Integrate CDT fuctionality to Eclipse Product - eclipse-plugin

I have created an Eclipse plugin that shows an XML file as a tree(a simple functionality). I can export a product with this plugin integrated without any problems.
However, I would like to add CDT support to this product as well to get a product with both my own plugin and CDT capabilities.
I tried to export my plugin as an Eclipse feature or p2 repository and install it into a CDT product. Although it works, if users go to "Help -> About Eclipse IDE", they can see the information about "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers". I want the CDT and my plugin to be a part of the final product so that I can change product settings like its splash screen, not my plugin be a part of CDT if that makes any sense.
I also tried to add all the CDT-related plugins to the dependencies of product, feature, and plugin but could not get it to work.
Moreover, I thought about developing the CDT and changing the source code but I would like to consider this as a last resort.
How can I achieve such a goal? Is there anything that I have missed during the process? Is there any alternative way to tackle such a problem?
Thanks in advance


Eclipse PDE - how to find method usages

I've just started developing my first plugin so apologies if this is obvious.
I'm trying to write a plugin that gets method usages and does something with them.
I've seen references to CallHierarchy and SearchEngine. Which is the correct one to use these days and why, when I use "Open Type", can it not be found? Is there a dependency I'm missing or something?
These classes are part of the Eclipse JDT plugins and are not normally included in the search done by Open Type.
To get 'Open Type' to look everywhere for the classes open the Preferences and go to the 'Plug-in Development' page. Select the 'Include all plug-ins from target in Java search' option.
You will also need to install the Eclipse SDK to get the source of these plug-ins. The SDK is part of the Eclipse update site for Eclipse Oxygen.

Can't find C/C++ IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

I'm trying to add a c/c++ plugin to IntelliJ IDEA, so I went to plugins and searched for it but couldn't find it.
Did they remove it and replace it with their new IDE cLion? Is it no longer supported or what?
Looks like the version of your IntelliJ IDEA is newer than what the C/C++ plugin supports. If you look at the plugin page you can see that builds from 139.1 until 142 are compatible. And if you look here you can see that build 141 is IntelliJ 14.1 and IntelliJ IDEA 15 is numbered 143. So my guess is you are using IntelliJ IDEA 15 or 16 EAP and therefore the plugin is not shown when you search for it.
Simply download the cpp plugin of the old 14 version located here:
Then edit the file CppTools/META-INF/plugin.xml and replace the "until-build" value in line 5 to something like until-build="170.0"
And this works perfectly :)
One should really note that the "C/C++" plugin available in the IntelliJ Plugin Repository is actually not developed by Jetbrains, but by a third party called AdvancedTools, and has long not been updated. I'm not sure if that is related to the release of CLion, e.g. IntelliJ bought out the plugin to serve as the foundation of CLion or whatnot.
As listed in the CLion FAQ page, there is currently no official standalone plugin for C/C++ editing available for IntelliJ IDEA. Just as with some other products such as Jetbrains AppCode, Jetbrains are currently keeping CLion as an exclusively paid product, without a free community edition, as indicated in this forum post.
The post also confirmed that a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA might be coming in the future, but is currently (Jan 2018) not a priority for JetBrains.
So yeah for now the only way to get decent C/C++ support within the IntelliJ ecosystem is to use/buy JetBrains CLion.
Download latest version of c/c++ extension from link:
then open that inside META-INF folder open file plugin.xml modify line five until-build="" from your own intellij idea build. Go to Help --> About in Your Intellij idea.
plugin.xml file screenshot:
Now Go to File --> Settings --> Plugins --> Install plugins from Disk, browse ypur edited/ modified
I faced this problem before and i figure out that the software i install it was old and not update, so try to see the plugin version and see is that plugin version compatible with your intellij-idea, if not check update for the intelli-idea ,the developers fix many problems in every update ,then download it.
you can check compatibility from this page.
Click on Preferences -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories and search for it

eclipse cdt - 2 ways to install it, confused about them

i go to eclipse download website
i find Eclipse CDT - a version of eclipse that is standalone
in my standard Eclipse SDK(not cdt)
i can do this:
Help->install new software-> then i get a window popup and ask me to give the url
it looks like this:
so then you can install it
this is a separate standalone Eclipse CDT :
this is a standalone Eclipse SDK:
my question is:
1.what is the difference between separate Eclipse CDT and installing CDT plugin onto Eclipse SDK OR are they same thing?
2. what is better? is it better to use a separate Eclipse CDT or just install a plugin inside my Eclipse SDK?
thanks in advance!
Short answer: there is no important difference[1] between the two.
Longer answer: The Eclipse IDE is nothing more than a bunch of plugins that work together to create the functionality for code editing (and other things).
When you go to, you'll see a bunch of different packages. Each package provides a certain set of features, but this is no more than a convenience so that you don't have to install the vanilla SDK and then install the stuff that you really need on top of that. The php dev will not need the C++ compiler and vice-versa. But, you can install it if you want. At it's core, the same small set of plugins are re-used between all distributions.
You can compare the different distributions here:
[1]: Actually, the difference is that the SDK includes source code for all features as well as the Java compiler and plugin development tools. The C++ tools do not include these.

Is there an eclipse plugin for Play2?

I know there is one for play1, but I don't find any for play2.
I hope the plugin can compile the templates to scala code automatically. It's not convenient now.
I just came across Scala IDE Play2 plugin for Eclipse Indigo/Juno and Scala IDE. The current features are
Syntax Highlighting (routes and templates)
Code completion (templates)
Formatter (routes)
Hyperlinking (routes and templates)
Note that hyperlinking to Java files is not supported for now. Also there are some limitations for the code completion feature, just take some time to read the doc. I didn't try it myself as I'm not working with Play2 right now, but thought it might be helpful for someone.
Edit: This answer is outdated. A Play Eclipse plugin has been written, as #Baztoune says.
There is no Play 2 plugin for Eclipse at the time I’m writing these lines. However, there is an eclipsify sbt command, provided by the Play 2 sbt plugin, which is able to generate an Eclipse project from a Play 2 application.
You won’t get syntax highlighting, contextual completion or code navigation inside Play 2 templates, but you can have them to be automatically compiled when saved by using the ~run sbt command (instead of just run). Check the Eclipse “General −> Workspace −> Refresh using native hooks or polling” option is enabled so it will take compiled templates changes into account.
Yes, here's how to get started:
Find the correct update site for your version of Eclipse from
In Eclipse go to Help->Install New Software. Use the update site from above to locate Scala related plugins.
Install both the Scala IDE for Eclipse plugin and the Play2 support in Scala IDE plugin. Note that the Play2 support in Scala IDE plugin is listed under the Scala IDE plugins checkbox.
I was unable to get this working at all starting from bare Eclipse, as many sources have suggested doing. The problem seems to be incompatible dependencies that only show up after much wasted time. The Scala IDE route eliminated this problem.
Yes. That's Scala IDE.
Update Site for Eclipse Juno and Kepler:
Install with the following features:
Scala IDE for Eclipse
Scala IDE Plugins (incubation)
I use Scala IDE from , then eclipsify my play2 project and import.
It works like a charm: it compiles my scala/java code.
You can get more details at this URL

Eclipse plug-in: How to make a plugin communicate with CDT

I would like to augment Eclipse CDT with my own plugin, without touching to CDT source file.
For instance I would like to build a unit test generator wizard.
This wizard has to automatically detect the types of variables tested using the CDT parser.
Does Eclipse CDT provide an API for that?
Is there a documentation for it?
here you can find the CDT Plug-in developer guide. It's a good point to start :)