Does VSCode provides any means to parse json files with comments without using external library?
I'm trying get list of keybindings for the extension and need to parse keybindings.json file, which contains comments
I'm currently using JSON5 package, but would like to get rid of it:
//get keybindings
const keybindings = new Promise(resolve => {
//default keybindings
const data = require("../package.json").contributes.keybindings.reduce((a,b)=>(a[b.command]=b.key,a),{});
const parse = list => {
for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].command in data)
data[list[i].command] = list[i].key;
for(let i in data) {
//capitalize first letter
data[i] = data[i].replace(/\w+/g, w => (w.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()) + w.substring(1));
//add spaces around "+"
// data[i] = data[i].replace(/\+/g, " $& ");
Object.assign(keybindings, data);
const path = {
windows: process.env.APPDATA + "/Code",
macos: process.env.HOME + "/Library/Application Support/Code",
linux: process.env.HOME + "/config/Code"
aix: "linux",
darwin: "macos",
freebsd: "linux",
linux: "linux",
openbsd: "linux",
sunos: "linux",
win32: "windows"
const file = ((process.env.VSCODE_PORTABLE ? process.env.VSCODE_PORTABLE + "/user-data/User/" : path) + "/User/keybindings.json")
.replace(/\//g, process.platform == "win32" ? "\\" : "/");
//read file
workspace.openTextDocument(file).then(doc => {
//we can't use JSON.parse() because file may contain comments
const JSON5 = require("json5").default;
}).catch(er => {
I wrote a vscode extension. Now you want to download a file in the vscode working directory by developing extensions. But no files were obtained through vscode vscode.Uri.file.
const downloadPanel = vscode.window.createWebviewPanel(
enableScripts: true,
retainContextWhenHidden: true,
if (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders === undefined) {
throw new Error("not found!");
const filePath = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath;
let downloadContent = vscode.commands.registerCommand('', () => {
console.log("filePath = " + filePath);
const onDiskPath = vscode.Uri.file(
path.join(context.extensionPath, "resources","blockchain.svg")
// And get the special URI to use with the webview
const catGifSrc = panel.webview.asWebviewUri(onDiskPath) + "";
function getWebviewContent(_src: string) {
return '<html><head><script></script></script></head><body><div>download</div></body></html>';
When clicking the link, the file is not found! Currently, only nginx proxy can be used for full path downloading. Is there any other plan or solution?
I am using React Native to build Mobile application for Andrioid and iOS.
based on the situation that no framework is exist to support Azure Storage API for React Native (all frameworks are required browsers that does not exist in React Native),
I use REST API for the interaction with the Azure storage and it works fine e.g list containers, list blob, get blob and put blob.
in order to upload large file I tried to use the same mechanizm for 'put block' api (as describe here: without succcess, failed on error code 403.
I will appreciate for your assist.
Thank you.
my code for upload single block:
private createAuthorizationHeader(canonicalizedString: string) {
const str = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(canonicalizedString, CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(this.config.accountKey));
const sig = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(str);
const authorizationHeader = `SharedKey ${this.config.accountName}:${sig}`;
return authorizationHeader;
async putBlockBlob(containerName: str, blobPath: str, blobContent: str, blockIndex: number,) {
const requestMethod = 'PUT';
const urlPath = `${containerName}/${blobPath}`;
const dateInRfc1123Format = new Date(;
const storageServiceVersion = '2019-12-12';
const blobLength: number = blobContent.length;
const blockId = Buffer.from(`block-${blockIndex}`).toString('base64');
const blobType = 'BlockBlob';
// StringToSign =
// VERB + "\n" +
// Content-Encoding + "\n" +
// Content-Language + "\n" +
// Content-Length + "\n" +
// Content-MD5 + "\n" +
// Content-Type + "\n" +
// Date + "\n" +
// If-Modified-Since + "\n" +
// If-Match + "\n" +
// If-None-Match + "\n" +
// If-Unmodified-Since + "\n" +
// Range + "\n" +
// CanonicalizedHeaders +
// CanonicalizedResource;
const canonicalizedHeaders = `x-ms-date:${dateInRfc1123Format}\nx-ms-version:${storageServiceVersion}`;
const canonicalizedResource = `/${this.config.accountName}/${urlPath}}\nblockid:${blockId}\ncomp:block`;
const stringToSign = `${requestMethod}\n\n\n${blobLength}\n\napplication/octet-stream\n\n\n\n\n\n\n${canonicalizedHeaders}\n${canonicalizedResource}`;
const uriStr = `${urlPath}?comp=block&blockid=${blockId}`;
const authorizationHeader = this.createAuthorizationHeader(stringToSign);
const header = {
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'x-ms-date': dateInRfc1123Format,
'x-ms-version': storageServiceVersion,
Authorization: authorizationHeader,
'Content-Length': `${blobLength}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
try {
return axios
.create({baseURL: `https://${this.config.accountName}`,})
method: requestMethod,
url: uriStr,
data: blobContent,
headers: header,
.then((response) =>
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
I believe the issue is coming because of a missing new line character between Range and CanonicalizedHeaders.
Can you try by changing the following line of code:
const stringToSign = `${requestMethod}\n\n\n${blobLength}\n\napplication/octet-stream\n\n\n\n\n\n\n${canonicalizedHeaders}\n${canonicalizedResource}`;
const stringToSign = `${requestMethod}\n\n\n${blobLength}\n\napplication/octet-stream\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n${canonicalizedHeaders}\n${canonicalizedResource}`;
it will help you to upload the data to Azure storage server
upload file to Server
export const uploadMedia = async (params: any, callBack: any) => {
const SAS_URL: any = "https://${blobUrl}";
const CONTAINER: any = "";
const SAS_TOKEN: any = "";
const { fileType, localUri } = params;
const userId = "set user ID here";
const fileName = String(fileType).concat(customIdGenerator(7));
const assetPath = `${SAS_URL}/${CONTAINER}/${userId}/${fileName}`;
HEADER["x-ms-blob-content-type"] = CONST_HEADER(fileType);
return await RNFetchBlob.fetch(
.then(() => {
return assetPath;
fileType = 'video' | image | pdf
let params: any = {
fileType: 'image',
localUri: image,
generate Custom Id for Uniqueness or you can also use UUID
const customIdGenerator = (length: any) => {
var result = "";
var characters =
var charactersLength = characters.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
return result;
set Headers for different Files
const CONST_HEADER = (type: any) => {
return type == 'image'
? `image/png`
: type == 'video'
? 'video/mp4'
: type == 'pdf' && 'application/pdf';
I am developing a React Native application. Now, I am trying to download a remote image into the local device.
This is my code:
downloadFile = () => {
var date = new Date();
var url = '';
var ext = this.extention(url);
ext = "." + ext[0];
const { config, fs } = RNFetchBlob
let PictureDir = fs.dirs.PictureDir
let options = {
fileCache: true,
addAndroidDownloads : {
useDownloadManager : true,
notification : true,
path: PictureDir + "/image_"+Math.floor(date.getTime() + date.getSeconds() / 2)+ext,
description : 'Image'
config(options).fetch('GET', url).then((res) => {
Alert.alert("Success Downloaded");
extention = (filename) => {
return (/[.]/.exec(filename)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(filename) : undefined;
I am following this tutorial, When I run my code, it says the download was successful. But when I checked my photo library, the image is not there. What is wrong with my code?
Use CameraRoll.saveToCameraRoll method for this instead.
I use Ionic 4 and Angular 7 with PHP as Back-end.
I am trying to upload files (images/videos/PDFs/audio).
Is there a general way to send it.
I tried to send image using camera plugin it returns the URI and it works on the app using img tag.
But I can't get the file it self to send it using formData
openCamera() {
const options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 100,
}; => {
this.imageData = imageData;
this.image = (<any>window).Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(imageData);
// this.image works fine in img tag
}, (err) => {
// Handle error
alert('error ' + JSON.stringify(err));
sendMsg(file?) {
const data = new FormData();
data.set('group_id', this.groupId);
data.set('text', this.msg);
if (file) {
data.set('file', this.image);
data.set('text', '');
res => {
console.log('res ', res);
if (res.success === true) {
console.log('data added ', res);
I want the use the URI to get the actual file
Ionic Native plugin will return only base64. As per your question, you need to convert formdata. so, You need to convert base64 to formdata externally.
dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {
// convert base64/URLEncoded data component to raw binary data held in a string
var byteString;
if (dataURI.split(',')[0].indexOf('base64') >= 0)
byteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
byteString = unescape(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
// separate out the mime component
var mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];
// write the bytes of the string to a typed array
var ia = new Uint8Array(byteString.length);
for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {
ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([ia], { type: mimeString });
profileUpdate(options) { => {
let base64Image = 'data:image/jpg;base64,' + imageData;
let data = this.dataURItoBlob(base64Image);
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('profile', data, "filename.jpg");
//here you pass the formdata to to your API
I'd like a npm script to create/configure/etc. and finally import a SQL dump. The entire creation, configuring, etc. is all working, however, I cannot get the import to work. The data never is inserted. Here's what I have (nevermind the nested callback as they'll be turned into promises):
connection.query(`DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${config.database};`, err => {
connection.query(`CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${config.database};`, err => {
connection.query('use DATABASENAME', err => {
const sqlDumpPath = path.join(__dirname, 'sql-dump/sql-dump.sql');
connection.query(`SOURCE ${sqlDumpPath}`, err => {
connection.end(err => resolve());
I also tried the following with Sequelize (ORM):
return new Promise(resolve => {
const sqlDumpPath = path.join(__dirname, 'sql-dump/sql-dump.sql');
fs.readFile('./sql/dump.sql', 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
Here's how I set up my initial Sequelized import using the migrations framework. There is plenty of going on here but in short I:
find the latest sql-dump in the migrations folder
read the file using fs
split the text into queries
check if its a valid query and if so apply some cleaning that my data required (see related post)
push an array full of queries - I start with making sure that the database is clean by calling the this.down first
run everything as a promise (as suggested here) using the mapSeries (not the map)
Using sequelize-cli you can in your shell create a migration by writing:
sequelize migration:create
And you will automatically have the file where you enter the code below. In order to execute the migration you simply write:
sequelize db:migrate
"use strict";
const promise = require("bluebird");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const assert = require("assert");
const db = require("../api/models"); // To be able to run raw queries
const debug = require("debug")("my_new_api");
// I needed this in order to get some encoding issues straight
const Aring = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(65533) +
"\\" + String.fromCharCode(46) + "{1,3}", "g");
const Auml = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(65533) +
String.fromCharCode(44) + "{1,3}", "g");
const Ouml = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(65533) +
String.fromCharCode(45) + "{1,3}", "g");
module.exports = {
up: function (queryInterface, Sequelize) {
// The following section allows me to have multiple sql-files and only use the last dump
var last_sql;
for (let fn of fs.readdirSync(__dirname)){
if (fn.match(/\.sql$/)){
fn = path.join(__dirname, fn);
var stats = fs.statSync(fn);
if (typeof last_sql === "undefined" ||
last_sql.stats.mtime < stats.mtime){
last_sql = {
filename: fn,
stats: stats
assert(typeof last_sql !== "undefined", "Could not find any valid sql files in " + __dirname);
// Split file into queries
var queries = fs.readFileSync(last_sql.filename).toString().split(/;\n/);
var actions = [{
query: "Running the down section",
exec: this.down
}]; // Clean database by calling the down first
for (let i in queries){
// Skip empty queries and the character set information in the 40101 section
// as this would most likely require a multi-query set-up
if (queries[i].trim().length == 0 ||
queries[i].match(new RegExp("/\\*!40101 .+ \\*/"))){
// The manual fixing of encoding
let clean_query = queries[i]
.replace(Aring, "Å")
.replace(Ouml, "Ö")
.replace(Auml, "Ä");
query: clean_query.substring(0, 200), // We save a short section of the query only for debugging purposes
exec: () => db.sequelize.query(clean_query)
// The Series is important as the order isn't retained with just map
return promise.mapSeries(actions, function(item) {
return item.exec();
}, { concurrency: 1 });
down: function (queryInterface, Sequelize) {
var tables_2_drop = [
var actions = [];
for (let tbl of tables_2_drop){
// The created should be created_at
exec: () => db.sequelize.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" + tbl +"`")
return, function(item) {
return item.exec();
}, { concurrency: 1 });/**/
Based loosely on Max Gordon's answer, here's my code to run a MySQL Dump file from NodeJs/Sequelize:
"use strict";
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
* Start off with a MySQL Dump file, import that, and then migrate to the latest version.
* #param dbName {string} the name of the database
* #param mysqlDumpFile {string} The full path to the file to import as a starting point
module.exports.migrateFromFile = function(dbName, mysqlDumpFile) {
let sequelize = createSequelize(dbName);
console.log("Importing from " + mysqlDumpFile + "...");
let queries = fs.readFileSync(mysqlDumpFile, {encoding: "UTF-8"}).split(";\n");
console.log("Importing dump file...");
// Setup the DB to import data in bulk.
let promise = sequelize.query("set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0"
).then(() => {
return sequelize.query("set UNIQUE_CHECKS=0");
}).then(() => {
return sequelize.query("set SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'");
}).then(() => {
return sequelize.query("set SQL_NOTES=0");
console.time("Importing mysql dump");
for (let query of queries) {
query = query.trim();
if (query.length !== 0 && !query.match(/\/\*/)) {
promise = promise.then(() => {
console.log("Executing: " + query.substring(0, 100));
return sequelize.query(query, {raw: true});
return promise.then(() => {
console.timeEnd("Importing mysql dump");
console.log("Migrating the rest of the way...");
console.time("Migrating after importing mysql dump");
return exports.migrateUp(dbName); // Run the rest of your migrations
}).then(() => {
console.timeEnd("Migrating after importing mysql dump");