Updating data when date is in condition - sql

I am facing an issue to update the dataset with data type is date in Condition
SET employment = 2066.3
WHERE date = (i am not sure how)
AND industry = 'Total Nonfarm'
AND state = 'Alabama'

The Date type formate is YYYY-MM-DD
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE date = "1982-02-22";
so the command must be like
SET employment = 2066.3
date = "2022-09-22" AND
industry = 'Total Nonfarm' AND
state = 'Alabama';

I would recommend to use to_date() if you are casting from a string to accommodate a specific format. Example:
SELECT to_date('2000/JUN','YYYY/MON'); -- ok
SELECT '2000/JUN'::date; -- error
Check doc on to_date function:


Convert string to datetime in cosmos db

In my cosmos db a date field is stored as string like this
"ValidationWeekStartDay": "27-Apr-2020"
I have to write a query to extract all documents whose ValidationWeekStartDay is greater than current date. How can I achieve this in cosmos db query?
Select * from c wher c.ValidationWeekStartDay > GetCurrentDateTime ()
this does not give me correct result.
This is the problem with date format, the documents you are storing is in format 'dd-MMM-yyyy' while GetCurrentDateTime() function gets the date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd....'. So when you run the above query, comparison like below happens:
'27-Apr-2020' > '2020-08-17'
It compares the characters one by one and first 2 characters of first value becomes greater than second value. For testing purpose, anything above date 20 will be returned by your query irrespective of any month.
There are 2 ways to resolve this.
Store the date in same format as GetCurrentDateTime() function.
Create a udf like below. You can create your own udf, this is just a sample one based on date format.(pardon the formatting, you can copy and run it as it is)
function formatdatetime(datetime){ datetime = datetime.substring(7,11) + '-' + datetime.substring(3,6) + '-' + datetime.substring(0,2); datetime = datetime.replace('Jan','01'); datetime = datetime.replace('Feb','02'); datetime = datetime.replace('Mar','03'); datetime = datetime.replace('Apr','04'); datetime = datetime.replace('May','05'); datetime = datetime.replace('Jun','06'); datetime = datetime.replace('Jul','07'); datetime = datetime.replace('Aug','08'); datetime = datetime.replace('Sep','09'); datetime = datetime.replace('Oct','10'); datetime = datetime.replace('Nov','11'); datetime = datetime.replace('Dec','12'); return datetime; }
And then use the below query:
select c.stdDates as stdDates from c Where udf.formatdatetime(c.stdDates) > GetCurrentDateTime ()

SQL Update Query: Counting records with current date

I have a column named ClientMigrated of the format 7/23/2019 7:56:45 AM
I have a query that is run within a macro to count the rows where the date portion of ClientMigrated is the current day.
UPDATE Tracking SET Tracking.UserMailboxesMigrated =
DCount("ClientMigrated","[Mailbox Status]","ClientMigrated=Date()")
WHERE (((Tracking.ReportingDate)=Date()));
The query returns nothing because ClientMigrated contains the timestamp part which does not equate to the date.
I've tried to wrap ClientMigrated in a format function so that it compares to Date():
format(ClientMigrated, "dd/mm/yyyy")=Date()
it seems is not acceptable syntax within DCount.
Suggestions to get around this is appreciated.
Consider DATEVALUE to extract the date portion of a date/time field:
UPDATE Tracking t
SET t.UserMailboxesMigrated = DCount("ClientMigrated",
"[Mailbox Status]",
"DATEVALUE(NZ(ClientMigrated, ""1900-01-01"")) = Date()")
WHERE (DATEVALUE(t.ReportingDate) = Date());
Nz should return a date value, not a string, for Null:
UPDATE Tracking t
SET t.UserMailboxesMigrated = DCount("ClientMigrated",
"[Mailbox Status]",
"DateValue(Nz(ClientMigrated, #00:00:00#)) = Date()")
WHERE DateValue(t.ReportingDate) = Date();
You need to utilize the FORMAT function
Assuming that you are using the default value for DATE(), you should be able to use:
UPDATE Tracking
SET Tracking.UserMailboxesMigrated =
DCount("ClientMigrated", "[Mailbox Status]", "ClientMigrated=Date()")
WHERE (((Format(Tracking.ReportingDate, "dd/mm/yyyy"))=Date()));
To use an index onClientMigratedyou should check the datetime field for being same or greater than today (Date()) and smaller than tomorrow (DateAdd(""d"", 1, Date()). The""escapes the double-quote for theDateAddinterval-parameter nested in theDCountcriteria string.
UPDATE Tracking
SET UserMailboxesMigrated = DCount("ClientMigrated",
"[Mailbox Status]",
"ClientMigrated >= Date() AND ClientMigrated < DateAdd(""d"", 1, Date())
WHERE ReportingDate = Date();
ReportingDateis a date not a datetime? If datetime, use same pattern, but you must not escapeDateAdddouble-quotes.

How to pass date as string in sql date field and select data where clause

My question is: I'm trying to select data whose date is my expression.
For example:
select *
from cutting
where cut_date = 14-07-2017
But it shows an error:
Operand type clash: date is incompatible with int
In SQL Server.
Please help I am just learning basics of SQL
You need to surround(enclose) the date with ':
select * from cutting where cut_date ='14-07-2017'
Or better yet, the proper way is to set the date format yourself:
select * from cutting where CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),cut_date,10) = '2017-07-14'
select * from cutting where FORMAT(cut_date,'yyyy-MM-dd') = '2017-07-14'
Replace date in where clause with "YYYY-MM-DD" format;
select *
from cutting
where cut_date = "2017-07-14"

Query using date datatype in Oracle 11g

I'm trying to do simple select and Update in Oracle 11g using a date where clause and I can't produce the result I expect.
The date field is datemodified and currently has values like 12-JUL-14 and of data type date.
I'm doing the following and don't get result:
select *
from table
where datemodified = to_date(datemodified, '12-JUL-14')
I tried the following and still did not produce result:
select * from table
where to_date(datemodified, 'DD-MON-YY') = to_date('12-JUL-15',
Update table
set column = 'some value'
where datemodified = to_date('12-JUL-15', 'DD-MON-YY')
What am I doing wrong?
You can try this query
select * from table
where to_char(datemodified, 'dd-MON-yy') = '12-JUL-15'
Oracle date fields include the time of day. Also, filtering on function results such as to_char() slows down production. This method works:
where dateModified >= the date you want
and dateModified < the day after the date you want.
It's ok to use functions for the values, this for example
where dateModified >= trunc(sysdate)
where dateModified >= to_date('12-JUL-15','DD-MON-YY')
but not on the field itself

How do you update a DateTime field in T-SQL?

The following query does not update the datetime field:
update table
SET EndDate = '2009-05-25'
WHERE Id = 1
I also tried it with no dashes, but that does not work either.
When in doubt, be explicit about the data type conversion using CAST/CONVERT:
SET EndDate = CAST('2009-05-25' AS DATETIME)
WHERE Id = 1
Normally, it should work.
But can you try this? I don't have SQL on my home PC, I can't try myself
UPDATE table
SET EndDate = '2009-05-25 00:00:00.000'
WHERE Id = 1
The string literal is pased according to the current dateformat setting, see SET DATEFORMAT. One format which will always work is the '20090525' one.
Now, of course, you need to define 'does not work'. No records gets updated? Perhaps the Id=1 doesn't match any record...
If it says 'One record changed' then perhaps you need to show us how you verify...
Using a DateTime parameter is the best way.
However, if you still want to pass a DateTime as a string, then the CAST should not be necessary provided that a language agnostic format is used.
Given a table created like :
create table t1 (id int, EndDate DATETIME)
insert t1 (id, EndDate) values (1, GETDATE())
The following should always work :
update t1 set EndDate = '20100525' where id = 1 -- YYYYMMDD is language agnostic
The following will work :
SET LANGUAGE us_english
update t1 set EndDate = '2010-05-25' where id = 1
However, this won't :
update t1 set EndDate = '2010-05-25' where id = 1
This is because 'YYYY-MM-DD' is not a language agnostic format (from SQL server's point of view) .
The ISO 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss' format is also language agnostic, and useful when you need to pass a non-zero time.
More info : http://karaszi.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-datetime-datatypes
SET EndDate = CAST('2017-12-31' AS DATE)
WHERE Id = '123'
If you aren't interested in specifying a time, you can also use the format 'DD/MM/YYYY', however I would stick to a Conversion method, and its relevant ISO format, as you really should avoid using default values.
Here's an example:
SET startDate = CONVERT(datetime,'2015-03-11T23:59:59.000',126)
WHERE custID = 'F24'
That should work, I'd put brackets around [Date] as it's a reserved keyword.
Is there maybe a trigger on the table setting it back?