Querying Tasks under an Initiative in Rally - rally

I need to see all of the tasks under an initiative, in rally. I realize that the parent hierarchy doesn't work this way. It goes:
Initiative -> Feature -> User Story -> Tasks
Initiative -> Feature -> User Story -> User Story -> Tasks
Initiative -> Feature -> User Story -> User Story -> User Story -> Tasks
In Rally we can have N levels of user story.
Is it possible to query (in the rally custom list UI) tasks under an initiative?
(PortfolioItem.FormattedID = I12345)
I tried:
(WorkProduct.Feature.Parent.FormattedID = I12345)
(Parent.Feature.Parent.FormattedID = I12345)
(UserStory.Feature.Parent.FormattedID = I12345)


WLST to add a user condition to a existing global role

I am trying to add a user condition under Security Realms -> myrealm -> Roles and Policies -> Global Roles -> Roles -> Test role -> View role conditions. There I clicked on "Add condition" button, then choose user in Predicate List and enter the user name in User Argument Name and save it.
I did tried cmo.getSecurityConfiguration().getDefaultRealm().lookupRoleMapper("XACMLRoleMapper") from Oracle support, but i am not sure how do i achieve this using wlst.
Could you help me out with this.
As i understand,By using below WLST script it will help you to create users, groups and let you know how to add users to an existing role. 1
undo(defaultAnswer=’y’, unactivatedChanges=’true’)

odoo manufacturing transfer

We are using odoo manufacturing and Inventory modules. We have different 2 warehouse and locations (for example WH A and WH B).
when I manufacture on WH B.
If there are not enough raw material then it can be purchased. However, if there are enough product on WHA, I want to create automatically Transfer request from WHA to WHB.
thank you for your help
It's my pleasure to help you.
I will let you know how to solve this case in both V8 And V9
Solution For odoo version v9
Step 1 Make configuration
To do the configuration you can go to Inventory -> Configuration ->
Location and Warehouse
Multi-Location -> Manage several locations per warehouse
Routes -> Advanced routing of products using rules
Step 2 Create the WareHouse
Create the 2 Ware House Named (for example WH A and WH-B) as per your
TO do so you can go to this path Inventory -> Configuration ->
Setting -> Warehouse Management -> Warehouse
Step 3 Define the resupply warehouse
TO do so you can go to this path Inventory -> Configuration ->
Setting -> Warehouse Management -> Warehouse
Step 4 Create Product
Step 5 Configure the Routs
To configure the routes You can go to Inventory -> Product ->(In
selected or newly create product) Inventory -> Routs -> select the
appropriate route
You can also go to the
Purchases -> Product ->(In selected or new created product) Inventory -> Routs -> select the appropriate route
Step 5 Define new reordering rule for the procurement
TO do so you can go to Inventory -> Configuration -> Routes ->
Select your route/ create new
Step 6 Define Push Rule/ Define Routes
TO do so you can go to Inventory -> Configuration -> Routes -> Select
your route/ create new -> Push Rule
Solution For odoo version v8
Go to this link for V8
Now by performing the sales & other operation, you can check your issue will solve. still, If you are having problem Comment here. I will try my best to help you.

Route to another page from a sub-page

I am using Hop at the moment and I am wondering how you can route to another page outside the main / app module. If you follow the Hop documentation, there are two specific types of messages, well - they are called that in the docs, NavigateTo and SetQuery. How do you raise those messages from sub-modules?
I have tried the following:
view =
button [ onClick (Main.Types.NavigateTo "test") ] []
However, this would mess up the typing.
The problem wasn't with Hop, but my understanding of how parent-child communication works within Elm. To say lightly, you need to be careful for what and when you use this type of communication, but in my case, I read a few good blog posts by Brian Thicks and Alex Lew talking about this form of communication. Especially Alex' post is typical for my use case.
What I did is the following: I added a separate update statement for the type of message I want to route. This is not the best implementation and it can be done more elegantly like Alex describes with the translator pattern.
update msg model =
case msg of
NavigateTo path ->
command =
Hop.outputFromPath hopConfig path
|> Navigation.newUrl
( model, command )
SetQuery query ->
command =
|> Hop.setQuery query
|> Hop.output hopConfig
|> Navigation.newUrl
( model, command )
ExampleMsg InterestingMsg exampleInteger ->
update (NavigateTo "<path here>") model --Update model in let-statement
ExampleMsg subMsg ->
( updatedExampleModel, pageCmd ) =
Page.Example.State.update subMsg model.exampleModel
( { model | exampleModel = updatedExampleModel }, Cmd.map ExampleMsg pageCmd )

Elm: making successive network requests

I am trying to learn elm from the past week and want build a simple Hacker News client by calling the official Hacker News API.
I'm calling https: //hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json to get the top stories which would return an array of story Ids. Once I have the Ids I need to make subsequent calls to https ://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/[/* Id goes here */].json fetch the details of each story item.
I have a Main.elm file which would fetch list of top stories.
type Msg = Request
| RequestSuccess (List Int)
| RequestFail Http.Error
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Request ->
(model, getTopNews)
RequestSuccess list->
(Model list, Cmd.none)
RequestFail error->
(Model [], Cmd.none)
Next part is where I am confused, fetching details for each of the item returned. I also have a NewsItem component to display the details of each news item.
How can I solve this, by creating union types inside NewsItem component(child component) to fetch details? If thats how I should do it..
How can I can call the fetch details api from the NewsItem component as soon as the first api call inside Main.elm is complete?
Or am I missing something obvious here? That's not the correct approach at all?
You can see what I have tried so far here.
Here's my recommendation. It assumes that you'll be loading each NewsItem independently and that they can all fail independently as well. If this isn't the case then we can definitely come up with something that works better for you.
1) Represent your NewsItem not as just a record but a record wrapped in a type to represent the possibility that loading the details could fail. See http://blog.jenkster.com/2016/06/how-elm-slays-a-ui-antipattern.html for more info.
module NewsItem
-- imports and such
type Model = Loading | Success NewsItem | Failure Http.Error
2) Write an init function in your NewsItem module that accepts an Int and returns a (NewsItem.Model, Cmd NewsItem.Msg) pair
init : Int -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init newsItemId =
( Loading
, getNewsItem newsItemId |> Task.perform GetItemFailure GetItemSuccess
3) In your Main module, once you've fetched your list of IDs, map them onto a List (NewsItem.Model, Cmd NewsItem.Msg) using your init function and use the techniques of the Elm architecture to store them as children in your parent model. I recommend storing them as a Dict Int NewsItem.Model which maps ID onto child model.
RequestSuccess list ->
children =
list |> List.map (\id -> (id, NewsItem.init id))
childModels =
|> List.map (\(id, (model, cmd)) -> (id, model))
|> Dict.fromList
childCmds =
|> List.map (\(id, (model, cmd)) -> Cmd.map (NewsItemMsg id) cmd)
|> Cmd.batch
(Model childModels, childCmds)

Rally query for tasks related to a user story with a specific parent

How do I write a Rally query to give me all the Rally tasks for a user story which has a parent user story that has a specific ID?
For an ID of "S666", this works for tasks:
(WorkProduct.FormattedID = "S666")
And this works for user stories:
(Parent.FormattedID = "S666")
However, when I try the following:
(WorkProduct.Parent.FormattedID = "S666")
Then I get this error:
Could not parse: Could not traverse to "Parent" on type Artifact in the query segment "WorkProduct.Parent.FormattedID"
Unfortunately you won't be able to do this directly from the task endpoint due to the error you found above. Since the WorkProduct field on Task is of type Artifact (not necessarily a story- could be a Defect, etc.) it has no Parent field.
However you should be able to query for stories where (Parent.FormattedID = "S666") and include Tasks (and any fields on Task you're interested in) in your fetch.
"/hierarchicalrequirement.js?query=(Parent.FormattedID = "S666")&fetch=Tasks,FormattedID,Name,Owner,State,Actuals,Estimate,ToDo"