Filepond in Heroku - what is the valid path for the server attribute? - vue.js

This works locally but when it gets deployed on Heroku, it doesn't support /tmp resulting in the following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable)
I tried to look up Heroku documents on handling file uploads and it "seems" to support the /tmp from the root path of the current domain but it's still giving me an error.


Minio uploads through the web interface and API receives "Unauthorized request."

I can successfully upload files to my Minio server using mc command line client (logged in as root):
./mc cp roobina.jpg minio/mag
roobina.jpg: 63.50 KiB / 63.50 KiB
But when I try to upload a file to a bucket using minio's own web interface I receive this error:
Unauthorized request.
When using api (in a php application using AmazonS3 libraries), I receive this error:
Error:Error executing "PutObject" on "https://s3.***.net/clbu/public/4d/4b/d1ad580690058a636ad58e5af931541336ec.jpg"; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `PUT https://s3.***.net/clbu/public/4d/4b/d1ad580690058a636ad58e5af931541336ec.jpg` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response:
Forbidden (truncated...) Unable to parse error information from response - Error parsing XML: String could not be parsed as XML
Could someone please help?
After looking at different possible causes, I found that mod_security of apache (used as reverse proxy of minio:9000) was interfering with uploads causing the problem.
I disabled mod_security on the reverse proxy account and the problem is now solved.

Docker Rocket chat Rest api upload file error 413 Entity too large

I am using rocket chat rest API, every thing works good, but when i upload file to rocket chat rest api, it shows error 413 Request Entity Too Large, but when i upload file from website it uploaded any size of fie.
After checking all scenario, I concluded that file size less than and equal to 1 mb is uploaded successfully, and greater than 1 MB shows this error 413 Request Entity Too Large.
I upload file from post man using this url
file - selected file
Html result Error
<head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)</center>
when File successfully insert it shows following.
"success": true
After checking many scenarios and search many urls i get solution from this.
I have used rocket chat docker and I append one line to nginx config file.
login to ubuntu server
write sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and hit enter
Add or update client_max_body_size in
http {
client_max_body_size 8M; #used your exceeded limit instead of 8M
#other lines...
Restart nginx by command service nginx restart or systemctl restart nginx
Uploading larger file again, and it is successful.

Puppet agent is not running successfully after updating ssl certs

I am running puppet 3.7. The certs are expiring for me so I have updated the certs (after creating a backup so I am able to get back to the original state and that's fine). After updating the certs on puppetmaster using this, updating certs on the agent using this and updating certs on puppetdb using this, I am unable to run puppet agent successfully on a client box. It gives me the following error:
root#ip-10-181-36:/var/lib/puppet# sudo puppet agent -t
Warning: Setting templatedir is deprecated. See
(at /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/settings.rb:1139:in 'issue_deprecation_warning')
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue:
Warning: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: newer-generic-host( access to /node/ip-10-181-36 [find] authenticated at :39
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: newer-generic-host( access to /catalog/ip-10-181-36 [find] authenticated at :1
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
Error: Could not send report: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: newer-generic-host( access to /report/ip-10-181-36 [save] authenticated at :91
I am stuck at this point and no googling or reading docs or seeing the logs is helping. Does anyone have any ideas?

AlfrescoRuntimeException:GetModelsDiff return status is 403 and api/solr/aclchangesets return status:403

I installed Alfresco on Windows 7 with the executable default install.My installation is Alfresco community version (5.0.d).
I tried to configue SSL link. I changed the file named generate_keystores.bat located in D:\Alfresco\alf_data\keystore.
It makes me generate my self-signed certificates.
Then I replaced all .keystore and .truststore with my certificates and I also imported certificates into Java's keystore which is named cacerts.
I configured Tomcat server to browse my /share only in https.
When I run it all things look prefect, but I cannot search users and site with it.
It seems the indexing has broken and the solr.log output ERROR logs:
2015-10-13 21:11:15,007 ERROR
[org.alfresco.solr.tracker.AbstractTracker] Tracking failed
org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 09132881
api/solr/aclchangesets return status:403
at org.alfresco.solr.client.SOLRAPIClient.getAclChangeSets(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.AclTracker.checkRepoAndIndexConsistency(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.AclTracker.trackRepository(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.AclTracker.doTrack(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.AbstractTracker.track(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.TrackerJob.execute(
at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$
'2015-10-13 21:11:15,012 ERROR [org.alfresco.solr.tracker.AbstractTracker] Tracking failed
org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 09132882 GetModelsDiff return status is 403
at org.alfresco.solr.client.SOLRAPIClient.getModelsDiff(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.ModelTracker.trackModelsImpl(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.ModelTracker.trackModels(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.ModelTracker.doTrack(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.AbstractTracker.track(
at org.alfresco.solr.tracker.TrackerJob.execute(
at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$
Could anybody tell me the reason of this issue?

Magento Soap Error - Premature end of data in tag definitions line 2

My client is using to connect to a Magento Store. But it gives this error.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' : Premature end of data in tag definitions line 2
When browsing Firebug gives me “500 Internal Service Error”.
When I browse, I am getting valid XML data.
I checked the server log files and it seems like:
[Thu Aug 30 22:22:25 2012] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: in /home/doaminuser/public_html/lib/Zend/Soap/Server.php on line 762
I been searching for couple of days now and today I tried to duplicate the entire site to another test server, and it seems to be working! So that seems to be a server issue.
Please, anybody got any idea what could be the issue?
Is there any better way of debugging this issue, any sample code or debugging tips.
Magento version is 1.6.2
Thank you.
There's lots of times where Magento's SOAP API fails due to problems your Magento server has communicating with itself.
That is, PHP's SOAP implementation requires that the SOAP server itself fetch the WSDL file via http, and a local network configuration issue gets in the way of Magento fetching it's own WSDL.
You can debug this by SSHing into your Magento server, and running the following command
curl -l '' > /tmp/wsdl.xml
and then examining the wsdl.xml file. Because you're performing this from your web-server, you may get different results than when you're performing it from your local browser.
I had a similar problem when calling the URL
After some time I received the message 500 - Internal Server Error and a Premature end of script headers message in the apache error log.
After a whole day of research I figured out, that the Timeout-Directive of the Apache module (configured in httpd.conf on a Linux environment) was set to "20" which caused the server to send the 500 error after 20 seconds. The problem is, that in my case the Magento system needs a longer time to "crawl" through all wsdl.xml files in order to build the WSDL-output (if you are using Magento SOAPv2).
Maybe you should check your Timeout Directive..hope that helps.
"I have memories of this. What worked for me was to put the hostname
in /etc/hosts on the server plus the www alias on However,
in this instance the server was in the building rather than in some
ISP place and the LAN had Windows computers on it. Windows users had
downloaded lots of trojan-virus-porn things that were spending the
whole time spamming the network so the real problem was with the
Windows computers on the network, not with the server or with Magento.
After fdisking the PC's the problem was solved."
Thank You I've been struggling for 2 days with this on magento 1.6 and Windows Server 2008 adding this line to the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) solved the issue for me:
also remember to fix your magento soap (role) because the Roles Resources doesn't save in 1.6 unless you fix this file:
replace this:
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($item->getResource_id()), $resources) && $item->getPermission() == 'allow') {
with this:
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($item->getResource_id()), $resources) && $item->getApiPermission() == 'allow') {
In my case the issue was the Mod_Security rule "PHP Easter Egg Access" was enabled.
Rule ID: 380800
Once disabled, the api access worked.
An indicator was in the Apache log file:
Jun 19 09:15:52 httpd[1024961]: [error] [client] ModSecurity: [file "/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec/99_asl_jitp.conf"] [line "116"] [id "380800"] [rev "1"] [msg " WAF Rules - Virtual Just In Time Patch: PHP Easter Egg Access"] [data "phpe9568f35-d428-11d2-a769-00aa001acf42"] [severity "CRITICAL"] Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Pattern match "php(?:e9568f3[56]-d428-11d2-a769-00aa001acf42|b8b5f2a0-3c92-11d3-a3a9-4c7b08c10000)" at REQUEST_URI. [hostname ""]...
Magento version:
PHP version: 5.3.26
More information about the PHP Easter Egg Access rule:
For those wanting a quick test script to replicate the issue (useful when trying to convince your hosting provider that it's a problem on their end), use:
$server = new SoapServer("http://<url to your magento shop>/index.php/api/v2_soap/index/wsdl/1/");
This is the line in /lib/Zend/Soap/Server.php that triggers the error.
In my case if you browsed to:
http://< url to your magento shop >/index.php/api/v2_soap/index/wsdl/1/
the xml was fine, but if you ran the above php script on the server, the error was given.
This error most often appeared for me while omitting www for domain given in Magento SOAP url. Url has to match base url specified in the Magento config.