Rate limiting API call for specific users on cloud endpoints - api

I have an API that deployed on Google Cloud Run. Then for security, I use Google Cloud Endpoints as the Gateway. As long as I know, Cloud Endpoints has a rate limiting feature by setting it in the OpenAPI config but it can be specified which user I want to assign the limit to. Is there any other solutions? Thank you.


Providing firewall and DDOS protection for BigQuery API

Users of ours running their code, on premise, access data we provide them via GCP's BigQuery API. It's a REST API with a client library wrapper.
We want to protect access to the BigQuery API backend with a firewall (in order to whitelist client IP's etc). What are the best options, preferably some GCP solution? Reading Google's documentation it's not clear if I can include the client's IP address in a GCP VPC, or if there's another way of doing it. Cloudflare also seems like an option, but I'd prefer to use a GCP offering.

Rest API call for kubeflow in GCP

I have a pipeline deployed through gcp cloud based Kubeflow. Now I want to manage the pipeline from outside the google account i.e from different google account or from a local host. I want to manage the pipeline through Rest API calls. But I am getting error while trying. Do I need the details of google service account? if so, how to pass that information? Kindly help me solve these issue.
Once again I am stating the problem statement, need to access the pipeline through Rest API calls, which is in cloud based Kubeflow.

How to restrict api gateway rest api to CloudFront hosted S3 website

I have hosted a S3 static site into CloudFront. That site using rest api deployed into api gateway. API gateway has not access control.
I want to protect my api from being accessed by others. Only my static site can access it. I know I can use api key but that could expose by browser console which is not expected.
Is there other way to control my api access?
Thanks in advance
I have a similar issue as well. It seems like using referer or CORS restrictions are the best way to go. However, in practice I haven't been able to make it work after trying both CORS and referer restrictions. API Gateway has automatic protection against malicious behavior like DDOS attacks according to their FAQs, but it is disheartening that I haven't found a specific solution for protecting my API gateway that is only used for my S3/Cloudfront static site.
Google Cloud allows you to use their API keys on the frontend for integrations with services like Google Maps. The way they protect those keys is through restricting the API keys to certain domains. Unfortunately, I haven't found similar functionality for AWS keys. As you know, the only way to throttle or put quotas on API gateway is through API keys, so it looks like this would be useless for a static site that can't expose those API keys publicly on the frontend.
It defeats the whole purpose of going completely serverless if I am unable to configure my serverless API Gateway the same way I could congfigure a normal backend EC2 server. For now, I've created billing alarms so I don't get surprised with a huge AWS bill if something goes wrong with my unprotected API gateway.

Should API gateway be coupled/uncoupled with the business logic

We are trying to build an API gateway in front of our application (we may split the application to micro services ASAP), and we meet some problems.
1 - different API types.
There are two kinds APIs in our application, most of them will be used by ourselves(user login/logout, news add/remove), we call them Self-used API here. And some of APIs will be allowed to used by third party, we call them Open API here.
Should all of them get through the gateway?
2 - different authentication
Self-used API may require the user login-ed or have related permissions, the Open API will require the third-party app take a key which we will use to identify and limit the request rate.
Should all kinds of authentication completed in the gateway? If yes, the Self-used api authentication is business related, does it mean that this api gateway can not be shared by other application?
Furthermore, the third-party developer will create their application and get a key back, they can also update/remove the apps(Something like Google API Console).
I am not sure if this should be put in the gateway or another micro-service. IMO, I prefer to put these features in a new service, but the validation and rate limit is done in gateway, that means for each request, gateway will have to query the user, rate limit and other information by the key from the service, this will make the gateway coupled with the business again.
There are quite a few ways of implementing an API Gateway. You can use different endpoints with a single API gateway. Here are a few links that are relevant
Serverless blog "How to deploy multiple micro-services under one API domain with Serverless" https://serverless.com/blog/api-gateway-multiple-services/
Nginx "Do You Really Need Different Kinds of API Gateways? (Hint: No!)" https://www.nginx.com/blog/do-you-really-need-different-kinds-of-api-gateways-hint-no/
Sentialabs.io "Amazon API Gateway types, use cases and performance" https://www.sentialabs.io/2018/09/13/API-Gateway-Types-Compared.html
AWS API Gateway FAQs https://aws.amazon.com/api-gateway/faqs/
Think about the types of features you are trying to accomplish with your approach, and how API Gateway will help you address them.

Monitoring access to AWS API Gateway resources using api-keys

I have built a gateway (using aws api gateway) in front of my rest api. I want to monitor the usage of resources on that api using the api-keys generated by api gateway. By 'usage' I mean which resources were requested and served to clients associated with an api key. Amazon claims that cloudtrail can be used to track gateway requests but the x-api-key header does not show up in cloudtrail logs. Has amazon provided an idiomatic way of doing this? Has anyone implemented this functionality in a custom manner? It seems reasonable that this functionality should be built in, however I cannot find how to do this anywhere.