Base 64 to pdf by using excel - pdf

I always use html to chage base 64 created by API to PDF.It can only use once a time for each base64
How to chage a bunch of base64 to create PDF at the same time.
Or is that possible to use excel to replacd only base64 and creat pdf by clicking buttom.
I mean VBA


font changing when trying to convert PDF to PowerPoint (PPT)

In my project there is a function to produce a PDF file based on a custom template for each customer. in order to do that I use SelectPDF, then add in ASP.NET Razor files and exporting it as a PDF. sometimes I'm asked for specific fonts, so I add them to my .LESS file for the template using #font-face.
now I have a task to create a PDF that may be later converted to a PowerPoint file via Adobe. the problem is that Adobe doesn't know how to handle the custom fonts I use.
for example, this is what I get with the PDF:
and this is what happens after I convert it via Adobe:
is it keep the custom fonts from the PDF export to the PowerPoint file
generally for such a font to be supported it should be 100% embeded as a font not subset as a range of characters.
Then the Full TTF name should be in the fontlist
If the pdf2pptx converter is doing its job correctly, and has access for fallback, it should then use RockwellNova, as seen here without embed and with embed
however since PPTX rarely embed the fonts it will be down to the system substitution when viewing the pptx.

Does Acrobat Acroform support internal small database and export to text features?

I want to create a editable pdf, using Acroform Technology, with the following features, so I would like to know if is it possible before I start diving into learning it:
1 - I want that the javascript script can read some small database (I mean, data hidden inside de pdf document). So, for example, if the user write in a textbox "Silvia", javascript can brings the Silvia's sallary that is in a sallary table hidden inside the pdf.
2 - From pushing a button, javascript script can export to a text file some data that is inside the pdf (from form elements and databases inside de pdf).
Is both features possible using Acroform?
Feature 1 is no problem; you may work with arrays, and then convert them to strings you can put in (hidden) fields for saving and reopening the document.
Feature 2 will most likely require Acrobat (Pro), as there are still some limitations in Reader.

How to convert marathi data from pdf to excel in proper format

I am converting Marathi data from PDF to excel or word but it is not getting proper format.
I have copied some data from PDF and pasted in word document but it was not getting proper format.
e.g. प्रविण सुधाकर शिरवाडकर this line is in PDF
but when i copied and pasted in word it has been getting
-प्रववर् सुधाकर शिरवाडकर
what should i do for this?
anyone please help me.
thank you in advance
There seem to be problems in the way PDF stores unicode devnagri text. Try this alternative route: convert your PDF to an image. Can use an online tool or downloaded, or if on linux use this command in terminal:
for f in *.pdf; do convert -density 200 "$f" "${f}_200dpi.jpg"; done
change the density from 200 to other as per need. Each page from your document should be converted into an image file. For a windows tool, try
Then, go to, upload the image and convert. That uses OCR (optical character recognition).
check the font in your PDF and try making it available to the word document.
I think you dont have perticular fonts which are used in PDF
In Adobe Reader -- -- File menu > Properties > Fonts tab gives you a list of all fonts used in the document.

PDF-file gets big after processing

I have a system that generates PDF-files using itextsharp and mails them to my users. And the files grows in a way that is not ok.
I start of with one 1 page word document 28 KB.
I print this one page word document using adobes printer and pdf file gets 73 KB.
I open the document in Adobe Acrobat X, insert my forms and save, 1055 KB.
I load the document in itextsharp and set the 30 different values and now my file is 2031 KB.
Is there any compression flags or tricks that can be set in itextsharp or in Adobe that keeps my file at ~73 KB. I don't add any images or any other media. just text.
I've had similar fun with PDF file size growing. I've gotten form template generation down to a process where I get my template down to the smallest size possible before I send it to itextsharp to have it populate it.
In your step 3 you are adding your acrofields for your form. After you've finished adding all your fields and saved the document, Used the "Reduce File Size..." option to help shrink the document a little bit. Then you can also use the PDF Optimizer to further reduce file size. I personally use a work around when I use the Create PDF from multiple files feature, but only add the one document I'm working on and then select the smaller file size option for lower quality optimized PDFs.
Then in step 4 it depends on how you are populating and generating the PDF files. Our process uses the template PDFs generated and copies each page onto a new document with the form fields filled. When copying instead of using the PDFCopy class we use the PDFSmartCopy class which will copy content to the new document, but will not duplicate content that is identical. After switching to the smart copy class we saw a significant reduction in file size generated by itextsharp.
Hope this helps.

OCR within an x,y window of a pdf

I need to find an open source or linux based utility that allows me to set an x,y coordinate in a setup file. I would like to then sequentially open pdf's and look in the documents for first, last name and account number and save the file with a file name consisting of last name and file number.
You may want to read some of these answers first :
A Java Library for text extraction from PDF documents preserving empty spaces and lines
How to extract text from a PDF?
How-to extract text from a pdf doc within a specific rectangular region?
The answers above are not Linux specific.
Most PDF documents do not need to be OCR'ed as the text is contained within the PDF. The hard part is extracting in. The Java version of iText ( is probably the best toolkit under Linux to extract the PDF text strings. Another option may be
If the text you need to extract is actually an image then you will probably need to convert the whole PDF page to image format such as TIFF and pass that into an OCR engine such as Google Tesseract OCR.