I'm looking to possibly help update the File::HomeDir module which was never finished. While inspecting it, I noticed that stubbed out methods were causing infinite loops:
In the File::HomeDir role:
unit class File::HomeDir;
use File::HomeDir::Win32;
use File::HomeDir::MacOSX;
use File::HomeDir::Unix;
my File::HomeDir $singleton;
method new
return $singleton if $singleton.defined;
if $*DISTRO.is-win {
$singleton = self.bless does File::HomeDir::Win32;
} elsif $*DISTRO.name.starts-with('macos') {
$singleton = self.bless does File::HomeDir::MacOSX;
} else {
$singleton = self.bless does File::HomeDir::Unix;
return $singleton;
method my-home {
return File::HomeDir.new.my-home;
method my-desktop {
return File::HomeDir.new.my-desktop;
In the File::HomeDir::MacOSX module:
use v6;
unit role File::HomeDir::MacOSX;
method my-home {
# Try HOME on every platform first, because even on Windows, some
# unix-style utilities rely on the ability to overload HOME.
return %*ENV<HOME> if %*ENV<HOME>.defined;
method my-desktop {
With this code, calling say File::HomeDir.my-desktop; results in an infinite loop.
This module was first written about 5 1/2 years ago. I'm assuming it worked at the time. But it appears now that if a role method has a listop operator, it causes the parent's class to be called which then called the role method which then calls the parent class, etc.
I'd do it like this, staying close to the original design:
role File::HomeDir::Win32 {
method my-home() { dd }
method my-desktop() { dd }
role File::HomeDir::MacOSX {
method my-home() { dd }
method my-desktop() { dd }
role File::HomeDir::Unix {
method my-home() { dd }
method my-desktop() { dd }
class File::HomeDir {
my $singleton;
# Return singleton, make one if there isn't one already
sub singleton() {
without $singleton {
$_ = File::HomeDir but $*DISTRO.is-win
?? File::HomeDir::Win32
!! $*DISTRO.name.starts-with('macos')
?? File::HomeDir::MacOSX
!! File::HomeDir::Unix;
method my-home() { singleton.my-home }
method my-desktop() { singleton.my-desktop }
Version:IDEA 2019.3
Tried methods :
I'm trying to wrap it in curly braces
Globally, only one breakpoint is hit,None of them took effect
The program goes directly to the saving method,
public <V0 extends Rmap> Output<V0> prior(Trans<V0, Rmap> conv) {
return saving(ds0 -> {
enqueue((DSdream) ds0.map((Function<Rmap, Rmap>) row -> {
Rmap r = conv.apply((V0) row);
return Rec.of(r, tds.get(r.table().toString()));
}, f));
How do I stop at the lambda break point?
I tried to use an anonymous inner class that would normally stop at the breakpoint,
public <V0 extends Rmap> Output<V0> prior(Trans<V0, Rmap> conv) {
Output<Rmap> saving = saving(new Consumer<DSdream>() {
public void accept(DSdream dSdream) {
dSdream.map((Function<Rmap, Rmap>) row -> {
Rmap r = conv.apply((V0) row);
return Rec.of(r, tds.get(r.table().toString()));
}, f));
return (Output<V0>) saving;
Presumably, after decompiling, lambda is compiled into inner class,
So the break point cannot be located .
It should be the disadvantage of lambda
I am transitioning from Selenium to WebdriverIO and I'm running into some difficulty regarding function reusability. Let me demonstrate with an example:
lets say I have a navigation bar with 3 links above. When I land on this page, I want to check if each link exists. My function may look something like this:
class LoginPage extends Page {
get clientsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Clients")]'); }
isTabDisplayed() {
if (this.clientsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
this is fine except I would have to write 2 more getters for Accounts and Packages and so my class would look like this:
class LoginPage extends Page {
get clientsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Clients")]'); }
get accountsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Accounts")]'); }
get packagesLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Packages")]'); }
isClientTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.clientsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
isAccountsTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.accountsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
isPackagesTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.packagesLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
at this point, my anxiety kicks in and I start to think of ways I can reuse the isTabDisplayed function where I can pass a string to the getter with my tab name, or something along the lines of that.
Unfortunately, getters do not accept parameters and so far I have not found any resources on google that can help me to solve this issue (most common being Page Object Model which doesn't seem to address this problem)
Is my thought process out of line that I am striving for reusable code in UI testing or am I not googling for correct patterns?
Page Objects in WebdriverIO are just plain ES6 classes. Have a look through the documentation on ES6 classes to understand how you can create functions that you can pass arguments in to.
Now, that being said, what you're doing here isn't necessary. Instead of creating a function which references a getter, why not just reference that getter directly in your test?
const login = new LoginPage();
const isAccountsTabDisplayed = login.accountsLink.isDisplayed();
There's really no reason to create a wrapper function around this.
A user has a sponsor:
public function sponsor()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'sponsor_id');
A user has referrals:
public function referrals()
return $this->hasMany(User::class, 'sponsor_id');
A user is considered capped when they have 2 or more referrals:
public function activeReferrals()
return $this->referrals()->whereActive(true);
public function isCapped()
return $this->activeReferrals()->count() >= 2;
A user can give points. By default, the sponsor will receive them, but if the sponsor is capped, I want the points to go to a sponsor's referral that is NOT capped. If all the referrals are capped, then it does the same thing with the level below (the referral's referrals).
If I go user by user making database calls for each one, it's gonna take a long time. How can I write a scope that makes recursive calls until it finds the first active referral in the tree that's not capped?
This is what I'm trying to do:
Please give this a try... I believe this will work for you :)
public function scopeNotCappedActiveReferrals($query, $count) {
return $query->withCount(['referrals' => function($q) {
$q->where('active', true);
}])->where('referrals_count', '<', $count);
For the second part...
// Finally you can call it with
public function allReferrals() {
$users = User::notCappedActiveReferrals(2)->get();
$allUsers = $this->findNotCappedActiveReferralsRecurrsively($users);
// Do not place this function in the model,
// place it in your Controller or Service or Repo or blahblah...
// Also, not tested... but should work :)
protected function findNotCappedActiveReferralsRecurrsively($users) {
if(!count($user)) {
return $users;
foreach($users as $user) {
$moreUsers = $user->notCappedActiveReferrals(2)->get();
return $users->merge($this->findNotCappedActiveReferralsRecurrsively($moreUsers));
Hope this is what you need :)
Following Grails 3.0.11 Interceptors document, I code my own Interceptors as below:
class AuthInterceptor {
AuthInterceptor() {
println("AuthInterceptor.AuthInterceptor(): Enter..............");
// ApiController.index() and HomeController.index() don't need authentication.
// Other controllers need to check authentication
matchAll().excludes {
match(controller:'api', action:'index);
match(controller:'home', action:'index');
boolean before() {
println "AuthInterceptor.before():Enter----------------->>>>>>";
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.before(): params:${params}");
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.before(): session.id:${session.id}");
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.before(): session.user:${session.user?.englishDisplayName}");
if (!session.user) {
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.before(): display warning msg");
render "Hi, I am gonna check authentication"
return false;
} else {
return true;
boolean after() {
log.debug("AuthInterceptor.after(): Enter ...........");
void afterView() {
// no-op
class P2mController {
def index() {
log.debug("p2m():Enter p2m()..............")
render "Hi, I am P2M";
When I test http://localhost:8080/p2m/index, from log console, I saw that P2mController.index() is executed without been checked authentication.
However, when I test http://localhost:8080/api/index or http://localhost:8080/home/index, AuthInterceptor.check() is executed and the browser displays
Hi, I am gonna check authentication
I wish P2mController been checked authentication, and HomeController.index() and ApiController.index() don't need to be checked authentication. But from the log and response, the result is opposite.
Where is wrong in my AuthInterceptor ?
You want to do this instead:
matchAll().excludes(controller:'api', action:'index')
.excludes(controller:'home', action:'index')
And don't forget the single-quote after the first 'index'.
I have a
class A {
public static boolean isRunning() {
if (ctx == null) { .. }
return ctx.isRunning();
I am testing a method that in the middle calls A.isRunning();
class B {
public void methodToBeTested() {
// do somthing
I want to test this in a way that when A.isRunning() is called it right away returns true and does not go initializing the context.
As class B does not have a property for type A, I am not sure what is the way to test this method?
You can redefine your A.isRunning() through metaprogramming:
A.metaClass.static.isRunning = { true }
If you run that line before your test, it will make that method always return true