Is it safe to have subroutine with the same name in different fortran modules? [duplicate] - module

I'm pretty new in the Fortran world. I get a piece of code, where I find difficulty in understanding it.
Let's say in module A, var is declared as a parameter of integer type:
integer, parameter :: var = 81
Then in another module B, an array with the name var is declared:
integer :: var(2)
When these modules are used in a third module C:
use A
use B
Won't there be conflict in the names? Or the two members of the array var will take the value 81?

There will be a compile time error when you attempt to access the variable var in your described case. The specific error will look like:
Error: Name 'var' at (1) is an ambiguous reference to 'var' from module 'a'
Are those variables meant to be globally scoped? You can declare one (or both) of them with private so they are scoped to the module and do not pollute the global scope. In this case though, module C would not be able to use the private variable. Another option is to limit what is imported in your use statement with:
use A, only: some_variable1, some_other_variable
use B, only: var
This would let var from B into the scope of C, and would hide var from A.
If you have to have both variables in module C, you can rename one when you use the module. E.g.:
use A, varA => var
use B, varB => var
which lets you access the variables var in each module by the names varA and varB.
See this example:
module A
integer, parameter :: var = 81
end module
module B
integer :: var(2)
end module
module C
use A, varA => var
use B, varB => var
end module
program test
use C
print *, varA
end program
which will print 81.


In OCaml, what does aliasing a module do exactly?

In OCaml, to bring another module in scope you can use open. But what about code like this:
module A = struct
include B.C
module D = B.E
Does this create an entirely new module called A that has nothing to do with the modules created by B? Or are the types in B equivalent to this new structure and can a type in A.t can be used interchangeably with a type in B.C.t for example?
Especially, comparing to Rust I believe this is very different from writing something like
pub mod a {
pub use b::c::*;
pub use b::e as d;
Yes, module A = struct include B.C end creates an entirely new module and exports all definitions from B.C. All abstract types and data types that are imported from B.C are explicitly related to that module.
In other words, suppose you have
module Inner = struct
type imp = Foo
type t = int
so when we import Inner we can access the Inner definitions,
module A = struct
include Inner
let x : imp = Foo
let 1 : t = 1
and the Foo constructor in A belongs to the same type as the Foo constructor in the Inner module so that the following typechecks,
A.x = Inner.Foo
In other words, include is not a mere copy-paste, but something like this,
module A = struct
(* include Inner expands to *)
type imp = Inner.imp = Foo
type t = Inner.t = int
This operation of preserving type equalities is formally called strengthening and always applied when OCaml infers module type. In other words, the type system never forgets the type sharing constraints and the only way to remove them is to explicitly specify the module type that doesn't expose the sharing constraints (or use the module type of construct, see below).
For example, if we will define a module type
module type S = sig
type imp = Foo
type t = int
module A = struct
include (Inner : S)
will generate a new type foo, so A.Foo = Inner.Foo will no longer type check. The same could be achieved with the module type of construct that explicitly disables module type strengthening,
module A = struct
include (Inner : module type of Inner)
will again produce A.Foo that is distinct from Inner.Foo. Note that type t will be still compatible in all implementation as it is a manifest type and A.t is equal to Inner.t not via a sharing constraint but since both are equal to int.
Now, you might probably have the question, what is the difference between,
module A = Inner
module A = struct include Inner end
The answer is simple. Semantically they are equivalent. Moreover, the former is not a module alias as you might think. Both are module definitions. And both will define a new module A with exactly the same module type.
A module alias is a feature that exists on the (module) type level, i.e., in the signatures, e.g.,
module Main : sig
module A = Inner (* now this is the module alias *)
end = struct
module A = Inner
So what the module alias is saying, on the module level, is that A is not only has the same type as Inner but it is exactly the Inner module. Which opens to the compiler and toolchain a few opportunities. For example, the compiler may eschew module copying as well as enable module packing.
But all this has nothing to do with the observed semantics and especially with the typing. If we will forget about the explicit equality (that is again used mostly for more optimal module packing, e.g., in dune) then the following definition of the module A
module Main = struct
module A = Inner
is exactly the same as the above that was using the module aliasing. Anything that was typed with the previous definition will be typed with the new definition (modulo module type aliases). It is as strong. And the following is as strong,
module Main = struct
module A = struct include Inner end
and even the following,
module Main : sig
module A : sig
type imp = Impl.imp = Foo
type t = Impl.t = int
end = struct
module A = Impl

How do I use sets in OCaml?

I want to write a function that, given a non-negative integer n, returns the power set of {1,...,n}. So I want to use the Set.S module as found here. But I can't seem to import it. When I run the following code:
open Set.S
let rec power_set n =
if n = 0 then add empty empty else union (iter (add n s) power_set (n-1)) (power_set (n-1));;
let print_set s = SS.iter print_endline s;;
print_set (power_set 2)
I get the error:
File "", line 1, characters 5-10:
Error: Unbound module Set.S
Maybe I just don't have the Set.S module installed on my computer? (I've only done the bare bones needed to install OCaml). If this is the case, how would I get it?
The Set.S is a module type, not a module. You can open only modules. In fact, the module Set contains three elements:
the module type OrderedType that denotes the type of modules that implement ordered types;
the module type S that denotes the type of modules that implement Set data structures;
the functor Make that takes a module of type OrderedType and returns a module of type S.
To get a set module you need to create it using the Set.Make functor. The functor has one parameter - the module for the set elements. In modern OCaml (4.08+) you can create a set module for integers as easy as,
module Ints = Set.Make(Int)
and then you can use like this,
let numbers = Ints.of_list [1;2;3]
assert (Ints.mem 2 numbers)
For older versions of OCaml, which doesn't provide the Int module, or for non-standard (custom) types, you need to define your own module that implements the OrderedType interface, e.g.,
module Int = struct
type t = int
(* use Pervasives compare *)
let compare = compare
module Ints = Set.Make(Int)
You can also use non-standard libraries, like Janestreet's Core library, which provide sets out of box. The Core library has an Int module that is already charged with sets, maps, hashtables, so it can be accessed without any functors:
open Core.Std
let nil = Int.Set.empty
Or, in the modern (2018-2019) version of Janestreet Core or Base libraries, you can use polymorphic sets/maps, which require you to specify the module for keys only when a new set or map is created, e.g., like this
open Base (* or Core, or Core_kernel *)
let nil = Set.empty (module Int)
let one = Set.add nil 1
let two = Set.singleton (module Int) 2
You have to Make a set module from the Set functor.
module SI = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
Then you can have a set of ints:
# let myset = SI.add 3 SI.empty;;
val myset : SI.t = <abstr>
# SI.elements myset;;
- : SI.elt list = [3]

Variable in another module to be used in current module

Here it goes my code
I'm wondering if this is applicable, we all know that to load a a function in another module you have to use this code:
I was wondering If my given code is applicable.
You can use variables in another module, but the syntax is not like ModuleName.FunctionName.VariableName because functions have no fields.
As an example, consider this simple module foo.lua:
local M = {}
function M.func()
print("calling func")
M.var = 42
return M
Note that similar to func(), the variable var must be global, or it's private to the module.
You can use the variable var similar to the way to use the function func():
local foo = require "foo"
calling func
There is two ways you can achieve this.
1 :
-- message.lua
local M = {}
function M.message()
return M
You can call above module into other file.
-- test.lua
local msg = require "message"
2 :
msg = "message"
You can call above module by dofile
-- test.lua
dofile ("/home/django/lua/message.lua") -- you should provide complete path of message.lua
Functions don't have fields, but tables do. So you can do
ModuleName.FunctionName -- a function in ModuleName
ModuleName.VariableName -- a variable in ModuleName
ModuleName.TableName.FieldName -- a field from a TableName which is in ModuleName
Note FieldName could itself reference a table, and VariableName could be a function, table, string, number, coroutine, etc.

Difference between module <name> = struct .. end and module type <name> = struct.. end?

module <name> =
module type <name> =
struct (* should have been sig *)
The first declares a module and the second declares a module type (aka a signature). A module type contains type and val declarations, whereas a module can contain definitions (e.g., let bindings). You can use a signature to restrict the type of a module, much as you might for a function. For example,
module type T = sig
val f : int -> int
module M : T = struct
let f x = x + 1
let g x = 2 * x
Now, we have
# M.f 0 ;;
- : int = 1
# M.g 0 ;;
Error: Unbound value M.g
M.g is unbound because it's hidden by the signature T.
Another common way to use module types is as arguments to and return values of functors. For example, the Map.Make functor in the standard library takes a module with signature Map.OrderedType and creates a module with signature Map.S
P.S. Note that there's a mistake in the question. A module type is declared using
module type <name> = sig
A structure (written struct … end) is a bunch of definitions. Any object in the language can be defined in a module: core values (let x = 2 + 2), types (type t = int), modules (module Empty = struct end), signatures (module type EMPTY = sig end), etc. Modules are a generalization of structures: a structure is a module, and so is a functor (think of it as a function that takes a module as argument and returns a new module). Modules are like core values, but live one level above: a module can contain anything, whereas a core value can only contain other core values¹.
A signature (written sig … end) is a bunch of specifications (some languages use the term declaration). Any object in the language can be specified in a module: core values (val x : int), types (type t = int), modules (module Empty : sig end), signatures (module type EMPTY = sig end), etc. Module types generalize signatures: a module type specifies a module, and a module type that happens to specify a structure is called a signature. Module types are to modules what ordinary types are to core values.
Compilation units (.ml files) are structures. Interfaces (.mli files) are signatures.
So module Foo = struct … end defines a module called Foo, which happens to be a structure. This is analogous to let foo = (1, "a") which defines a value called foo which happens to be a pair. And module type FOO = sig … end (note: sig, not struct) defines a module type called FOO, which happens to be a signature. This is analogous to type foo = int * string which defines a type called foo which happens to be a product type.
This is in fact no longer true since OCaml 3.12 introduced first-class modules, but it's close enough for an introductory presentation.
module type describe a module. It is the same as the difference between .ml and .mli

OCaml: Set modules

I want to use OCaml to generates sets of data and make comparisons between them. I have seen the documentation for Module types like Set.OrderType, Set.Make, etc, but I can't figure out how to initialize a set or otherwise use them.
Sets are defined using a functorial interface. For any given type, you have to create a Set module for that type using the Set.Make functor. An unfortunate oversight of the standard libraries is that they don't define Set instances for the built-in types. In most simple cases, it's sufficient to use Here's a definition that works for int:
module IntSet = Set.Make(
let compare =
type t = int
end )
The module IntSet will implement the Set.S interface. Now you can operate on sets using the IntSet module:
let s = IntSet.empty ;;
let t = IntSet.add 1 s ;;
let u = IntSet.add 2 s ;;
let tu = IntSet.union t u ;;
Note that you don't have to explicitly define the input structure for Set.Make as an OrderedType; type inference will do the work for you. Alternatively, you could use the following definition:
module IntOrder : Set.OrderedType = struct
type t = int
let compare =
module IntSet = Set.Make( IntOrder )
This has the advantage that you can re-use the same module to instantiate a Map:
module IntMap = Map.Make( IntOrder )
You lose some genericity in using functors, because the type of the elements is fixed. For example, you won't be able to define a function that takes a Set of some arbitrary type and performs some operation on it. (Luckily, the Set module itself declares many useful operations on Sets.)
In addition to Chris's answer, it may be useful to say that some standard library modules already adhere to the OrderedType signature. For example, you can simply do:
module StringSet = Set.Make(String) ;; (* sets of strings *)
module Int64Set = Set.Make(Int64) ;; (* sets of int64s *)
module StringSetSet = Set.Make(StringSet) ;; (* sets of sets of strings *)
And so on.
Here's a simple usage example for StringSet; remember that sets are functional data structures, so adding a new element to a set returns a new set:
let set = List.fold_right StringSet.add ["foo";"bar";"baz"] StringSet.empty ;;
StringSet.mem "bar" set ;; (* returns true *)
StringSet.mem "zzz" set ;; (* returns false *)