Clojure httpkit spotify request - api

Following my last question, but to keep the code homogeneous I want to use httpkit to make requests instead of clj-http as I did before.
I have the following to try and receive my profile from the Spotify API:
(defn get-me [token]
{:url ""
:method :get
:headers {"Authorization" token
"Accept" "application/json"
"Content-Type" "application/json"}}))
(defn get-me-handler [req]
(let [res (:token #TOKEN)]
(if (= res "")
{:status 404
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body "Not logged in"}
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body (get-me (get (json/read-str res) "access_token"))})))
a long with a "localhost:{port}/me" route. When I access this route, I get back:
{"status": 400, "message": "Only valid bearer authentication supported" }}"
As the error message. Does anyone know how to fix this in httpkit, as it is not a problem I had in clj-http?


Axios get request works but post request returns callFunctionReturnedFlushedQueue and Network Error

I'm calling a route with axios that I want to really call as a post request. However, when calling with a post request like so:
export const uploadFeatured = (mediaName, youtubeLink, description) => async dispatch => {
console.log("uploading", mediaName, youtubeLink, description);
const res = await + '/api/uploadFeatured');
I'm getting an error:
rror: Request failed with status code 403
callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue#[native code]
However, get request works without any error. Here's my clojure code for the routes and the server for request handling:
(ns humboiserver.routes.home
[humboiserver.layout :as layout]
[ :as io]
[humboiserver.middleware :as middleware]
[ring.util.http-response :as response]
[humboiserver.routes.featured :as featured]))
(defn home-page [request]
(layout/render request "home.html" {:docs (-> "docs/" io/resource slurp)}))
(defn about-page [request]
(layout/render request "about.html"))
(defn home-routes []
{:middleware [middleware/wrap-csrf
["/" {:get home-page}]
["/about" {:get about-page}]
["/featured" featured/get-featured]
["/invest" featured/invest]
["/connect" featured/connect]
["/uploadFeatured" featured/upload-featured]]])
(defn response [data & [status]]
{:status (or status 200)
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/edn"
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" "Content-Type"
"Access-Control-Request-Method" "GET, OPTIONS, POST"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" true
:body (generate-string data)})
(defn upload-featured [req]
(prn "request is " (:params req))
;;(db/insert "featured" (:params req))
(response "uploaded")
How to fix this error and what am I doing wrong?
You seem to be getting a 403 Forbidden response when POST-ing, GET is fine, but POST seems to be forbidden. When the server/client do not run on the same host/origin, some CORS restrictions may apply. Somewhere you define response headers:
"Access-Control-Request-Method" "GET, OPTIONS"
Maybe adding 'POST' to this response header might resolve the situation.

Error 403 when get request to server. Server contains core header

I'm running a server with clojure on localhost:3000. The server talks to the client, which is a react native app that's using axios to talk to the server. However the communication with the server is returning a 403 error.
Call to the server:
export const invest = (itemid, amount) => async dispatch => {
console.log("investing in actions")
const domain = 'localhost:3000'
const res = + '/api/invest', {itemid: itemid, amount: amount});
console.log("response is", res)
dispatch({ type: INVESTED,});
Server contains a reitit route called "/api/invest", and this route will call a function called featured/invest. But instead I'm getting a 403 error in the client:
(ns humboiserver.routes.home
[humboiserver.layout :as layout]
[ :as io]
[humboiserver.middleware :as middleware]
[ring.util.http-response :as response]
[humboiserver.routes.featured :as featured]))
(defn home-page [request]
(layout/render request "home.html" {:docs (-> "docs/" io/resource slurp)}))
(defn about-page [request]
(layout/render request "about.html"))
(defn home-routes []
{:middleware [middleware/wrap-csrf
["/" {:get home-page}]
["/about" {:get about-page}]
["/featured" featured/get-featured]
["/invest" featured/invest]
Even the invested prn statement isn't printed in the logs.
;; featured/invest function.
(defn response [data & [status]]
{:status (or status 200)
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" "Content-Type"
"Access-Control-Request-Method" "GET, OPTIONS"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" true
:body (pr-str data)})
(defn invest [req]
(prn "invested")
(response (db/find "featured" {})))
403 error:
[Warning] Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0): (AppEntry.bundle, line 42288)
Error: Request failed with status code 403
callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue#[native code]
How to fix this error?
Hi I think you need to send an Anti-forgery token if I'm not mistaken...
You can use curl to test accessing your server via the command line

How can I add custom header parameters to a API GET call in clojurescript

I'm building a demo application in clojurescript with KeeFrame and to retrieve a part of the information for this website I need to call an external API which requires a custom HTTP header parameter in the GET requests
I'm using re-frame.core for the API calls, which uses ajax.core.
I also tried to replace this with cljs-http.client. However the result is the same.
I already managed to add custom header parameters to the request header by using clj-http at server site. But this is not a solution I want to implement for this website because that means that I first have to rebuild the API I'm calling. So I can use it from my clojurescript without the parameter.
This code works. A correct GET request is generated
{:http-xhrio {
:method :get
:uri (str transuri "/acquirer/" 673072009 "/acquirerref/" acquirerRefNo)
:headers {"Accept" "application/json"}
:response-format (http/json-response-format {:keywords? true})
:on-failure [:common/set-error]}}
With "Accept: application/json" as a request header
This code does not work. Instead of a GET request an OPTIONS request is generated
{:http-xhrio {
:method :get
:uri (str transuri "/acquirer/" 673072009 "/acquirerref/" acquirerRefNo)
:headers {"Accept" "application/json" "Custom" "Value"}
:response-format (http/json-response-format {:keywords? true})
:on-failure [:common/set-error]}}
And in the request header "Accept: application/json" is not visible but "Access-Control-Request-Headers: custom" is
I expected a GET request with "Accept: application/json" and "Custom: Value" in the request header.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or provide me with a link with information about this?
Thanks in advance
The Browser will send a "preflight" OPTIONS request to verify that it is allowed to send the "Custom" request header. The server is supposed to approve by replying with "Access-Control-Allow-Headers".
I have not used KeeFrame, but I have a working example using a new re-frame lib I'm working on. It invokes an ajax request using this interceptor:
(def ajax-intc
"Interceptor for performing AJAX requests"
{:id :ajax-intc
:enter identity
:leave (fn [ctx] ; #todo (with-result ctx ...)
(let [ajax (:ajax ctx)]
;(t/spyx :ajax-intc-start ctx)
;(t/spyx :ajax-intc-start ajax)
(when-not (nil? ajax)
(t/spy :awt-ajax-intc--ajax ajax)
(let [method (t/grab :method ajax)
uri (t/grab :uri ajax)
ajax-opts-present (set/intersection (set (keys ajax)) ajax-options-keys)
opts-map (t/submap-by-keys ajax ajax-opts-present)]
;(t/spy :ajax-intc-ready (t/vals->map method uri opts-map))
(condp = method
:get (do
(t/spy :awt-ajax-intc--opts-map opts-map)
(ajax/GET uri opts-map))
:put (ajax/PUT uri opts-map)
:post (ajax/POST uri opts-map)
(throw (ex-info "ajax-intc: unrecognized :method" ajax))))))
When invoked with this event:
(flame/dispatch-event [:ajax-demo :get "/fox.txt"
{:handler ajax-handler
:error-handler ajax-error-handler
:headers {"custom" "something"}
one can see in the Chrome dev console that the headers come through:
:awt-localstore-load-intc--loaded-value-1 {}
core.cljs:192 :awt-ajax-intc--ajax => {:method :get, :uri "/fox.txt", :handler #object[flintstones$core$ajax_handler], :error-handler #object[flintstones$core$ajax_error_handler], :headers {"custom" "something"}}
core.cljs:192 :awt-ajax-intc--opts-map => {:handler #object[flintstones$core$ajax_handler], :error-handler #object[flintstones$core$ajax_error_handler], :headers {"custom" "something"}}
If you want to try it out, you can clone this repo:
and then run:
lein clean
lein figwheel
and see it run in the browser.

Devise Token Auth / Angular2-Token, update password, Completed 401 Unauthorized

I'm having troubles restoring password with devise_token_auth. and Angular2-Token. I'm successfully receiving the email with the link to update my password. But I'm getting an 401 Unauthorized response when submiting the new password.
Front end. I'm getting the token from the URL with urlParams.get('token')
onPasswordUpdate() {
let token = this.urlParams.get('token');
var obj = Object.assign(this._updatePasswordData, { reset_password_token: token })
this._tokenService.patch('auth/password/', obj ).subscribe(
res => res,
error => error
Back end response.
Started PATCH "/api/auth/password/" for at 2016-12-01 21:17:48 +0100
Processing by DeviseTokenAuth::PasswordsController#update as JSON
Parameters: {"reset_password_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_confirmation"=>"[FILTERED]"}
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
In the link of the email I get the following token : reset_password_token=HneZDoKTMCLF3_SLfnxy
When I visit the link, the user record gets updated with the following attributes :
reset_password_token: "aa3cba76c7b1d8f78cde6856f43e1cce57f5fc8e5301842733de677eff909bc1"
tokens: {}
Then in the browser URL I get the following token=agejaip2SqOp9nvwE1GAHQ&uid
And then the user record get updated with the following attribues :
reset_password_token: "HneZDoKTMCLF3_SLfnxy",
tokens: {"pv9i1BDTM29ezep0KSPzpA"=>{"token"=>"$2a$10$cS9gbe9UBICcgphZHRAENOMS6NlEe0Em1cNufY3LSRTPE.hRMabvi", "expiry"=>1481834221}}
It seems to me that the token I get back in URL is not correct.
Those anyone have an idea ?
Sorry It's a bit hard to explain.
Many thanks.
rails (4.2.4)
devise_token_auth (0.1.34)
devise (= 3.5.1)
angular2-token: 0.2.0-beta.1
I faced similar challenges recently, and this was how I solved it.
Expose the 'access-token', 'expiry', 'token-type', 'uid', 'client' for your backend. Check here and here
config.middleware.use Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins '*'
resource '*',
:headers => :any,
:expose => ['access-token', 'expiry', 'token-type', 'uid', 'client'],
:methods => => [:get, :post, :options, :delete, :put, :patch]
Set your redirect_url of path: /password, method: POST. Check info here
We need to modify the reset_password_instructions.html.erb to point it to the api GET /auth/password/edit. More information provided here.
E.g. if your API is under the api namespaces:
<%= link_to 'Change my password', edit_api_user_password_url(reset_password_token: #token, config: message['client-config'].to_s, redirect_url: message['redirect-url'].to_s) %>

rails - "WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity" for json devise requests

How can I retrieve the CSRF token to pass with a JSON request?
I know that for security reasons Rails is checking the CSRF token on all the request types (including JSON/XML).
I could put in my controller skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, but I would lose the CRSF protection (not advisable :-) ).
This similar (still not accepted) answer suggests to
Retrieve the token with <%= form_authenticity_token %>
The question is how? Do I need to do a first call to any of my pages to retrieve the token and then do my real authentication with Devise? Or it is an information one-off that I can get from my server and then use consistently (until I manually change it on the server itself)?
In Rails 4 I now use what #genkilabs suggests in the comment below:
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session, if: { |c| c.request.format == 'application/json' }
Which, instead of completely turning off the built in security, kills off any session that might exist when something hits the server without the CSRF token.
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, :if => { |c| c.request.format == 'application/json' }
This would turn off the CSRF check for json posts/puts that have properly been marked as such.
For example, in iOS setting the following to your NSURLRequest where "parameters" are your parameters:
[request setHTTPMethod:#"POST"];
[request setValue:#"application/json"
[request setValue:#"application/json"
[request setHTTPBody:[NSData dataWithBytes:[parameters UTF8String]
length:[parameters length]]];
You can send the CSRF token, after a successful log-in, using a custom header.
E.g, put this in your sessions#create :
response.headers['X-CSRF-Token'] = form_authenticity_token
Sample log-in response header providing the CSRF token:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 35
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:39:04 GMT
Etag: "9d719d3b9aabd413c3603e04e8a3933d"
Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.3/2012-10-12)
Set-Cookie: [cut for readability]
X-Csrf-Token: PbtMPfrszxH6QfRcWJCCyRo7BlxJUPU7HqC2uz2tKGw=
X-Request-Id: 178746992d7aca928c876818fcdd4c96
X-Runtime: 0.169792
X-Ua-Compatible: IE=Edge
This Token is valid until you log-in again or (log-out if you support this through your API).
Your client can extract and store the token from the log-in response headers. Then, each POST/PUT/DELETE request must set the X-CSRF-Token header with the value received at the log-in time.
Sample POST headers with the CSRF token:
POST /api/report HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Cookie: [cut for readability]
Host: localhost:3000
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.3.0
X-CSRF-Token: PbtMPfrszxH6QfRcWJCCyRo7BlxJUPU7HqC2uz2tKGw=
Documentation: form_authenticity_token
Indeed simplest way. Don't bother with changing the headers.
Make sure you have:
<%= csrf_meta_tag %>
in your layouts/application.html.erb
Just do a hidden input field like so:
<input name="authenticity_token"
value="<%= form_authenticity_token %>"/>
Or if you want a jquery ajax post:
type: 'POST',
url: "<%= someregistration_path %>",
data: { "firstname": "text_data_1", "last_name": "text_data2", "authenticity_token": "<%= form_authenticity_token %>" },
error: function( xhr ){
success: function( data ){
//data response can contain what we want here...
console.log("SUCCESS, data="+data);
Basically when you post your json data just add a valid authenticity_token field to the post data and the warning should go away...
I resolved that error this way:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, if: :json_request?
def json_request?
What's worrying is that in Rails 3.2.3 we now get the CSRF warning in production.log but the post does not fail! I want it to fail as it protects me from attacks. And you can add the csrf token with jquery before filter btw:
I have used the below. Using include? so if the content type is application/json;charset=utf-8 then it is still working.
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session, if: { |c| c.request.format.include? 'application/json' }
This answer is better.
You get to keep the CSRF-TOKEN validation with no extra effort (the token is appended) before any XMLHttpRequest send. No JQuery, no nothing just copy/paste and refresh.
Simply add this code.
(function() {
var send = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send,
token = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content');
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(data) {
this.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', token);
return send.apply(this, arguments);
I had the same issue with the following version of Rails:
gem 'rails', :git => 'git://', :branch => '3-2-stable'
I updated to 3.2.2 and everything works fine for me now. :)
gem 'rails', '3.2.2'
I ran into the same issue tonight.
The reason that happens is because when you sign in the last csrf-token is no longer valid.
What I did was:
$("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr('content', '<%= form_authenticity_token %>'); in your app/views/devise/sessions/create.js.rb.
Now it does have a valid csrf-token :)
I hope it helps
Also for development/test mode.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception unless %w(development test).include? Rails.env
This warning shows because you are using :null_session, in Rails 4.1 it works by default if no with: options specified.