React Native Signature Canvas crashes in production - react-native

I integrated the react-native-signature-canvas in my expo app.
It works fine in development and also works if I build the apk through expo.
But it crashes of I make android app bundle(aab) using eas.

Ensure you have installed React Native WebView as it's mentioned in documentation
This package depends on react-native-webview and it is particularly
needed when you are using React Native CLI. To install


Can I use Expo to run a react-native project created by RN CLI?

I was wondering if I could use Expo to run the react-native project that I created using the npx react-native init command, since it generates a better structure for real-world applications.
The reason I want to do this is to avoid the countless erros that I had while running and debugging the app.
You can't do that..
React native and expo are different.
You can run expo projects on react native by detaching them. Expo has limitations.
You can not run react native projects on expo, i.e projects made by react native init/npx can't run on expo
You can use a package made available by the expo
for any React Native project using some resources made available by the expo.

React-Native run-android: The expo SDK requires Expo to run. It appears the native Expo modules are unavailable and this code is not running on Expo

I developed a React Native application and tested it using Expo. When I finished, I tried to export the apk but I saw that it crash immediately after the execution. Then I tried to run "react-native run-android" and I see that the problem was something about Expo. The exact error is:
"The expo SDK requires Expo to run. It appears the native Expo modules are unavailable and this code is not running on Expo". How can I use this app without Expo? What should I do to make it work?

React native difference in react native project directry structure

While creating an app in react native, I didn't get sub directories like android,or IOS. I Used create-react-native-app command.
New version of CRNA integrates Expo Toolkit, and android and ios folders are hidden. If you want to separate these folders, you must detach expo from react native app.
npm run reject
You can read more detail at CRNA's github

How to transfer EXPO project to React Native project?

I build an app with Expo tool .. but now I what to move to react native without expo .. I tried to just create a new project in react native and then transfer the code that I had written and install components that I had used in my app .
the app with Expo work as expected put with moved to react native without Expo works as unexpected and crashes.
you don't need to transfer the code like that, the expo provides us to detach our code from expo to without expo react-native projects.
please refer to this link expokit eject
if you want to use expo API in your project then you can detach your app using detach-with-expokit.
use expo eject to add ExpoKit (choose the "ExpoKit" option).

Can we user razorpay plugin with reactnative and expo

In plugin they mentioned that the razorpay is not going to work with expo. i want to acces razorpay plugin in my react native app. is there any way..? i am using expo. please help me
if the react native library you want requires a linking step, then you can detach and use ExpoKit directly.
EAS builds officially released in Expo SDK 42 makes it possible to run native modules on expo projects.
In order to make sure Razorpay wrapper works correctly:
Create a dev build of your expo app by following the instructions mentioned here.
run your project by running the following command
For ios
expo run:ios
For android
expo run:android