Trigger Dynamic Action after setting filter in Interactive grid - dynamic

I want to trigger Dynamic Action after setting some filter inside Interactive Grid.
I tried to use Event - After Refresh described here LINK but it does not work. I also tried Mode Change [Interactive Grid], Report Change [Interactive Grid], View Change [Interactive Grid] etc with the same results. Only Page Change [Interactive Grid] seems to trigger DA but only if filter change number of visible pages.
Is there any way to trigger DA just checking changes on JS object? e.g :
if apex.region("").widget().interactiveGrid("getFilters").length changed, do DA
Thanks for replying.


How to Hide the filters dynamically?

I have a switch to go to edit mode that is supposed to show the filters.
I am able to show them, but I do not know how to hide them when I quit the edit mode.
I tried the following but it is not working :
Any ideas?
Since all yadcf filters are being wrapped with a container that got the .yadcf-filter-wrapper class, the following should do
I'm yadcf author

Changing default dropdown value in sap crm web ui

I want to change default values which gets populated in the below picture.
I tried modifying get_v_role method but it didn't serve my purpose.
Please help.
In personalize->personalize settings, there is sort option. It sometimes overwrites this arrangement of values of get_v method.
Also code can be written in inbound plug of this view. I did it for overview page drop down and it worked. You can try for your search page.
For filtering/changing drop-down value of search parameter, You've to Re-define GET_DQUERY_DEFINITIONS method of ZCL_XXX_IMPL class of component. GET_V_XX methods are only used to modify drop-down/F4 help of view pages not the search view.
Click F2 while placing the cursor on Account ID(for which parameter you want
to modify) drop-down.
Go to BSP Component using t-code - BSP_WD_CMPWB
Enter the component name and Enhancement set
Select the view.
Go to Implementation class .
If your component is enhanced then it will be having ZCL_XXX_IMPL class. otherwise you've to enhance that component. Click on that class.
After that find GET_DQUERY_DEFINITIONS method and implement same way as

Xpages Scoped variable lost opening next page

I'm transitioning a corporate web page into a new xpage platform. It consists of a number of department-specific databases each with their separate ACL's with the old forms and docs, and one new xpage db front end presenting data from across the other db's read only. The content is regulations and resources for the rest of the organization to relate to.
The design consists of just a few custom controls which collects data sources dynamically via properties on the various department specific xpages. So like 30 xpages collecting data from separate db's utilizing the same handful of cc's
My scoped variable issue is related to my cc_dataViewLocal . This dataView presents the documents from the corresponding views in the source db's. To let the user know their present location in the application I pull in the name of the current view and display the name above the Data View as a headline on the DataView xpage:
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1" styleClass="ksHeading2">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:getComponent("dataView1").getData ().getView()
All documents from all databases are presented using the same documentDisplay xpage with a dynamic document data source. Thus this xpage does not have any properties but is referenced trough the data view xpage:
<xe:dataView id="dataView1" collapsibleCategory="false"
rows="50" style="font-size:8pt" rowStyle="font-size:8pt"
collapsibleDetail="true" pageName="/**ks_documentDisplay.xsp**"
When I open a document from the data view in documentDisplay.xsp I want the same headline/name of the original view displayed there as well. To make that happen I try to catch the view name in a scoped variable in an afterPageLoad event in the data view xpage, to redisplay it on the documentDisplay xpage.
<xp:setValue binding="#{sessionScope.ksView}">
("computedField1").value}]] ></xp:this.value>
After all the view name is not part of the document data source, and I have no other handle to the parent view at this point as I can see.
When I display the scoped variable on the dataView xpage in a computed field it works fine:
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField2"
styleClass="ksHeading1" value="#{sessionScope.ksView}">
However, when I try to display the same session variable in the documentDispay xpage using the same computed field coding it turns up empty. Like the sessionVariable is lost to the next xpage?
I started out with a viewScope, and tried both request and session with same results. What am I missing??
Any input greatly appreciated! Including workarounds but would like to get a grip on the scoped variables...:-)
Regards to all who read this somewhat long post and thanks in advance!
Vidar Solevag
Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. The problem clearly was I wiped the sessionScope in some way or other, exactly how I still don't know.
But as often is the case the solution was to do something else to get the same thing done...
What I found not to work:
-Moving the event to onClientLoad didn't work it threw an exception "cannot handle". In addition my original approach afterPageLoad did't really work either as it didn't update properly as other dataViews were chosen via Navigator on the page. Also setting the variable via the "Set" option on the simpleAction list turned out to be a problem. I got several "Not allowed to set the value of a read only computed expression"
What I did that worked:
-I set the value not by "Set"Simple action but by "Excecute script" and code
sessionScope.ksView=context.getSubmittedValue(). This in the onClick event in Navigator that selects which Dataview to display On the DataView xpage Then the SessionScope remains alive all the way into the documentDisplay xpage and until a different Dataview is selected back in the Nav back on the DataView xpage.
Now using the same sessionScope as the viewName property on the xpage I also set the sessionScope initially on afterPageLoad to have a default value when page is first opened...
So thanks again, a lot of headbanging into the wall here but that's what you learn from I guess :-))

How to change the url of my entire page when a new tab is selected? (Dojo-Tabcontainer)

I have used Dojo-Tabcontainer to create tabs. I want to have a separate template for every tab. So, when a tab is clicked I want a new page to be loaded and the url to be changed.
Can you please suggest a way to do this using Markup instead of programmatic way?
I'm thinking of using Template Inheritance while creating html page for each tab to avoid redundancy.
I can get some clue from this:
How to change Dojo TabContainer behaviour to simply open an external link instead of showing a ContentPane?
But I'm not sure how to do it via Markup instead of programming.

How to create wizard/screens with disabled pages/buttons using Dojo Dijit?

I want to create a sequence of screens using a StackContainer in Dijit.
However, I want to disable consecutive pages and their corresponding buttons in the StackController until the form on the current page has been validated successfully.
Is this possible with the standard elements? If so, how?
In addition, it would be nice if I could customize the buttons of the StackController to show my own details instead of the title of the screen.
For disabling I think you can use
the_button.set('disabled', true); //and vice-versa
For changing the details you can try setting the labels directly (similar to disabled) or try subclassing the appropriate stuff (probably the stackcontroller) if it turs out to be feasible.