How to customize the HTML output in CKEditor 5? - ckeditor5

I am trying to customize the HTML output of CKEditor 5 to meet the requirements of a CSS framework, namely UIkit. To do that, I need to customize the HTML output generated by CKEditor for each toolbar button. For example, instead of
<p style="text-align:center;">Text aligned to the center</p>
the editor should render
<p class="uk-align-center">Text aligned to the center</p>
I want to be able to customize each button output. Is that possible?


CKeditor image toolbar without upload

CKeditor5 by default has image plugins that support toolbar icons which can insert an image by (a) uploading the image and (b) insert an IMG tag into the HTML.
We do not want any capability to upload an image, but we need a simple widget that takes user input and inserts an image tag with attributes (user supplied) including e.g. SRC, HEIGHT, WIDTH, CLASS.
Seems strange that this isn't available in the standard build, have I missed it somehow?
Do we have to write our own plugin?
Custom build your CKeditor here:
Use toolbar item 'imageInsert'
relevant plugins:
ImageCaption, // adds ability to caption image via the toolbar
ImageResize, // this will cause resize handles to appear in the editor, operates by applying CSS to the enclosing <figure> tag
Also useful plugin
LinkImage, // adds link capability when editing an inserted image
Found the relevant doc here

How to extend the Image plugin in ckeditor5 with custom elements?

We're evaluating an upgrade from ckeditor 4 to the new ckeditor 5, but I need to be able to extend the Image plugin/package with some custom elements, e.g. a text input for licensing information about the image, a button/checkbox for toggling the image to be a thumbnail or not etc.
How can I add these custom elements in the image package and write my own javascript code to handle the values from these elements?
The image toolbar is being controlled by the config.image.toolbar property. It accepts names of UI components registered in the editor.ui.components factory. In other words, it works like the main editor toolbar which is configurable via editor.toolbar and you can learn more how to create buttons here: Creating a simple plugin.

In a velocity template I want to display a link which should not allow double click

In a velocity template I want to display a link which should not allow double click. Currently I am able to display the hyperlink but on double click, two separate windows are opening. I need to open single window even if I click multiple time on hyperlink.
Velocity is just for rendering any text you provide to it as-is, it does not care about what language you are using the Velocity Template engine to render. It could be HTML or any other language.
This problem is particularly related with HTML. You could use css styles to make your link unclickable.
<a href="" style="pointer-events: none; cursor: default;" >link text</a>
note the style attribute in the anchor tag above.

How can I add FontAwesome "font images" to Popup menu in Extension Library in XPages

I am using the popup menu in Extension Library like this
<xe:popupMenu id="pop">
<xe:basicContainerNode image="/vwicn148.gif" label="Container">
<xe:basicLeafNode label="Child" image="/vwicn148.gif"></xe:basicLeafNode>
And it look like this with an image added before the label
As my site is using only "font icons" from FontAwesome I want to display these instead of normal images. how can I do that?
You have 4 options (and they are not pretty):
use a custom renderer as Tim suggested
subclass the control so label is rendered passthrou
lobby the ExtLib team to add new properties
use an XSP.OnLoad script to add the font awesom tags

Typeahead / Select2 support for Bootstrap 3

I'm building a google-style text box that auto-completes typed text.
Using typeahead with typeahead.js-bootstrap.css:
$(document).ready(function() {
remote: '/search/%QUERY',
<input type="text" id="op1">
it worked but there are two problems:
I could not customize it. Whenever I make any significant style changes, or use bootstrap's form-control class for input element: the text box gets completely messed up.
The auto-completed ("hint") text was written above the typed text so I whatever color I set for the hint was the color of the entire text! I tried giving the hint a negative z-order but then it was not displayed at all.
I've tried Typeahead AND Select2 auto-completion libraries with my Bootstrap 3 template, and so far the only thing I was able to work out-of-the-box without completely ruining the layout was the above code
If anyone can solve these problems, or otherwise recommend a full CSS + JS typeahead solution for Bootstrap3, I'd be grateful :)
It gives you completely easy way to customise the look with formatresults. You can even write full html view for your results. and to customise the look of input box apply a class to the wrapper for your search box and override select2 rendered css(load the page and check from browser that from where that style is coming).
I made a full featured customised search with this.
There is now a fork available for select2 that supports Bootstrap 3.