String length mismatch not giving data in another column - sql

I've a column location in my table. I've used it as a common column to join two tables
Factory.location = inventory.location
But I'm having a problem..
For example Location in factory table just has 09 where inventory table has 009 doesn't match but for three digit numbers it's matching eg: 115 = 115, 999=999. But in the output, I still get 009 but I'm not getting data in another column for the ones which doesn't have three digits.
Please tell me how to make it 3 digit and join.
I tried putting it as
(Case when
Then concat('0',factory.location)
else inventory.location
End) as location
in select statement.
Please help

Assuming you're storing them as varchar for a reason, you could pad them to equalize length before matching. I chose 3 because it sounded like all the locations are 3 characters long. Change as required
lpad(f.location, 3, '0') = lpad(i.location, 3, '0')
If the values in location columns are all numbers that can be treated as integers, you could also do
f.location::int = i.location::int


How can I "dynamically" split a varchar column by specific characters?

I have a column that stores 2 values. Example below:
| Column 1 |
|some title1 =ExtractThis ; Source Title12 = ExtractThis2|
I want to remove 'ExtractThis' into one column and 'ExtractThis2' into another column. I've tried using a substring but it doesn't work as the data in column 1 is variable and therefore it doesn't always carve out my intended values. SQL below:
SELECT substring(d.Column1,13,24) FROM dbo.Table d
This returns 'Extract This' but for other columns it either takes too much or too little. Is there a function or combination of functions that will allow me to split consistently on the character? This is consistent in my column unlike my length count.
select substring(col1,CHARINDEX('=',col1)+1,CHARINDEX (';',col1)-CHARINDEX ('=',col1)-1) Val1,
substring(col1,CHARINDEX('=',col1,CHARINDEX (';',col1))+1,LEN(col1)) Val2
from #data
there is duplicate calculation that can be reduced from 5 to 3 to each line.
but I want to believe this simple optimization done by SQL SERVER.

WHERE varchar = variable length of 0's

ID Number
-- ------
1 0
2 00
3 0123
4 000000
5 01240
6 000
The 'Number' column is data type varchar.
EDIT for clarity.
My question is, can I easily pull back all rows of data which contain a variable length string of 0's?
I have tried:
FROM Table_A
WHERE LEFT(Number,1) = '0' AND RIGHT(Number,1) = '0'
Using the above, it would still return the below, using the example table provided.
ID Number
-- ------
1 0
2 00
4 000000
5 01240
6 000
I was looking for a function which I could pass the LEN(Number) int into, and then it generates a string of a specfic character (in my case a string of 0's). I wasn't able to find anything though.
Oh, and I also tried adding a SUBSTRING to the WHERE clause, but sometimes the Number column has a number which has a 0's in the middle, so it still returned strings with other numbers except only 0.
SUBSTRING(Number,ROUND(LEN(Number)/2,0),1) = '0'
Any help is appreciated.
So, you want a string that doesn't contain anything that isn't a 0? Sounds like it's time for a double-negative:
FROM Table_A
WHERE NOT Number like '%[^0]%'
AND number like '0%' --But we do want it to contain at least one zero
(The final check is so that we don't match the empty string)
Where number like '%0%'
Your can use this query :
SELECT * FROM Table_A WHERE Number LIKE '%0%';
It'll solve your problem.
FROM yourtable
WHERE len(Number) - len(replace(number,'0','')) >= 0
One more approach
You can use this following one also,you will get your expected result.
FROM Table_A
WHERE Nunber not like '%[1-9]%'

How do I append zeroes at the end of two combined fields?

I have these 2 fields, SBSNBR, SEQNBR and I need to combine them into a 50 character length field. The total records of the two fields will be 11 in total and I want the remaining to populated with zeroes. Below is an example of the expected output.
Characters are left justified so it would look like this:
You can use the LEFT function.
SELECT LEFT(SBSNBR+SEQNBR+'00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',50)
FROM Table

substring and trim in Teradata

I am working in Teradata with some descriptive data that needs to be transformed from a gerneric varchar(60) into the different field lengths based on the type of data element and the attribute value. So I need to take whatever is in the Varchar(60) and based on field 'ABCD' act on field 'XYZ'. In this case XYZ is a varchar(3). To do this I am using CASE logic within my select. What I want to do is
eliminate all occurances of non alphabet/numeric data. All I want left are upper case Alpha chars and numbers.
In this case "Where abcd = 'GROUP' then xyz should come out as a '000', '002', 'A', 'C'
eliminate extra padding
Shift everything Right
abcd xyz
3 GROUP 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
4 GROUP 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
To do this I have tried TRIM and SUBSTR amongst several other things that did not work. I have pasted what I have working now, but I am not reliably working through the data within the select. I am really looking for some options on how to better work with strings in Teradata. I have been working out of the "SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions and Predicates" online PDF. Is there a better reference. We are on TD 13
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WHEN abcd= 'GROUP'
WHEN SUBSTR(tx.abcd,60, 4) = 0
SUBSTR(tx.abcd,60, 3)
END AS abcd
FROM db.descr tx
WHERE tx.abcd IS IN ( 'GROUP')
The end result should look like this
abcd xyz
1 GROUP 000
2 GROUP 002
I will have to deal with approx 60 different "abcd" types, but they should all conform to the type of data I am currently seeing.. ie.. mixed case, non numeric, non alphabet, padded, etc..
I know there is a better way, but I have come in several circles trying to figure this out over the weekend and need a little push in the right direction.
Thanks in advance,
The SQL below uses the CHARACTER_LENGTH function to first determine if there is a need to perform what amounts to a RIGHT(, 3) using the native functions in Teradata 13.x. I think this may accomplish what you are looking to do. I hope I have not misinterpreted your explanation:
ELSE tx.abcd
FROM db.descr tx;
EDIT: Fixed parenthesis in SUBSTRING

New to SQL, need help with query

I have a database table of my own that I am trying to construct a query for that seems simple enough, but I feel like I am messing up somewhere because the results are not what they should be.
I basically have a table that is like the following:
Table: Data
Row ID Profile Import ID Field ID Product
1 5 Null 5 60 Can
2 0 Null 5 65 Hat
3 0 Null 5 70 Box
4 6 Null 6 60 Fish
I basically want to take the word "Hat" in row 2 and place it into the "Profile" column of row 1, replacing the null value there. I am doing this for multiple rows.
In the case of the multiple rows I want to take the "Profile" column and make it equal to the "Product" column. I only want this to happen in the rows where the "ID" value matches the "Import ID", and where the "Field ID" is 65 specifically. In the example above the "ID" 5 matches the "Import ID" 5, so I want to take the "Product" value "Hat" where the "Field ID" is 65, and place that value into the "Profile" column where the ID is 5. My table has over 9000 rows and 600 would have to be changed in this way, with various ID's needing various products inserted.
The result I would like would be:
Row ID Profile Import ID Field ID Product
1 5 Hat 5 60 Can
2 0 Null 5 65 Hat
3 0 Null 5 70 Box
4 6 Null 6 60 Fish
I pray that makes sense...
My query was this
SET 'Profile'='Product'
WHERE 'ID'='Import ID' AND 'Field ID'=65;
I have also tried a subquery
SET 'Profile'= (SELECT 'Product' FROM Data WHERE 'Field ID'=65)
WHERE 'ID'='Import ID';
This did not work and I am just wondering if there is some logic I missing. Thank you to anyone who can help, I have been up for a bit trying to understand this...
You need to join the data; something like:
SET d1.Profile = d2.Product
FROM [Data] d1 -- dest
INNER JOIN [DATA] d2 -- source
ON d2.[Import ID] = d1.[ID] AND d2.[Field ID] = 65
(note swapped 2 columns...)
A couple thing to keep in mind when learning sql:
it isnt a good idea to have spaces in column names. although they might be easier to read, it makes your queries more difficult. most databases dont allow them at all, and those that do have different ways to specify the columns in queries.
to work around your problem, perhaps you should try to enclose the column name in backticks (`), or in square brackets ([ ]).
in any case, instead of a space, please consider an underscore.
with that in mind you should also remember that not to put column names in quotes. something like
SELECT 'Product' FROM Data WHERE 'Field ID'=65
would not work for two reasons:
a. Selecting quoted text will return that quoted text. so were the where clause to return two rows, you would get the text 'Product' returned twice.
b. here your where clause is comparing the text 'Field ID' with the number 65, which would always be false.
hope that helps