Accessing the outer class when inheriting from it - kotlin

abstract class A {
abstract inner class B : A() {
init {
// How can I access the outer class?
In this example, this refers to the class B, this#A refers to the parent class. How can I access the outer class?
Test case:
abstract class A {
abstract inner class B : A() {
init {
println("Should display 'Parent': $this") // replace 'this' by something else?
class Parent : A() {
override fun toString() = "Parent"
inner class Child() : B() {
override fun toString() = "Child"
fun main() {

In your example, you created two objects - an instance of Parent, and an instance of Child.
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So there is really only two different things that you can access from the init block of B. You can either access the Parent object using this#A, which is the object associated with the Child object, or the Child object itself using this (or redundantly this#B).
"Accessing the outer class", which presumably you mean A, is not something you can do, because there is not even such an instance of A.
You can however, invoke A's implementations of methods/properties using (note that it is not super#A. Read it as "super of B"). Perhaps this is what you intended on doing in the first place.
For example, changing A to the following:
abstract class A {
override fun toString() = "A"
abstract inner class B : A() {
init {
println("Should display 'Parent': ${super#B.toString()}")
would print "A".
Note that this actually calls toString on the Child object, not the Parent object. You cannot do the same to the Parent object, because it is a different object. This init is creating the Child object, right?
In summary, this accesses some object that is in scope. super accesses a specific implementation of a method/property up the inheritance hierarchy.


Kotlin inner class can't resolve extension function declared in outer class

Why inner class in Kotlin can't not access extension function declared in outer class as below:
class A{
val a = "as".foo() // LINE 1
class B{
val b = "as".foo() // LINE 2
On LINE 1 extension function is resolved but on LINE 2 the function is not resolved. Wonder why there is such limitation?
This is not an inner class, because you didn't use the keyword inner on it. It is merely a nested class. If you're familiar with Java, it's like a static inner class. Since it is not inner, it does not have any implicit reference to the outer class, and cannot make bare calls to members of the outer class since there is no specific instance to use the members of. It can however call members of the outer class on an instance of the outer class, so you could for example do the following:
class A{
val a = "as".foo()
class B{
val b = A().run { "as".foo() }
Even though foo is an extension function, it's also a member of A because of where it's declared. Using a scope function that causes a class to be a receiver inside the scope is one way to call one of its member extension functions from another class.
EDIT: Here's an example of one reason you'd want to declare an extension inside a class.
class Sample(val id: Int) {
private val tag = "Sample#$id"
fun String.alsoLogged(): String{
Log.d(tag, this)
return this
You can use this extension to easily log Strings you're working with inside the class (or when it's the receiver of run or apply). It wouldn't make sense to declare outside the class because it uses the private tag property of that class.
It's because Kotlin compiles your code to
public final class A {
private final Unit a;
public final Unit getA() {
return this.a;
public final void foo(#NotNull String $this$foo) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter($this$foo, "$this$foo");
public A() {"as");
this.a = Unit.INSTANCE;
public static final class B {
public B() {
// You can't access A's foo() method here.

How to access class constructor parameters in a companion object

I would like to access the arguments passed to the class constructor in a companion object :
class Home(private val activity: String) {
companion object {
fun doSomething() {
fun main() {
Home("Hello World").doSomething()
However, an error is raised when I run this code saying that activity is unresolved reference
A companion object is basically the equivalent of a Java static nested class (and that's how it's implemented under the hood), which means an instance of the static nested class could exist even with no instance of the outer class.
class Outer(private val activity: String) {
companion object {
fun doSomething() {
println("Hello, world!")
fun main() {
Outer.doSomething() // no new Outer instance here
If you want a non-static nested class (aka inner class) you can then reference properties of the outer class from within the inner class. That's because instances of the inner class are tied to instances of the outer class.
class Outer(private val activity: String) {
inner class Inner {
fun doSomething() {
fun main() {
Outer("Hello, world!").Inner().doSomething()
For more info, you can also have a look at Java documentation about nested (aka static) and inner (aka non-static) classes here:

Access a Kotlin Outer class using the inner object from somewhere else

I have the following setup:
class A {
fun runA() {
inner class B {
fun runB() { // Proxy method for runA()
runA() // its okay to call it here
fun test() {
val obj = A().B()
obj.runA() // how to call this one??
obj.runB() // i do not want to add a proxy method for everything in A
Is there any way to call runA() when I only have the B object?
Every instance of B is always coupled to an instance of A, so it should theoretically be possible (and as I am able to call runA() from within B proves that)
Best solution that I currently have is providing a accessor of A within B like so:
inner class B {
fun a(): A = this#A
fun runB() {
and then call it like obj.a().runA()
Would be nice if I could just directly call obj.runA(), I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be technically possible other than the compiler not allowing it.
Thanks for your input!
B is not A. The compiler gives B a private reference to his own A, because he needs it to execute runA. But it is private, doesn't mean that you can access from there. You can just write runA and it works inside runB because an inner class has all the members of the parent class in scope, kind of like when you use a closure. See the analogy with this example:
class A {
fun runA() {
fun B {
runA() // its okay to call it here
fun test() {
val obj = A().B()
Similarly to what you saw with the inner class, inside the closure object created when you call the member B() you can access to all variables in scope (including the instance of A that was used to invoke B()).
If you want an object B that has all the members of A you should probably have a look at inheritance instead of inner classes. Or expose an accessor to A instance like you did.

Returning reference to a singleton class instance within its functions

In the following code I would like to set a reference to the class instance so that static functions can return a reference to it:
open class TestRunner {
init {
instance = this
companion object {
private lateinit var instance: TestRunner
fun addTestSetups(vararg testSetups: () -> TestSetup): TestRunner {
for (setup in testSetups) {
return instance
But setting instance = this is not allowed. How can I return an instance of the class from a function while keeping the class as a singleton?
If I get you right, you want something like this:
abstract class TestRunner {
companion object : TestRunner()
This seems to work. Instead of keeping a variable that holds a reference to the class, simply referencing the name of the class is sufficient. However, to return an instance of the class from functions, the return type must be Companion:
open class TestRunner {
companion object {
fun addTestSetups(vararg testSetups: () -> TestSetup): Companion {
for (setup in testSetups) {
return TestRunner
This is not a true singleton because you can still create a new instance if you did this:
val testRunner = TestRunner()
However, if you never create an instance but only refer to the functions statically, it does behave like a singleton and the state of any private variables inside the companion object will still be maintained.
I came across this code on the Android developer site that shows an example of a class that is setup as a singleton:
class StockLiveData(symbol: String) : LiveData<BigDecimal>() {
private val stockManager: StockManager = StockManager(symbol)
private val listener = { price: BigDecimal ->
value = price
override fun onActive() {
override fun onInactive() {
companion object {
private lateinit var sInstance: StockLiveData
fun get(symbol: String): StockLiveData {
sInstance = if (::sInstance.isInitialized) sInstance else StockLiveData(symbol)
return sInstance
But it should be pointed out that this example requires functions that need to return an instance to first check if the instance variable is set and if not, create a new instance. I'm not sure what the point of that is since to call the function you already have an instance. So why bother create a new instance? Doesn't seem to make any sense.
object in Kotlin is the singleton, not the class its defined within. A companion object has the extra convenience of allowing you to call it by the name of that outer class. But it otherwise shares no hierarchy with it.
To make your class subclassable, you can't define the functions in the companion object. But you can make the class abstract so it can't be instantiated unless subclassed. Then make your companion object extend the abstract class so it will have all those functions available.
abstract class TestRunner{
open fun addTestSetups(vararg testSetups: () -> TestSetup): TestRunner{
return this
companion object: TestRunner()
Note that your singleton is not an instance of TestRunner. It is a singleton instance of a subclass of TestRunner. But since you define no extra functions and override nothing, it behaves exactly like a TestRunner.
If you want a subclass:
abstract class ExtendedTestRunner: TestRunner() {
fun someOtherFunction() {}
companion object: ExtendedTestRunner()
The companions are not being subclassed, but their abstract parents can be.

Is it possible to bind a class member in kodein?

There is 2 classes:
A - base class
B - class of member of A
with implementation something like this:
class A {
val b : B = B()
class B
Is it possible to create a binding for b to hide redundant info about b source in common classes?
Kodein declaration:
override val kodein by Kodein.lazy {
bind<A>() with singleton { A() }
bind<B>() with "a.b some impl???"
class Usecase(kodein : Kodein){
val b : B = kodein.instance()
Very simple :
bind<B>() with provider { instance<A>().b }
The provider binding is the simplest one : it will call the provided function everytime.
The function itself runs inside a Kodein context, hence the use of the instance function.