Migrate to Bootstrap 5 From Bootstrap 3 Twitter Root Wizard - twitter-bootstrap-3

In Bootstrap 3 I able to use the nice root wizard from jquery.bootstrap.wizard.min.js using https://github.com/VinceG/twitter-bootstrap-wizard Code and it's seem something like this:
When I migrate my code to Bootstrap 5 this root wizard it's not working and I'm not able to find something like the previous root wizard. I want to know if there any cool root wizard like this in Bootstrap 5.
Bootstrap 5 version:


Angular 14 multiple output files

I have MVC application and in the view I'm injecting angular 14 script bundle.
If user is from front office then we are injecting main.budle.js in view otherwise we are registering main.bo.js.
Now to customize output files we can use webpack. But is there any way we can handle this using angular cli only ? I don't want to use webpack due because we have to write a lot of custom code to configure the webpack.
Thanks a lot in advance.

How to downgrade bootstrap from version 4 to 3?

I am working on a project that is using bootstrap 4. How do I downgrade the version being used on the project from 4 to 3 while maintaining the functionality of the website.
I think there's no way. To do that, you have to check on all html pages and javascript files.

Migrate from dojo to standard bootstrap admin dashboard theme

I am using a php dojo v1.4 project with mysql as backend.
The UI looks very basic.
I need to migrate this project to a standard bootstrap admin theme.
What are the steps I need to do?
If backend and general architecture of your application will remain the same, I'd suggest you to start building new UI from the scratch. When it finished, write missing functions, which were previously implemented with dojo using jquery (which comes with bootstrap) or whatever you like.
I assume, that you are not going to use dojo anymore.
If you are facing some specific difficulties, you'd better provide more details in your question.

Site redesign in sitefinity 3.7

I need to redesign web site that has been done in Sitefinity 3.7. Current version is 6.3 ( I believe ).
I watched some tutorials about this CMS because I use it for the first time.
Can you tell me how much templating system differs in this old 3.7 version from current 6.3?
Is it possible to use Bootstrap 3?
We've been using Bootstrap in all of our recent Sitefinity implementations. I usually end up creating a vanilla, base page template off a .master page that includes references to the Bootstrap css and js, then create custom layout controls through Sitefinity's Visual Studio plugin, Thunder. Using the layouts you can easily create the markup needed for the grid layouts and components in Bootstrap so content editors can drag and drop them through the Sitefinity page edit interface. Editing the widget templates is another way to incorporate Bootstrap styling in the built in content modules.
Here is a project that has a Sitefinity Bootstrap theme, I believe the version of Bootstrap it uses is 2.31 though.
Jochem added Bootstrap version 3+ to the project, my fault for not seeing it, sorry Jochem! Direct link here

How to create a new Rails 3 project in aptana 3? and also turn the perspective to the rails or ruby

I have aptana 3 and is updated.
How to create a new project and setup a server for this to work?
Here is the doc on creating Rails project and starting a server in Aptana Studio 3: http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/Rails+Development. There is no Rails or Ruby specific perspective any more, just the Web perspective. Also some of the Rails specific views in RadRails 2 are deprecated, as there is now a built-in Terminal view where the rails commands could be run.