How do I Create a Chromium Distribution Package for Windows? [duplicate] - chromium

This question already has an answer here:
How to distribute Chromium binary after compiling? Directory has over 39GB
(1 answer)
Closed 5 months ago.
I really need some help on what I thought was a simple question: How do I Create a Chromium Distribution Package for Windows?
This documentation is exceptional:
Checking out and Building Chromium for Windows
Now that I have a build, how do I distribute it to others?
I guess I could zip up the entire "chromium/src/out/default" but that directory is 51.6 GB !!!
Is there any documentation on what is needed in a Chromium distribution package for Windows or a simple script that automates the process? I was certain this would be an "easy find" on Googe or Stack Overflow, but not so far.
Thx in advance.

The answer was provided by Rob Rich at
try building this target:
autoninja -C out\Default mini_installer.exe
That builds an Windows installer executable and a compressed 7z file in the output directory.
The installer is silent, so click it and wait a few seconds to maybe a minute on slower systems for the install to complete.
Alternatively, the 7z archive can be uncompressed and run from whatever directory if desired.
It would be good to add this information to the Chromium documentation (I have notified the Chromium DEV group).
If you Google on the phrase "autoninja -C out\Default mini_installer.exe" you literally get zero results.
There is a similar question on Stack Overflow with a similar response. I am going to keep this question posted in hopes that it will be picked up by the Google machine.


Instal Scrapy on PythonAnywhere? (or Cloud9)

Can I run Scrapy on the free level of PythonAnywhere? I've looked, but haven't found instructions for installing it there.
If it can't be run on the free level of PythonAnywhere, is there another online environment where I can run Scrapy without needing to install Python and Scrapy on my computer?
EDIT: My question was just about PythonAnywhere, but in finding the answer to the question, I came across Cloud9 and found it to be a preferable alternative, which is explained in the answer.
Short summary:
Scrapy comes preinstalled on PythonAnywhere. No installation required.
I found an alternative that I like better: Cloud9. I was able to install Scrapy on it, but with a security issue that probably won't be a problem for me.
There were three parts to my question:
Can I run Scrapy in the free level of PythonAnywhere? This part has been answered: Yes, but with debilitating restrictions.
The other two parts have not been answered, but I've found some answers and will share them here.
What other online environments allow me to run Scrapy without needing to install Python and Scrapy on my computer? I haven't found a direct answer to this, but the free tutorial website, Python for Everybody ("Py4E"), has a page, Setting up your Python Development Environment, which lists four online Python environments. It provides a brief tutorial on PythonAnywhere and then just provides links to the other three: Trinket, Cloud9, and CodeAnywhere.
None of those four environments say anything about running Scrapy on them. With some more research, I did find out how to use Scrapy in PythonAnywhere, which I explain next below. Of the other three, Cloud9 is part of Amazon's AWS suite, which is a sophisticated set of software tools that I've used other parts of before. Based on that, I assumed it also accommodates Scrapy, and I checked it out as well. I've added the results of that below as a new part 4 to my question.
Now, the main part of my question: How to install Scrapy on PythonAnywhere? The answer is:
You don't. It's already installed!
It's amazing that PythonAnywhere's otherwise excellent documentation doesn't say anything about this. I found it out by following instructions that I hoped would lead me to installing Scrapy:
First, since I'm new to Python (but not to programming), I ran through Py4E's tutorial on PythonAnywhere, which is really a quick introduction to Python and got me to write a simple program, told me to use the Bash Unix shell instead of the Python interpreter ("$" instead of ">>>"), and had me save a simple program to a file.
Next, I went to Scrapy's installation instructions. It has this wonderful line: "... if you’re already familiar with installation of Python packages, you can install Scrapy and its dependencies from PyPI with: pip install Scrapy". Of course, it doesn't follow that by saying what to do if I'm not familiar with that. Sigh!
After that, I somehow found my way to Python's official instructions on Installing Packages, which starts by explaining that "package" means "a bundle of software to be installed", so I thought that might include Scrapy. So I ran through the instructions there, and about half-way through, it told me to run:
python3 -m pip install "SomeProject"
(* Footnote below on syntax of that command)
The instructions said that "SomeProject" is supposed to be a project that's included in the Python Package Index, so I went there and searched for Scrapy. It gave me a list of 681 projects with "scrapy" in the name, and some of them looked like they might be various versions of Scrapy itself. None of them were called just "Scrapy", but the Scrapy instruction quoted above said to use just that name. So I held my breath and entered:
python3 -m pip install Scrapy
And guess what I got? PythonAnywhere told me:
Requirement already satisfied: Scrapy in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (2.5.0)
That was followed by a couple of dozen more lines that all started with "Requirement already satisfied", which I took to be the dependencies required by Scrapy, all of them already present and ready to roll.
So, hmmm, Scrapy is already there? To find out if that's really true, I went to the tutorial on Scrapy's website. The first thing it said was to create a project by using the command:
scrapy startproject tutorial
I entered that, and PythonAnywhere told me that it had successfully created a new project. Since this was a Scrapy command, I conclude that, yes, indeed, I already have Scrapy installed and running on PythonAnywhere. No installation necessary!
What about Cloud9? As I said above in my answer to part 2, when I found out about Cloud9, I was interested because it's part of Amazon Web Services ("AWS"). I've used other parts of AWS before and found them to be sophisticated, complicated, powerful, and well-documented. They are also very economical.
AWS is a commercial system run by Amazon. It charges fees based on usage, with no minimums, and with low-volume usage being free. The pricing page for Cloud9 shows it to be no exception. Cloud9 itself is free to use, but using it calls on other AWS resources that have charges.
The pricing page gives the following example: "If you use the default settings running an IDE for 4 hours per day for 20 days in a month with a 30-minute auto-hibernation setting your monthly charges for 90 hours of usage would be ... $2.05". That's less than half the lowest monthly cost of PythonAnywhere. (As stated in the answer by Giles Thomas, the free level of PythonAnywhere is not very useful for Scrapy.) I'm not sure how the amount of usage in the Cloud9 example compares with the amount of usage allowed by PythonAnywhere's $5/mo service, but my usage is going to be a lot less than either one, so I expect my cost of using Cloud9 to be very low, and possibly nothing. Furthermore, if I only use Scrapy for a project a couple of times a year, with PythonAnywhere, I'd have to close my account in between projects to stop being charged, but AWS doesn't charge me when I'm not using it, so I can keep the account with no cost between projects.
So based on both the quality of the AWS modules I've used and the low usage cost, I was very interested in Cloud9 as an alternative.
And I was not surprised to find that I could use Scrapy in it.
To figure that out, I quickly abandoned the webpage instructions in favor of downloading a pdf of the comprehensive User Guide from the documentation page. Comprehensive = 595 pages! But it's very well organized and cross-referenced, so I was able to learn what I needed by reading about 20 pages, which included a tutorial on using the GUI environment (pg 29..38) and another on using Python in Cloud9 (pg 423..7).
In that second tutorial, I ran:
python3 --version to find out that Python was already installed, version 3.7.10.
python -m pip --version to find out that pip version 20.2.2 is running.
After that tutorial, I was ready to find out if Scrapy is there. I had learned by then about pip show, so I ran:
python -m pip show Scrapy
The answer was no:
WARNING: Package(s) not found: Scrapy
So I repeated the command that I'd done earlier in PythonAnywhere:
python3 -m pip install Scrapy
This time, there were very few "Requirement already satisfied"s and instead there were a lot of "Collecting ... Downloading"s, followed by "Installing collected packages" and then "Successfully installed" with a long list that included Scrapy-2.6.1.
I repeated python -m pip show Scrapy and got several lines of output that told me Scrapy 2.6.1 is installed. Finally, I ran the same test I'd run before in PythonAnywhere, the first instruction in the official Scrapy tutorial:
scrapy startproject tutorial
and got the same output as before, telling me that the project had been created.
Bingo! I have Scrapy running in Cloud9.
On the negative side, there was a problem here. AWS has two levels of sign-in authority, called root users and IAM. For proper security, I should be running Cloud9 as an IAM user, but there was a problem being able to sign in that way. I posted a question on SO about that, but while waiting for an answer, went ahead and started using Cloud9 as the root user. In the course of that, I got the message:
WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea.
That warning came with a suggestion of an alternative command that didn't make sense and didn't work when I tried it. So I'm not sure how much I've messed up the security of my AWS account by what I've been doing here. My work is not secretive, so the security may be a non-issue, but I'd still like to figure out how to proceed as an IAM user and clean up any damage I might have caused by what I've been doing as the root user. If anyone knows about that, please respond to the SO question about it linked in the previous paragraph.
So now I've got Scrapy running in Cloud9, and I'm going to go find out if it can get the data I need. I'll make another edit here if there are any surprises in terms of Cloud9 either (a) not being able to do something or (b) resulting in unexpected charges.
(*) Footnote on syntax of python3 -m pip install "SomeProject":
Since I was working in something called PythonAnywhere, I was tempted to think that this was a Python command. But then I had to remember that, within PythonAnywhere, I was working in Bash, a Unix shell. So Python3 is a Unix command. I haven't found documentation of that exact command, but did of a command it's presumably based on Python. That documentation says, "-m module-name Searches ... for the named module and runs the corresponding .py file as a script." So this means that pip is a Unix module written in Python for installing Python packages. Then install <project name> is a parameter of the pip module. (Somebody please correct me if I've said any of that wrong.)
You can, but free accounts on PythonAnywhere are limited to accessing sites on a whitelist of official public APIs, so you will probably not be able to access non-API sites.

Install Rakudo on termux/android [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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Hi everyone I need help how to install rakudo in termux aarch64
I have tried different ways and got different errors, first try:
Second try:
Update See
I don't know Termux but thought the following was better than no answer. Perhaps you already know the following, in which case this is just for later readers; if you actually know more, please edit your question and add what else you know.
The closest target for standard Rakudo packages is GNU+Linux, but Termux's own doc emphasizes its differences from Linux. The bottom line is you're going to have to manually patch/compile/build to install on Termux.
The termux user its-pointless claimed they manually built Rakudo, for aarch64, in 2018 and again in 2019, and, per a screenshot in a recent (2021) tweet, did so again for a 2020.05 package, at least for the MoarVM backend.
Perhaps you and/or others can use the existing packages and/or more recent ones and/or build on their success.
I don't know Termux so don't know where one would look for a more recent package beyond google.
A google for termux raku OR perl6 OR "perl 6" yields some matches.
That's how I discovered some open Raku issues related to Termux, and many comments by its-pointless in one of them, culminating in 2018 with this comment, and another comment leading to info for installing a 2019 moarvm on termux/aarch64 and then a 2019 Rakudo atop that (which depends on moarvm).
How hard are you willing to try?
I personally don't have any of the distro related skills needed to be able to help you to get Rakudo built. But it seems several folk managed to get a working Rakudo with the help of its-pointless. So perhaps you will be able to do so too.
If you have patience, like the folk in the issue I linked, there might be other Rakoons capable and willing to try to help you get Rakudo building on your system.
While Termux is a Linux, it's not a GNU+Linux. From "Differences from Linux", with my added emphasis:
Termux does not follow Filesystem Hierarchy Standard unlike majority of Linux distributions. You cannot find directories like /bin, /etc, /usr, /tmp and others at the usual locations. Thus, all programs must be patched and recompiled to meet requirements of the Termux environment otherwise they will not be able to find their configuration files or other data.
I presume the packages its-pointless built include the requisite patching, at least as of 2019.
Your first try
[CRIT] No /etc/os-release found. Are you sure you're on a sane GNU+Linux distribution?
A google for "/etc/os-release" reveals:
It relieves application developers who just want to know the distribution they are running on to check for a multitude of individual release files.
It provides both a "pretty" name (i.e. one to show to the user), and machine parsable version/OS identifiers (i.e. for use in build systems).
I think a takeaway from your first try is that the build systems of the "official" Rakudo packages presume that a Linux is a GNU+Linux. Termux isn't. So that approach isn't going to work.
Somehow you got past the problem reported in the first try. What did you do?
Second try
At a guess your second try is using the same packages. So it's not going to work.
n't exec "./try": Permission denied at build/ line 935. Unable to run probe, so something is badly wrong ....
Again, I think the root problem is that you're trying to install a package that presumes a GNU+Linux, which won't work because Termux isn't a GNU+Linux.

Can't find previously downloaded files in WSL

I'm not very experienced in *nix operating systems and I'm trying to set up an embedded programming environment in WSL, but I'm getting hung up on basic issues. Last time I was working on this project I had downloaded some files (cargo and rustup, but that shouldn't matter), and I confirmed that they were there and working by getting the version number with -V.
After restarting my computer WSL doesn't recognize rustup or cargo as commands, and the folders don't show up with ls, even though they show up when I check for them in Windows Explorer.
The directory I've been working out of is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_76v4gfsz19hv4\LocalState\rootfs\home*user* which I'm pretty sure is the default. I’ve verified this by creating a .txt in WSL and finding it with Windows Explorer
Working on Windows 10 64-bit. I chose Debian for arbitrary reasons/ open to switching.
I’m not too worried about the files themselves, I just want to be able to avoid this in the future.
Firstly since you are new to WSL please be aware that the recommendations are to not under any situations edit or modify any Linux files inside of your %LOCALAPPDATA% folder using Windows apps or tools which includes moving files using file explorer. See this blog post from Microsoft If you do you can see corruptions missing files and crashes.
I have no experience with cargo or rust but it sounds like you didnt update your .bashrc (start up script) with details needed to add things to the environment on start up.
There are a few things you can do
Use the history command to look back at what you did when you installed things
Use sudo find / -name rust to look for the executable in your system
When using ls remember that files/folders that begin with a dot are hidden so you need to use ls -al to see them in the terminal
I assume you followed this guide for installation (or similar). If you did not and are still having issues please detail how you installed things.

GlassFish 4.1.2 updatetool/pkg tools fail - missing pkg-bootstrap

Summary: The pkg-bootstrap.jar and related files are missing from the latest GlassFish 4.1.2 and this prevents the updatetool from running. What is the proper way to install and run updatetool on Windows 10?
Detail: I was working with the Java EE 7 tutorial and downloaded the Java EE 7 SDK Update 3 (not Web Profile) which is based on GlassFish Open Source Edition 4.1.2. I ran into a problem running the updatetool on Windows 10. When run, it gives the option to install itself but the installation fails. It looks like the update tool uses the pkg tool, and that uses a pkg-bootstrap to install itself the first time. However, this is no longer included in GlassFish 4.1.2. When the updatetool is run, it produces the following errors:
The software needed for this command (updatetool) is not installed.
If you choose to install Update Tool, your system will be automatically
configured to periodically check for software updates. If you would like
to configure the tool to not check for updates, you can override the
default behavior via the tool's Preferences facility.
When this tool interacts with package repositories, some system information
such as your system's IP address and operating system type and version
is sent to the repository server. For more information please see:
Once installation is complete you may re-run this command.
Would you like to install Update Tool now (y/n): y
C:\glassfish4>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin\java" -Dimage.path="C:\glassfish4\bin\\.." -jar "C:\glassfish4\bin\\..\pkg/lib/pkg-client.jar" refresh
Error: Unable to access jarfile C:\glassfish4\bin\\..\pkg/lib/pkg-client.jar
C:\glassfish4>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin\java" -Dimage.path="C:\glassfish4\bin\\.." -jar "C:\glassfish4\bin\\..\pkg/lib/pkg-bootstrap.jar" "C:\Users\[userid]\AppData\Local\Temp\pkg-bootstrap21687.props"
Error: Unable to access jarfile C:\glassfish4\bin\\..\pkg/lib/pkg-bootstrap.jar
C:\glassfish4\bin\pkg does not exist in either the latest Java EE 7 SDK Update 3 or the latest GlassFish 4.1.2. Some research on the nightly builds shows that the directory trees glassfish4/.org.opensolaris,pkg and glassfish4/pkg were removed between builds glassfish-4.1.2-b03-02_25_2017 and glassfish-4.1.2-b03-03_07_2017. I can't find anything that explains why they were removed or an alternate way to install the updatetool. My work around was to copy the two trees from glassfish-4.1.2-b03-02_25_2017 into c:\glassfish4 (from the Java EE 7 SDK Update 3) and that seems to work. But, I figure that if this was removed, there was a good reason for it, and I shouldn't be hacking it.
If there was a separate installation step for the package tool, I missed it. What is the proper way to get the updatetool to run on GlassFish 4.1.2?
I have jdk1.8.0_121 and jre1.8.0_121.
Thanks for your help.
I had the same problem as DevDevDev.
I went to the link in his post:
Downloaded the archive:
Extracted the missing folders into my glassfish directory:
As DevDevDev I have questions about why it was removed but it works for me...for now.... Hope it helps someone else. Thank you DevDevDev I would not have solved this without your post!
I was working with Java SE. Then I needed to work with JAX-WS, so I went into the same website as you.
Basically, it says that you have to:
Download the package (a compressed file with a folder called glassfish4)
Unzip the downloaded file (does not specify where)
It did not work for me, so I kept searching and I found this:
You just need to download this update from netbeans plugin Manager:
"Java EE Base"
Good luck!
I got the same problem too. It seems that glassfish 4.1 did not integrate the Update Tool, so as doc of oracle suggests, we'd better install SDK 6(glassfish 3). Here is Java EE 6 SDK Update 3, note that the version provided here is with JDK 7. If you already installed JDK in your windows 10, you may ignore it.
When you finish downloading the .exe file, you should not install SDK by double-click the .exe file. Instead, you should run below command:
java_ee_sdk-6u3-jdk7-windows-x64.exe -j [JRE-Home]
note, command here is the name of your .exe file and it needs console arg of JRE Home, mine command is as below:
java_ee_sdk-6u3-jdk7-windows-x64.exe -j D:\JDK\jre
It seems that unzipping the file using Windows explorer's zip support doesn't work properly. If you instead do as described in the README and run:
jar xvf
The archive is extracted properly and all the needed pkg files are there.
What files do you need? I had the save problem I was looking for the files of tutorial. Finally I found them here: ..../glassfish4/docs/javaee-tutorial/

Bugzilla install on Windows 7 with Apache & Mysql

Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
Apache 2.2.25
ActivePerl 5.18.2 Build 1802 (64 bit)
Bugzilla 4.4.5 (extracted)
Okay, I have followed step-by-step instructions as indicated here:
There's 1 major issue that I've researched all day and cannot find a solution. It's the "ppm install DBD-mysql" issue. There is no "DBD-mysql". When I use the ppm gui, there's a DBD-mysqlpp , but that's not what's needed.
When I run in a command window: C:\bugzilla\ , I get the only error:
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) not found
For MySQL, Bugzilla requires that perl's DBD::mysql 4.001 or later be
installed. To install this module, run the following command (as Administrator):
ppm install DBD-mysql
Well, I found DBD-mysql 4.028 here:
However, trying to get the perl ppm (perl package manager) gui to see it, but even pointing the link in the gui preferences it still wouldn't see it to download and install it. This sucks.
So, I manually downloaded it and saw some crap "" file. Look, I use WINDOWS not LINUX, so naturally I rolled my eyes but it quickly became clear that I HAD to do this. Well, after about an hour of screwing around I was finally able to make a file. Oh wow, great.... now what!? What do I do next with this??
Not only is this part aggravating, but now I need mod_perl in my Apache. Okay, so I look in my .conf file where I can uncomment:
#LoadModule perl_module modules/
Guess what... it's not there. (facepalm)
So I researched and downloaded mod_perl 2.0.8 from:
Heh, ... guess what... another damn "makefile" file!! Let me tell you, this is as bad as being a MAC user in the late 90's and trying to find a program to be compatible.
So, my 2 main questions are these:
How do I get DBD-mysql properly installed
How do I get the mod_perl properly installed
I have been working 12 hours non-stop trying to get Bugzilla installed. At this point, I'm so frustrated beyond believe I'm ready to scrap this and install flyspray or some other php/mysql bug tracking system.
For future reference in case anyone stumbles upon this item:
Most Perl modules have installation instructions, either in their .pod documentation or in a README or INSTALL file.
Most Perl modules follow a similar installation mechanism: create a makefile; run make; make test (which runs a set of tests, unsurprisingly), and then install the module. From the commandline, this looks like the following:
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
Both mod_perl and DBD::mysql have platform-specific installation information in the release notes.
DBD-mysql is a package that you can find in ActiveState Package Repository. That means that it should be installed at the time you installed ActivePerl, making your question really strange. I know it because I just did it yesterday, and everything worked just fine.
A possible solution for this issue is:
Open the command line in Windows;
Type ppm, press enter and wait. A GUI for the Perl Package Manager will be displayed;
Search for DBD-mysql. If you find it, schedule it for installation by right-clicking it and clicking on Install DBD-mysql 4.022;
Although, you probably won't find it. If you don't, press Ctrl+P and, in the dialog that appears, select the Repositories tab. Add a new repository:
Name: ActiveState-Package-Repository
It will update the list of packages. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
If you prefer doing it by the command line, these are the instructions:
ppm repo add ActiveState-Package-Repository
ppm install DBD-mysql