Is it possible to bind a workspace from within a Pipeline (and not a PipelineRun) or create a PipelineRun with bound workspaces using GUI? - tekton

I'd like to be able to start my pipeline which uses two workspaces using the Tekton dashboard (GUI) but from what I can see, there is no option to provide workspaces here.
The only two options of creating a PipelineRun with bound workspaces I can think of are to either:
Create it programmatically and apply using either kubectl or tekton-cli
Create a TriggerTemplate with bound workspaces and run the pipeline by a webhook to an EventListener
My main problem is both of those options require the developer to go through a very non-user-friendly process. Ideally, I'd like to run the pipelines with bound workspaces from tekton GUI. Can this be somehow achieved?
I've tried providing the binding in the workspaces section of the Pipeline definition as below:
- name: source-dir
claimName: gradle-cache-pvc
- name: ssh-creds
secretName: ssh-key-secret


Pass services to child pipeline in GitLab

I am trying to generalize the cicd of our GitLab projects.
I am planning to create a cicd-templates repo, containing general jobs that I run in multiple projects.
I have for example a terraform template that accepts input variables and runs an init, validate, plan and apply job.
I am now trying to create a similar template for our python-nox sessions. The issue is that, for our integration tests, we need two services.
I would prefer not to include the services in the template, since they are not needed for the integration tests of other projects (but other services might).
So I was wondering how I could include a ci template (from another project) and pass the needed images from the parent pipeline.
What is not working:
Parent/project pipeline:
- project: cicd-templates
file: /nox_tests.yml
strategy: depend
- name:
alias: db
- name:
alias: storage
image: '$IMAGE'
- python -m nox -s integration
As I said, I could hardcode the services in the template as well, but they might vary based on the parent pipeline, so I'm looking for a more dynamic solution.
ps. How I implemented the image does work, but if there is a more elegant way, that would be appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance!

Gitlab CI does not support variable expansion in needs keyword, is there any solution?

I'm creating a template for all the deploy jobs, and I need to be able to use needs keyword with different values for each deploy job, but GitLab CI, as far as I know, does not support using variable in needs keyword. Is there any workaround?
This is what I need to do:
# Deploy template
stage: deploy
- develop
- deploy
needsL ["build:$PROJECT_NAME"]
# Deploy jobs
extends: .deploy
PROJECT_NAME: 'package1'
#needs: ['build:package1']
extends: .deploy
PROJECT_NAME: 'package2'
#needs: ['build:package2']
You can't do this. needs: will not support variables.
However, if the template you're making does not contain the job it depends on, the best approach is probably to not use needs: at all, otherwise you greatly increase the likelihood that including your template will cause an invalid yaml file.
So, your options would be either to (1) include the jobs you depend on in the same template, then designate needs: explicitly or (2) Rely on users to provide the needs: key in the deploy job if they want.
For example, a user can do this:
- "your template"
# job originates in the project configuration
script: "..."
needs: ["my_project_job"] # add the key to the included template job
Or if you provide both jobs in your pipeline configuration, you can use some rules: to keep the jobs from running, and let users enable them and override their script configurations to implement builds.
# your template yaml
when: on_success
- when: never
needs: [your_template_build_job:package1]
# ...
Then a user might just do this:
# user project yaml
- "your template"
script: "my project build script"
When the user doesn't explicitly enable a job, neither the build nor deploy job will be in the pipeline configuration. However, they only need to enable the build job (by variable) and the needs: configuration for the deploy job will already be in place.
Neither of these approaches are particularly perfect for very flexible use of templates, unfortunately. But there may be another option...
Workaround: Dynamic child pipelines
As a possible workaround, users could use dynamic child pipelines to generate an entire pipeline configuration with correct needs: based on a minimal configuration. Almost anything is possible with dynamic child pipelines because you can generate the YAML programmatically on-the-fly, though, it may be more trouble than it's worth.

Passing variables between Tekton Steps

I am trying to implement a basic Tekton CI pipeline. All the pipeline does is 1) get the source code 2) build an image with a new version and push it to an image registry.
The image version is generated by a Tekton Step. Images are built by another Tekton step that uses Kaniko as described here.
I am aware of using workspaces to pass variables between Tekton steps. Meaning I can write the version to a file in the workspace. But cant figure out a way to read this version from the file in the Kaniko build step below:
- name: build-and-push
# specifying DOCKER_CONFIG is required to allow kaniko to detect docker credential
value: "/tekton/home/.docker/"
- /kaniko/executor
- --dockerfile=$(params.pathToDockerFile)
- --destination=$(resources.outputs.builtImage.url):<IMAGE-VERSION-NEEDED-HERE>
- --context=$(params.pathToContext)
- --build-arg=BASE=alpine:3
There should be a common pattern to resolve this but I am not sure if I am looking at the right places in Tekton documentation for this.
Can anyone offer some pointers?
This is to confirm that I managed to resolve the issue by redesigning the steps to tasks as suggested by #Jonas.
Tekton Tasks can have outputs which can be referred in other tasks. At the time of writing this Tekton steps don't seem to have this feature.
For more details refer the links in #Jonas comments above.
All steps in a Task share the same Pod and thus as access to a shared workspace implemented as an emptyDir volume:
Type: EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
SizeLimit: <unset>
A common way to share data between steps is to a file in the /workspace and read it in the next step.
Alternatively, as suggested by #Jonas, if you use different Tasks you can write a result in the first Task and feed it into a parameter of the second Task in the Pipeline definition.
Using results this way implicitly creates a dependency between the two Tasks, so the Tekton controller won't schedule the second Task until the first one has successfully completed and results are available.
You can use the image that has shell at /busybox/sh.
And create something like this (pass kaniko commands via script):
- name: write-to-workspace
image: ubuntu
script: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "IMAGE_VERSION" > /workspace/FOO
- name: read-from-workspace
script: |
export IMAGE_VERSION=$(cat /workspace/FOO)
/kaniko/executor \
--dockerfile=$(params.pathToDockerFile) \
--destination=$(resources.outputs.builtImage.url):"${IMAGE_VERSION}" \
--context=$(params.pathToContext) \
You can refer to this discussion:

Helm template - install multiple package/release from external charts available from Internet

I am a new comer in to-be-continuous helm template. I would like to know if helm template is able to install multiple package/release from external charts available from Internet with customized values in local value.yml files ?
As with GitLab CI template for Kubernetes, is there a way to choose from either template-based deployment or scrip-based deployment ?
Moreover, any example about helm template usage is highly appreciate since no example are available at
Have a good day.
Best regards.
Yes you may perfectly deploy a Helm chart from the internet by setting the following variables:
HELM_DEPLOY_CHART: the chart name,
HELM_REPOS (optional): if you're using chart(s) from other repositories than default ones (Helm stable & bitnami).
You may also perfectly use values files per environment. For example set HELM_STAGING_VALUES to define your values file for the staging environment.
If you need to deploy more than one chart, you should probably use parallel matrix jobs

docker-compose override application properties

Having a Spring Boot application we are using application.yml file to store properties. I got a task to give a user a possibility to override some properties while starting an application. Taking into consideration we have dockerised our app docker-compose file is the very right place I believe for that. I found one option which works actually, env_file:
context: backend
dockerfile: Dockerfile.backend
restart: always
- 3000:3000
- backend/custom.env
- ../m2_repo:/root/.m2/
- ../{APP_NAME}/data_sources:/backend/data_sources/
- database
- backend
This solves perfectly my task and all the KEY=VALUE pairs override existing in application.yml properties. However, I have 2 questions:
It appeared that having multiple services in my docker-compose file I need specify a separate env_file for each service, which is probably not very convenient. Is there a possibility to have one common env_file for the whole docker-compose file?
I know that for docker-compose run command there is an option -e where i can put key=value pairs of env variables. Is there any similar option for docker-compose up? I mean in order not to use env_file at all.
Ad 1: It is not possible. I also believe it is intentional - to make the developer define what container has access to what .env data.
Ad 2: No, you cannot supply the variables using a runtime parameter of up command of docker-compose (run docker-compose help up to see the available runtime params). But you can define these using environment clause from within a compose file, like:
restart: always
- 3000:3000
- backend/custom.env
- DB_PASSWORD # <= #1
- APP_ENV=production # <= #2
either just a name of the env var - its value is then taken from the host machine
or the whole definition to create a new one to be available within a container
See docs on environment clause for more clarification.
Another thing you can do in order to override some settings is to extend the compose file using a "parent" one. Docs on extends clause
Unfortunately as of now, extends won't work when using compose file of version 3, but it is being discussed in this github issue, so hopefully it will be available soon:)