Minishift: oc 3.11 cannot login, error: couldn't get htttps//<ip>:443/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server: unexpected response status 503 - minishift

After a restart, oc login $(minishift ip) -u system:admin does not work. Error is:
The server is using a certificate that does not match its hostname: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs
You can bypass the certificate check, but any data you send to the server could be intercepted by others.
Use insecure connections? (y/n): y
error: couldn't get unexpected response status 503

I noticed that respond with content, so I change it to be 8443 and login works.
oc login $(minishift ip):8443 -u system:admin
I didn't have to use official documentation way to get another oc client. I am using 3.11.


DotnetCore Linux Container inside Kubernetes unable to Query External Partner API Endpoint

Environment: Azure Kubernetes Cluster
Container: Dotnetcore 2.2 Linux
The dot-net core application was able to query the external partner API endpoint but suddenly it started throwing the below is the mentioned exception
ExceptionId: c6c603bb-91cc-4556-98bf-d747903f522a. Error Message: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.. Error Details: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
Also tried the curl command from inside busybox pod and getting this error
Curl command : curl --location --request GET 'external url' --header 'Authorization: token'
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
More details here:
curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle"
of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default
bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file
using the --cacert option.
If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in
the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a
problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might
not match the domain name in the URL).
If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use
the -k (or --insecure) option.
Other partner API calls are working fine, except this particular partner but the curl from the local system is working. From Pod, it is throwing an error.
What can be the issue:
External partner SSL expired. Which the partner is saying that it has not
External partner SSL is cached and now invalid in Kubernetes
Kubernetes configuration is the problem. What can be the correct one

Roundcube SSL connection IMAP Error: Login failed. Problem with my certificate ssl?

today haved a issues with the conection in my mailserver, when I try to login can't access.
The error says:
IMAP Error: Login failed for against from IP_ADDRESS. Could not
connect to ssl:// Unknown reason in
../lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 200 (POST /webmail/?_task=login&_action=login)
When Try to check my ssl certificate with this command, received this response:
openssl s_client -connect xxxxxx.xxxx:993
140150541821056:error:0200206E:system library:connect:Connection timed out:../crypto/bio/b_sock2.c:110:
140150541821056:error:2008A067:BIO routines:BIO_connect:connect error:../crypto/bio/b_sock2.c:111:
I'm not sure for what happened this. I created the certificate and actually I access to my web behind this domain.
Can you help me with this? Thanks a lot of!!!

I need to get information about a VM using curl

I need to get information about a VM using curl with REST calls. I have this information where 1701 is the VM ID
GET /api/v1/vms/1701 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token token=4210
I tried this in cygwin but it did not work
c:/curl-7.69.0-win64-mingw/bin/curl -X GET -d '{Authorization: Token token=4210}' 'https:/'
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer
certificate More details here: curl
failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this
situation and how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned
That seems like a certificate issue, you can skip the check with the option -k (or --insecure)
From curl documentation (man curl):
-k, --insecure
(TLS) By default, every SSL connection curl makes is verified to be secure. This option allows curl to proceed and operate even for server connections other‐
wise considered insecure.
The server connection is verified by making sure the server's certificate contains the right name and verifies successfully using the cert store.
See this online resource for further details:
See also --proxy-insecure and --cacert.

SSL Handshake error using Curl to POST a file to a web service

I've been playing around with Curl, trying to do what should be a simple POST of a file to a web service for a couple of days and not getting anywhere.
The target POST service is unauthenticated HTTPS. When trying to run my POST request via Curl or via Informatica, I am getting an SSL handshake failure with both methods.
For example:
curl -X POST -F 'file=#filename.dat' https://url
I have been able to get this to work using Postman, so I know the service works. According to network security, SSL is disabled in this environment. Am I out of luck, or is there a way to get this to work without SSL?
Specific error encountered:
curl: (35) error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
By default, a client establishing a HTTPS URL connection will check the validity of a SSL certificate - otherwise, what's the point of using SSL?
In your case, you are saying "Pretend to use HTTPS but actually, ignore the certificate", because it's invalid, or you are still getting one, or you are in the development phase (I hope the latter is true, and get or create a valid sever certificate when needed).
But curl doesn't know that. It is assuming you are asking it to establish a connection with an HTTPS endpoint - thus it will try to validate the certificate - which, in your case, may be the source of the failure.
Try curl -k -X POST -F 'file=#filename.dat' https://url
From the manpage:
-k, --insecure
(TLS) By default, every SSL connection curl makes is verified to be secure. This option allows curl to proceed and operate even for server connections otherwise considered insecure.
The server connection is verified by making sure the server's certificate contains the right name and verifies successfully using the cert store.
See this online resource for further details:
See also --proxy-insecure and --cacert.

Tunnel Connection Failed error when logging into artifactory docker registry

We have created a private docker registry in artifactory.
Our artifactory is a standalone installation and have Nginx as a webserver.
SSL certificates are trusted and works fine.
on docker client, I have copied the ca.crt to /etc/docker/certs.d/:5001/
while am trying to login or push images from my docker client i see below error.
[root#cds-dev-test ~]# docker login
Username: raj
Error response from daemon: invalid registry endpoint unable to ping registry endpoint
v2 ping attempt failed with error: Get Tunnel Connection Failed
v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get Tunnel Connection Failed. If this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, please add --insecure-registry to the daemon's arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate at /etc/docker/certs.d/
my docker version is 1.9.1 and artifactory versioin 4.4.3.
It works when i use --insecure-registry option but not the secure way. We have all trusted certs in place, still see the error.
I have tried using proxy settings on docker client and also without proxy... always the same error.
Any help guys?
I figured it out.
I have proxy settings under my docker deamon. I have added No_Proxy and it works fine.
so people if you are using trusted CA cert, and your network is behind proxy, make sure your docker services file doesnt have proxy settings, if it does add