Optimization problem with Laplacian constraints - optimization

I am trying to solve the following optimization problem and trying to obtain a set of values x_1, x_2, ..., x_k as follows:
argmin Σx_i * a_i
subject to <x_1, x_2, ..., x_k> ~ Lap(m, b)
The terms a_i are constants, and the values x_i are drawn from a laplace distribution with mean m and scale parameter b. Hence the resulting outputs are generated from a Laplacian distribution. What is this kind of constraint called?

This looks like a general form of Lasso regularization. Adding L1 regularization can often been seen as enforcing a Laplace prior on your data (see the Bayesian interpretation). You could try solving:
argmin Σx_i * a_i + 1/b Σ|x_i - m|
You could try solving this using (sub)-gradient methods or proximal minimization.


Tensorflow Bijectors with non-invertible transformations?

I'm trying to understand the variational inference module in tensorflow; I have a particular use case I'm hoping to use it for.
I want to make a custom distribution, the RV of which is a transformation of a vector of independent gamma RV's. This transformation removes one degree of freedom.
For simplicity's sake, let's consider the Dirichlet distribution. If x is an independent gamma vector with shape parameter vector a, then y = x / sum(x) is a dirichlet vector with the same shape vector, and sums to 1. Thus it loses 1 degree of freedom in the transformation.
Let's say I want to implement this distribution as a tfp.distributions.TransformedDistribution. Would that be possible? The Bijector class assumes implementation of both forward and inverse transformations, which, after the sum is integrated out, is no longer possible.
How would I go about implementing the Dirichlet in TransformedDistribution?

Non-Convex Loss Function

I am trying to understand gradient descent algorithm by plotting the error vs value of parameters in the function. What would be an example of a simple function of the form y = f(x) with just just one input variable x and two parameters w1 and w2 such that it has a non-convex loss function ? Is y = w1.tanh(w2.x) an example ? What i am trying to achieve is this :
How does one know if the function has a non-convex loss function without plotting the graph ?
In iterative optimization algorithms such as gradient descent or Gauss-Newton, what matters is whether the function is locally convex. This is correct (on a convex set) if and only if the Hessian matrix (Jacobian of gradient) is positive semi-definite. As for a non-convex function of one variable (see my Edit below), a perfect example is the function you provide. This is because its second derivative, i.e Hessian (which is of size 1*1 here) can be computed as follows:
first_deriv=d(w1*tanh(w2*x))/dx= w1*w2 * sech^2(w2*x)
The sech^2 part is always positive, so the sign of second_deriv depends on the sign of tanh, which can vary depending on the values you supply as x and w2. Therefore, we can say that it is not convex everywhere.
Edit: It wasn't clear to me what you meant by one input variable and two parameters, so I assumed that w1 and w2 were fixed beforehand, and computed the derivative w.r.t x. But I think that if you want to optimize w1 and w2 (as I suppose it makes more sense if your function is from a toy neural net), then you can compute the 2*2 Hessian in a similar way.
The same way as in high-school algebra: the second derivative tells you the direction of flex. If that's negative in all orientations, then the function is convex.

how tensorflow handles complex gradient?

Let z is a complex variable, C(z) is its conjugation.
In complex analysis theory, the derivative of C(z) w.r.t z don't exist. But in tesnsorflow, we can calculate dC(z)/dz and the result is just 1.
Here is an example:
x = tf.placeholder('complex64',(2,2))
y = tf.reduce_sum(tf.conj(x))
z = tf.gradients(y,x)
sess = tf.Session()
X = np.random.rand(2,2)+1.j*np.random.rand(2,2)
X = X.astype('complex64')
Z = sess.run(z,{x:X})[0]
The input X is
[[0.17014372+0.71475762j 0.57455420+0.00144318j]
[0.57871044+0.61303568j 0.48074263+0.7623235j ]]
and the result Z is
[[1.-0.j 1.-0.j]
[1.-0.j 1.-0.j]]
I don't understand why the gradient is set to be 1?
And I want to know how tensorflow handles the complex gradients in general.
The equation used by Tensorflow for the gradient is:
Where the '*' means conjugate.
When using the definition of the partial derivatives wrt z and z* it uses Wirtinger Calculus. Wirtinger calculus enables to calculate the derivative wrt a complex variable for non-holomorphic functions. The Wirtinger definition is:
Why this definition?
When using for example Complex-Valued Neural Networks (CVNN) the gradients will be used over non-holomorphic, real-valued scalar function of one or several complex variables, tensorflow definition of a gradient can then be written as:
This definition corresponds with the literature of CVNN like for example chapter 4 section 4.3 of this book or Amin et al. (between countless examples).
Bit late, but I came across this issue recently too.
The key point is that TensorFlow defines the "gradient" of a complex-valued function f(z) of a complex variable as "the gradient of the real map F: (x,y) -> Re(f(x+iy)), expressed as a complex number" (the gradient of that real map is a vector in R^2, so we can express it as a complex number in the obvious way).
Presumably the reason for that definition is that in TF one is usually concerned with gradients for the purpose of running gradient descent on a loss function, and in particular for identifying the direction of maximum increase/decrease of that loss function. Using the above definition of gradient means that a complex-valued function of complex variables can be used as a loss function in a standard gradient descent algorithm, and the result will be that the real part of the function gets minimised (which seems to me a somewhat reasonable interpretation of "optimise this complex-valued function").
Now, to your question, an equivalent way to write that definition of gradient is
gradient(f) := dF/dx + idF/dy = conj(df/dz + dconj(f)/dz)
(you can easily verify that using the definition of d/dz). That's how TensorFlow handles complex gradients. As for the case of f(z):=conj(z), we have df/dz=0 (as you mention) and dconj(f)/dz=1, giving gradient(f)=1.
I wrote up a longer explanation here, if you're interested: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/3348#issuecomment-512101921

Elementwise Sampling with map_fn Slow

Say that I want to sample a matrix with each entry sampled from a distribution defined by an entry in another matrix. I unroll my matrix and apply map_fn to each element. With a relatively small matrix (128 x 128), the following gives me several PoolAllocator warnings (GTX TITAN Black) and does not train in any reasonable amount of time.
def sample(x):
samples = tf.map_fn(lambda z:
tf.random_normal([1], mean=z,
stddev=tf.sqrt(z * (1 - z))),
tf.reshape(x, [-1])) # apply to each element
return tf.cond(is_training, lambda: tf.reshape(samples, shape=tf.shape(x)),
lambda: tf.tanh(x))
Is there a better way to apply an elementwise operation like this?
Your code will run much faster if you can use Tensor-at-a-time operations instead of elementwise operations like tf.map_fn.
Here it looks like you want to sample from a normal distribution for each element, where the parameters of the distribution are different for each value in an input tensor. Try something like this:
def sample(x):
samples = tf.random_normal(shape=[128, 128]) * tf.sqrt(x * (1 - x)) + x
tf.random_normal() generates a normal distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 by default. You can use point-wise tensor operations to fix up the standard deviation (by multiplying) and the mean (by adding) for each element. In fact, if you look at how tf.random_normal() is implemented, that's precisely what it does internally.
(You would probably also do better using a Python conditional to distinguish training from test time.)
If you plan to do this sort of thing a lot, you might file a feature request on github asking to generalize tf.random_normal to accept Tensors with more general shapes for mean and stddev. I see no reason why that shouldn't be supported.
Hope that helps!
See the tensorflow.contrib.distributions module, which has a Normal class with a sample method that does this for you.

How to force tensorflow tensors to be symmetric?

I have a set of MxM symmetric matrix Variables in a graph whose values I'd like to optimize.
Is there a way to enforce the symmetric condition?
I've thought about adding a term to the loss function to enforce it, but this seems awkward and roundabout. What I'd hoped for is something like tf.matmul(A,B,symmA=True)
where only a triangular portion of A would be used and learned. Or maybe something like tf.upperTriangularToFull(A) which would create a dense matrix from a triangular part.
What if you do symA = 0.5 * (A + tf.transpose(A))? It is inefficient but at least it's symmetric.