How to call a bash script from cmake and pass a generator dependent string as argument? - cmake

While using the Unix Makefiles generator I have added the following to a CMakeLists.txt file:
# The current directory is CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.
This script is make specific, and it needs to use $(MAKE) in the generated Makefile when calling the script.
However, when switching to the generator Ninja this custom command is put as-is in the file, causing the $ of the $(MAKE) to cause problems (ninja refuses to run any target, failing to parse
Therefore, I wish to make this generator-specific. How can I use $(MAKE) as first argument to the script when the generator is Unix Makefiles and something else, without a $ - e.g. "ninja" - when the generator is Ninja?
Can I do something like:

I would make separate presets for each generator, so you can associate a particular environment variable with it. Here is how the CMakePresets.json file may look like:
"version": 2,
"cmakeMinimumRequired": {
"major": 3,
"minor": 20,
"patch": 0
"configurePresets": [
"name": "base",
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build",
"hidden": true
"name": "Ninja",
"inherits": "base",
"displayName": "Ninja Config",
"generator": "Ninja",
"environment": {
"SCRIPT_ARG": "Ninja"
"name": "Make",
"inherits": "base",
"displayName": "Make Config",
"generator": "Unix Makefiles",
"environment": {
"SCRIPT_ARG": "Make"
Where the SCRIPT_ARG can be read later inside of the CMakeLists.txt configuration:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
add_executable(Hello main.cpp)
add_dependencies(Hello my-script)
Providing is as simple as this:
echo "Hello from script, $1!"
You will end up with the following output during build phase:
% cmake --preset Make
% cmake --build build
Hello from script, Make!
[ 0%] Built target my-script
Corresponding output for Ninja generator would be:
% cmake --preset Ninja
% cmake --build build
Hello from script, Ninja!
[ 0%] Built target my-script
If you need something more complex than an environment variable, you can introduce condition statement based on value of CMAKE_GENERATOR:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
add_executable(Hello main.cpp)
add_custom_target(my-script COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ $ENV{SCRIPT_ARG})
elseif(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Unix Makefiles")
add_custom_target(my-script COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/
add_dependencies(Hello my-script)
The provided solutions work at build step, and for the part whether it's possible to distinguish between generators during build system generation phase (e.g. with use of generator expressions) i don't think it's possible, because the configuration is generator-agnostic at this point.


Is there a way to run cmake using intel compilers?

I was trying to run a program using intel compilers but while compiling the program it showed error.
It was was due to cmake.
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -T "Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler" ..
-- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is unset, defaulting to Release
-- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.22000.0 to target Windows 10.0.25099.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:81 (project):
Failed to run MSBuild command:
C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/MSBuild/Current/Bin/amd64/MSBuild.exe
to get the value of VCTargetsPath:
MSBuild version 17.3.1+2badb37d1 for .NET Framework
Build started 9/2/2022 10:51:43 AM.
Project "C:\Users\mtc\source\repos\onednn\build\CMakeFiles\3.23.1\VCTargetsPath.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets).
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(460,5): error MSB8020: The build tools for Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler (Platform Toolset = 'Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler') cannot be found.
To build using the Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler build tools, please install Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler build tools.
Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Retarget solution". [C:\Users\mtc\source\repos\onednn\build\CMakeFiles\3.23.1\VCTargetsPath.vcxproj]
Done Building Project "C:\Users\mtc\source\repos\onednn\build\CMakeFiles\3.23.1\VCTargetsPath.vcxproj" (default targets) -- FAILED
"C:\Users\mtc\source\repos\onednn\build\CMakeFiles\3.23.1\VCTargetsPath.vcxproj" (default target) (1) ->
(PrepareForBuild target) ->
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(460,5): error MSB8020: The build tools for Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler (Platform Toolset = 'Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler') cannot be found. To build using the Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler build tools,
please install Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Retarget solution". [C:\Users\mtc\source\repos\onednn\build\CMakeFiles\3.23.1\VCTargetsPath.vcxproj]
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.15
Exit code: 1
Ninja is the only CMake generator for Windows that works with the oneAPI DPC++ Compiler.
Please adhere to the instructions in the following link if you wish to utilise the Intel oneAPI DPC++ compiler:
To use the Intel NextGen Compiler, could you please use the below command:
cmake -G ""Visual Studio 17 2022"" -T ""Intel C++ Compiler 2022"" ...
There are a couple things that might be causing your problem.
Make sure that the compiler is loaded in your current command environment. For the intel compiler this is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat.
Make sure that the installed version of CMake is newer than the toolset that you are trying to use. Specifically, CMake version > 3.22.2 if you are using intel 2022.
Your CMakeLists.txt is not posted, but according to Intel's documentation, you need to add find_package(IntelDPCPP REQUIRED).
Also, once you are able to get your target to build, I recommend that you switch to using a CMakePresets.json file to configure your CMake build. I have one that looks like this:
In this preset file, the cache variable INTEL_COMPILER is used to turn on/off specific intel compiler flags in my CMakeLists.txt such as /fp:precise.
"version": 3,
"cmakeMinimumRequired": {
"major": 3,
"minor": 22,
"patch": 2
"configurePresets": [
"name": "base",
"hidden": true,
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/_build/${presetName}"
"name": "Windows",
"hidden": true,
"inherits": [
"condition": {
"type": "equals",
"lhs": "${hostSystemName}",
"rhs": "Windows"
"vendor": {
"": {
"hostOS": "Windows"
"name": "Debug",
"hidden": true,
"cacheVariables": {
"name": "Release",
"hidden": true,
"cacheVariables": {
"name": "Intel - IDE",
"hidden": true,
"toolset": "Intel C++ Compiler 2022",
"cacheVariables": {
"name": "Visual Studio 2022 - Intel",
"displayName": "Visual Studio 2022 using Intel compiler",
"inherits": [
"Intel - IDE"
"generator": "Visual Studio 17 2022"
"buildPresets": [
"name": "Windows",
"hidden": true,
"condition": {
"type": "equals",
"lhs": "${hostSystemName}",
"rhs": "Windows"
"vendor": {
"": {
"hostOS": "Windows"
"name": "Visual Studio 2022 - Intel",
"displayName": "Visual Studio 2022 using Intel compiler",
"inherits": [
"configurePreset": "Visual Studio 2022 - Intel"

Using CMake compile flags in preset for non-external projects only

I am adding a few external projects to my application. For instance, gtest.
In my CMake preset I set the following...
"version": 4,
"cmakeMinimumRequired": {
"major": 3,
"minor": 23,
"patch": 0
"configurePresets": [
"name": "debug",
"displayName": "debug",
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build",
"cacheVariables": {
"CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS": "/W4 /Wall /EHsc",
When I build with the above preset, I get a bunch of warnings from building gtest. I only would like to see the warnings coming from my internal build, not external projects.
In my root CMakeLists.txt I have the following...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23.0)
project(ProjectName LANGUAGES C CXX CUDA)
add_subdirectory(external) # This has a bunch of external dependencies.
add_subdirectory(src) # This builds a normal executable.
add_subdirectory(tests) # This has various unit tests.
Is there a way for me to make sure the flags are only used for my personal project, and nothing external?
I have looked into "" but nothing stood out to me.
Thank you
If you want to localize your settings you should not use globals. Use target_compile_options and other target_* commands instead of setting CMAKE_CXX_* global (cache) variables in your preset.
Alternatively, you can choose not to build external projects as part of your local project build. With that organization you wouldn't have the problem in the first place.

Can I use the environment to add/replace to the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH?

Within a CMakeLists.txt file, you can write something like:
but what if I want to "prime" that variable before the invocation of CMake? Using the environment, perhaps? Is this possible?
The documentation says it is empty by default, but I was hoping to diverge from this default.
CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is not an "cmake-env-variable". It won't read same name environment variable to initialize it automatically. As an example, CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS can be initialized from env var (ref).
An alternative for your situation:
message(WARNING "CMAKE_MODULE_PATH env var not defined, using the default empty one")
My preferred option would be to pass this to cmake at the time of configuration.
Using command line options
Using a cache configuration script
# initialCache.cmake
set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH $ENV{CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} CACHE STRING "path to look for cmake modules")
cmake -C initialCache.cmake -S ...
Using a preset
"version": 3,
"cmakeMinimumRequired": {
"major": 3,
"minor": 19,
"patch": 0
"configurePresets": [
"name": "mypreset",
"displayName": "My preset",
"description": "Preset using the environment variable to set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH",
"cacheVariables": {
"type": "STRING",
"value": "$env{CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}"
cmake --preset mypreset -S ...

Can't link to bullet physics library - LNK2019,LNK2001

I have built bullet3-3.08 on Windows using cmake (commands have been executed from the build folder created in the bullet3-3.08 directory):
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -D "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=C:/MyLibs/bullet3-3.08" -D "USE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DLL=ON" -D "INSTALL_LIBS=ON" ..
cmake --build . --config Release --parallel 8 --target install
I have an application which uses MD/MDd runtime library so I have built Bullet with the following option: USE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DLL=ON. Bullet is built as a static library by default. I use Visual Studio 2017 and build my application using cmake. When I link to Bullet I get many linker errors (LNK2019, LNK2001), for example:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl btCollisionDispatcher::btCollisionDispatcher(class btCollisionConfiguration *)" (??0btCollisionDispatcher##QEAA#PEAVbtCollisionConfiguration###Z) referenced in function main
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __cdecl btCollisionShape::getBoundingSphere(class btVector3 &,float &)const " (?getBoundingSphere#btCollisionShape##UEBAXAEAVbtVector3##AEAM#Z)
I use direct library paths in CMakeLists.txt:
target_link_libraries(${executableName} "C:/MyLibs/bullet3-3.08/lib/Bullet3Collision.lib"
Here is CMakeSettings.json:
"configurations": [
"name": "x64-Debug",
"generator": "Ninja",
"configurationType": "Debug",
"inheritEnvironments": [
"buildRoot": "${projectDir}\\build\\${name}",
"installRoot": "${projectDir}\\install\\${name}",
"cmakeCommandArgs": "",
"buildCommandArgs": "-v",
"ctestCommandArgs": ""
"name": "x64-Release",
"generator": "Ninja",
"configurationType": "Release",
"inheritEnvironments": [
"buildRoot": "${projectDir}\\build\\${name}",
"installRoot": "${projectDir}\\install\\${name}",
"cmakeCommandArgs": "",
"buildCommandArgs": "-v",
"ctestCommandArgs": ""
What is wrong ?
As Bullet provides a BulletConfig.cmake file it is quite simple to link against Bullet.
First you need to install Bullet (if not done so) and add -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:/MyLibs/bullet3-3.08 (or the appropriate installation directory) to your cmake command line.
Then in your CMakeLists.txt file you need to add
find_package(Bullet REQUIRED)
# your add_executable call follows here
add_executable(${executableName} .......)
target_compile_definitions(${executableName} PRIVATE ${BULLET_DEFINITIONS})
target_include_directories(${executableName} PRIVATE ${BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${executableName} PRIVATE ${BULLET_LIBRARIES})
This should be the steps necessary to link to Bullet.

How to disable link time code generation in CMake

We are using CMake with the Visual Studio 2015 generator and I am trying to disable link time code generation for libraries and executables under the debug build configuration. It seems that when I modify the linker flags with
that CMake still generates solutions with /LTCG:INCREMENTAL in the linker additional options but also with /LTGC:OFF appended. Does anyone know a way to turn LTCG off completely for all configurations so I can enable it just for those that we want it enabled for?
cmake version 3.10.0-rc2
If something ends up under "Additional Options" in the generated VS projects, it means CMake didn't recognize the option given (and therefore didn't replace its own default).
See CMake's source cmVS141LinkFlagTable.h:
{ "LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "", "Default", "Default", 0 },
{ "LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG:incremental", "Use Fast Link Time Code Generation", "UseFastLinkTimeCodeGeneration", 0 },
{ "LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG", "Use Link Time Code Generation", "UseLinkTimeCodeGeneration", 0 },
{ "LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG:PGInstrument", "Profile Guided Optimization - Instrument", "PGInstrument", 0 },
{ "LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG:PGOptimize", "Profile Guided Optimization - Optimization", "PGOptimization", 0 },
{ "LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG:PGUpdate", "Profile Guided Optimization - Update", "PGUpdate", 0 },
But if I look at CMake's VS 2015 defaults:
There is no /LTCG:INCREMENTAL in the defaults. So I think what you are actually looking for/what would help you is:
You could remove the /INCREMENTAL flag from these variables.