How to generate functions from an API spec - api

I am very interested in Integration Platform as a Service.
As we know, it is possible to generate an API spec from an API. Is the opposite possible?
I want to write a piece of software that automatically create some functions for calling the endpoints of an Open API. In order to achieve that, the piece of software should consume an API spec and generate the code. Theoretically, this could be possible, if the spec covers all endpoints with all parameters of the API, etc. but:
this is often not the case
specs are written differently from each other
My question is: what should my software consume in order to get reliable information about the API endpoints, parameters etc.? Is there a standard for that? Is the API spec the way to go?

Look at Github Copilot. They're able to generate pretty descent facsimiles of functions from API spec. Just a word of caution, the function might not be 100% accurate and so you'll still need to check over it.

In a properly designed webservice there are at least 4 layers, presentation, application, domain and infrastructure.
REST documentation describes only the presentation layer's outer surface: HTTP interface and operations, so it is not possible to generate a complete webservice based on the REST API documentation. If your application does not have any kind of logic, it is just a data structure and CRUD, then it is possible, but in that case you'd better to find a database which has a REST API and very good access control and problem solved mostly.
If you have some sort of standard documentation like WADL or JSON-LD with Hydra, then you can generate a REST API skeleton for the presentation. I just googled the topic a little bit, maybe this thesis can be useful for you:


Why does HATEOAS not specify a schema for the request body

A question for this already exists, but is more tech focused and doesnt have answers: Representing a request body on HATEOAS link
I like HATEOAS. I love using it in my frontend to check if I can perform some actions by checking if a link exists instead of having business logic.
But what I do not understand is how HATEOAS can truly be useful in other scenario's. What if you have an "AddItemToBasket" link which would need a request body with some properties in it. The frontend would still need to know what this request body looks like. But HATEOAS doesn't tell you this.
This means you still have a dependency on API knowledge. I think lots of applications solve this problem with generated API clients/graphql, but that makes HATEOAS a hard sell.
Why use HATEOAS if we can't use the URL and http method, because it doesn't offer the full picture.
REST builds on standards (uniform interface constraint) and currently there is no standard way to do this. There is a Hydra W3C WorkGroup writing a standard about how to describe Hypermedia APIs. They use RDF, standard vocabs like and you can write your API specific vocab they call documentation. As far as I understand their model you can give parameters in the documentation for operations represented by hyperlinks. You can use for example XSD to add constraints like numbers, etc. to the parameters. It takes a lot more effort than normally to write this kind of formal documentation and as far as I understand there are currently no general REST clients which could profit from these, so it does not make much sense currently to write such an API, but it is possible if you want to.
As of why to use HATEOAS, it makes your API flexible and backward compatible. For example if somebody does not have permission for an operation, you simply don't send a hyperlink for it in the response. You can always add new operations and the existing clients don't have to support them, they can just focus on what they already know and they won't break because something extra is added. They don't have to know about the URI structures and the methods, which can freely change if the only thing they depend on is the operation type and the parameters.

In what forms do APIs come in, and how to write them?

APIs are getting more and more popular and are used by developers to ease the process of developing applications to multiple platforms AND allow them to give other developers the ability to integrate their application's functionality into their own applications.
I've used APIs countless times before, but I'm now at the stage of developing my own applications. And as a developer who strives to create multi-platform applications - I need to use an API.
I'm going to use the RESTful approach as it's recommended the most.
After reading and looking for some background information, I came across: REST API Tutorial (which is really good site!), I learned that APIs basically receive HTTP requests, and return data in JSON/XML format.
However, there were 2 questions left unanswered to me:
In what form do APIs come in? Are APIs actually files? a set of commands......?
How do I actually write APIs? I'm talking about the server-side, data-handling code, and not the application/language-specific code (for sending out HTTP requests etc...)
It'd be great if someone could help me and answer the questions above as I have zero experience with APIs.
Any help is appreciated - much thanks!!
Just a quick from-the-gut answer: They are whatever you want them to be!
Off the top of my head, I would define an API as requiring two main elements:
Some documentation which makes it quite clear how to use the logic your systems prvides
Some way to call those systems. That may be as simple as a web-site that accepts POST-messages, and checks them for certain variables and values in order to perform specific tasks.
In short, it should be entirely up to you. Just make sure you provide simple, clear and acurate documentation.
UPDATE, as an asnwer to the comment below:
That is how I interpret it, and it would seem that Wikipedia is more or less in agreement with me. PHP would be a perfect example: You could for instance create a PHP-file which processes a POST, and instead of outputting html, outputs XML with the resulting data needed. Then a third party app could POST to your PHP application, and receive and process the resulting XML.
Apis come as a response to a http request. It is a plain text response that u can use encoded via json or xml as you described.
There are a plenty of frameworks to help you develop and API.
In Ruby u can use grape or rais-api or even rails itself.
There is a lot more available, but this are the ones im most used to use.

Internalizing REST API concepts

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around something and would appreciate some reading material on this concept.
I'm writing an application that relies heavily on providing API calls via a URI scheme. The aspects of taking a URI string and converting it to an action makes sense.
But where I get confused is taking that process and utilizing within the MVC structure. Do I build calls using models or a library? My goal is to be able to do something like $this->company->user(12311), so that I can have the API functionality available externally and internally.
Also how do I make this functionality accessible without exposing core code?
One of the biggest problems with the word API is that it does not make a distinction between when you are making local in process calls and when you are making remote calls. This is the essence of the RPC style, using the same programmatic model regardless of where the code to be executed exists.
REST is explicitly about doing distributed computing and is optimized for those scenarios. Trying to use a RESTful interface as a local API is likely to produce something that is highly inefficient.
I would suggest not trying to use the same API internally and externally and I would go further and say try not to think of REST as a way of building APIs. REST is an approach to building distributed systems that requires consideration of the system holistically.
To address your question more specifically, I use an MVC approach to exposing Resources in my system. The Model is the Resource and the View is the Representation. The key to building a RESTful system is to identify the links between your models. These links are rendered into the respresentations as embedded links. Also, consider that your models should be more like Presentation Models than domain models as a RESTful interface is more about exposing the usage scenarios of a system than it is about exposing a domain model.

need pointers to get started with API's

Most of the applications these days provide an it twitter,gmail,fb and millions others.
I understand API Design can not be explained in just an answer but I would like some suggestions on how to get started with API design. Maybe some tutorial/book that makes an application and has some chapters on how to go about providing API's for it. I'm mostly a java developer (learning Groovy) but am open to other languages also, if it is easier to get started with API design in that language.
As a side note, before I was curious about the difference between an API and a webservice. But now as I understand it, webservice is just a form of an API
I don't have any great resources however, I want to stress how correct that API is Application Programing Interface, and is simply a mechanism for how you expose your application to be consumed by others. Be it from script, web service (soap or rest), Win32 API Style Calls....
About 10 years ago when we talked API it seemed like everyone felt like all APIs were like Win32, and that was it. One of the more interesting I've worked on was an API with a PICK based Management System. In this case we wrote an XML processor in PICK and were screen scraping XML back and forth over a telnet session.
The first thing you need to decide, is how do you want to expose your data. Are you going to expose over the web? Or is your application a desktop application? How I would structure an API for cross machine communication tends to be different then if the API is running in a single process or even on a single machine.
I would also start by writting a test client, You have to understand how your API will be used first and try to make it as simple as possible. If you dive right in with the implementation you might loose perspective and make assumptions that a client developer might not.

REST type API for non web based applications, Is It a good idea?

We are developing a middleware SDK, both in C++ and Java to be used as a library/DLL by, for example, game developers, animation software developers, Avatar developers to enhance their products.
Having created a typical API using specific calls for specific functions I am considering simplifying the API by using a REST type API (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) or CRUD type (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) interface.
This would work in a similar way to a client-server type REST API where there are only 4 possible API calls but these can take flexible parameters.
This seems to have the benefit of making the API stable in that new calls are not being added and old calls are not being removed. So a consumer of this API need not worry about having to recompile and change their code to suit any updates to our middleware.
The overhead is that there is an extra layer of redirection in the middleware controller to route API calls and the developer needs to know what parameters are available for each REST call (supplied of course).
I have not so far seen this system used outside of web type client server applications so my question is this: Is this a feasible idea?
I am thinking in terms of its efficiency as well as if for example a game developer would find it easy to use.
Yes, this is a feasible idea. But I'm not sure the benefits would justify the costs. REST is best applied to a networked application scenario, oriented around requests and responses. While there are definite learning curve advantages to a uniform interface, those advantages can be present in almost any well-designed API which provides reasonably abstract procedures.
You also expressed concern for whether a game developer would find a RESTful API easy to use. I'd be dubious. I've implemented many RESTful web services, and helped many developers get up to speed both building them and using them, and the conceptual leap required to grasp REST can be substantial for someone who has been steeped in procedural APIs for years. I'd think that game developers in particular would be very strongly connected to procedural APIs, to the point that attempting to adopt a different paradigm, whatever its benefits, might prove extremely difficult.
Remember that REST is not specific to HTTP, and does not rely on just the 4 HTTP verbs. The verbs you have and can use depend on what protocol you're using.