How to bulk load data in pyarrow.Table format into BigQuery? - google-bigquery

As per the python API documentation of BigQuery (version 3.3.2), there is a method for insert_rows_from_dataframe (dataframe: pandas.DataFrame) but no similar method exists for PyArrow.
table: Union[,,
selected_fields: Optional[
] = None,
chunk_size: int = 500,
**kwargs: Dict
So what is an equivalent way to load data from pyarrow.Table format into a BigQuery table.

This method ultimately writes a file (I believe parquet by default) and the executes a load job. You can do that directly with the arrow table. It might pay to file a feature request for the BQ library to support this use case directly.


pandas to_csv function not writing to Blob Storage when called from Spark UDF

I am using a Spark UDF to read some data from a GET endpoint and write them as a CSV file to a Azure BLOB location.
My GET endpoint takes 2 query parameters,param1 and param2.
So initially, I have a dataframe paramDF that has two columns param1 and param2.
param1 param2
12 25
45 95
Schema: paramDF:pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame
Now I write a UDF that accept the two parameters, register it, and then invoke this UDF for each row in the dataframe.
UDF is as below:
def executeRestApi(param1,param2):
print(DataUrl.format(token=TOKEN, q1=param1,q2=param2))
response=requests.get(DataUrl.format(token=TOKEN, oid=param1,wid=param2))
dic['metric1'] = metrics['metric1']
dic['metric2'] = metrics['metric2']
return "Success"
except Exception as e:
return "Failure"
Register the UDF:
udf_executeRestApi = udf(executeRestApi, StringType())
Finally the call the UDF this way
I dont see any errors while calling the UDF, in fact the UDF returns the value "Success" correctly.
Only thing is that the files are not written to Azure BLOB storage, no matter what I try.
UDFs' are primarily meant for custom functionality(and return a value).However ,in my case, I am trying to execute the GET API call and the write operation using the UDF(and that is my main intention here).
There is no issue with my pandas.DataFrame().tocsv(),as the same line, when tried separately,with a simple list is writing data to the BLOB correctly.
What could be going wrong here?
Note: Env is Spark on Databricks.
There isn't any problem with the indentation, even though it looks untidy here.
Try calling display on the dataframe

Directly passing pandas data into zipline

I am currently looking for a way to directly pass in a pandas dataframe or csv file to zipline for simple backtesting WITHOUT having to ingest a data bundle. The reason is that I am planning to generate new data outside of the existing bundle during a backtest and it seems very inefficient to ingest a new bundle for every handle_data call.
I have been looking for this everywhere, including the source codes of zipline. I found that an older version of zipline has a 'data' param in the run_algo function call where you could pass in a df directly, but I can't find that old version at the moment. Is anyone attempting the same thing? Is there any way other than ingesting data bundles in the command line everytime?
I'm using zipline 1.3.0 and it actually does have a data param. This comment is from file of zipline:
data : pd.DataFrame, pd.Panel, or DataPortal, optional
The ohlcv data to run the backtest with.
This argument is mutually exclusive with:
Hope it helped

pyspark.sql.utils.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Temporary GCS path has not been set

On Google Cloud Platform, I am trying to submit a pyspark job that writes a dataframe to BigQuery.
The code that executes the writing is as the following:
And I get the mentioned error in the title. How can I set the GCS temporary path?
As the github repository of spark-bigquery-connector states
One can specify it when writing:
Or in a global manner:
Property "temporaryGcsBucket" needs to be set either at the time of writing dataframe or while creating sparkSession.
or like .option("temporaryGcsBucket","some-bucket/optional_path")
1. finalDF.write.format("bigquery") .mode('overwrite').option("temporaryGcsBucket","some-bucket").option("table","[PROJECT_ID].dataset.table") .save()

Google Cloud Storage Joining multiple csv files

I exported a dataset from Google BigQuery to Google Cloud Storage, given the size of the file BigQuery exported the file as 99 csv files.
However now I want to connect to my GCP Bucket and perform some analysis with Spark, yet I need to join all 99 files into a single large csv file to run my analysis.
How can this be achieved?
BigQuery splits the data exported into several files if it is larger than 1GB. But you can merge these files with the gsutil tool, check this official documentation to know how to perform object composition with gsutil.
As BigQuery export the files with the same prefix, you can use a wildcard * to merge them into one composite object:
gsutil compose gs://example-bucket/component-obj-* gs://example-bucket/composite-object
Note that there is a limit (currently 32) to the number of components that can be composed in a single operation.
The downside of this option is that the header row of each .csv file will be added in the composite object. But you can avoid this by modifiyng the jobConfig to set the print_header parameter to False.
Here is a Python sample code, but you can use any other BigQuery Client library:
from import bigquery
client = bigquery.Client()
bucket_name = 'yourBucket'
project = 'bigquery-public-data'
dataset_id = 'libraries_io'
table_id = 'dependencies'
destination_uri = 'gs://{}/{}'.format(bucket_name, 'file-*.csv')
dataset_ref = client.dataset(dataset_id, project=project)
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(table_id)
job_config = bigquery.job.ExtractJobConfig(print_header=False)
extract_job = client.extract_table(
# Location must match that of the source table.
job_config=job_config) # API request
extract_job.result() # Waits for job to complete.
print('Exported {}:{}.{} to {}'.format(
project, dataset_id, table_id, destination_uri))
Finally, remember to compose an empty .csv with just the headers row.
I got tired kind tired of doing multiple recursive compose operations, stripping headers, etc... Especially when dealing with 3500 split gzipped csv files.
Therefore wrote a CSV Merge (Sorry windows only though) to solve exactly this problem.
Download latest release, unzip and use.
Also wrote an article with a use case and usage example for it:
Hope it is of use to someone.
p.s. Recommend tab delimited over CSV as it tends to have less data issues.

How do I skip header row using Python glcoud.bigquery client?

I have a daily GCP billing export file in csv format containing GCP billing details. This export contains a header row. I've setup a load job as follows (summarized):
from import bigquery
job = client.load_table_from_storage(job_name, dest_table, source_gs_file)
job.source_format = 'CSV'
This job produces the error:
Could not parse 'Start Time' as a timestamp. Required format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:SS[.SSSSSS]]
This error means that it is still trying to parse the header row even though I specified skipLeadingRows=1. What am I doing wrong here?
You should use skip_leading_rows instead of skipLeadingRows when using the Python SDK.
skip_leading_rows: Number of rows to skip when reading data (CSV only).
I cannot reproduce this. I took the example you gave ("2017-02-04T00:00:00-08:00"), added 3 rows/timestamps to a csv file, uploaded it to GCS, and finally created an empty table in BigQuery with one column of type TIMESTAMP.
File contents:
I then ran the example Python script found here, and it successfully loaded the file into the table:
Loaded 3 rows into timestamp_test:gcs_load_test.
def load_data_from_gcs(dataset_name, table_name, source):
bigquery_client = bigquery.Client()
dataset = bigquery_client.dataset(dataset_name)
table = dataset.table(table_name)
job_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
job = bigquery_client.load_table_from_storage(job_name, table, source)
print('Loaded {} rows into {}:{}.'.format(job.output_rows, dataset_name, table_name))