.NET nanoFramework and System.IO.FileSystem on ESP-S2-WROVER - nanoframework

i have a esp32-s2-saola-1 with the ESP32-S2-WROVER chip. On these is KALUGA_1 flashed. It was the only build was works. Network and so on works. when I wants to use the System.IO.FileSystem, I become an Error see below. What's the reasion? On whitch processors is the System.IO.FileSystem usable? The Internal Memory (Drive I:) is on an ESP32 usable?
2>------ Bereitstellung gestartet: Projekt: AppStorage, Konfiguration: Debug Any CPU ------
2>Getting things ready to deploy assemblies to .NET nanoFramework device: KALUGA_1 # COM3.
2>Deploy failed.
2>The connected target does not have support for the following assembly(ies):
2> 'System.IO.FileSystem'
2>Please check:
2> 1) if the target is running the most updated image.
2> 2) if the target image was built to include support for all referenced assemblies.
Many thanks in advance

This is because the build for that target doesn't have support for System.IO.FileSystem.
Issue raised in the project GitHub. Please track for progress:


caffe.set_mode_cpu() error in Caffe

I have built caffe with only cpu support. Is the command 'caffe.set_mode_cpu() ' only used when we have built with gpu support so that we can switch to cpu when needed? I thought I might need it just to make sure that Caffe is using my cpu but I guess the build takes care of that. Also is this command required even when I have built with cpu support only?
Error I get-
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
E1220 14:26:00.833413 17923 common.cpp:117] Cannot create Cublas handle. Cublas won't be available.
E1220 14:26:00.833684 17923 common.cpp:124] Cannot create Curand generator. Curand won't be available.
E1220 14:26:00.833871 17923 common.cpp:128] Cannot create cuDNN handle. cuDNN won't be available.
F1220 14:26:00.834089 17923 _caffe.cpp:61] Check failed: error == cudaSuccess (35 vs. 0) CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
Aborted (core dumped)
Problem posted on caffe users group
This is my output of 'ccmake ..' . It says that CPU_ONLY is off even after removing the comment on CPU flag. How do I make it build with CPU for sure?
To build Caffe, I used cmake .. instead of make as I got convert_imageset.bin error. So I followed the instructions in the link and I got it to build properly.
Now I was looking at my cmake output and realised that the "CPU_ONLY" option was set to off. So i followed this link where i used "cmake -DCPU_ONLY=ON" to set it ON.
But I'm still getting Cuda error even when cmake option "CPU_ONLY=ON" is there. I am not sure why it is still being built with GPU?
Looking at my cmake output again, I found this error-
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:85 (add_dependencies): The dependency target "pycaffe" of target "pytest does not exist.
Is this fine since anyways we have to do make pycaffe to build with python?

TensorCPU build: dependencies downloading issue

I am trying to build tensorflow cpu version on my centos 6.5, but i am stuck :-
bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/cc:tutorials_example_trainer
WARNING: Sandboxed execution is not supported on your system and thus hermeticity of actions cannot be guaranteed. See http://bazel.io/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#sandboxing for more information. You can turn off this warning via --ignore_unsupported_sandboxing.
INFO: Downloading from http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v9a.tar.gz: 0B
it tries to download jpeg/eigen/png tar files but is unable to do so due to lack of internet connectivity on my machine .
I can download & put all these dependencies somewhere within the tensorflow sourcecode directory so that build procedure automatically detect them.
Could you please suggest the path to that directory ( relative to tensorflow src root directory)? or is there a file which needs modification?
I tried placing it under $TENSOR_SRC_ROOT/tensorflow/contrib/cmake/external, but that did not help.
Eagerly awaiting your replies,
thanks to bazel development team, setting HTTP_PROXY & HTTPS_PROXY in my environment resolved the issue.

How do you compile a Pharo VM without an image?

I have already cloned the VM and installed all dependencies for my platform. Now I am a bit confused because a couple of guides suggests that Pharo image should be started to generate the C sources translated from Slang.
PharoVMBuilder buildUnix32.
PharoVMBuilder buildMacOSX32.
PharoVMBuilder buildWin32.
But how you generate a VM when you cannot start a VM in your platform? This sounds like chicken and egg problem.
This means is not possible to build a VM if you cannot start an image in that platform?
If you download pre-generated sources from the CI server as suggested by Esteban, you don't need the pharo-vm sources cloned from any repository. Just uncompress in a new folder and build from there.
Assuming you have your new sources in c:\phs, open directories.cmake and rename the hardcoded path as follows:
set(topDir "c:/phs/")
set(buildDir "c:/phs/build")
set(thirdpartyDir "${buildDir}/thirdparty")
set(platformsDir "c:/phs/platforms")
set(srcDir "c:/phs/src")
set(srcPluginsDir "${srcDir}/plugins")
set(srcVMDir "${srcDir}/vm")
set(platformName "win32")
set(targetPlatform ${platformsDir}/${platformName})
set(crossDir "${platformsDir}/Cross")
set(platformVMDir "${targetPlatform}/vm")
set(outputDir "c:/phs/results")
As you could not start a VM, I suppose you need to change at least the compilation flags used to generate the sources in the CI server. They are in c:\phs\build\CMakeLists.txt specially the following flags:
-march=... (your processor architecture, search for Safe Cflags)
Removing -g0 which suppress debug options
Remove -O2 (optimizations)
and finally start the build script
cd /c/phs/build
bash build.sh
You need to pre-generate the sources outside or take pre-generated sources from other place.
Let's assume you want to compile a kind of unix, you can download pre-generated sources from here:
https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/view/3.0-VM/job/PharoSVM/Architecture=32,Slave=vm-builder-linux/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/sources.tar.gz (for a stack vm)
https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/view/3.0-VM/job/PharoVM/Architecture=32,Slave=vm-builder-linux/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/sources.tar.gz (for a cog vm)

Visual Studio 2010 post build event completely ignored

I was looking on stackoverflow for anything similiar to my issue but without results.
It seems that my VS started to completely ignore post-build events.
Post-build events are not triggered in any project or solution I open
or create using my VS 2010.
I don't know why and from when, but previously (a couple of weeks ago) it was working fine. And I haven't changed project configuration nor VS installation on my own. There were a couple of windows update though, but since I dont know from when it is not working, I can not specify them. I want post-build event to be triggered, but it never is, no matter how simple it is. The project configuration is fine, since it is working for my team mates (on their machines).
Trying to figure out what is happening, I did:
created test project
disabled all plugins (CodeMaid, VSAssistX, etc.)
created pre-build, pre-link and post-build events that simply echo something (and ofcourse enabled them in project properties (Use in build -> Yes)).
The result is that I see echos and VS messages about pre-build and pre-link build event, but nothing about post-build event (btw I'm using Qt add-in):
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Test, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Build started 2013-02-07 11:03:54.
1> Deleting file "Debug\Test.lastbuildstate".
1> Creating "Debug\Test.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
1> prebuild
1> Moc'ing Test.hpp...
1> Uic'ing Test.ui...
1> Rcc'ing Test.qrc...
1>RCC : warning : No resources in 'C:\Projects\BuildEvents\Test\Test\Test.qrc'.
1> moc_Test.cpp
1> main.cpp
1> Test.cpp
1> Generating Code...
1> qrc_Test.cpp
1> prelink
1>qtmaind.lib(qtmain_win.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc100.pdb' was not found with 'qtmaind.lib(qtmain_win.obj)' or at 'C:\Projects\BuildEvents\Test\vc100.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1> Test.vcxproj -> C:\Projects\BuildEvents\Test\Test.exe
1> Deleting file "Debug\Test.unsuccessfulbuild".
1> Touching "Debug\Test.lastbuildstate".
1>Build succeeded.
1>Time Elapsed 00:00:02.80
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
I suspect that problem is with Visual Studio itself, but maybe you have any better ideas what might be causing that and how to solve it?
Finally I just created script that I run manually after each build. This is stupid solution, because when any of my teammates will do some changes that require changes in post-build, I will need to change my script too.

xcodebuild + iPhone fail under ssh with Couldn't load plug-in 'com.apple.Xcode.iPhoneSupport'

I'm triying to compile my iPhone app from ssh. This is for my build tool that run in another machine.
The base sdk is iPhone Device 3.0.
The error is : "Couldn't load plug-in 'com.apple.Xcode.iPhoneSupport'"
However, executing from the regular terminal run ok. Also directly from xcode.
This is the log:
[trtrrtrtr#mac-pro-de-trtrr-trtr ~/mamcx/projects/JhonSell/iPhone]$ xcodebuild -target BestSeller -configuration Debug=== BUILDING NATIVE TARGET Three20 OF PROJECT Three20 WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
Checking Dependencies...
No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=armv6, VALID_ARCHS=i386).
2010-04-27 16:16:50.369 xcodebuild[1168:4b1b] Error loading /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhoneRemoteDevice: dlopen(/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhoneRemoteDevice, 265): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhoneRemoteDevice: GC capability mismatch
2010-04-27 16:16:50.371 xcodebuild[1168:4b1b] Exception caught: Couldn't load plug-in 'com.apple.Xcode.iPhoneSupport'
2010-04-27 16:16:50.373 xcodebuild[1168:4b1b] Error loading /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhoneRemoteDevice: dlopen(/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhoneRemoteDevice, 265): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhoneRemoteDevice: GC capability mismatch
2010-04-27 16:16:50.373 xcodebuild[1168:4b1b] Exception caught: Couldn't load plug-in 'com.apple.Xcode.iPhoneSupport'
If it runs fine under Xcode and terminal on the same machine then it is probably a permissions problem with the user in ssh.
It seems to be a problem in the XCode project. See the following line:
No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=armv6, VALID_ARCHS=i386).
It indicates that:
You enabled the "Build Active Architecture Only" checkbox in the "BestSeller" target.
You only have "armv6" as active architecture, whereas the only valid architectures are "i386".
I suggest you to check that these options are correctly defined under XCode. Then, you can go these ways:
perform a build under the XCode GUI.
perform a build on the command line.
on the local machine, use ssh to connect and perform a build on the command line.
on the remote machine, use ssh to connect and perform a build on the command line.
For each attempt, save the output and compare them. Maybe the architecture problem is not the only one, but by doing it by steps it will be easier to spot the problem.