Embedded YouTube API V3 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT - api

Is There a chance to disable the error ?
The error is coming from www-embed-player.js File
I am using react-player and fetching it with and API V3
I am using next.js Thanks if you got a solution for it


Unable to use Google geocoding api in react native app

I'm trying to implement google's geocoding for reverse geocoding in my react native app, i wanted to apply restrictions in google console for iOS app with bundle id's. But when i apply restrictions i'm always getting ACCESS_DENIED response with google geocoding api url.
I have enabled the geocoding api and Maps Javascript API, and also the billing set up is done, but still i'm getting same response.
How do i implement reverse geocoding in my app with restrictions enabled for iOS.
Any Answers/Suggestions appreciated.

Setting Up Postman for API Testing When Using user Authorization in hmvc codeigniter

I am new to restful api. So I am trying to test a project to learn about api. Demo project path is:
I am writing the link "http://localhost/ci-rest-structure-master/v1/user?fname=Devang&lname=naghera" in postman(post method) to get user access, but it shows that access token is missing.
Would you please tell me why this error is occuring and how to get access to the api? Thanks in advance for your effort.
I have followed some youtube videos such as
but in vain!

There was an error loading your app! This app did not load because there appears to be something wrong with it

I am trying to create a Google+ hangout app.
I set up all fields in Google API console Enabled the Google+ hangout to my API's. When I am trying to add my hangout app to my hangout video call.
I am getting error like
There was an error loading your app! This app did not load because
there appears to be something wrong with it.
my XML source file is here
When my hangout app trying to download in hangout, my rails server getting error like
ERROR bad Request-Line `\x16\x03\x01\x00�\x01\x00\x00�\x03\x03y\bA黉̉EI�\x02\x06�p4�B8t\a�?붜��\x12�'.<br/>
ERROR bad URI `��T��\x15d"�\x0F��䃠\x7F�W'�Y�P�=\x00\x00\x1E�'
can anyone help me to come out of these.
when server asking for localhost:3000/demohangoutapp.html , in browser network tab the URL header contains Request URL: "https://localhost:3000/demohangoutapp.html?parent=https%3A%2F%2Fg7vvv07ifja6kfh7hlbpuen02gi410ue-a-hangout-opensocial.googleusercontent.com%2Fgadgets%2Fifr%3Furl%3Dapp%253A%252F%252F1089532940946%252Fhangout%26container%3Dhangout%26view%3Ddefault%26lang%3Dall%26country%3DALL%26debug%3D0%26nocache%3D1%26sanitize%3D0%26v%3De9f67d65d3c45721%26testmode%3D0%26parent%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplus.google.com%26mid%3D1%26authuser%3D0%26hl%3Den%23st%3De%253DABul2V3342qYiNrtSKZaSOoxnVJcmjYLxlJqb%25252Btr8Am84%25252BAj6kYeDXuwqhkxsc5gE64NMBK9CbLIe77j9bOYVgOG9p9z24qCc4Pg6E3usS1oDG%25252F16daISnblUWzGg7XMSklgB5cfXZ2P%2526c%253Dhangout%26view-params%3D%257B%2522applicationUrl%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Fhangoutiframer.appspot.com%252Fforward%252Fv0.2%253Fu%253Dhttps%253A%252F%252Flocalhost%253A3000%252Fdemohangoutapp.html%2522%252C%2522appData%2522%253A%2522Hangouts%2522%257D&token=ya29.VQGN9n0LHGvwCD0CpORWgLMF3XX7xaExyl7mD_WjtcLbT4ie9uxFW9eIrPsYmRDxHebwSTs-RkGOHQ&gd=Hangouts" and response is failed to load
Looking at your source the issue is that your link to the Hangouts API JS is wrong/outdated.
The currently valid link is https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/api/v1/hangout.js
Changing this link should fix the issue.

How to Get Third party REST API data to LARAVEL.?

I am developing a laravel web application. I want to get third pary website ( Mavenlink ) --> http://developer.mavenlink.com/ API Data. but i am new in api developing. how to get only the API of external site.
API URL : https://api.mavenlink.com/api/v1/
How to get the data with Laravel 4, once i googled, i can see a OAuth2 tokens . What is this ?
Please give me good solution for this, Now am stoped my project.
Thanks & Regards
What you are looking for is using Guzzle. It will enable you to make all of the HTTP calls you need for an external API. See this article: How to autoload Guzzle in Laravel 4?

Google maps javascript API in GAE app

I have a GAE app in which I would like to implement geocoding. I'm trying to do so with the google maps javascript api, but I'm having trouble loading it into my application. I keep getting the following error:
"XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin localhost:8081 is therefore not allowed access."
I already found a couple of similar issues online, but none of the proposed solutions have worked for me so far. Any help would be much appreciated.
It will be great if you can list the trouble shooting steps you took. One fix will be to use the provided client Lib rather using Ajax