I am trying to read data from hive into pyspark in order to write csv files. The following sql code results in 5 months:
select distinct posting_date from my_table
When I read the data with pyspark I only get 4 months:
sql_query = 'select * from my_table'
data = spark_session.sql(sql_query)
I had the same problem in the past and I solved it by using the deprecated api for reading sql:
sql_context = SQLContext(spark_session.sparkContext)
data = sql_context.sql(sql_query)
The problem is that for my current project I have the same issue and I cannot solve it with any method.
I also tried to use HiveContext instead of SQLContext but I had no luck.
I have an SQL query which I run in Azure Synapse analytics , to query data from ADLS.
Can I run the same query in Notebook using PySpark in Azure Synapse analytics?
I googled some ways to run sql in notebook, but looks like some modifications to be done to the code to do this.
%%sql or spark.sql("")
BULK 'https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.net/datazone/Test/parquet/test.snappy.parquet',
Read the data lake file and write into a dataframe with saveAsTable and query the table as shown below.
df = spark.read.load('abfss://<container-name>#<storage-account-name>.dfs.core.windows.net/<filename>', format='parquet')
Using %%sql
select * from testdb.test2
Using %%pyspark
df = spark.sql("select * from testdb.test2")
In the process of converting some SAS code to PySpark and we previously used a macro variable for the where statement in this code. In adapting to PySpark, I'm trying to pass a list of dates to the where statement, but I keep getting errors. I want the SQL code to pull all data from those 3 months. Any pointers?
month_list = ['202107', '202108', '202109']
sql_query = """ (SELECT *
FROM Table_Blah
WHERE (to_char(DateVariable,'yyyymm') IN '{}')
) as table1""".format(month_list)
Pass the list as a tuple to have the right sql syntax:
month_list = ['202107', '202108', '202109']
sql_query = """ (SELECT *
FROM Table_Blah
WHERE (to_char(DateVariable,'yyyymm') IN {})
) as table1""".format(tuple(month_list))
And you don’t need apostrophe for in statement
I am attempting to extract data from Cassandra, into a specific partitioned Hive table using Spark 2.1.1 on Hadoop 2.7. To do this, I have all the data from Cassandra into an rdd which I transform into a dataframe via rdd.toDF(), and passed into the following function:
public def writeToHive(ss: SparkSession, df: DataFrame) {
val cols = df.columns
val schema = df.schema
// logs 358
LOG.info(s"""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${tablename}""")
val outdf = ss.sql(s"""INSERT INTO TABLE ${db}.${t} PARTITION (date="${destPartition}") SELECT * FROM ${tablename}""")
// Have also tried the following lines below, but yielded the same results
// var dfInput_1 = dfInput.withColumn("region", lit(s"${destPartition}"))
// dfInput_1.write.mode("append").insertInto(s"${db}.${t}")
// logs 358
LOG.info(s"""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${tablename}""")
// logs 423
LOG.info(s"""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${db}.${t} where date='${destPartition}'""")
When looking in Cassandra, there are indeed 358 rows in the table. I saw this post on Hortonworks https://community.hortonworks.com/questions/51322/count-msmatch-while-using-the-parquet-file-in-spar.html but there doesn't seem to be a solution. I have tried setting spark.sql.hive.metastorePartitionPruning to true, but no changes were seen in the row counts.
Would love any feedback as to why there is a discrepancy between the row counts. Thanks!
EDIT: bad data coming in.... should've seen that coming
Sometimes data contains non-utf8 characters like Japanese or Chinese. Check if data contains any such non-utf8 characters.
If this is a case insert it in ORC format. By default it is text, and text doesn't support non-utf8 characters.
I want to build a classification model in PySpark. My input to this model is result of select query or view from Hive or Impala. is any way to include this query in PySpark code itself instead of storing result in text file feeding to our model
Yes for this you need to use HiveContext with sparkContext.
Here is example:-
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
tableData = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM TABLE")
#tableData is a dataframe containing reference to schema of table, check this using tableData.printSchema()
tableData.collect() #collect executes query and provide all rows from sql
or you may refer here
For a table with
create table mytable (
partitioned by (my_part_column String)
We are executing a hive sql as follows:
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
hc = HiveContext(sc)
data = hc.sql("select * from my_table limit 10")
The values read back show the "my_part_columns" as the FIRST items for each row instead of the last ones.
Turns out this is a known bug fixed in spark 1.3.0 and 1.2.1