Troubleshooting failed VASP calculations in pyiron - pyiron

I currently have failed calculations in a project that return a status of "aborted" in the jobtable generated by
proj_df = pr.job_table();
proj_df[proj_df["status"] == "aborted"].
How do I loop-restart these calculations with modified input parameters? (i.e. a modified INCAR?)
Also, does pyiron support detailed error reporting on the notebook side or is it necessary to look at the raw output files in the project folder in the terminal?

To restart jobs with a different parameter do:
for sub_job in pr.iter_jobs():
if sub_job.status.aborted:
sub_job.input.incar['KPAR'] = CHANGED_KPAR
sub_job.input.incar['SYSTEM'] =
sub_job.input.incar['SIGMA'] = 0.2
sub_job.server.queue = "cmti"
sub_job.server.cores = NCPU
sub_job.executable = "5.4.4_mpi_AutoReconverge"


Camelot ignoring backend request

I recently got into camelot and but for some reason need to use my own backend to remove text during the imaging process.
Here is what I tried based on the documentation:
class ConversionBackend(object):
def convert(pdf_path, png_path):
arg2 = '-sOutputFile=' + png_path
p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/gs', '-sDEVICE=png16m', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dBATCH', '-dQUIET', "-dFILTERIMAGE", "-dFILTERTEXT", "-r300",str(arg2), pdf_path], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
Aside from the fact that my ghostscript use is not optimal, all of this runs does work when I run it step by step in the python console. However when calling camelot using
tables = camelot.read_pdf(path, line_scale=100, split_text=True, flag_size=True, layout_kwargs={'detect_vertical': False, 'char_margin': 2.0}, pages='all', backend=ConversionBackend())
Camelot still executes my command but with complete disregard for the backend=ConversionBackend()
Any ideas on how to fix this?

Payara asadmin command to monitor a specific resource

Does anyone know the asadmin command line equivalent to display the Resource data as shown in the image below (ie the Resource __TimerPool)?
I'm using Payara
I typed asadmin monitor --help and it provided this as
monitor [--help]
--type type
[--filename filename]
[--interval interval]
[--filter filter]
The type field only accepts "httplistener", "jvm" and "webmodule" as inputs.
So I can't use a "resource" or "jdbcpool" as a type.
Oddly enough in the old glassfish 2.1 you can select "jdbcpool" as the type
Any help is appreciated.
I couldn't really find the answer on the payara documentation
But using part of the glassfish documentation I was able to get what I needed.
The command is asadmin get --monitor server.resources.__TimerPool.*
This then returns (this is a partial output):
server.resources.__TimerPool.numconnused-highwatermark = 2
server.resources.__TimerPool.numconnused-lastsampletime =
1559826720029 server.resources.__TimerPool.numconnused-lowwatermark =
0 server.resources.__TimerPool.numconnused-name = NumConnUsed
server.resources.__TimerPool.numconnused-starttime = 1559823838730
server.resources.__TimerPool.numconnused-unit = count
server.resources.__TimerPool.numpotentialconnleak-count = 0
server.resources.__TimerPool.numpotentialconnleak-description = Number
of potential connection leaks
server.resources.__TimerPool.numpotentialconnleak-lastsampletime = -1
server.resources.__TimerPool.numpotentialconnleak-name =
server.resources.__TimerPool.numpotentialconnleak-starttime =
1559823838735 server.resources.__TimerPool.numpotentialconnleak-unit =
count server.resources.__TimerPool.waitqueuelength-count = 0
server.resources.__TimerPool.waitqueuelength-description = Number of
connection requests in the queue waiting to be serviced.
server.resources.__TimerPool.waitqueuelength-lastsampletime = -1
server.resources.__TimerPool.waitqueuelength-name = WaitQueueLength
server.resources.__TimerPool.waitqueuelength-starttime = 1559823838735
server.resources.__TimerPool.waitqueuelength-unit = count
Command get executed successfully.
It's important to add the .* at the end of the asadmin command in asadmin get --monitor server.resources.__TimerPool.*
If you neglect that and just enter asadmin get --monitor server.resources.__TimerPool it'll return
No monitoring data to report.
Command get executed successfully.
To see thelist of resources you have available to you to monitor type /asadmin list --monitor server.resources.*

How do I make an if command that changes what the script does for a function activated by 2 different tools trying to update a different leader stat

Basically I am trying to make two tools activate the same function except one tool makes the function update one leader stat while the other tool makes the funtion update a different leader stat
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.Give
local plr = Player
if Activated by Starterpack.Child.Cloud then
plr.leaderstats.JumpBoost.Value = plr.leaderstats.JumpBoost.Value +10
or if Activated by Starterpack.Child.Speed then
plr.leaderstats.Speed.Value = plr.Leaderstats.Speed.Value +10
I expected it to allow one tool to activate the same function as the other tool but change a different leader stat
RemoteEvent.FireServer let you pass any number of args when you invoke it. Have your tools each supply a different identifier, and then you can key off the identifier in RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent.
LocalScript inside Tool 1 - Cloud
local remoteGive = game.ReplicatedStorage.Give
local tool = script.Parent
LocalScript inside Tool 2 - Speed
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.Give
local tool = script.Parent
Server Script
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.Give
remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, toolId)
if toolId == "Cloud" then
Player.leaderstats.JumpBoost.Value = Player.leaderstats.JumpBoost.Value + 10
elseif toolId == "Speed" then
Player.leaderstats.Speed.Value = Player.Leaderstats.Speed.Value + 10

Adding new datasources to an existing .rrd

I have a .rrd db which is collecting data from a temperature gauge. Now I have a second gauge so I'd like to add this new gauge to the existing .rrd database. I tried many times with the "rrdtool tune" command, but after that I run a "rrdtool info" on my database, and I see that there's not the last data source (another gauge) that I tried to insert.
How can I do this?
The command you need is, as you say, rrdtool tune. The documentation is available online at
The ability to extend an RRA and to add or remove a DS was only added late in RRDTool 1.4. Check that you are not using an older version of RRDTool, as if you are, you will not be able to use this feature until you upgrade.
I just checked, and I see I'm using RRDTOOL 1.4 so I would not have problems. Anyway, the fact is that I used this command:
/usr/bin/rrdtool tune TEMPCucina.rrd DS:METEOTEMPEXT:GAUGE:1200:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:180000
I got this back from the computer:
DS[TEMPCucina] typ: GAUGE hbt: 1200 min: nan max: nan
But it seems that I'm not able to write into TEMPCucina.rrd
And if I try to perform the following command:
rrdtool info TEMPCucina.rrd
I just get the following, and it seems that no new gauge has been created
filename = "TEMPCucina.rrd"
rrd_version = "0003"
step = 60
last_update = 1510780261
header_size = 556
ds[TEMPCucina].index = 0
ds[TEMPCucina].type = "GAUGE"
ds[TEMPCucina].minimal_heartbeat = 1200
ds[TEMPCucina].min = NaN
ds[TEMPCucina].max = NaN
ds[TEMPCucina].last_ds = "18"
ds[TEMPCucina].value = 1,8000000000e+01
ds[TEMPCucina].unknown_sec = 0
rra[0].cf = "AVERAGE"
rra[0].rows = 30000
rra[0].cur_row = 1304
rra[0].pdp_per_row = 1
rra[0].xff = 0,0000000000e+00
rra[0].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[0].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0
(when I try to write I get this, but I don't know how to proceed at this point)
ERROR: TEMPCucina.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 1510780527 when last update time is 1510780527 (minimum one second step)
I finally did it, but I wasn't able to use the rrdtool tune function.
I finally found here how to perform a dump of the database, how to modify it, and finally restore it to its original location (so I could also correct some data).
This is not what I was searching for, but it solved my problem so I want to share it.

log4php - Change log file Name dynamically in

hi how can i change the log file name and path in dynamically
2 useful pieces of information:
(1) The previous answer by user367134 is helpful, however it has a bug: when setting the level you should not set it to the constant integer value denoted by LoggerLevel::DEBUG. You should instead make use of the LoggerLevel::toLevel() function to obtain a LoggerLevel object.
Should instead be:
(2) Here is a similar example to the one above, with a few differences:
uses rolling log files (max size of each log file is 100MB and at most 10 are kept)
uses a custom pattern for the log lines
fixes the setLevel bug
sets the log level at INFO
The code:
$rootlogger = Logger::getRootLogger();
$appender = new LoggerAppenderRollingFile("MyAppender");
$appender->setFile("custom_name.log", true);
$appenderlayout = new LoggerLayoutPattern();
$pattern = '%d{Y-m-d H:i:s} [%p] %c: %m (at %F line %L)%n';
Well its not my code, But here is the sample code and link to the site
$rootlogger = Logger::getRootLogger();
$appender = new LoggerAppenderFile("MyAppender");
$appender->setFile("mylogfile.log", true);
$appenderlayout = new LoggerLayoutTTCC();
Actual Site Link
Credit goes to "AKJOL"