Laravel move url downloaded file to storage clean solution - laravel-8

Problem statement
I am using Laravel Framework 8.83.23
being given an url, a file A gets downloaded using wget to a file system
A brief example just to get an idea:
$cmd = sprintf(
'"%s" --no-check-certificate "%s" -O "%s" 2>&1',
$ret = exec($cmd, $output, $result_code);
the wget is executed using exec() on a linux file system
file A then needs to be moved to a Storage, let's call it Storage::disk('posters')
I want the Storage facade to handle the file, because, for example, if wget would download the file directly to the storage path using known file system path string, the Storage facade would not be triggered - you no longer can use Storage::fake('posters') in tests, because the file would get downloaded to the same directory, not the fake one
Proposed solution idea
I create a new disk, called Storage::disk('temp')
the wget will download the file to that directory (disc) using string path. The Storage facade will not trigger using code like storage_path(sprintf("app{$DS}temp{$DS}%s.%s", $fname, $extension)); where $DS is directory separator
then, move the file from Storage::disk('temp') to Storage::disk('posters')
working code
$fName . '.jpg',
Storage::disk('temp')->get($fName . '.jpg')
the code above will use the Storage facade, and therefore, Storage::fake('posters') can be used in tests
is there a cleaner solution you would propose? Creating a new storage disc for temporary files directory does not seem clean to me
I am not sure, whether there is some temporary storage already available for me to use?


'gunzip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. System command 'gunzip' failed

I am trying to analyse my raw GNSS data on the GNSS Analyser app from here The installation guide includes the following step:
4.2 gunzip installation
The automatic ftp code inside GnssAnalysis will download ephemeris zip files, and attempt to
unzip them using gunzip.
Download gzip.exe from here
Extract the files from the zip file, rename gzip.exe to gunzip.exe
Move gunzip.exe to somewhere in your Windows path (type path in the Windows
Command Prompt to see what your path is, typically you will find a directory
C:\Windows\system32 and you can put gunzip.exe there.)
However, upon downloading gunzip, I cant find a gzip.exe file, and hence tried renaming the gzip.c and gzip.h file instead. It did not work and I got this error when attempting to process my own raw data.
I have just tried and got success to import DB from a backup file:
gzip -d < C:\Users\my-user\Downloads\my-db-backup.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p MY_DB_NAME

Amazon S3 console: download multiple files at once

When I log to my S3 console I am unable to download multiple selected files (the WebUI allows downloads only when one file is selected):
Is this something that can be changed in the user policy or is it a limitation of Amazon?
It is not possible through the AWS Console web user interface.
But it's a very simple task if you install AWS CLI.
You can check the installation and configuration steps on Installing in the AWS Command Line Interface
After that you go to the command line:
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://<bucket>/<folder> <local_folder>
This will copy all the files from given S3 path to your given local path.
Selecting a bunch of files and clicking Actions->Open opened each in a browser tab, and they immediately started to download (6 at a time).
If you use AWS CLI, you can use the exclude along with --include and --recursive flags to accomplish this
aws s3 cp s3://path/to/bucket/ . --recursive --exclude "*" --include "things_you_want"
--exclude "*" --include "*.txt"
will download all files with .txt extension. More details -
I believe it is a limitation of the AWS console web interface, having tried (and failed) to do this myself.
Alternatively, perhaps use a 3rd party S3 browser client such as
If you have Visual Studio with the AWS Explorer extension installed, you can also browse to Amazon S3 (step 1), select your bucket (step 2), select al the files you want to download (step 3) and right click to download them all (step 4).
The S3 service has no meaningful limits on simultaneous downloads (easily several hundred downloads at a time are possible) and there is no policy setting related to this... but the S3 console only allows you to select one file for downloading at a time.
Once the download starts, you can start another and another, as many as your browser will let you attempt simultaneously.
In case someone is still looking for an S3 browser and downloader I have just tried Fillezilla Pro (it's a paid version). It worked great.
I created a connection to S3 with Access key and secret key set up via IAM. Connection was instant and downloading of all folders and files was fast.
Using AWS CLI, I ran all the downloads in the background using "&" and then waited on all the pids to complete. It was amazingly fast. Apparently the "aws s3 cp" knows to limit the number of concurrent connections because it only ran 100 at a time.
aws --profile $awsProfile s3 cp "$s3path" "$tofile" &
pids[${npids}]=$! ## save the spawned pid
let "npids=npids+1"
followed by
echo "waiting on $npids downloads"
for pid in ${pids[*]}; do
echo $pid
wait $pid
I downloaded 1500+ files (72,000 bytes) in about a minute
I wrote a simple shell script to download NOT JUST all files but also all versions of every file from a specific folder under AWS s3 bucket. Here it is & you may find it useful
# Script generates the version info file for all the
# content under a particular bucket and then parses
# the file to grab the versionId for each of the versions
# and finally generates a fully qualified http url for
# the different versioned files and use that to download
# the content.
# note the location has no forward slash at beginning or at end
# file names were like ABB-quarterly-results.csv, AVANTIFEED--quarterly-results.csv
# AWS CLI command to get version info
content="$(aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket $bucket --prefix "$location/")"
#save the file locally, if you want
echo "$content" >> version-info.json
versions=$(echo "$content" | grep -ir VersionId | awk -F ":" '{gsub(/"/, "", $3);gsub(/,/, "", $3);gsub(/ /, "", $3);print $3 }')
for version in $versions
echo ############### $fileId ###################
#echo $version
echo $url
content="$(curl -s "$url")"
echo "$content" >> $fileId$fileNamePattern-$version.csv
echo ############### $i ###################
Also you could use the --include "filename" many times in a single command with each time including a different filename within the double quotes, e.g.
aws s3 mycommand --include "file1" --include "file2"
It will save your time rather than repeating the command to download one file at a time.
Also if you are running Windows(tm), WinSCP now allows drag and drop of a selection of multiple files. Including sub-folders.
Many enterprise workstations will have WinSCP installed for editing files on servers by means of SSH.
I am not affiliated, I simply think this was really worth doing.
In my case Aur's didn't work and if you're looking for a quick solution to download all files in a folder just using the browser, you can try entering this snippet in your dev console:
(function() {
const rows = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.fix-width-table tbody tr'));
const downloadButton = document.querySelector('[data-e2e-id="button-download"]');
const timeBetweenClicks = 500;
function downloadFiles(remaining) {
if (!remaining.length) {
const row = remaining[0];;;
setTimeout(() => {
}, timeBetweenClicks)
I have done, by creating shell script using aws cli (i.e :
aws s3 cp s3://s3-bucket-path/example1.pdf LocalPath/Download/example1.pdf
aws s3 cp s3://s3-bucket-path/example2.pdf LocalPath/Download/example2.pdf
give executable rights to (i.e sudo chmod 777
then run your shell script ./
I think simplest way to download or upload files is to use aws s3 sync command. You can also use it to sync two s3 buckets in same time.
aws s3 sync <LocalPath> <S3Uri> or <S3Uri> <LocalPath> or <S3Uri> <S3Uri>
# Download file(s)
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket_name>/<file_or_directory_path> .
# Upload file(s)
aws s3 sync . s3://<bucket_name>/<file_or_directory_path>
# Sync two buckets
aws s3 sync s3://<1st_s3_path> s3://<2nd_s3_path>
What I usually do is mount the s3 bucket (with s3fs) in a linux machine and zip the files I need into one, then I just download that file from any pc/browser.
# mount bucket in file system
/usr/bin/s3fs s3-bucket -o use_cache=/tmp -o allow_other -o uid=1000 -o mp_umask=002 -o multireq_max=5 /mnt/local-s3-bucket-mount
# zip files into one
cd /mnt/local-s3-bucket-mount
zip *.jpg
import os
import boto3
import json
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', aws_access_key_id="AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxJWB",
my_bucket = s3.Bucket('s3testing')
# download file into current directory
for s3_object in my_bucket.objects.all():
# Need to split s3_object.key into path and file name, else it will give error file not found.
path, filename = os.path.split(s3_object.key)
my_bucket.download_file(s3_object.key, filename)

Use BigQuery CLI to authenticate two two projects without bq init, like gsutil with a .boto file?

I am trying to get the bq CLI to work with multiple service accounts for different projects without having to re-authenticate using gcloud auth login or bq init.
An example of what I want to do, and am able to do using gsutil:
I have used gsutil with a .boto configuration file containing:
gs_service_key_file = /path/to/key_file.json
https_validate_certificates = True
content_language = en
default_api_version = 2
default_project_id = my-project-id
on a GCE instance to run an arbitrary gsutil command as a service. The service does not need to be unique or globally defined on the GCE instance: as long as a service is set up in my-project-id and a private key has been created, then the private key file referenced in the .boto config will take care of authentication. For example, if I run
gsutil -m cp gs://mybucket/myobject .
I can copy from any project that I have a service account set up with, and for which I have the private key file defined in .boto_project_1. In this way, I can run a similar gsutil command for project_2 just be referencing the .boto_project_2 config file. No manual authentication needed.
The case with bq CLI
In the case of the bigquery command line interpreter, I want to reference a config file or pass a config option like a key file to run a bq load command, ie. upload the same .csv file that is in GCS for various projects. I want to automate this without having to bq init each time.
I have read here that you can configure a .biqqueryrc file and pass in your credential and key files as options; however the answer is from 2012, references outdated bq credential files, and throws errors due to the openssl and pyopenssl installs that it mentioned.
My question
Provide two example bq load commands with any necessary options/biqueryrc files to correctly load a .csv file from GCS into bigquery for two distinct projects without needing to bq init/authenticate manually between the two commands. Assume the .csv file is already correctly in each project's GCS bucket.
Simply use gcloud auth activate-service-account and use the global --project flag.

How I can change owner of files written by php

How can I change the owner of the files written by php from terminal (command line)? The files are created by upload form in apposite folder.
Many thaks
Use the command "chown":
chown owner filenames
To solve this problem in the future uploads, you can use the chown command:
chown($path, $user_name);
There is also a chmod command, if you prefer to change permissions:
Maybe you can change the owner within the PHP program itself (of course if you have the permission to do that) with the exec command of PHP.
For example:
See the documentation of this php instruction here:
This could work, but only if the servers configuration allows so.
If this doesn't work, you can try also this, but again you need some priviledges to do it:
// File name and username to use
$file_name= "foo.php";
$path = "/home/sites/" . $file_name ;
$user_name = "root";
// Set the user
chown($path, $user_name);
See the documentation of this php instruction here:
There are some instructions in php to modify file attributes like, chmod, chown, among others.

Copy files from remote server to local, ignoring existing files (rsync not available)

I would like to copy a directory of files from a remote server. As it is a large number of files, the option of ignoring existing files on the destination server is desirable.
Unfortunately, rsync is not available for some reason (the remote server is from a CDN service, and beyond my control).
So I think I am stuck using scp -r on the folder in question.
Is there anyway of doing this with ignoring existing files?
You could also create a *.tar.gz or *.tar.bz2 archive, scp it, and then unpack it. I don't know if scp -r uses any compression. If not, compressing everything first might, potentially, make it faster.
It's easy to write an script in Perl to do that using the module Net::SFTP::Foreign:
use Net::SFTP::Foreign;
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new('user#host');
$sftp->rget('/remote/path', '/local/path',
resume => 'auto',
on_error => sub { my ($sftp, $e) = #_;
warn "error processing $e->{filename}: "
. $sftp->error;
SCP needs a writable file so that it can replace that file.
Using this, for the files which you do not want to replace, you can remove the permission to write for them. And continue with your scp for all files.