RestController how to Return Object containing flux Spring webflux - spring-webflux

In my RestController , I'm trying to wrap my response in an ObjectResponse instead of returning flux< X > .
here the ObjectResponse:
public class ObjectResponse {
private Flux<X> Xbdd;
private String metadata="Metadata";
so my endpoint looks like this:
public ObjectResponse getReactiveObjects() {}
1- is this possible in a reactive approach ? or should I use instead a List in ObjectResponse and use the collectList Operator ?
I end up using the collectList Operator :
public Mono<ObjectResponse> getListObjects() {
return objectRepository.findAll().collectList().flatMap(listObjects-> Mono.just(ObjectResponse.builder().Xbdd(listObjects).build()));
And using list in ObjectResponse instead of flux:
public class ObjectResponse {
private List<X> Xbdd;
private String metadata="Metadata";
I read here that it not blocking :,when%20we%20use%20this%20operator
Any comment/ suggestions ?


Polymorphism on a REST service

I am trying to clean and refactor my service code which currently looks like this-
public void generateBalance(Receipt receipt) {
if (receipt.getType().equals(X) && receipt.getRegion.equals(EMEA)) {
// do something to the receipt that's passed
} else if (receiptType.equals(Y)) {
// do something to the receipt
} else if (receipt.getRegion.equals(APAC) {
// call an external API and update the receipt
// finally;
Basically there's a bunch of conditionals that are in this main service which look for certain fields in the object that is being passed. Either it's the type or the region.
I was looking to use this design pattern-
However, I am not sure how this would work for a service class. Currently my REST handler calls this particular service. Also how can I do polymorphism for both the "receiptType" and "region"?
Is there a way I can just do all the updates to the receipt once in different services, then finally save the receipt at one location? (maybe a base class?) I am really confused on how to start. TIA!
If your classes should have the same behaviour, then it becomes pretty simple to use polymorpism. The pattern is called as Strategy. Let me show an example.
At first we need to use enum. If you do not have enum, then you can create a method which will return enum value based on your conditions:
if (receipt.getType().equals(X) && receipt.getRegion.equals(EMEA)) // other
// code is omitted for the brevity
So enum will look like this:
public enum ReceiptType
Emea, Y, Apac
Then we need an abstract class which will describe behaviour for derived classes:
public abstract class ActionReceipt
public abstract string Do();
And our derived classes will look this:
public class ActionReceiptEmea : ActionReceipt
public override string Do()
return "I am Emea";
public class ActionReceiptY : ActionReceipt
public override string Do()
return "I am Y";
public class ActionReceiptApac : ActionReceipt
public override string Do()
return "I am Apac";
Moreover, we need a factory which will create derived classes based on enum. So we can use Factory pattern with a slight modification:
public class ActionReceiptFactory
private Dictionary<ReceiptType, ActionReceipt> _actionReceiptByType =
new Dictionary<ReceiptType, ActionReceipt>
ReceiptType.Apac, new ActionReceiptApac()
ReceiptType.Emea, new ActionReceiptEmea()
ReceiptType.Y, new ActionReceiptY()
public ActionReceipt GetInstanceByReceiptType(ReceiptType receiptType) =>
And then polymorpism in action will look like this:
void DoSomething(ReceiptType receiptType)
ActionReceiptFactory actionReceiptFactory = new ActionReceiptFactory();
ActionReceipt receipt =
string someDoing = receipt.Do(); // Output: "I am Emea"
You can create some helper method which will return enum value based on
your logic of region and receiptType:
public class ReceiptTypeHelper
public ReceiptType Get(ActionReceipt actionReceipt)
if (actionReceipt.GetType().Equals("Emea"))
return ReceiptType.Emea;
else if (actionReceipt.GetType().Equals("Y"))
return ReceiptType.Y;
return ReceiptType.Apac;
and you can call it like this:
void DoSomething()
ReceiptTypeHelper receiptTypeHelper = new ReceiptTypeHelper();
ReceiptType receiptType = receiptTypeHelper
.Get(new ActionReceiptEmea());
ActionReceiptFactory actionReceiptFactory = new
ActionReceipt receipt =
string someDoing = receipt.Do(); // Output: "I am Emea"

Apache Ignite Caching and PeerClassLoading

1. Is it possible to put non-POJO class instances as the value of a cache?
For example, I have a QueryThread class which is a subclass of java.lang.Thread and I am trying to put this instance in a cache. It looks like the put operation is failing because this cache is always empty.
Consider the following class:
public class QueryThread extends Thread {
private IgniteCache<?, ?> cache;
private String queryId;
private String query;
private long timeIntervalinMillis;
private volatile boolean running = false;
public QueryThread(IgniteCache<?, ?> dataCache, String queryId, String query, long timeIntervalinMillis) {
this.queryId = queryId;
this.cache = dataCache;
this.query = query;
this.timeIntervalinMillis = timeIntervalinMillis;
public void exec() throws Throwable {
SqlFieldsQuery qry = new SqlFieldsQuery(query, false);
while (running) {
List<List<?>> queryResult = cache.query(qry).getAll();
for (List<?> list : queryResult) {
System.out.println("result : "+list);
System.out.println("..... ");
This class is not a POJO. How do I store an instance of this class in the cache?
I tried implementing Serializable (didn't help).
I need to be able to do this:
queryCache.put(queryId, queryThread);
Next I tried broadcasting the class using the IgniteCallable interface. But my class takes multiple arguments in the constructor. I feel PeerClassLoading is easy if the class takes a no-arg constructor:
IgniteCompute compute = ignite.compute(ignite.cluster().forServers());
compute.broadcast(new IgniteCallable<MyServiceImpl>() {
public MyServiceImpl call() throws Exception {
MyServiceImpl myService = new MyServiceImpl();
return myService;
2. How do I do PeerClassLoading in the case of a class with multi-arg constructor?
It's restricted to put Thread instances to the cache, Thread instance cannot be serialized due to call to Native Methods. Thats why you always get empty value.
PeerClassLoading is a special distributed ClassLoader in Ignite for inter-node byte-code exchange. So, it's only about sharing classes between nodes. It doesn't make sense how many arguments in constructor class have.
But, on the other hand, object, that you created, will be serialised and sent to other nodes and for deserialisation it will need a default(non-arg) constructor.

Scout SmartField suggestions from Hibernate

I am working in Scout and need SmartField. For this I need to set up lookup for suggestions.
I see the example with creating Lookup Call and than implement in Lookup Service getConfiguredSqlSelect
but I use Hibernate to work with classes, so my question is how to connect Smart field with Hibernate object filled service?
create a new lookup call according to [1] with the following differences:
don't select AbstractSqlLookupService as a lookup servic super type, but AbstractLookupService
in the associated lookup service you now need to implement getDataByAll, getDataByKey, and getDataByText
to illustrate the following snippet should help:
public class TeamLookupService extends AbstractLookupService<String> implements ITeamLookupService {
private List<ILookupRow<String>> m_values = new ArrayList<>();
public TeamLookupService() {
m_values.add(new LookupRow<String>("CRC", "Costa Rica"));
m_values.add(new LookupRow<String>("HON", "Honduras"));
m_values.add(new LookupRow<String>("MEX", "Mexico"));
m_values.add(new LookupRow<String>("USA", "USA"));
public List<? extends ILookupRow<String>> getDataByAll(ILookupCall<String> call) throws ProcessingException {
return m_values;
public List<? extends ILookupRow<String>> getDataByKey(ILookupCall<String> call) throws ProcessingException {
List<ILookupRow<String>> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (ILookupRow<String> row : m_values) {
if (row.getKey().equals(call.getKey())) {
return result;

C# How to define a variable as global within a (Step Defintion) class

below is an extract from a Step Definition class of my Specflow project.
In the first method public void WhenIExtractTheReferenceNumber() I can successfully extract the text from the application under test, and I have proved this using the Console.WriteLine();
I need to be able to use this text in other methods with in my class I.e. public void WhenIPrintNumber(); But I'm not sure how to do this!
I read about Get/Set but I could not get this working. So I'm thinking is it possible to make my var result global somehow, so that I can call it at anytime during the test?
namespace Application.Tests.StepDefinitions
public class AllSharedSteps
[When(#"I extract the reference number")]
public void WhenIExtractTheReferenceNumber()
Text textCaseReference = ActiveCase.CaseReferenceNumber;
Ranorex.Core.Element elem = textCaseReference;
var result = elem.GetAttributeValue("Text");
[When(#"I print number")]
public void WhenIPrintNumber()
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Here is the solution to my question. Now I can access my variable(s) from any methods within my class. I have also included code that I'm using to split my string and then use the first part of the string. In my case I need the numerical part of '12345 - some text':
namespace Application.Tests.StepDefinitions
public class AllSharedSteps
private string result;
public Array splitReference;
[When(#"I extract the case reference number")]
public void WhenIExtractTheCaseReferenceNumber()
Text textCaseReference = ActiveCase.CaseReferenceNumber;
Ranorex.Core.Element elem = textCaseReference;
result = elem.GetAttributeValue("Text").ToString();
splitReference = result.Split('-'); // example of string to be split '12345 - some text'
[When(#"I print number")]
public void WhenIPrintNumber()
Keyboard.Press(result); // prints full string
Keyboard.Press(splitReference.GetValue(0).ToString()); // prints first part of string i.e. in this case, a reference number
I hope this help somebody else :)

Jackson : Conditional select the fields

I have a scenario where i need to use the payload as
any combination except for null values.
referring to the code i have 3 fields but only not null value fields be used.
Basically i don't want to include the field which has null value.
Are there any annotations to be used to get it done
public class AuthJSONRequest {
private String authType;
private String authType2;
private String authType3;
public String getAuthType() {
return authType;
public void setAuthType(String authType) {
this.authType = authType;
public String getAuthType2() {
return authType2;
public void setAuthType2(String authType2) {
this.authType2 = authType2;
public String getAuthType3() {
return authType3;
public void setAuthType3(String authType3) {
this.authType3 = authType3;
Try JSON Views? See this or this. Or for more filtering features, see this blog entry (Json Filters for example).
This is exactly what the annotation #JsonInclude in Jackson2 and #JsonSerialize in Jackson are meant for.
If you want a property to show up only when it is not equal to null, add #JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) resp. #JsonSerialize(include=Include.NON_NULL).