => {
const config = {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${data.access_token}`
return"", postData, config).then(data => data);
Then the React Native function which uses it
export default function FlightScreen() {
const [flightResponse, setFlightResponse] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
searchFlightOffers(postData).then(data => setFlightResponse(;
}, [])
console.log("TEST: ", flightResponse.type);
Is there a more efficient way I should be doing this?
EDIT: To add hopefully a more clear description of the issue, here's the JSX I'm trying to use this data in:
return (
<ScrollView style={{marginTop: 220}}>
flightResponse != null ? => {
return (
onPress={() => {}}
}) : false
If I add a conditional which checks to see if the flightResponse data is null and then map the data if not then this works just fine. Removing the conditional and just leaving it like this:
return (
<ScrollView style={{marginTop: 220}}>
{ => {
return (
onPress={() => {}}
Leaves me with this error: null is not an object (evaluating '') .
While technically the conditional is a solution to my problem there must be a cleaner way to handle this no?
Update: A solution to this problem is to change
const [flightResponse, setFlightResponse] = useState(null);
const [flightResponse, setFlightResponse] = useState([]);
and then I can remove the conditional from the JSX.

My apology that I didn't see the additional info you have put there. Apparently you have resolved this issue on your own by adding the check for null, which, to my knowledge, is the correct usage pattern.
You have to check for null because the code in useEffect is not guaranteed to complete (because it is async) before react native executes the code to render the components. By checking for null, you place a guard on this exact situation (and other situations, such as error during fetching data, data itself is empty, etc.).
Original answer (obsolete)
Try rewrite your searchFlightOffers function in async/await style. This way, it is clearer what object is returned. I suspect your current version does not return the data.
The rewrite can be something like this (untested, use with caution).
export const searchFlightOffers = async (postData) => {
try {
const token = await getAmadeusToken();
} catch (err) {
// handle error during token acquisition
const config = {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token.access_token}`
try {
const flightOfferData = await
return flightOfferData;
} catch (err) {
// handle error during flight offer acquisition


Issue rendering data from firestore document in react native

I created a map for the array of exercises in my database, and then for each exercise, which is a document reference, I'm getting the data from that document reference and setting it to a state. This is resulting in an infinite loop right now.
If I remove the setExerciseData line, the console logs the exercise object's data that I'm expecting to see. I'm really not sure what the correct way to render the name field from this data is.
{ => {
async function getData(exercise) {
getDoc(exercise).then((doc) => {
return (
You need to use useEffect() and setState() to be able to render your data. Also, Firebase Firestore is Asynchronous in nature, as a general note, no one should be trying to convert an Async operation into a sync operation as this will cause problems. You need to use an Asynchronous function to fetch data from Firestore. See sample code below:
const getExerciseData = async () => {
const docRef = doc(db, "<collection-name>", '<document-id>')
const docSnap = await getDoc(docRef)
if (docSnap.exists()) {
// console.log("Document data:",
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!")
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return (
You could also check my answer on this thread for more use-cases.

React-admin - Cannot update a component (`xxx`) while rendering a different component (`SelectInput`)

React-admin 3.8.4
I'm rendering some form fields conditionally, and these fields have some validations. Because of this, I'm receiving this error below:
Warning: Cannot update a component (nameOfTheComponent) while rendering a different component
(SelectInput). To locate the bad setState() call inside SelectInput, follow the stack trace
as described in...
I already have read some explanation about the problem and I've discovered that react-final-form
calls a setState() when registering those fields and this seems to be the issue.
I also saw that there is a fix into FileConfig called silent that solves this problem React final form silent
But I don't know if I'm using wrong, because the warning remains showing up.
I'm trying to do something like this:
const OfferVariation = ({ formData, }) => {
const form = useForm();
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
const initialState = {}
let inConstructor = true
const fieldName = "internalOffer.type"
form.registerField(fieldName, fieldState => {
if (inConstructor) {
initialState[fieldName] = fieldState
} else {
this.setState({ [fieldName]: fieldState })
}, { silent: true })
}, [])
if (flowType === "Interna") {
return (
label="Tipo da Oferta"
} else if (flowType === "Externa") {
return (
label="Url Externa"
export default OfferVariation;
Does anyone know how to fix it and could help me?

Why AsyncStorage getItem is returning null?

export const USER_KEY = "isLoggedIn";
export const phoneVerified = () => AsyncStorage.setItem(USER_KEY, 1);
export const userInfoVerified = () => AsyncStorage.setItem(USER_KEY, 2);
I have used the above functions to store the value and the below one to get the value.
export const isSignedIn = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(res => {
console.log("from isSignedIn : "+res); //res is showing null.
if (res !== null) {
} else {
.catch(err => reject(err));
Why this always returns null? I was trying async/await but still getting null. I think somehow the data is not storing.
I'm afraid you can only store strings. Please refer to this React Native AsyncStorage storing values other than strings and this
As answered by #Vishu Bhardwaj AsyncStorage accepts only string. So you can use JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() in such cases.
I was stuck with this stupid problem for almost one week, no other way that is suggested in all communities worked for me, but then I found something that is built of react-native which its setState() callback function:
so the only way that I guarantee that it's the only secure way so far is this that u use the setState() function in your promise and everything that you need to run, put them on a function and call it for the setState() callback function , this is only way you can make sure yourself that you neither get null nor never calling the function . Here I'm going to provide an example of it which this.tokeToServer() is my function which it's used as a callback function.
try {
AsyncStorage.getItem('firebase_token',(err,item) => {
if (item) {
firebase_token: item,
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error retrieving data" + error);
As presented by friend Abdu4, I had the same problem for 4 days and searching for different sites and forums. Attempts with async/await and others, even though you should use these options, the one you completed and really worked was to assign the value through setState by callback
try {
AsyncStorage.getItem('TOKEN_KEY',(err,item) => {
if (item) {
Token: item,
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error retrieving data" + error);

Force refetch in Relay Modern RefetchContainer with no (new) variables

I'm trying to find out how/if it is possible to trigger a refresh in a Relay Modern RefreshContainer without passing (new) variables?
I’m looking for the best way to implement the good ol’ pull-to-refresh on a React Native list, that should simply refetch the original query - no variables needed?
According to docs ( this should be possible using
this.props.relay.refetch({}, callback, {force: true})
but I get an error saying "undefined is not an object ('evaluating taggedNode.modern')"
The query works just fine if I use a plain old FragmentContainer instead, but I'd just like a simple pull-to-refresh functionality :-)
Adding more code for clarity. Also updated call to reflect change to API that includes render variables, passing null
class HistoryList extends React.PureComponent<void, Props, State> {
state = { refreshing: false };
_renderRow = ({ item }) => {
return <HistoryListItem item={item.node} />;
_renderHeader = ({ section }) => {
return (
<Text style={[cs.breadText, _styles.sectionHeader]}>
_onRefresh = () => {
this.setState({ refreshing: true });
this.props.relay.refetch({}, null, this._onRefreshDone(), { force: true });
_onRefreshDone = () => {
this.setState({ refreshing: false });
_sortDataIntoSections = (edges: Array<Node>) => {
return _.chain(edges)
.groupBy(element => {
return moment(element.node.huntDate).format('MMMM YYYY');
.map((data, key) => {
return { title: key, data: data };
render() {
return (
<View style={_styles.container}>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => item.node.__id}
export default createRefetchContainer(
fragment HistoryList_entries on Viewer {
allJournalEntries(orderBy: huntDate_DESC) {
edges {
node {
It seems that the arguments of this.props.relay.refetch has been change to refetch(refetchVariables, renderVariables, callback, options) (in and the cheetsheet has been out-of-date.
I'm not sure that in which version that this has change, but you can give it a try and change your code to:
this.props.relay.refetch({}, null, callback, {force: true})
A solution has been found by robrichard at github.
I was missing the third argument for the RefetchContainer, which is the query to execute on refetch. This, combined with the suggestion from #zetavg was what was needed.
The exported module now looks like this:
export default createRefetchContainer(
entries: graphql`
fragment HistoryList_entries on Viewer {
allJournalEntries(orderBy: huntDate_DESC) {
edges {
node {
query HistoryListRefetchQuery {
viewer {
I have both solution applied (query for refetch and relay refetch call).
Refetch query
(do not pay attention at fact, that I didn't specify a component for container, there is special decorator in our code base for it):
viewer: graphql`
fragment RatingSchoolsTableContainer_viewer on Viewer {
rating {
schools {
query RatingSchoolsTableContainer_RefetchQuery {
viewer {
And relay call:
this.props.relay?.refetch({}, null, () => {}, {force: true})
There is no re-render anyway, but I have new response from server in network.

React Native Pass data to another screen

I need to pass some data from one screen to another, but I don't know how to do it. I've searched and I read about Redux, but it is a bit complicated since I never used it and most of the tutorials are confusing for a newcomer. But if I could do it without Redux, that would be better.
So, when I click in a button, It runs this:
onSearch() {
var listaCarros = fetch(`URL`, {
method: 'GET',
.then((response) => { return response.json() } )
.then((responseJson) => {
and I want to pass the data I get from this, to another screen.
Im using router-flux, if that matters.
you can save the response in state of your current component like
onSearch() {
var listaCarros = fetch(`URL`, {
method: 'GET',
.then((response) => { return response.json() } )
.then((responseJson) => {
/*for react-native-router-flux you can simply do
Actions.secondPage({data:responseJson}); and you will get data at SecondPage in props
dataToPass :responseJson
then below in return like you want to pass data to a new component having named as SecondPage, you can do it in following way
{this.state.dataToPass && <SecondPage data ={this.state.dataToPass}>} //you will get data as props in your second page