Hello I keep getting an error message saying the path is wrong. I'm new at VBA Code and I just don't know how to solve it. This is what I wrote. I keep checking the path every time and copy-pasting the path and yet it can't find it. Sorry for my English - not main language.
Error message is:
Run time errror
Could not find file A:\Proccess_Assig1.accdb'.
The code is
Private Sub btn_buscar_Click()
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim strsql As String
strsql = "Select * from TBlClientes Where id= " & txtCliente.Value & ""
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=A:\Proccess_Asig1.accdb;persist security Info=False"
rs.Open strsql, conn
If rs.EOF Then
MsgBox "Id no existe"
txtCliente.Value = Nothing
txtNombre.Value = Nothing
txtApellido.Value = Nothing
txtTelefono.Value = Nothing
txtCliente.Value = rs.Fields("Nombre")
txtApellido.Value = rs.Fields("ApellidoPaterno")
txtTelefono.Value = rs.Fields("Teléfono")
End If
Set conn = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
Check that you have the actual valid path A:\Proccess_Assig1.accdb doesn't seem like a standard path, try c:\Proccess_Assig1.accdb
I have the below Macro reading from a Database table stored as a txt file on the local C drive and returning an SQL query.
Public Function getData(fileName As String) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cN As ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Set cN = New ADODB.Connection
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
cN.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Cloud\;Persist
Security Info=False;Extended Properties=""text; HDR=Yes; FMT=Delimited;
RS.ActiveConnection = cN
RS.Source = "select top 10 * from " & fileName
Set getData = RS
End Function
I can then call the function and return data using the below, so far so good...
Sub Cloud()
Dim a As ADODB.Recordset
Set a = getData("file.txt")
MsgBox (a.GetString())
End Sub
BUT now I would like to move 'file.txt' from C:\Cloud\ to a HTTP location, ie http://it.wont.work/
How would I amend the above for this to work? I've searched and tested but nothing seems to work... I either get internet login failed or ISAM not found.
Many thanks
When running the below code I keep getting an Automation error, for the life of me I can't figure out why. Can anyone shed some light?
When I use the debug it highlights the below;
rs.Open SQLStr, cn
I saw some references to
I've been tasked to get data from a SQL DB based off the values in Column A Row 3 onwards.
Example of Excel Sheet:
ITEM | QTY TO PICK | QTY ON ORDER | Column 2 | Column 3 etc
PART 1 | 5 | <Data will be populated here>
PART 2 | 12 | <Data will be populated here>
This code runs through a Command Button.
The data pulled from SQL will be populated starting in C3 onwards.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
' Create a connection object.
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
' Provide the connection string.
Dim strConn As String
'Use the SQL Server OLE DB Provider.
strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;"
'Connect to the Pubs database on the local server.
strConn = strConn & "server=<server name>;INITIAL CATALOG=<DB Name>;"
'Use an integrated login.
strConn = strConn & " INTEGRATED SECURITY=sspi;"
'Now open the connection.
cn.Open strConn
ActiveSheet.Range("C3:G10000").Clear ' clear out existing data
Dim ItemNumber As String
ItemNumber = Range("A3").Value
' Create a recordset object.
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
SQLStr = "Select * from vw_WorksOrder WHERE ITEMNO = " & ItemNumber & ""
rs.Open SQLStr, cn
' Copy the records into cell A1 on Sheet1.
Sheet4.Range("C3").CopyFromRecordset rs
' Tidy up
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
As #Zac points out with incorrect use of quotes which resolves issue, consider not using quotes or variable concatenation at all by employing the industry best practice of parameterization. ADO can parameterize SQL calls using its Command CreateParameter method.
See below example using your setup where a ? is used as placeholder in prepared statement, then a parameter is later appended defining its name, type, direction size, and value.
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = cn
.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM vw_WorksOrder WHERE ITEMNO = ?"
.CommandType = adCmdText
.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("itemparam", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, ItemNumber)
End With
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Set rst = cmd.Execute
Also, another industry best practice is error and exception handling for runtime errors as AutomationError is not useful for debugging. And you want to release all Set objects regardless of error or not. In VBA, you can use the On Error handling to output more useful messages and release objects from memory accordingly.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
On Error Goto ErrHandle
'...same code but without any Set obj = Nothing (since used in ExitHandle)
Set rs = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
Exit Sub
Msgbox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume ExitHandle
End Sub
I am trying to extrapolate data from an MS Access 2007/2010 Database.
I have the following code in VBA but the connection string is incorrect. I have added the relevant REFERENCES libraries
Private Sub btnGetMsAccessData_Click()
Dim sConn As String
Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim oRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSQL As String
sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=\\MyNetworkPath\BP-MasterDashboard Source\BP_Planning_by_PT_dept_be.accdb;Mode=Read"
Set oConn = New ADODB.Connection ' Open a connection.
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_Start_Leaver" ' Make a query over the connection.
Set oRs = New ADODB.Recordset
oRs.Open sSQL, , adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdText
MsgBox oRs.RecordCount
oConn.Close ' Close the connection.
Set oConn = Nothing
End Sub
It fails saying Unknown Application error on the oConn.Open line.
I have tried to link a Workbook to one of the tables and this works fine.
I then looked at the "Connection" and copied it into my code but still no joy.
Keeps saying :
Automation Error
Unexpected Error
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
While the connection string was incorrect, there were other issues as well. Such as, not assigning the connection String to the ADODB Connection object as well as others. Here is the updated code that I hope will get you operational
Private Sub btnGetMsAccessData_Click()
'Ensure you add a reference to Microsoft ADO Objects
Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim oRs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSQL As String: sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_Start_Leaver"
'Corrected Connection String from Thomas Inzina
Dim sConn As String: sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;UID=Admin;Data Source=" & _
"\\MyNetworkPath\BP-MasterDashboard Source\BP_Planning_by_PT_dept_be.accdb;Mode=Read"
With oConn
.ConnectionString = sConn ' You need to assign the connection string to the ADODB.Connection Object
End With
'Make sure the connection isn't open before opening the recordset
'You also need to specify which connection you want to use as the second parameter (this was missed)
If oRs.State <> adStateOpen Then oRs.Open sSQL, oConn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdText
'Close Connection and RS
If oConn.State = adStateOpen Then oConn.Close
If oRs.State = adStateOpen Then oRs.Close
'Clean Up
Set oRs = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing
End Sub
I've been developing a program in excel vba for some time now with no errors. Today however, adter only commenting out something outside of a sub, all of my functions now throw a Function call on left-hand side of assignment must return variant or object error error. See a sample below:
Public Function fGetEmployees() As Variant()
Dim oDB As ADODB.Connection
Dim oCM As ADODB.Command
Dim oRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
On Error GoTo Err:
strSQL = "SELECT StaffId, FirstName, LastName " & _
"FROM ptqEmployees"
Set oDB = New ADODB.Connection
oDB.Open gcConn
Set oCM = New ADODB.Command
With oCM
.ActiveConnection = oDB
.CommandText = strSQL
.CommandType = adCmdText
Set oRS = .Execute
End With
fGetEmployees = oRS.GetRows()
Set oRS = Nothing
Set oRS = Nothing
Exit Function
Call fLogDBError(Err.Number, Err.Description, 4)
End Function
The error gets thrown on line:
fGetEmployees = oRS.GetRows()
As said this has been functioning with no issues for sometime now. There's no option to debug either.
Can anyone assist with what the issue is?
Very strange but I exported the module and then imported it and it's working fine now.
I’m getting a Run-time error '430': Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface" on this line of code Set Me.lstResults.Recordset = rs or this Set Me![frmM_SearchForDocumentsSubForm].Form.Recordset = rs. I am trying to get the ADO Recordset based on a SQL stored procedure to appear in an unbound Listbox or Subform of an Access form. I’m on Win 7 Machine using Access 2010 connecting to SQL Server 2008:
On_Click event:
Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strSQL As String
'Stored procedure + parameters called from form
strSQL = "Exec sqlsp_searchalltables " & Me.txtTables & _
", " & "'%" & Me.txtSearchTerm & "%'"
OpenMyRecordset rs, strSQL
'debug - view procedure
Me.lblQuery.Caption = strSQL
Set Me.lstResults.Recordset = rs
'or this
'Set Me![frmM_SearchForDocumentsSubForm].Form.Recordset = rs
End Sub
I found some solutions for this error on the web and tried all of them to no avail. Most suggested checking the references which I did and verified.
I am able to successfully connect to the SQL server and have the results display in both a Listbox and Subform when I use DAO Querydef and a passthrough query or if I use this .listbox method:
With Me.lstResults
strItem = rs.Fields("CLIENT_ID").Value
.AddItem strItem
Loop Until rs.EOF
End With
I would prefer not to use the DAO method because I found I need the coding flexibility of ADO especially with connecting to multiple Recordsets in SQL. Thoughts?
FYI: My OpenMyRecordset public function in Module:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Global con As New ADODB.Connection
Global rs As ADODB.Recordset
Global NoRecords As Boolean
Public Enum rrCursorType
rrOpenDynamic = adOpenDynamic
rrOpenForwardOnly = adOpenForwardOnly
rrOpenKeyset = adOpenKeyset
rrOpenStatic = adOpenStatic
End Enum
Public Enum rrLockType
rrLockOptimistic = adLockOptimistic
rrLockReadOnly = adLockReadOnly
End Enum
Public Function OpenMyRecordset(rs As ADODB.Recordset, strSQL As String, Optional rrCursor As rrCursorType, _
Optional rrLock As rrLockType, Optional bolClientSide As Boolean) As ADODB.Recordset
If con.STATE = adStateClosed Then
con.ConnectionString = "ODBC;Driver={SQL Server};Server=mysqlsvr;DSN=RecordsMgmt_SQLDB;UID=XXX;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=RecordsManagementDB;"
End If
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
.ActiveConnection = con
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = IIf((rrCursor = 0), adOpenDynamic, rrCursor)
.LockType = IIf((rrLock = 0), adLockOptimistic, rrLock)
.Open strSQL
If .EOF And .BOF Then
NoRecords = True
Exit Function
End If
End With
End Function
You definitely do not have to do the looping method to just to populate the listbox. I'm not familiar with the OpenMyRecordset command you used, but I suspect that something in its functionality is what is causing this error (i.e., it's not opening the recordset in a manner compatible with the listbox). This is how I connected to a local instance of SQL Server Express and was able to populate a listbox.
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
.ConnectionString = _
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"Initial Catalog=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=yes"
End With
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
Set .ActiveConnection = cn
.Source = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees"
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
End With
Set Me.lstTest.Recordset = rs
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
You will have to make sure that you have the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library reference enabled in your project.