How to set admin users group for Flowable using Ldap - ldap

I'm using Flowable 6.7.2 OpenSource and I want to integrate it with AD using LDAP. I've changed several properties in flowable-default.propierties (flowable.idm.ldap.*) and I can login with the AD user to the flowable-ui module actually but he can't see any modules within it.
I have setup a group for Admin users in AD.
How can set admin role for a certain AD user or group


How to connect your ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC web application to Active Directory?

I am building a web application for a client, where I will have to set it up on their Windows Server via IIS. I will have to integrate their base of users into my application via Active Directory (not Azure Active Directory). I have already included Windows authentication into my application and it seems to work on my local computer.
What I want to know is:
How to change the login prompt into my custom login page?
How to change the username of the authenticated user (right now when I sign in, I have to write down the name of the device and the name of the user. for example: _device/_user). What I want is for the user to simply be able to only write their username, not device name.
How to manage the access of the users, and how to add roles to them inside the application. Since the user is signed In. I now want to know how do I assign this user a certain role, so I can restrict access to certain pages based on that.
I have been looking through some documentation but not much is mentioned about Active Directory integration or the questions that I have listed above.
You need to have System.DirectoryServices and System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement references in your project, if you want to access AD.
Configure AD name and AD Organizational Units in appsettings.js ActiveDirectory": { "ActiveDirectoryDomainName": "Your Domain", "ActiveDirectoryOrganizationalUnits": "Your AD units" }
In your class method:
Fill your user object with AD values like userPrincipal.EmailAddress,userPrincipal.GivenName,userPrincipal.Guid.Value and etc.
If you want to manage users with roles, then take the GUID from AD (userPrincipal.Guid.Value) and store it another table and map that GIUD with required roles.
Note: If you can share some images and codes

Keycloak LDAP integration: using of Custom User LDAP Filter to filter by group

I am trying to integrate LDAP Active Directory with Keycloak. I have been able to synchronize LDAP users using Custom User LDAP Filter that filters by LDAP attributes - (theAttribute=theValue). Is there a way/syntax to filter by groups? For example, say I have Active Directory group "My Group" and I want to synchronize to Keycloak only users in that group. What would be the search Custom User LDAP Filter?
How about memberOf? For example:
(&(objectCategory=Person)(sAMAccountName=*)(theAttribute=theValue)(memberOf=cn=My Group,dc=example,dc=com))
Please refer to RFC2254 "The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters" more details:

How to delete a user from SonarQube and re-activate?

In our SonarQube instance we have recently enabled LDAP authentication. Prior to LDAP integration the users were manually created. It so happened some of the users were created using the same LDAP user ID and custom password.
Now when LDAP is integrated we want all users use the LDAP ID/pass instead of previously manually created ID/password. SonarQube login works with manually created password rather than LDAP password. So how do remove the manually created users and only activate the LDAP users?
PS: I dont see the option to delete but only to de-activate
As replied by Jeroen Heier in comments, removing users from Administration > Security > Users will allow you to reuse the login of the removed user with an LDAP account.
If it's not the case, please describe what you're doing.
While I'm concerned with the deletion of an account... why can't you re-activate a user if you de-activated them through the UI. This is incredibly painful if a user was accidentally deactivated.

liferay 5.2 ldap login method check users in only specifics group

I used liferay 5.2 and I can integrate ldap correctly with liferay and I activated ldap in login.
and I arrived to import only users from ldap wich exists in my groups using this configuration :
my problem now is when I try to login in liferay
it checks user if exist or not in all locations in ldap
I want in login state to check user if exist or not only in my specifics group which is exist in my configuration.
meaning in login state check user only in :
testGroup1 and testGroup2 and not in all locations in ldap

Grafana: Any way to integrate invite users with LDAP login

I am trying to configure Grafana for my organization. I was able to configure LDAP and MySQL database pretty easily but when I try to invite a new user to an org in Grafana, it always asks the user to join Grafana.
This would be an OK behavior if at that point Grafana would authenticate against LDAP. Instead, it creates a new user in its own database. This would lead to conflict with LDAP in case the user's AD passwords changes.
This works perfectly when a user had previously logged in to Grafana. An invite sent after would directly take the user to login page.
Is it possible to do the same in case the user is not already registered in Grafana? I really want to avoid saving user credentials in Grafana database.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I am not a Grafana expert, but looking through the source code on GitHub it certainly seems that new user registration will not go through LDAP. This is obvious in the LDAP related configuration file where you see the read-only credentials needed to look up users in the LDAP directory. A read-only administrator in LDAP will not be able to create new users as this would be necessary during a registration step. The code also indicates that registration creates temporary users in the internal store.