how to dynamically build select list from a API payload using PyPika - pypika

I have a JSON API payload containing tablename, columnlist - how to build a SELECT query from it using pypika?
So far I have been able to use a string columnlist, but not able to do advanced querying using functions, analytics etc.
from pypika import Table, Query, functions as fn
def generate_sql (tablename, collist):
table = Table(tablename)
columns = [str(table)+'.'+each for each in collist]
q = Query.from_(table).select(*columns)
return q.get_sql(quote_char=None)
tablename = 'customers'
collist = ['id', 'fname', 'fn.Sum(revenue)']
print (generate_sql(tablename, collist)) #1
table = Table(tablename)
q = Query.from_(table).select(, table.fname, fn.Sum(table.revenue))
print (q.get_sql(quote_char=None)) #2
#1 outputs
SELECT "customers".id,"customers".fname,"customers".fn.Sum(revenue) FROM customers
#2 outputs correctly
SELECT id,fname,SUM(revenue) FROM customers

You should not be trying to assemble the query in a string by yourself, that defeats the whole purpose of pypika.
What you can do in your case, that you have the name of the table and the columns coming as texts in a json object, you can use * to unpack those values from the collist and use the syntax obj[key] to get the table attribute with by name with a string.
q = Query.from_(table).select(*(table[col] for col in collist))
# SELECT id,fname,fn.Sum(revenue) FROM customers
Hmm... that doesn't quite work for the fn.Sum(revenue). The goal is to get SUM(revenue).
This can get much more complicated from this point. If you are only sending column names that you know to belong to that table, the above solution is enough.
But if you have complex sql expressions, making reference to sql functions or even different tables, I suggest you to rethink your decision of sending that as json. You might end up with something as complex as pypika itself, like a custom parser or wathever. than your better option here would be to change the format of your json response object.
If you know you only need to support a very limited set of capabilities, it could be feasible. For example, you can assume the following constraints:
all column names refer to only one table, no joins or alias
all functions will be prefixed by fn.
no fancy stuff like window functions, distinct, count(*)...
Then you can do something like:
from pypika import Table, Query, functions as fn
import re
tablename = 'customers'
collist = ['id', 'fname', 'fn.Sum(revenue / 2)', 'revenue % fn.Count(id)']
def parsed(cols):
pattern = r'(?:\bfn\.[a-zA-Z]\w*)|([a-zA-Z]\w*)'
subst = lambda m: f"{'' if'fn.') else 'table.'}{}"
yield from (re.sub(pattern, subst, col) for col in cols)
table = Table(tablename)
env = dict(table=table, fn=fn)
q = Query.from_(table).select(*(eval(col, env) for col in parsed(collist)))
print (q.get_sql(quote_char=None)) #2
SELECT id,fname,SUM(revenue/2),MOD(revenue,COUNT(id)) FROM customers


How to retrieve the list of dynamic nested keys of BigQuery nested records

My ELT tools imports my data in bigquery and generates/extends automatically the schema for dynamic nested keys (in the schema below, under properties)
It looks like this
How can I get the list of nested keys of a repeated record ? so for example I can group by properties when those items have said property non-null ?
I have tried
select column_name
table_name = 'my_table
But it will only list first level keys
From the picture above, I want, as a first step, a SQL query that returns
My real goal through, is to group/count my data based on a non-null value of a 2nd level nested properties properties.filters.[filter_type]
The schema may evolve when our application adds more filters, so this need to be dynamically generated, I can't just hard-code the list of nested keys.
Note: this is very similar to this question How to extract all the keys in a JSON object with BigQuery but in my case my data is already in a shcema and it's not a JSON object
Suppose I have a list of such records with nested properties, how do I write a SQL query that adds a field "enabled_filters" which aggregates, for each item, the list of properties for wihch said property is not null ?
Example input (properties.x are dynamic and not known by the programmer)
Example output
["school", "type"]
Have you looked at COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS? It should give you the paths for all columns.
select field_path from my_schema.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS where table_name = '<table>'
The field properties is not nested by array only by structures. Then a UDF in JavaScript to parse thise field should work fast enough.
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION jsonObjectKeys(input STRING, shownull BOOL,fullname Bool)
RETURNS Array<String>
function test(input,old){
var out=[]
for(let x in input){
let te=input[x];
out=out.concat(te==null ? (shownull?[x+'==null']:[]) : typeof te=='object' ? test(te,old+x+'.') : [fullname ? old+x : x] );
return out;
return test(JSON.parse(input),"");
with tbl as (select struct(1 as alpha,struct(2 as x, 3 as y,[1,2,3] as z ) as B) A from unnest(generate_array(1,10*1))
union all select struct(null,struct(null,1,[999])) )
select *,
TO_JSON_STRING (A ) as string_output,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),true,false) as output1,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),false,true) as output2,
concat('["', array_to_string(jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A),false,true),'","' ) ,'"]') as output_sring,
jsonObjectKeys(TO_JSON_STRING (A.B),false,true) as outpu
from tbl

Query list index with django

i have a problem with django when i use these two arrays:
institution_ids [(2,), (16,)]
project_ids [(3,), (1,)]
in this query:
queryset =, project_id__in = project_ids)
it gives me back all the combinations, but I need this kind of result:
queryset =[0], project_id = project_ids[0])
queryset +=[1], project_id = project_ids[1])
how can i do?
What you search for is an OR statement.
You can do it using Q object.
In Django, we cannot directly use the OR operator to filter the
QuerySet. For this implementation, we have to use the Q() object. By
using the Q() object in the filter method, we will be able to use the
OR operator between the Q() objects.
For example-
If you want to get all objects with tss_id in institution array and all objects with project__id__in projects_id array you will use it like this.
queryset = | project_id__in = project_ids))
Pay attention- you need to import Q.
Another option -
Using union
New in Django 1.11. Uses SQL’s UNION operator to combine the results of two or more QuerySets.
The UNION operator selects only distinct values by default. To allow duplicate values, use the all=True argument.
For example :
queryset =[0], project_id = project_ids[0])
queryset2 =[1], project_id = project_ids[1])
Combined_queryset = queryset.union(queryset2)

R: Summary of SQL Tables

I am working with the R programming language.
Normally, when I want to get the summary of a table, I can use something like the "str()" function or the "summary()" function:
However, now I am trying to do this with tables on a server.
For instance, I am trying to get the summaries of variable types for a specific table (e.g. "my_table") on a server. I found a very indirect way to do this:
#load libraries
#establish a connection and name it as "dbhandle"
rs <- dbSendQuery(dbhandle, 'select * from my_table limit 1')
My Question: Is there a more "direct" way to do this? For example, can I get information about each column (e.g. whether the column is integer, character, date, etc.) in a table without first sending the query and then requesting the information? Can I do this directly?
You could try using fetch() from "RMySQL" to turn your SQL query into an R object (e.g. data frame)
rs <- dbSendQuery(dbhandle, 'select * from my_table limit 1')
# Get the results from MySQL into R
my_table = fetch(rs, n=-1)
# clear result
Then use the functions you describe.

How can I count all NULL values, without column names, using SQL?

I'm reading and executing sql queries from file and I need to inspect the result sets to count all the null values across all columns. Because the SQL is read from file, I don't know the column names and thus can't call the columns by name when trying to find the null values.
I think using CTE is the best way to do this, but how can I call the columns when I don't know what the column names are?
WITH query_results AS
select count_if(<column_name> is not null) FROM query_results
If you are using Python to read the file of SQL statements, you can do something like this which uses pglast to parse the SQL query to get the columns for you:
import pglast
sql_read_from_file_here = "SELECT 1 foo, 1 bar"
ast = pglast.parse_sql(sql_read_from_file_here)
cols = ast[0]['RawStmt']['stmt']['SelectStmt']['targetList']
sum_stmt = "sum(iff({col} is null,1,0))"
sums = [sum_sql.format(col = col['ResTarget']['name']) for col in cols]
print(f"select {' + '.join(sums)} total_null_count from query_results")
# outputs: select sum(iff(foo is null,1,0)) + sum(iff(bar is null,1,0)) total_null_count from query_results

Python cx_oracle bind variable with a list of items

I have a query like this:
SELECT prodId, prod_name , prod_type FROM mytable WHERE prod_type in (:list_prod_names)
I want to get the information of a product, depending on the possible types are: "day", "week", "weekend", "month". Depending on the date it might be at least one of those option, or a combination of all of them.
This info (List type) is returned by the function prod_names(date_search)
I am using cx_oracle bindings with code like:
def get_prod_by_type(search_date :datetime):
query_path = r'./queries/prod_by_name.sql'
raw_query = open(query_path).read().strip().replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').replace(' ', ' ')
# Depending on the date the product types may be different
prod_names(search_date) #This returns a list with possible names
qry_params = {"list_prod_names": prod_names} # See attempts bellow
db = DB(username='username', password='pss', hostname="localhost")
df = db.get(raw_query,qry_params)
except Exception:
exception_error = traceback.format_exc()
exception_error = 'Exception on DB.get_short_cov_op2() : %s\n%s' % exception_error
return df
For this: qry_params = {"list_prod_names": prod_names} I have tried multiple different things such as:
prod_names = ''.join(prod_names)
prod_names = str(prod_names)
prod_names =." \'"+''.join(prod_names)+"\'"
The only thing I have managed to get it work is by doing:
new_query = raw_query.format(list_prod_names=prodnames_for_date(search_date)).replace('[', '').replace(']','')
df = db.query(new_query)
I am trying not to use .format() because is bad practie to do a .format to an sql to prevent attacks. contains among other functions:
def get(self, sql, params={}):
cur = self.con.cursor()
cur.execute(sql, **params)
df = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall(), columns=[c[0] for c in cur.description])
except Exception:
exception_error = traceback.format_exc()
exception_error = 'Exception on DB.get() : %s\n%s' % exception_error
df.columns = x: x.upper())
return df
I would like to be able to do a type binding.
I am using:
python = 3.6
cx_oracle = 6.3.1
I have read the followig articles but I a still unable to find a solution:
Python cx_Oracle bind variables
Python cx_Oracle SQL with bind string variable
Search for name in cx_Oracle
Unfortunately you cannot bind an array directly unless you convert it to a SQL type and use a subquery -- which is fairly complex. So instead you need to do something like this:
inClauseParts = []
for i, inValue in enumerate(ARRAY_VALUE):
argName = "arg_" + str(i + 1)
inClauseParts.append(":" + argName)
clause = "%s in (%s)" % (columnName, ",".join(inClauseParts))
This works fine but be aware that if the number of elements in the array changes regularly that using this technique will create a separate statement that must be parsed for each number of elements. If you know that (in general) you won't have more than (for example) 10 elements in the array it would be better to append None to the incoming array so that the number of elements is always 10.
Hopefully that is clear enough!
I have finally manage to do it. It might not be pretty but it works.
I have modified my sql query to include an extra select which returns the value of my list of descriptors:
inner join (
SELECT regexp_substr(:my_list_of_items, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) as mylist
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= length(:my_list_of_items) - length(REPLACE(:my_list_of_items, ',', '')) + 1
) d
on d.mylist= a.corresponding_columns