List all Schedule Query with user who created - google-bigquery

I use bq ls --transfer_config --transfer_location=asia-southeast-1 --format json without max-results to list all the schedule query existing.
It should returns ListTransferConfigsResponse having TransferConfig Obj inside but it's not. I need "OwnerInfo" which has the email of the user. Did google write missing docs? I want to call 1 api to get all info. Any help?


How to list all active conversation SIDs?

How can I get all conversations in an active state?
I'm using this command to list all conversation SIDs, but I can't find a way to filter only the active ones.
twilio api:conversations:v1:services:conversations:list \
--properties sid,state --limit=100
In help command I see it has a page-size=<value> parameter, but there's no way to specify which page to retrieve
twilio api:conversations:v1:services:conversations:list --help
Console output image
Unfortunately don't have a method to filter conversations by the status on search conversations API. But you can list all conversations and filter just conversations with the status "active". Follow and example using the Twilio CLI:
you can use the -no-limit to bring all conversations without paginating
twilio api:conversations:v1:conversations:list --no-limit --properties sid,state | grep active
I hope that it can help you :D.

Trello API: How to use 'before' and 'since' action filters in request URI

Hopefully this is a simple syntax problem, but I've tried a number of combinations and nothing seems to work.
I'm wanting to create a simple powershell script to automatically export my Trello Board actions to .JSON.
I can do this fine with:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "<BOARDID>?key=<KEY>&token=<TOKEN>&actions=all&actions_limit=1000"|Set-Content "C:\TrelloBoardActions.json"
but the API limits the response to 1000 actions and I want all of them. I understand the solution is to make multiple calls using 'before' and 'since' options to get the full results in batches, but I've not been able to figure out a syntax that will return anything other than the latest actions.
This isn't very clear in the documentation.
You need to set since or before to "YYYY-MM-DD" string. I combine this with the limit=1000, otherwise you only get the default 50 results.
trello.boards.get_action(board_id, since='2022-06-01', limit=1000)

how to get JSON data from an API in robot framework

I am trying to get JSON data from an API in robot framework which has data with id's. I have to get the count of id's present in the data obtained from the API.
I have tried the below code:
${result} = get ${API_JSON_PATH}
Should Be Equal ${result.status_code} ${200}
${json_data} = Set Variable ${result.content}
Log ${json_data}
I am getting the below mentioned error:
No keyword with name '${result} = get' found.
Is the approach correct or is there any other better ways for getting the JSONS data?
I'm using the RequestsLibrary and it's slide different from what you are doing.
the credential are not needed in your case but this is the example:
#{credential}= Create List Your_Username Your_Password
Create Session YOUR_API_ALIAS YOUR URL auth=#{credential}
${api}= Get Request YOUR_API_ALIAS YOUR_URI
if you want get the content of the JSON:
You need to have two or more spaces after the =. Robot looks for two or more spaces to find keywords and arguments, so it thinks your first statement begins with the keyword ${result} = get. Since that's not a valid keyword, you get that error.

delete property of event

Is there a way to delete a property of an event?
e.g. I have an event called Log which has a two properties X and Y
I wanted to delete X
If this cannot be done can I edit the values of X for event Log?
I have been unable to find anything online
Take a look here at the API Docs. Have you tried sending a DELETE to or something along those lines? This will delete the property from all events in the collection.
You can delete just a certain property or particular properties from your Event Collection as shown here:
While in some cases you may want to delete erroneous or errant data, in other cases especially where you are not actively using and querying the data it is OK to leave the property there. It will appear in your historical data, but just don't continue to send the property in for future data points. There is a generous limit on the number of unique properties (1,000 unique properties) allowed per event as well as a large size limit on individual events as well (~1MB).
I’d recommend running an extraction of the exact same query first ( to get a preview of what you’re about to delete. That way you’ll also have successfully created a backup of that data as well.
Here's a sample CURL command for deletes for a particular property - use COLLECTION_NAME and PROPERTY_NAME to identify the property that you want to remove from your particular event collection. Of course, replace PROJECT_ID, COLLECTION_NAME, and MASTER_KEY placeholders with your own.
$ curl \
-H "Authorization: MASTER_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Get asana tasks in project with assignee information

I am trying to retrieve asana tasks within a project. I would like to retrieve assignee information in the same query. I tried this query and got assignee id:
curl -u <key>: "<project-id>/tasks?opt_fields=name,created_at,assignee
I want get assignee name. So I include "opt_expand=assignee":
curl -u <key>: "<project-id>/tasks?opt_fields=name,created_at,assignee&opt_expand=assignee
I still don't get assignee name. What's the way to do this?
(I work at Asana)
The interplay between opt_fields and opt_expand is actually a bit complicated, we should clarify in the documentation. The latter ends up superseded by - not additive with - the former.
The best way to achieve what you want would be to NOT use opt_expand and to add to the list of fields in opt_fields.