React-native app - How to position clickable elements on svg background? - react-native

SVG background is received from server as "floorplan". I want to put elements from the server on top of it. Click on them to display information about it. Is this possible?
How would you make something like the picture?


codename one how to place component on an image viewer that capture camera?

I have a GUI Builder created form in codename one, how can i open the camera in a resizable view at the show() of the form and place container like text area or anything else on it?
I saw the camera demo but i don't understand it very well because on the simulator it open a file picker.
My purpose is to create a form with a camera resizable capture when you have two labels and you can also write or paint on your photo used in background, I do this only for hobby and fun, i do what i can, Any advice is well accepted, thank you for the attenction
You can now place a component on top of a camera view with a new cn1lib:
Original answer below:
I'm assuming you mean overlay on a live camera view. While this is possible it's not supported at this time in the Java API layer.
If you mean grabbing a photo and setting it as a background for the form for overlay you can create an image with the result of the Capture API and use setBgImage() to set that image to the background of a component or form.

Hide image while loading new source

I've implemented a React Native component which shows an image loaded from a remote server. The user can swipe the image out of the screen in order to navigate to the next image which is again loaded from the remote server. While loading of the second image, the old image is still visible on the screen.
I want the old image to disappear while loading the next image. Any hint how to achieve this?
Prop defaultSource only works for initial render (showing the first image) but not consecutive images. So I guess React reuses the Image under the hood. I've played around with onLoadStart and onLoadEnd but I don't know how to reset the source of the old image.
Any idea?
Add a unique key prop to each image. It can be a number or a string. That will prevent React from re-using the elements.

How do I remove the App name from my flipping live tile on Windows Phone?

I'm using this template TileWide310x150PeekImage03 from the documentation here. On the example image, the name of the App is not displayed on the image, but on my App the name of the app remains.
This ruins the UI of my tile because the App name is displayed within the image of my flipping live tile. How do I remove it?
Add branding="none" to the binding element in the template XML.

Edge Animate CC dynamic / animated slider

I want to make a dynamic animated slider with symbols that contain clickable actions vs a slider image only approach. I would like to use a "next" button and a "back" button that will scroll multiple background images that contain clickable links. I can produce a basic image slider with the back and next buttons, but this approach is limited. Any help on how I can do this in Edge Animate CC will be very appreciated.
I was looking for a very simple slideshow a while ago. Came up with this here:
If you want your Slides to contain any clickable items you will be able to simply add them to the sides div. Just set the picture as a background image in CSS and you are free to develop any clickable items infront.
Here is another tutorial that worked fine for me:
To me this is easy to understand and if you are used to jQuery at least a little bit this here will work out fine for you.

how to solve z-index of webview control in XAML in metro style app?

i create item details page divided to 3 rows ,i put scrollviewer in row no 2, scrollview contains two pargraph and webview ,when i scroll the page ,webview appear on the row no 3 means that it ovelay row no 3
WebView suffers from an airspace issue. as it is not hosted in the same render target as the rest of the app, but rather in a separate HWND window. There is currently no good way around that other than manually resizing the WebView to make it fit in your boundaries.
You can use a WebViewBrush instead of the WebView, but that has a set of limitations of its own - basically it is just a non-interactive brush. Its documentation shows how you can use it to temporarily show the non-interactive page while some other content is rendered on top of it.
Or, if you only want to display a Web page, WebViewBrush may be able to be used.
official sample code: XAML WebView control sample - ScenarioInput4.ComboBox1_DropDownOpened()