why meta tag Open Graph LINE social preview not woking? - line

I have a meta tag that works with facebook and twitter, but I want it to work with social LINE, is there any way, please help.
Thank you!
enter image description here
enter image description here


LinkedIn - Og image showing in Link Inspector, but not in posts

When I post any blog post URL from my website to LinkedIn, the defined og image does not pull through: see screenshot here
However, when I view it in LinkedIn's post inspector it shows the image pulling through correctly: https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/inspect/https:%2F%2Fwww.mvplogistics.com%2Fhow-logistic-companies-run-a-smooth-supply-chain-process%2F
Additionally, the og image DOES pull through correctly on Facebook: see screenshot here
Has anyone else run into this issue? What was your fix?

Add a video to Shopify product page

I am trying to add a video instead of image in to Shopify store. I tried using ALT image code embed video but it did't work. So how can I do it? I found some stores do that please see this site:
I need exactly the same.
Here's a simple way to set a video as your product image.
In your admin - select a product you would like to add a video to.
Hover over a product image you would like to add your youtube video to.
Select "Edit Alt Text"
Paste your Youtube embed link in the dialog box.
Save your changes!

Customize facebook share content

I have a WordPress website and where I want to set the custom title, description and image for each URL so that when someone share the URL than they see the content and image which is I predefine. Is it possible? I tried couple of plugin but stuck with it more and more. Anybody can tell me how can I do it.
For SEO, I have used the Wordpress SEO by Yoast which allows you to do that on a previous project to great effect.
For Facebook to read the title, description and images for sharing, Opengraph tags have to be generated. For more about opengraph tags, refer to the Facebook Developer Guide on using proper opengraph tags. The Yoast SEO plugin does generate the relevant opengraph tags for sharing.
Specifically the Yoast plugin changelog enhancements include:
Added Facebook / OpenGraph title input and Google+ title input and image upload field to Social tab.
Added Facebook / OpenGraph title input for the homepage on SEO -> Social settings page.
Changed Facebook / OpenGraph default image and homepage image input fields to use the media uploader.

How to pass the custom title, description and Image to google plus button like facebook share button

I one of my project I am using the sharing buttons for multiple article. I need the link share urls for facebook, twitter and google plus.
To Facebook I can pass every parameter (title,image, description) to share URL. using following code
http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p[title]=<?php echo $title;?>&p[summary]=<?php echo $summary;?>&p[url]=<?php echo $url; ?>&&p[images][0]=<?php echo $image;?>'
But For google plus I can pass only two parameters. (url and lang code). You can check the documentation here.
google share link api
Google itself crawl the webpage and take the title, description and image from webpage.
I am loading content through javascript so when crawler came page web page. It is not able to collect the information.
You can find answer for you question by visiting below url:
Google+ share with custom text and thumbnail
Here is the url you could do after 3 years

how to add Blogger Header Image

I am a newbie in Blogger and minimal skills in programming and web designs. i would like to know or ask how can i add image in my blogger header that turns into a link to my homepage?
thank you very much and have a good day!
To Add an image to Blogger header follow these steps:
go to blogger design tab
Select Header link top of your blog widget
there you can find a link to Browse and attach an image to your header with an image.
you can find here some options to put some text and image or only image such e.t.c
Basically you have to add image and url in header-wrapper using html edit,if you are not into web design,see this thread