Property not Overridden when using by keyword in Kotlin - kotlin

I'm attempting to have two implementations of an interface one of which inherits the default values from the other implementation, but overrides one.
Here's an example that shows the behavior:
fun main() {
println(Bottom.value) // prints: bottom
println(Bottom.determineValue()) // prints: middle
interface Top {
val value: String
val otherValue: String
fun determineValue() = value
object Middle : Top {
override val value = "middle"
override val otherValue = "something else"
object Bottom : Top by Middle {
override val value = "bottom"
I'm getting unexpected behavior in that, when the property value is used in outside of the Bottom implementation, it returns the value from Middle instead of Bottom.
If someone has more insight on why this is occurring, I'd appreciate any explanation

This is expected behavior that is described in the Kotlin documentation of the delegate functionality.
Note, however, that members overridden in this way do not get called
from the members of the delegate object, which can only access its own
implementations of the interface members
An implementation being used as a delegate has no knowledge that it is being used as a delegate and therefore cannot and will not access members of that other class. Any of its implementations that call its other members will not use the overridden versions that are in the class that are using it as a delegate. There is no way to get around this problem except to re-implement the feature:
object Bottom : Top by Middle {
override val value = "bottom"
override fun determineValue() = value

To illustrate Tenfour04's answer:
There are two objects here: Bottom and Middle (both implementing the Top interface).
The call path looks like this:
│ (by delegation)
└──────────→ Middle.determineValue()
┌─────────────┘ (defined in Top)
└→ Middle.value
Delegation works by forwarding all (non-overridden) calls to the delegate. Here Bottom doesn't override determineValue(), so Bottom.determineValue() calls its delegate, Middle.determineValue(), which returns its own value (because it knows nothing about Bottom).


Access Implementation's property on variable of type Interface

I'm trying to access the delegate of the property (id) of a class (FooImpl). The problem is, this class implements an interface (Foo), and the property in question overrides a property of this interface. The delegate only exists in the class (not that it could exist in the interface).
The problem is that using the :: operator on a variable of type Foo always returns the property of Foo, not that of the actual instance. The problem in code:
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty0
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.isAccessible
interface Foo {
val id: Int
class FooImpl(
id: Int,
) : Foo {
override val id: Int by lazy { id }
val <T> KProperty<T>.hasDelegate: Boolean
get() = apply { isAccessible = true }.let { (it as KProperty0<T>).getDelegate() != null }
fun main() {
val foo: Foo = FooImpl(1)
println("foo::id.hasDelegate = ${foo::id.hasDelegate}")
println("(foo as FooImpl)::id.hasDelegate = ${(foo as FooImpl)::id.hasDelegate}")
This prints:
foo::id.hasDelegate = false
(foo as FooImpl)::id.hasDelegate = true
But this requires compile-time knowledge of the correct implementation. What I'm looking for is accessing the correct propert without having to specify FooImpl there.
The information is present at runtime because the least (!) intrusive workaround I have found so far is adding fun idProp(): KProperty0<*> to Foo and override fun idProp() = ::id to FooImpl and accessing the property using that.
Is there any better way than that?
I came up with this, but I don't know if there's a better way. The problem to work around is that getDelegate() has to return an actual instance of the delegate, so you need an instance of the class to be able to retrieve a delegate instance. It would really be nice if there was a hasDelegate property built in. Your version of hasDelegate will crash from the cast on unbound KProperty1's, which is all we have to work with when the specific class is unknown.
So to retrieve the delegate instance, we need to do search the class instance's member properties by name, which gives us a KProperty with covariant class type of the super-class type. Since it's covariant, we can call a consuming function like getDelegate() without casting to the invariant type. I think this logically should be safe, since we are passing an instance that we know has the matching type for the ::class that we retrieved the property with.
fun <T: Any> KProperty1<T, *>.isDelegated(instance: T): Boolean =
(instance::class.memberProperties.first { == name } as KProperty1<T, *>).run {
isAccessible = true
getDelegate(instance) != null
fun main() {
val foo: Foo = Foo2()
println("foo::id.hasDelegate = ${Foo::id.isDelegated(foo)}")
The problem here is that the owner of the property is resolved on compile time, not on runtime. When you do foo::id then foo (so FooImpl) become its bound receiver, but owner is still resolved to Foo. To fix this we wound need to "cast" property to another owner. Unfortunately, I didn't find a straightforward way to do this.
One solution I found is to use foo::class instead of foo::id as it resolves KClass on runtime, not on compile time. Then I came up with almost exactly the same code as #Tenfour04.
But if you don't mind using Kotlin internals that are public and not protected with any annotation, you can use much cleaner solution:
val KProperty0<*>.hasDelegate: Boolean
get() = apply { isAccessible = true }.getDelegate() != null
fun KProperty0<*>.castToRuntimeType(): KProperty0<*> {
require(this is PropertyReference0)
return PropertyReference0Impl(boundReceiver,, name, signature, 0)
fun main() {
val foo: Foo = FooImpl(1)
println(foo::id.castToRuntimeType().hasDelegate) // true
We basically create a new instance of KProperty, copying all its data, but changing the owner to the same type as its bound receiver. As a result, we "cast" it to the runtime type. This is much simpler and it is also cleaner because we separated property casting and checking for a delegate.
Unfortunately, I think Kotlin reflection API is still missing a lot of features. There should be hasDelegate() function, so we don't have to provide receivers, which is not really needed to check if property is delegated. It should be possible to cast KProperty to another type. It should be possible to create bound properties with some API call. But first of all, it should be possible to do something like: Foo::id(foo), so create KProperty of the runtime type of foo. And so on.

refer to property defined in interface, kotlin

guys, I am learning kotlin. From it says:
Properties declared in interfaces can't have backing fields, and
therefore accessors declared in interfaces can't reference them.
(I think the pronoun "them" at the end of quoted sentence should refer to "properties" rather than "fields". )
However the following code works. It seems that we can refer to properties. Why is print(prop) highlighted as red then?
interface MyInterface {
val prop: Int // abstract
val propertyWithImplementation: String
get() = "foo"
fun foo() {
print(prop) // this is highlighted red but it works. what's does the author want to say?
class Child : MyInterface {
override val prop: Int = 29
fun main() {
val c = Child()
Besides, I noticed that in the above example foo is not accessor. So I tried following example and it works too:
interface User {
val email: String
val nickname: String
get() = email.substringBefore('#') // aren't we referring to a property in accessor? why does this work then?
So what does the author want to say in here? what does "them" refer to?
"Them" in this sentence means "fields".
Property is basically a getter (setter) and it could be optionally backed by a field. For technical reasons interfaces can't hold fields, so properties in interfaces have to be "fieldless". Property has to be either abstract or its implementation can only use e.g. other properties/functions, but it can't store/read any data directly. Note that referencing other properties does not break above rule, because, as I said, property is mainly a getter/setter, not a field.
print(prop) is highlighted as red, because... well, this is how automatic highlighter colored it... :-)

What is the use of open properties in Kotlin?

I have been learning Kotlin and have come across the concept of open properties. Coming from C++, the concept of "open" makes sense, and extending that logic to properties does as well. However, I can't think of any case where an open val/var is actually necessary or useful. I understand when they make sense for interfaces, but not concrete classes. Furthermore, overriding getters/setters makes sense, but not redefining the property with a new backing field. For example, say you have this kind of class structure:
open class Foo {
open var str = "Hello"
class Bar : Foo() {
override var str = "world"
init {
println(super.str) // Shows that Bar actually contains "hello" and "world"
To me, it would seem to be a far better design to make Foo take str as a constructor argument, for instance:
open class Foo(var str = "Hello") // Maybe make a secondary constructor
class Bar : Foo("world") // Bar has only 1 string
This is both more concise, and seems to often be a better design. This is also the way it tends to be done in C++, so maybe I just don't see the benefit of the other way. The only possible time I can see overriding a val/var with a new one is if it for some reason needs to use super's value, like in
override val foo = * 2
Which still seems pretty contrived.
When have you found this useful? Does it allow for greater efficiency or ease of use?
open fields let you re-define getter and setter methods. It's practically pointless if you just return constants. However altering getter / setter behavior has (infinite) potential, so I'll just throw some ideas:
// propagate get/set to parent class
class Bar : Foo() {
override var str
get() = super.str.toUpperCase()
set(value) {
super.str = value
// creates a backing field for this property
class Bar : Foo() {
override var str = "World"
get() = field.toLowerCase()
// no need to define custom set if we don't need it in this case
// set(value) { field = value }
// instead of writing custom get/set, you can also use delegates
class Bar : Foo() {
override var str by Delegates.observable("world"){ prop, old, new ->
println("${} changed from $old to $new")

Variables not initialized properly when initializing it in an overriden abstract function called from constructor or init block

I hit a problem with some Kotlin code and I found out it was related to calling a method that assigns some variables from an init block (or a secondary constructor for that matter, either reproduces the problem).
abstract class Shader(/*Input arguments omitted for the sake of an MCVE*/){
//Shader loading and attaching, not relevant
bindAttribs()//One of the abstract methods. In my actual program, this uses OpenGL to bind attributes
//GLSL program validation
getUniforms()//Same as the previous one: abstract method using GL calls to get uniforms. This gets locations so an integer is set (the problem)
abstract fun getUniforms();//This is the one causing problems
abstract fun bindAttribs();//This would to if primitives or non-lateinit vars are set
abstract class BoilerplateShader() : Shader(){
var loc_projectionMatrix: Int = 404//404 is an initial value. This can be anything though
var loc_transformationMatrix: Int = 404
var loc_viewMatrix: Int = 404
override fun getUniforms(){
//These would be grabbed by using glGetUniformLocations, but it's reproducable with static values as well
loc_projectionMatrix = 0
loc_transformationMatrix = 1
loc_viewMatrix = 2
println(loc_projectionMatrix.toString() + ", " + loc_transformationMatrix + ", " + loc_viewMatrix)
//debug method, only used to show the values
fun dump(){
println(loc_projectionMatrix.toString() + ", " + loc_transformationMatrix + ", " + loc_viewMatrix)
class TextureShader() : BoilerplateShader(){
override fun bindAttribs() {
//This doesn't cause a problem even though it's called from the init block, as nothing is assigned
//bindAttrib(0, "a_position");
//bindAttrib(1, "a_texCoord0");
//Other repetitive shaders, omitted for brevity
Then doing:
val tx = TextureShader()
0, 1, 2
404, 404, 404
The print statements are called in order from getUniforms to the dump call at the end. It's assigned fine in the getUniforms method, but when calling them just a few milliseconds later, they're suddenly set to the default value of (in this case) 404. This value can be anything though, but I use 404 because that's a value I know I won't use for testing in this particular MCVE.
I'm using a system that relies heavily on abstract classes, but calling some of these methods (getUniforms is extremely important) is a must. If I add an init block in either BoilerplateShader or TextureShader with a call to getUniforms, it works fine. Doing a workaround with an init function (not an init block) called after object creation:
fun init(){
works fine. But that would involve the created instance manually calls it:
val ts = TexturedShader();
which isn't an option. Writing the code that causes problems in Kotlin in Java works like expected (considerably shortened code, but still reproducable):
abstract class Shader{
public Shader(){
public abstract void getUniforms();
abstract class BoilerplateShader extends Shader{
int loc_projectionMatrix;//When this is initialized, it produces the same issue as Kotlin. But Java doesn't require the vars to be initialized when they're declared globally, so it doesn't cause a problem
public void getUniforms(){
loc_projectionMatrix = 1;
//and a dump method or any kind of basic print statement to print it after object creation
class TextureShader extends BoilerplateShader {
public TextureShader(){
and printing the value of the variable after initialization of both the variable and the class prints 0, as expected.
Trying to reproduce the same thing with an object produces the same result as with numbers when the var isn't lateinit. So this:
var test: String = ""
0, 1, 2, test
404, 404, 404,
The last line is exactly as printed: the value if test is set to an empty String by default, so it shows up as empty.
But if the var is declared as a lateinit var:
lateinit var test: String
it prints:
0, 1, 2, test
404, 404, 404, test
I can't declare primitives with lateinit. And since it's called outside a constructor, it either needs to be initialized or be declared as lateinit.
So, is it possible to initialize primitives from an overridden abstract method without creating a function to call it?
A comment suggested a factory method, but that's not going to work because of the abstraction. Since the attempted goal is to call the methods from the base class (Shader), and since abstract classes can't be initialized, factory methods won't work without creating a manual implementation in each class, which is overkill. And if the constructor is private to get it to work (avoid initialization outside factory methods), extending won't work (<init> is private in Shader).
So the constructors are forced to be public (whether the Shader class has a primary or secondary constructor, the child classes have to have a primary to initialize it) meaning the shaders can be created while bypassing the factory method. And, abstraction causes problems again, the factory method (having to be abstract) would be manually implemented in each child class, once again resulting in initialization and manually calling the init() method.
The question is still whether or not it's possible to make sure the non-lateinit and primitives are initialized when calling an abstract method from the constructor. Creating factory methods would be a perfect solution had there not been abstraction involved.
Note: The absolutely best idea is to avoid declaring objects/primitives in abstract functions called from the abstract class' constructor method, but there are cases where it's useful. Avoid it if possible.
The only workaround I found for this is using by lazy, since there are primitives involved and I can convert assignment to work in the blocks.
lateinit would have made it slightly easier, so creating object wrappers could of course be an option, but using by lazy works in my case.
Anyways, what's happening here is that the value assigned to the int in the constructor is later overridden by the fixed value. Pseudocode:
var x /* = 0 */
constructor() : super.constructor()//x is not initialized yet
overridden function();
abstract function()
overridden function() {
x = 4;
// The assignment if `= 0` takes place after the construction of the parent, setting x to 0 and overriding the value in the constructor
With lateinit, the problem is removed:
lateinit var x: Integer//x exists, but doesn't get a value. It's assigned later
constructor() : super.constructor()
overridden function()
abstract function()
overridden function(){
x = Integer(4);//using an object here since Kotlin doesn't support lateinit with primtives
//x, being lateinit and now initialized, doesn't get re-initialized by the declaration. x = 4 instead of 0, as in the first example
When I wrote the question, I thought Java worked differently. This was because I didn't initialize the variables there either (effectively, making them lateinit). When the class then is fully initialized, int x; doesn't get assigned a value. If it was declared as int x = 1234;, the same problem in Java occurs as here.
Now, the problem goes back to lateinit and primitives; primitives cannot be lateinit. A fairly basic solution is using a data class:
data class IntWrapper(var value: Int)
Since the value of data classes can be unpacked:
var (value) = intWrapperInstance//doing "var value = ..." sets value to the intWrapperInstance. With the parenthesis it works the same way as unpacking the values of a pair or triple, just with a single value.
Now, since there's an instance with an object (not a primitive), lateinit can be used. However, this isn't particularly efficient since it involves another object being created.
The only remaining option: by lazy.
Wherever it's possible to create initialization as a function, this is the best option. The code in the question was a simplified version of OpenGL shaders (more specifically, the locations for uniforms). Meaning this particular code is fairly easy to convert to a by lazy block:
val projectionMatrixLocation by lazy{
glGetUniformLocation(program, "projectionMatrix")
Depending on the case though, this might not be feasible. Especially since by lazy requires a val, which means it isn't possible to change it afterwards. This depends on the usage though, since it isn't a problem if it isn't going to change.

How to delegate implementation to a property in Kotlin?

Kotlin enables me to implement an interface by delegating to a primary constructor argument like so:
class Foo(xs : ArrayList<Int>) : List<Int> by xs { }
But this exhibits the backing implementer to the user. Delegating to an anonymous also seems to be ok:
class Foo() : List<Int> by ArrayList<Int>() { }
This hides the implementation details, but we loose access to features not provided by the interface, which in this case is mutability.
I would therefore like to delegate the implementation to a property that is not in the primary constructor. What I would like to have is similar to
class Foo() : List<Int> by xs {
val xs : List<Int> = ArrayList<Int>()
which doesn't compile.
Is it possible to have a property defined explicitly in the class body and still be able to delegate implementation to it?
This is not currently possible. The expression in the by-clause is computed only once before the construction of the class, so you cannot reference symbols of that class.
There is a request in the issue tracker to allow this, although it's almost definitely not going to be supported in Kotlin 1.0.
One funny workaround that sometimes works is to make the property which you want to be a delegate, a constructor parameter with the default value instead. That way it'll be accessible both in the by-clause and in the class body:
class Foo(val xs: List<Int> = ArrayList<Int>()) : List<Int> by xs {
fun bar() {
Keep in mind though that xs in by xs is still calculated only once here, so even if xs is a var property, only the default value provided in the constructor will be used. It's not a universal solution, but sometimes it can help.
Expanding on the answer of Alexander Udalov, I came up with a solution using a private base class
private open class FooBase(protected val xs : MutableList<Int>) : List<Int> by xs { }
class Foo() : FooBase(ArrayList()) {
fun bar() {
Now I can have access to the property backing my interface implementation but am not restricted to operations provided by that interface while still hiding the actual implementation from the user.
Note: Although it works, I get the following warning from IntelliJ IDEA 15 CE which arises from EXPOSED_SUPER_CLASS inspection: Deprecated: subclass effective visibility 'public' should be the same or less permissive than its superclass effective visibility 'private'. I'm not quite sure what the deprecated part here means – whether the warning will be removed in the future or this won't compile at some point. Anyway, we don't really have to use a private open class, abstract or simply open will do, because even if the user is allowed to create an instance of FooBase, there is not much he can do with it.
There is actualy a simple and compact solution that does not use any suspicious behaviour:
class Foo private constructor(private val xs: ArrayList<Int>) : List<Int> by xs {
constructor() : this(ArrayList<Int>()) { }