Calculate diff of values in a column under condition - pandas

I Have a DF with columns ['Region', 'Country', 'Year', 'Yearly_rank'].
I need to group by region and country and calculate for each country the change in 'Yearly_rank' between years 2016-2019
df = pd.DataFrame([{'Region': 'west europe', 'Country': 'Finland', 'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 1}, {'Region': 'west europe', 'Country': 'Denmark', 'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 2}, {'Region': 'west europe', 'Country': 'Norway', 'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 3}, {'Region': 'west europe', 'Country': 'Iceland', 'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 4}, {'Region': 'west europe',
'Country': 'Netherlands', 'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 5}, {'Region': 'west europe', 'Country': 'Switzerland', 'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 6}, {'Region': 'west europe', 'Country': 'Sweden',
'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 7}, {'Region': 'australia and new zealand', 'Country': 'New Zealand', 'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 8}, {'Region': 'north america', 'Country': 'Canada',
'Year': 2019, 'Yearly_rank': 9}, {'Region': 'west europe', 'Country': 'Austria', 'Year': 2019,
'Yearly_rank': 10}]

Try this:
cond = df["Year"].isin([2016, 2019])
change = df[cond].sort_values("Year").groupby(["Region", "Country"])["Yearly_rank"].diff()


Need to create conditional stacked bar chart in Google Data Studio

I have SEO data and need to create a Stacked Bar chart with it.
I have Landing Pages (URLs) and I need to sort them into 4 categories.
Categorize Landing pages into Top 1-3 Landing pages by clicks; same for 4-10, 11-20, 21-100.
Then I need to create Stacked Bar chart with this view.
Sample chart attached below:
Need Month on X axis, Total view count on X axis.
I have generated Random Data here to create sample chart. hopefully it will be enough.
For a categorization of the grouped items, there has to be some preprocessing. Data Studio cannot do it.
Possible approaches can be done in BigQuery, Sheets (pivot). A route in Data Studio would be to do it by the PERCENTILE in combination with a self blend, obtaining the rank (e.g. first 10% of clicks) instead of the top visited sites.
Since you added the tag "custom-visuals", here a way to do it by the VEGA LITE plugin.
First add the Community visualization "Vega/Vega Lite" to your report.
Add as dimension the date and the Landing page, and the metrics are the sum of the clicks.
The add following Vega Lite code in the style tab:
"$schema": "",
"values": [
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "abs", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 1},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 20, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 7},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "vnwso", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 24, 2022", "$dimension1": "ojjvl", "$metric0": 6},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "vgoe", "$metric0": 8},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 26, 2022", "$dimension1": "abs", "$metric0": 1},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 27, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 6},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 9},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "vnwso", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 1, 2022", "$dimension1": "ojjvl", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 2, 2022", "$dimension1": "olwoe", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 3, 2022", "$dimension1": "vgoe", "$metric0": 7},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 4, 2022", "$dimension1": "abs", "$metric0": 9},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 5, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 1},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 8, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 20, 2022", "$dimension1": "vnwso", "$metric0": 8},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 10, 2022", "$dimension1": "ojjvl", "$metric0": 15},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "olwoe", "$metric0": 11},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 12, 2022", "$dimension1": "vgoe", "$metric0": 16},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "abs", "$metric0": 12},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 13},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 15, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 14},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 16, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 10},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 17, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 8},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 7},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 6},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "shf", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "jildo", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "kahif", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 1, 2022", "$dimension1": "ikhqfl", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 2, 2022", "$dimension1": "hqifkql", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "guwk", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "qfhuw", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "ihqo3", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 1, 2022", "$dimension1": "wfoj", "$metric0": 5}
"transform": [
"joinaggregate": [{"op":"sum","field":"$metric0","as":"counts"}],"groupby": ["$dimension1"]
"sort":[{"field":"counts","order": "descending"},{"field":"$dimension1","order": "descending"}],
"window":[{"op": "row_number","as": "rownum"},{
"op": "lead","field":"$dimension1","as": "last"}]
"calculate": " datum.last == datum.$dimension1 ? 0 : 1 ", "as": "adding"
"sort":[{"field":"rownum","order": "ascending"}],
"window":[{"op":"sum","field":"adding","as": "TOPs"}]
"calculate": " datum.TOPs<3 ? 'Top 1-3' : datum.TOPs<10 ? 'Top 4-10' : datum.TOPs<20 ? 'Top 11-20' : 'Top 21-100' ", "as": "TOPid"
"mark": {"type": "bar"},
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "$dimension0",
"type": "ordinal",
"title": "$"},
"y": {
"field": "$metric0",
"type": "quantitative",
"axis": {"title": "$"},
"aggregate": "sum"
"field": "TOPid",
"scale": {
"domain": ["Top 1-3", "Top 4-10", "Top 11-20", "Top 20-100"],
"range": ["blue", "lightblue", "#00a", "yellow"]
} ,
"order": { "field": "TOPs"}
it can be also viewed and developed under:
In case you need the top groups by date and not globally, please use this version
"$schema": "",
"values": [
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "abs", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 1},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 20, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 7},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "vnwso", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 24, 2022", "$dimension1": "ojjvl", "$metric0": 6},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "vgoe", "$metric0": 8},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 26, 2022", "$dimension1": "abs", "$metric0": 1},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 27, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 6},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 9},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "vnwso", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 1, 2022", "$dimension1": "ojjvl", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 2, 2022", "$dimension1": "olwoe", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 3, 2022", "$dimension1": "vgoe", "$metric0": 7},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 4, 2022", "$dimension1": "abs", "$metric0": 9},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 5, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 1},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 8, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 20, 2022", "$dimension1": "vnwso", "$metric0": 8},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 10, 2022", "$dimension1": "ojjvl", "$metric0": 15},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "olwoe", "$metric0": 11},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 12, 2022", "$dimension1": "vgoe", "$metric0": 16},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "abs", "$metric0": 12},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 13},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 15, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 14},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 16, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 10},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 17, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "jsofj", "$metric0": 8},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 18, 2022", "$dimension1": "hfkh", "$metric0": 7},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "iefi", "$metric0": 6},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "eil", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "shf", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "jildo", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "kahif", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 1, 2022", "$dimension1": "ikhqfl", "$metric0": 5},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 2, 2022", "$dimension1": "hqifkql", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 19, 2022", "$dimension1": "guwk", "$metric0": 4},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 21, 2022", "$dimension1": "qfhuw", "$metric0": 3},
{"$dimension0": "Jan 31, 2022", "$dimension1": "ihqo3", "$metric0": 2},
{"$dimension0": "Feb 1, 2022", "$dimension1": "wfoj", "$metric0": 5}
"transform": [
"joinaggregate": [{"op":"sum","field":"$metric0","as":"counts"}],"groupby": ["$dimension1","$dimension0"]
"sort":[{"field":"counts","order": "descending"},{"field":"$dimension1","order": "descending"}],
"window":[{"op": "row_number","as": "rownum"},{
"op": "lead","field":"$dimension1","as": "last"}],
"groupby": ["$dimension0"]
"calculate": " datum.last == datum.$dimension1 || datum.rownum==1 ? 0 : 1 ", "as": "adding"
"sort":[{"field":"rownum","order": "ascending"}],
"window":[{"op":"sum","field":"adding","as": "TOPs"}],
"groupby": ["$dimension0"]
"calculate": " datum.TOPs<3 ? 'Top 1-3' : datum.TOPs<10 ? 'Top 4-10' : datum.TOPs<20 ? 'Top 11-20' : 'Top 21-100' ", "as": "TOPid"
"mark": {"type": "bar"},
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "$dimension0",
"type": "ordinal",
"title": "$"},
"y": {
"field": "$metric0",
"type": "quantitative",
"axis": {"title": "$"},
"aggregate": "sum"
"field": "TOPid",
"scale": {
"domain": ["Top 1-3", "Top 4-10", "Top 11-20", "Top 20-100"],
"range": ["blue", "lightblue", "#00a", "yellow"]
} ,
"order": { "field": "TOPs"}
This is a Vega Lite code:
"data" is for having some sample data
"transform" does all the needed transformation
"joinaggregate": obtains the sum of all clicks by "Landing page"
next we need to generate a custom ranking TOPs for these values
"sort" / "window" : The table is sorted from the most clicks to the fewest clisk. Then the "window" is looking for the "Landing page" to be changed to the previous row.
"calculate" set a value of 1, if "Landing page" changed from previous row
"sort" / "window": sums up these values. This is the custom ranking TOPs.
"calculate" : split the custom ranking TOPs in the top groups (top 1-3, top 4-20, etc. and name it TOPid
"mark": Barplot
"encoding" : sets the fields for the barplot
"x", "y": definition of x and y axis
"color": here the TOPid defines the stacked plot. For testing please use TOPs
"scale": set the color of the stacked plot. For testing, please remove this.
"order": set the order, TOPs is used, because the TOPid are string names and thus not have the desired order

i have 2 regions , in 2 regions there are 2 cities. i have to output the count and name of cities. how can i get it

{'_id': ObjectId('619f4e58b1a936e640635e97'), 'OrderDate': '01-01-2020', 'Region': 'East', 'City': 'Boston', 'Category': 'Bars', 'Product': 'Carrot', 'Quantity': '33', 'UnitPrice': '1.77', 'TotalPrice': 58.0, '': 'Sum of TotalPrice'}
{'_id': ObjectId('619f4e58b1a936e640635e98'), 'OrderDate': '04-01-2020', 'Region': 'East', 'City': 'Boston', 'Category': 'Crackers', 'Product': 'Whole Wheat', 'Quantity': '87', 'UnitPrice': '3.49', 'TotalPrice': 303.0, '': '17988.66'}
{'_id': ObjectId('619f4e58b1a936e640635e99'), 'OrderDate': '07-01-2020', 'Region': 'West', 'City': 'Los Angeles', 'Category': 'Cookies', 'Product': 'Chocolate Chip', 'Quantity': '58', 'UnitPrice': '1.87', 'TotalPrice': 108.46, '': '15336.92'}
{'_id': ObjectId('619f4e58b1a936e640635e9a'), 'OrderDate': '10-01-2020', 'Region': 'East', 'City': 'New York', 'Category': 'Cookies', 'Product': 'Chocolate Chip', 'Quantity': '82', 'UnitPrice': '1.87', 'TotalPrice': 153.34, '': '33325.58'}
{'_id': ObjectId('619f4e58b1a936e640635e9b'), 'OrderDate': '13-01-2020', 'Region': 'East', 'City': 'Boston', 'Category': 'Cookies', 'Product': 'Arrowroot', 'Quantity': '38', 'UnitPrice': '2.18', 'TotalPrice': 82.84}
{'_id': ObjectId('619f4e58b1a936e640635e9c'), 'OrderDate': '16-01-2020', 'Region': 'East', 'City': 'Boston', 'Category': 'Bars', 'Product': 'Carrot', 'Quantity': '54', 'UnitPrice': '1.77', 'TotalPrice': 95.58}
{'_id': ObjectId('619f4e58b1a936e640635e9d'), 'OrderDate': '19-01-2020', 'Region': 'East', 'City': 'Boston', 'Category': 'Crackers', 'Product': 'Whole Wheat', 'Quantity': '149', 'UnitPrice': '3.49', 'TotalPrice': 520.01}
{'_id': ObjectId('619f4e58b1a936e640635e9e'), 'OrderDate': '22-01-2020', 'Region': 'West', 'City': 'Los Angeles', 'Category': 'Bars', 'Product': 'Carrot', 'Quantity': '51', 'UnitPrice': '1.77', 'TotalPrice': 90.27}
print("Total count of orders in East region and West region are",w,"and",e)
for i in a:
Try this instead, Refer
"$group": {
"_id": {
"Region": "$Region",
"City": "$City"
"Total Amount": {
"$sum": "$TotalPrice"
"count": {
"$sum": 1
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"Cities": "$_id.City",
"Total Count": "$count",
"Total Amount": "$Total Amount"

OpenLayers v6.3.1 How to instantiate several polygon sub-objects that make up a TopoJSON object inserted in my Script with the “.readFeatures” method?

My TopoJSON object contains 3 polygonal sub-objects of which the first D2P1 appears with the geometry correctly drawn on the OSM map, but the other 2 polygons D2P2 and D2P3 are drawn distorted on the map turning into projected lines instead of their! correct geometry.
Could you help me to write my code correctly so that my 3 polygons appear correctly configured?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="
3.1/build/ol.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="
.3.1/css/ol.css" type="text/css">
/*estilo de la caja del mapa*/
#map {
width: 100%;
height: 700px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #888;
/*estilo de los controles del mapa*/
.ol-mouse-position {
/*estilo del control de longitud y latitud */
font-size: 12px;
font-family: Arial Black;
<div id="map"></div>
var osm = new ol.layer.Tile({ // capa osm (Open Street Maps)
source: new ol.source.OSM()
var Y = {
"type": "Topology",
"arcs": [
[711, 1839],
[-37, -99],
[-3, -8],
[-2, -4],
[-3, -4],
[-2, -3],
[-1, -1],
[-2, -1],
[-3, -3],
[-2, -1],
[-4, -2],
[-1, 0],
[-3, -1],
[-24, 1],
[-12, -3],
[-10, -15],
[-1, -3],
[-5, -13],
[-2, -23],
[-1, -94],
[275, -220],
[17, -31],
[34, -52],
[117, -112],
[19, -19],
[30, -142]
[1085, 986],
[-5, -9],
[0, 0],
[-30, -40],
[-47, -48],
[-18, -16],
[-21, -16],
[-45, -61],
[-16, -16],
[-4, -4],
[-101, -125],
[-28, -6],
[-5, -7],
[-3, -2],
[-3, -1],
[-7, -16],
[-573, 431],
[-1, 1],
[-12, 5],
[-9, 3],
[-157, 6],
[16, 868],
[14, 15],
[82, 49],
[599, -158]
[711, 1839],
[315, -82],
[459, -119],
[-3, -4],
[-143, -167],
[75, -84],
[-12, -10],
[-39, -51],
[-3, -3],
[-15, -16],
[-76, -26],
[-133, -211],
[-28, -44],
[-23, -36]
[2354, 410],
[-76, -313],
[-220, 43],
[-37, -140],
[-11, 11],
[-129, 128],
[-17, 17],
[-6, 5],
[-5, 2],
[-7, 3],
[-8, 2],
[-15, 4],
[-173, 40],
[-169, 39],
[-2, 6],
[3, 33],
[-239, 651],
[-21, 32],
[-86, 93],
[133, 211],
[76, 26],
[15, 16],
[3, 3],
[39, 51],
[12, 10],
[-75, 84],
[146, 171],
[2, 1],
[16, 3],
[11, 2],
[9, 1],
[16, 2],
[20, 3],
[20, 1],
[16, 2],
[21, -2],
[14, -2],
[20, -3],
[18, -4],
[21, -8],
[24, -10],
[15, -9],
[23, -14],
[39, -28],
[32, -27],
[20, -14],
[32, -18],
[22, -10],
[23, -6],
[35, -4],
[33, -5],
[41, -1],
[74, -8],
[44, -15],
[73, -32],
[101, -41],
[169, -77],
[118, -51],
[74, -35],
[12, -5],
[-15, -66],
[-41, -179],
[-69, -252],
[-35, -26],
[-3, -9],
[-7, -15],
[-14, -48],
[-4, -57],
[-7, -16],
[-39, -41],
[-14, -22],
[-21, -44],
[-23, -3],
[-15, -1],
[-9, -2],
[-8, -6],
[-10, -16],
[-5, -11],
[0, 0]
"transform": {
"scale": [0.00001991525380089962, 0.000012987212987305721],
"translate": [-98.20093192354561, 19.06017018766488]
"objects": {
"D2P1": {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": [{
"arcs": [
[0, 1]
"type": "Polygon",
"properties": {
"description": null,
"timestamp": null,
"begin": null,
"end": null,
"altitudeMode": null,
"tessellate": -1,
"extrude": 0,
"visibility": -1,
"drawOrder": null,
"icon": null,
"snippet": ""
"D2P2": {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": [{
"arcs": [
[-1, 2]
"type": "Polygon",
"properties": {
"description": null,
"timestamp": null,
"begin": null,
"end": null,
"altitudeMode": null,
"tessellate": -1,
"extrude": 0,
"visibility": -1,
"drawOrder": null,
"icon": null,
"snippet": ""
"D2P3": {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": [{
"arcs": [
"type": "Polygon",
"properties": {
"description": null,
"timestamp": null,
"begin": null,
"end": null,
"altitudeMode": null,
"tessellate": -1,
"extrude": 0,
"visibility": -1,
"drawOrder": null,
"icon": null,
"snippet": ""
/* source*/
var sourceD2P1 = new ol.source.Vector({
features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON({
layers: ['D2P1']
})).readFeatures(Y, {
dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'
var sourceD2P2 = new ol.source.Vector({
features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON({
layers: ['D2P2']
})).readFeatures(Y, {
dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'
var sourceD2P3 = new ol.source.Vector({
features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON({
layers: ['D2P3']
})).readFeatures(Y, {
dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'
var vectorD2P1 = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----D2P1
source: sourceD2P1,
style: new{
fill: new{
color: 'green',
stroke: new{
color: 'green',
width: 1
var vectorD2P2 = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----D2P2
source: sourceD2P2,
style: new{
fill: new{
color: 'red',
stroke: new{
color: 'red',
width: 1
var vectorD2P3 = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----D2P3
source: sourceD2P3,
style: new{
fill: new{
color: 'blue',
stroke: new{
color: 'blue',
width: 1
var controls = ol.control.defaults().extend([
new ol.control.ScaleLine(), /*control del mapita lateral*/
new ol.control.Attribution(), /*control del letrero de Open Street Maps*/
new ol.control.MousePosition({ /*control de LONGITUD Y LATITUD en donde se coloque el mause*/
coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate.createStringXY(4),
projection: 'EPSG:4326'
new ol.control.OverviewMap({
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
/*new ol.control.ZoomSlider(),*/
new ol.control.FullScreen() /*control de expancon u cerrado del mapa*/
var Mivista = new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([-98.2172, 19.03464]),
zoom: 12
}) //-98.197, 19.0433 puebla
var layers = [osm,
vectorD2P1, vectorD2P2, vectorD2P3,
// Creacion del mapa con las 3 capas
var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
layers: layers,
controls: controls,
view: Mivista,
Mivista.setRotation(-.4999) // Rota el plano 27 grados
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="
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[27, 15],
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[7, 42],
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[25, -36],
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[3, -16],
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[40, -12],
[40, -17],
[37, -19],
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[32, -3],
[29, -9],
[27, -2],
[48, 4],
[26, 2],
[29, 7],
[25, 4],
[23, 11],
[15, 10],
[22, 3],
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[16, -15],
[28, -17],
[11, -10],
[3, -7],
[-3, -8],
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[-3, -14],
[1, -12],
[12, -23],
[3, -10],
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[4, -13],
[7, -14],
[6, -12],
[8, -24],
[15, -68],
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[17, -9],
[25, -4],
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[40, 9],
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[20, 19],
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[16, 10],
[16, -6],
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[22, -7],
[125, -52],
[210, -80],
[174, -74],
[45, -19],
[44, -14],
[61, 12],
[14, 5],
[12, 7],
[4, 5],
[9, 4],
[2, 3],
[10, 3],
[38, 27],
[3, 3],
[3, 5],
[2, 5],
[0, 4],
[5, 8],
[27, -18],
[18, -12],
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[39, 35],
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[53, 30],
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[29, 21],
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[15, 6],
[19, 13],
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[161, 201],
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[22, 52],
[93, 97],
[86, 64],
[37, 63],
[112, 50],
[-11, 11],
[46, 16],
[22, 16],
[24, 28],
[12, 4],
[70, 27],
[15, 10],
[19, 7],
[16, 9],
[7, 15],
[2, 13],
[3, 9],
[7, 8],
[20, 16],
[13, 11],
[15, 9],
[11, 19],
[24, 10],
[13, 9],
[9, 1],
[11, 5],
[11, 1],
[18, -2],
[22, -2],
[44, 0],
[38, 32],
[6, 56],
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[33, -1],
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[3, -22],
[241, -231],
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[1, -113],
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[57, -66],
[136, 198],
[86, 8],
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[-13, -69],
[-13, -72],
[-34, -43],
[-34, -102],
[-87, 11],
[-37, -13],
[-81, -95],
[-61, -33],
[-89, -50],
[16, -78],
[-18, -75],
[-67, -46],
[-130, -61],
[-22, -37],
[43, -182],
[-22, -105],
[-42, -20],
[-27, -5],
[-24, -8],
[-37, -65],
[-65, -47],
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[-6, -101],
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[-46, -146],
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[-22, -93],
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[-46, -165],
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[77, -92],
[28, -57],
[-1, 0],
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[-132, -20],
[-157, -3],
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[2, -29],
[21, 6],
[23, -32],
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[1, -12],
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[0, -25],
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[2, -7],
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[0, -16],
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[40, -5],
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[44, -6],
[40, -31],
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[39, -30],
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[93, -72],
[-26, -120],
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[-12, -10],
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[44, -84],
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[3, -345],
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[13, -18],
[34, -47],
[-2, -32],
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[85, -25],
[62, -46],
[70, -52],
[80, -33],
[193, -65],
[80, -66],
[55, -138],
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[23, -56],
[278, -196],
[92, -53],
[117, -37],
[118, -210],
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[-28, -169],
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[67, 172],
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[-43, -70],
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"objects": {
"municipioDePuebla": {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": [{
"arcs": [
"type": "Polygon",
"properties": {
"description": null,
"timestamp": null,
"begin": null,
"end": null,
"altitudeMode": null,
"tessellate": -1,
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"visibility": -1,
"drawOrder": null,
"icon": null,
"snippet": ""
}; // Municipio_TopoJSON
/* ol.format.TopoJSON------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var sourceOchentaPARROQUIAS = new ol.source.Vector({
features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON({
layers: ['D2P1', 'D2P2', 'D2P3']
})).readFeatures(geojsonObjectochentaPARROQUIAS, {
dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'
var sourceMunicipio = new ol.source.Vector({
features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON()).readFeatures(geojsonObjectXXX)
/* ol.layer.Vector-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function generateRandomColor(seed) {
let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)
let g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)
let b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)
return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, 0.3)`
let features = sourceOchentaPARROQUIAS.getFeatures()
let colors = {}
features.forEach((feature, i) => {
let geom = feature.getGeometry()
colors[geom.ol_uid] = generateRandomColor(geom.ol_uid)
function vectorStyleFunction(feature) {
let geom = feature.getGeometry()
let id = geom.ol_uid
let style = new{
fill: new{
color: colors[id]
stroke: new{
color: /*'rgba(9, 87, 140, 1)',*/ 'blue',
width: 1
text: new{
font: '12px Calibri,sans-serif',
fill: new{
color: '#000',
stroke: new{
color: '#fff',
width: 3,
// style.getText().setText(geom.ol_uid);
return style
var vectorLayerOchentaPARROQUIAS = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----82 POLIGONOS
source: sourceOchentaPARROQUIAS,
style: vectorStyleFunction
var vectorLayerMunicipioDePuebla = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----1 POLIGONO
source: sourceMunicipio,
style: new{
fill: new{
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.00)'
stroke: new{
color: '#09a7ee',
width: 2
/* CONTROLES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var controls = ol.control.defaults().extend([
new ol.control.ScaleLine(), /*control del mapita lateral*/
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new ol.control.MousePosition({ /*control de LONGITUD Y LATITUD en donde se coloque el mause*/
coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate.createStringXY(4),
projection: 'EPSG:4326'
new ol.control.OverviewMap({
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
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new ol.control.FullScreen() /*control de expancon u cerrado del mapa*/
// Creacion del mapa con las TRES capas
var Mivista = new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([-98.2172, 19.0150]),
zoom: 12
}) //-98.197, 19.0433 puebla
// pedida de capas
var layers = [osm, vectorLayerOchentaPARROQUIAS, vectorLayerMunicipioDePuebla];
var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
layers: layers,
controls: controls,
view: Mivista,
Mivista.setRotation(-.4999) // Rota el plano 27 grados en sentido contrario de las manecillas del reloj

How to check if a value is followed by another value with variable length of sequence

I have a data frame with a series of events like below:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
ex2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'order': {266: 0, 267: 1, 268: 2, 269: 3, 270: 4, 271: 5, 739: 6, 740: 7, 741: 8, 742: 9, 743: 10, 744: 11, 1657: 12, 1658: 13, 1659: 14, 1660: 15, 1661: 16, 1662: 17, 1680: 18, 1681: 19, 1682: 20, 1683: 21, 1684: 22, 1685: 23, 1739: 24, 1740: 25, 1741: 26, 1742: 27, 1743: 28, 1744: 29, 2144: 30, 2145: 31, 2146: 32, 2147: 33, 2148: 34, 2149: 35, 2232: 36, 2233: 37, 2234: 38, 2235: 39, 2236: 40, 2237: 41, 2277: 42, 2278: 43, 2279: 44, 2280: 45, 2281: 46, 2282: 47, 2403: 48, 2404: 49, 2405: 50, 2406: 51, 2407: 52, 2408: 53, 2409: 54, 2410: 55, 2411: 56, 2412: 57, 2413: 58, 2414: 59, 2552: 60, 2553: 61, 2554: 62, 2555: 63, 2556: 64, 2557: 65, 2788: 66, 2789: 67, 2790: 68, 2791: 69, 2792: 70, 2793: 71}, 'group': {266: '0', 267: '0', 268: '0', 269: '0', 270: '0', 271: '0', 739: '0', 740: '0', 741: '0', 742: '0', 743: '0', 744: '0', 1657: '1', 1658: '1', 1659: '1', 1660: '1', 1661: '1', 1662: '1', 1680: '1', 1681: '1', 1682: '1', 1683: '1', 1684: '1', 1685: '1', 1739: '1', 1740: '1', 1741: '1', 1742: '1', 1743: '1', 1744: '1', 2144: '1', 2145: '1', 2146: '1', 2147: '1', 2148: '1', 2149: '1', 2232: '1', 2233: '1', 2234: '1', 2235: '1', 2236: '1', 2237: '1', 2277: '1', 2278: '1', 2279: '1', 2280: '1', 2281: '1', 2282: '1', 2403: '1', 2404: '1', 2405: '1', 2406: '1', 2407: '1', 2408: '1', 2409: '1', 2410: '1', 2411: '1', 2412: '1', 2413: '1', 2414: '1', 2552: '1', 2553: '1', 2554: '1', 2555: '1', 2556: '1', 2557: '1', 2788: '1', 2789: '1', 2790: '1', 2791: '1', 2792: '1', 2793: '1'}, 'id': {266: 301.0, 267: 301.0, 268: 302.0, 269: 302.0, 270: 302.0, 271: 303.0, 739: 304.0, 740: 304.0, 741: 304.0, 742: 305.0, 743: 306.0, 744: 306.0, 1657: 307.0, 1658: 301.0, 1659: 308.0, 1660: 308.0, 1661: np.nan, 1662: np.nan, 1680: 310.0, 1681: 301.0, 1682: 311.0, 1683: 311.0, 1684: 311.0, 1685: 312.0, 1739: 313.0, 1740: 313.0, 1741: 313.0, 1742: 313.0, 1743: 305.0, 1744: 305.0, 2144: 301.0, 2145: 301.0, 2146: 314.0, 2147: 305.0, 2148: 305.0, 2149: 305.0, 2232: 303.0, 2233: 303.0, 2234: 315.0, 2235: np.nan, 2236: np.nan, 2237: 316.0, 2277: 301.0, 2278: 301.0, 2279: 301.0, 2280: 305.0, 2281: 305.0, 2282: 317.0, 2403: 316.0, 2404: 316.0, 2405: 304.0, 2406: 304.0, 2407: 305.0, 2408: 310.0, 2409: 308.0, 2410: 318.0, 2411: 318.0, 2412: 305.0, 2413: 305.0, 2414: 319.0, 2552: 319.0, 2553: 320.0, 2554: 320.0, 2555: 320.0, 2556: np.nan, 2557: 310.0, 2788: 302.0, 2789: 321.0, 2790: 302.0, 2791: 302.0, 2792: 315.0, 2793: 322.0}, 'type': {266: 'A', 267: 'B', 268: 'C', 269: 'D', 270: 'E', 271: 'F', 739: 'A', 740: 'A', 741: 'C', 742: 'G', 743: 'A', 744: 'H', 1657: 'I', 1658: 'J', 1659: 'C', 1660: 'D', 1661: 'K', 1662: 'F', 1680: 'L', 1681: 'B', 1682: 'C', 1683: 'D', 1684: 'E', 1685: 'F', 1739: 'A', 1740: 'A', 1741: 'C', 1742: 'D', 1743: 'K', 1744: 'F', 2144: 'A', 2145: 'F', 2146: 'C', 2147: 'M', 2148: 'N', 2149: 'F', 2232: 'A', 2233: 'I', 2234: 'C', 2235: 'K', 2236: 'F', 2237: 'O', 2277: 'O', 2278: 'A', 2279: 'C', 2280: 'P', 2281: 'F', 2282: 'O', 2403: 'O', 2404: 'I', 2405: 'C', 2406: 'D', 2407: 'P', 2408: 'Q', 2409: 'R', 2410: 'O', 2411: 'C', 2412: 'P', 2413: 'F', 2414: 'F', 2552: 'R', 2553: 'O', 2554: 'C', 2555: 'D', 2556: 'S', 2557: 'L', 2788: 'C', 2789: 'B', 2790: 'C', 2791: 'E', 2792: 'F', 2793: 'O'}, 'is_active': {266: True, 267: True, 268: True, 269: False, 270: False, 271: True, 739: True, 740: True, 741: True, 742: True, 743: True, 744: True, 1657: True, 1658: True, 1659: True, 1660: False, 1661: True, 1662: True, 1680: False, 1681: True, 1682: True, 1683: False, 1684: False, 1685: True, 1739: True, 1740: True, 1741: True, 1742: False, 1743: True, 1744: True, 2144: True, 2145: True, 2146: True, 2147: True, 2148: True, 2149: True, 2232: True, 2233: True, 2234: True, 2235: True, 2236: True, 2237: True, 2277: True, 2278: True, 2279: True, 2280: True, 2281: True, 2282: True, 2403: True, 2404: True, 2405: True, 2406: False, 2407: True, 2408: False, 2409: True, 2410: True, 2411: True, 2412: True, 2413: True, 2414: True, 2552: True, 2553: True, 2554: True, 2555: False, 2556: True, 2557: False, 2788: True, 2789: True, 2790: True, 2791: False, 2792: True, 2793: True}, 'prev_event_type': {266: np.nan, 267: 'A', 268: np.nan, 269: 'C', 270: 'C', 271: np.nan, 739: np.nan, 740: 'A', 741: 'A', 742: np.nan, 743: np.nan, 744: 'A', 1657: np.nan, 1658: np.nan, 1659: np.nan, 1660: 'C', 1661: np.nan, 1662: np.nan, 1680: np.nan, 1681: 'J', 1682: np.nan, 1683: 'C', 1684: 'C', 1685: np.nan, 1739: np.nan, 1740: 'A', 1741: 'A', 1742: 'C', 1743: np.nan, 1744: 'K', 2144: 'B', 2145: 'A', 2146: np.nan, 2147: 'F', 2148: 'M', 2149: 'N', 2232: np.nan, 2233: 'A', 2234: np.nan, 2235: np.nan, 2236: np.nan, 2237: np.nan, 2277: 'F', 2278: 'O', 2279: 'A', 2280: 'F', 2281: 'P', 2282: np.nan, 2403: 'O', 2404: 'O', 2405: np.nan, 2406: 'C', 2407: 'F', 2408: np.nan, 2409: 'C', 2410: np.nan, 2411: 'O', 2412: 'P', 2413: 'P', 2414: np.nan, 2552: 'F', 2553: np.nan, 2554: 'O', 2555: 'C', 2556: np.nan, 2557: np.nan, 2788: 'C', 2789: np.nan, 2790: np.nan, 2791: 'C', 2792: 'C', 2793: np.nan}, 'is_of_interest': {266: False, 267: False, 268: False, 269: False, 270: True, 271: False, 739: False, 740: False, 741: False, 742: False, 743: False, 744: False, 1657: False, 1658: False, 1659: False, 1660: False, 1661: False, 1662: False, 1680: False, 1681: False, 1682: False, 1683: False, 1684: True, 1685: False, 1739: False, 1740: False, 1741: False, 1742: False, 1743: False, 1744: False, 2144: False, 2145: False, 2146: False, 2147: False, 2148: False, 2149: False, 2232: False, 2233: False, 2234: False, 2235: False, 2236: False, 2237: False, 2277: False, 2278: False, 2279: False, 2280: False, 2281: False, 2282: False, 2403: False, 2404: False, 2405: False, 2406: False, 2407: False, 2408: False, 2409: False, 2410: False, 2411: False, 2412: False, 2413: False, 2414: False, 2552: False, 2553: False, 2554: False, 2555: False, 2556: False, 2557: False, 2788: False, 2789: False, 2790: False, 2791: True, 2792: False, 2793: False}})
I need to define if an event of type == 'C' results in an event of type == 'E' for particular group and id combination (so all operations will pe performed on ex2.groupby(['group', 'id']). I know that event of type == 'C' results in event of type == 'E' if there is no active (is_active == 1) event between C and E. I currently have a backward information about previous active event type contained in prev_active_type column. So for example:
for 5th row (order == 4), which is of type E I know that prev_active_type == 'C' - therefore, C led to E.
on the other hand, for 9th row (order == 8), C doesn't result in E.
What I need to obtain is a column that would tell me if event of type == 'C' resulted in event of type E (new_column == True) or not (new_column == False). I think creating an is_of_interest column which indicates if type == E is a good start, but I can't figure out how to achieve my goal from that. THe issue is that there is a variable number of events between C and E - sometimes there is none, sometimes there is one, two or event three...
The expected output is:
ex2['expected_output2'] = {266: False, 267: False, 268: True, 269: False, 270: False, 271: False, 739: False, 740: False, 741: False, 742: False, 743: False, 744: False, 1657: False, 1658: False, 1659: False, 1660: False, 1661: False, 1662: False, 1680: False, 1681: False, 1682: True, 1683: False, 1684: False, 1685: False, 1739: False, 1740: False, 1741: False, 1742: False, 1743: False, 1744: False, 2144: False, 2145: False, 2146: False, 2147: False, 2148: False, 2149: False, 2232: False, 2233: False, 2234: False, 2235: False, 2236: False, 2237: False, 2277: False, 2278: False, 2279: False, 2280: False, 2281: False, 2282: False, 2403: False, 2404: False, 2405: False, 2406: False, 2407: False, 2408: False, 2409: False, 2410: False, 2411: False, 2412: False, 2413: False, 2414: False, 2552: False, 2553: False, 2554: False, 2555: False, 2556: False, 2557: False, 2788: False, 2789: False, 2790: True, 2791: False, 2792: False, 2793: False}.values()
I try to give a small overview of the general idea first, below you find a working code example. I assume that your data is in correct order.
The following happens:
Give every entry a 'connection number', where a new connection starts at every occurance of a C row as well as after each E row.
Then, for each of these connections, check if the following conditions apply:
The connection must have one row with a C and one row with an E, because of how the connections are created in the first step, C and E rows will only happen in the first and last row respectively.
All rows between the first and last row must have 'is_active' == False
Here a working example:
# I removed your rows as they are not needed
ex2.drop(['prev_event_type', 'is_of_interest'], axis=1, inplace=True)
def is_valid_connection(connection):
is_valid = (
(connection['type'] == 'C').any() and
(connection['type'] == 'E').any() and
return pd.Series({'result': is_valid})
ex2['connection_number'] = ((ex2['type'] == 'C') | (ex2['type'] == 'E').shift(1, fill_value=False)).cumsum()
valid_connection_ids = ex2.groupby(['group', 'id', 'connection_number']).apply(is_valid_connection)
ex2 = ex2.merge(valid_connection_ids, left_on=['group', 'id', 'connection_number'], right_index=True)
ex2.loc[ex2['type'] != 'C', 'result'] = False
ex2 = ex2.drop('connection_number', axis=1)
Here's my interpretation for the solution to the problem above:
Sort Dataframe (by order or group,id)
ex2.sort_values(by=['group', 'id'], inplace=True)
Group Dataframe by previous event type:
grouped_df = ex2.groupby(['group', 'id', 'prev_event_type']).aggregate({
'group': 'first',
'id': 'first',
'prev_event_type': 'first',
'type': lambda x: list(x),
'is_active': lambda x: list(x)
Iterate through zipped values to find the sequence of E (can be improved):
def check_next(nexts, actives):
check = False
for n, a in zip(nexts, actives):
if n != 'E':
check = a
return not check
return False
grouped_df['output'] = grouped_df.apply(lambda x: check_next(x['type'], x['is_active']) if x['prev_event_type'] == 'C' else False, axis=1)
And now you have every group, id pair labelled where an E event occurred before C, such that there are no active-events in between.
Let me know if this helps!

How do I get two list panels to resize properly (dynamic)

I am using Sencha Touch 1.1 and have run into an aggravating little bug in my UI for which I've not been able to find the correct way to address in Sencha.
The symptom is that in my search panel containing two lists, it seems that the second list is folding directly under the first list, so in my example case the first list being one row is covering up the first row of the second list.
This is a fairly long code snippet, sorry if I got a little out of control. I just wanted to provide my exact test case (minus the sencha base code).
I've watered the app down to provide this example.
If you take the time to load it you will find that if you go into the "Job Export Search" option and enter 2 into the job order field and click "Check It!" the results will show.
I am putting a little job order info in the first list that returns one row. the second list containing many rows has export history details. Pull down on that second list and you see the first row has been tucked behind the first list.
moving doLayout() around the app has done nothing and the layout "fit" config option seems work fine except for the ui relationship between these two lists. I am assuming the ui just doesn't know the first list is taking up any space at render, but am unsure.
I'll just go ahead and say thanks for your time here at the top, you might not make it to the bottom.
My Models:
Ext.regModel('JobModel', {
idProperty: 'id'
,fields: [
{type: 'int', name: 'id', field: 'id'}
,{type: 'string', name: 'market', field: 'market'}
,{type: 'string', name: 'client', field: 'client'}
,{type: 'string', name: 'title', field: 'title'}
,{type: 'string', name: 'owner', field: 'owner'}
Ext.regModel('ExportHistoryModel', {
idProperty: 'id'
,fields: [
{type: 'int', name: 'id', field: 'id'}
,{type: 'string', name: 'date_exported', field: 'date_exported'}
,{type: 'int', name: 'rank', field: 'rank'}
,{type: 'string', name: 'careersite', field: 'careersite'}
,{type: 'int', name: 'job_id', field: 'job_id'}
Ext.regModel('MenuModel', {
idProperty: 'id',
fields: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'int' }
,{ name: 'title', type: 'string' }
,{ name: 'target', type: 'string' }
My Stores:
Ext.regStore('JobStore', {
model: 'JobModel'
,sorters: [{
property: 'id',
direction: 'ASC'
,proxy: {
type: 'localstorage',
id: 'adsel-app-jobstore'
,data: [
{id: 1, market: 'Boston', client: 'Creme Co.', title: 'Baker', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 2, market: 'Miami', client: 'Vice Inc.', title: 'Administrative Asst.', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 3, market: 'Dallas', client: 'Cowboy LLC', title: 'Customer Service', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 4, market: 'Chicago', client: 'Family Care DDM', title: 'Hygenist', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 6, market: 'Fargo', client: 'Brokers Ltd.', title: 'Sales Associate', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 10, market: 'Boise', client: 'Tate R. Well Co.', title: 'Customer Service Representative', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 21, market: 'Miami2', client: 'Vice Inc.', title: 'Administrative Asst.', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 31, market: 'Dallas2', client: 'Cowboy LLC', title: 'Customer Service', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 41, market: 'Chicago2', client: 'Family Care DDM', title: 'Hygenist', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 61, market: 'Fargo2', client: 'Brokers Ltd.', title: 'Sales Associate', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 101, market: 'Boise2', client: 'Tate R. Well Co.', title: 'Customer Service Representative', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 22, market: 'Miami3', client: 'Vice Inc.', title: 'Administrative Asst.', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 32, market: 'Dallas3', client: 'Cowboy LLC', title: 'Customer Service', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 42, market: 'Chicago3', client: 'Family Care DDM', title: 'Hygenist', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 62, market: 'Fargo3', client: 'Brokers Ltd.', title: 'Sales Associate', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 102, market: 'Boise3', client: 'Tate R. Well Co.', title: 'Customer Service Representative', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 23, market: 'Miami4', client: 'Vice Inc.', title: 'Administrative Asst.', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 33, market: 'Dallas4', client: 'Cowboy LLC', title: 'Customer Service', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 43, market: 'Chicago4', client: 'Family Care DDM', title: 'Hygenist', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 63, market: 'Fargo4', client: 'Brokers Ltd.', title: 'Sales Associate', owner: 'rwheadon'}
,{id: 103, market: 'Boise4', client: 'Tate R. Well Co.', title: 'Customer Service Representative', owner: 'rwheadon'}
Ext.regStore('ExportHistoryStore', {
model: 'ExportHistoryModel'
,sorters: [{
property: 'rank',
direction: 'ASC'
{property: 'job_id', direction: 'ASC'}
,{property: 'id', direction:'ASC'}]
,proxy: {
type: 'localstorage',
id: 'adsel-app-exporthistorystore'
,data: [
{id: 1, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 1, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 1}
,{id: 2, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 2, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 2}
,{id: 3, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 3, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 1}
,{id: 4, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 4, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 2}
,{id: 5, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 5, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 3}
,{id: 6, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 6, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 4}
,{id: 7, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 7, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 3}
,{id: 8, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 8, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 4}
,{id: 9, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 9, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 5}
,{id: 10, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 10, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 10}
,{id: 21, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 2, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 2}
,{id: 31, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 3, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 1}
,{id: 41, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 4, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 2}
,{id: 51, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 5, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 3}
,{id: 61, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 6, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 4}
,{id: 71, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 7, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 3}
,{id: 81, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 8, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 4}
,{id: 91, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 9, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 5}
,{id: 101, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 10, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 10}
,{id: 22, date_exported: '2012-03-26 09:53:00', rank: 2, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 2}
,{id: 32, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 3, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 1}
,{id: 42, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 4, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 2}
,{id: 52, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 5, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 3}
,{id: 62, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 6, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 4}
,{id: 72, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 7, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 3}
,{id: 82, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 8, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 4}
,{id: 92, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 9, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 5}
,{id: 102, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 10, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 10}
,{id: 23, date_exported: '2012-03-26 11:53:00', rank: 2, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 2}
,{id: 33, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 3, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 1}
,{id: 43, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 4, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 2}
,{id: 53, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 5, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 3}
,{id: 63, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 6, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 4}
,{id: 73, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 7, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 3}
,{id: 83, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 8, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 4}
,{id: 93, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 9, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 5}
,{id: 103, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 10, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 10}
,{id: 24, date_exported: '2012-03-26 13:53:00', rank: 2, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 2}
,{id: 34, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 3, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 1}
,{id: 44, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 4, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 2}
,{id: 54, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 5, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 3}
,{id: 64, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 6, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 4}
,{id: 74, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 7, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 3}
,{id: 84, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 8, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 4}
,{id: 94, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 9, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 5}
,{id: 104, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 10, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 10}
,{id: 25, date_exported: '2012-03-26 15:53:00', rank: 2, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 2}
,{id: 35, date_exported: '2012-03-26 20:53:00', rank: 3, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 1}
,{id: 45, date_exported: '2012-03-26 20:53:00', rank: 4, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 2}
,{id: 55, date_exported: '2012-03-26 20:53:00', rank: 5, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 3}
,{id: 65, date_exported: '2012-03-26 20:53:00', rank: 6, careersite: 'Dice', job_id: 4}
,{id: 75, date_exported: '2012-03-26 20:53:00', rank: 7, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 3}
,{id: 85, date_exported: '2012-03-26 20:53:00', rank: 8, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 4}
,{id: 95, date_exported: '2012-03-26 20:53:00', rank: 9, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 5}
,{id: 106, date_exported: '2012-03-26 20:53:00', rank: 10, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 10}
,{id: 1116, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 11, careersite: 'Craigslist', job_id: 10}
,{id: 1216, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 12, careersite: 'Craigslist', job_id: 6}
,{id: 1316, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 13, careersite: 'Craigslist', job_id: 3}
,{id: 1416, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 14, careersite: 'Craigslist', job_id: 1}
,{id: 1516, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 15, careersite: 'Craigslist', job_id: 4}
,{id: 1616, date_exported: '2012-03-26 08:53:00', rank: 16, careersite: 'Monster', job_id: 6}
Ext.regStore('HomeMenuStore', {
model: 'MenuModel'
,sorters: [{
property: 'title',
direction: 'ASC'
,proxy: {
type: 'localstorage',
id: 'adsel-app-homemenustore'
,data: [
// {id: 1, title: 'Status', targetMenu: 'statusList'}
{id:2, title:'Jobs', target: 'jobListPanel'}
,{id:3, title:'Export History', target: 'exportListPanel'}
,{id:4, title: 'Job Export Search', target: 'jobExportSearchPanel'}
overlappingListProblem.js (intitializers)
var App;
// new Ext.Application({
new Ext.Application({
name : 'AdSel',
useLoadMask : true,
launch: function (){
App = this;
AdSel.views.homeMenuPanel = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'homeMenuPanel'
,layout: 'fit'
,dockedItems: [
,items: [
AdSel.views.jobListPanel = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'jobListPanel'
,layout: 'fit'
,dockedItems: [
,items: [
AdSel.views.exportListPanel = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'exportListPanel'
,layout: 'fit'
,dockedItems: [
,items: [
AdSel.views.jobExportSearchPanel = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'jobExportSearchPanel'
,layout: 'fit'
,dockedItems: [
,items: [
AdSel.views.viewport = new Ext.Panel({
fullscreen : true
,layout : 'card'
,cardAnimation : 'slide'
,items: [
AdSel.views.consoleBar = new Ext.Toolbar({
id: 'consoleBar',
title: 'Job Management Console'
AdSel.views.consoleList = new Ext.List({
id: 'consoleList'
,store: 'HomeMenuStore'
,disableSelection: true
,itemTpl: '<div class="list-item-title">{title}</div>'
,onItemDisclosure: function (record) {
var selectedNote=record;
var theTarget =;
if( theTarget == 'jobExportSearchPanel') {
Ext.getStore('JobStore').filter({property:'id', value: 0, exactMatch: true});
Ext.getStore('ExportHistoryStore').filter({property:'job_id', value: 0, exactMatch: true});
AdSel.views.viewport.setActiveItem(theTarget, {type: 'slide', direction: 'left'})
} else {
AdSel.views.viewport.setActiveItem(theTarget, {type: 'slide', direction: 'left'});
AdSel.views.jobsToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({
id: 'jobsToolbar'
,ui: 'light'
,defaults: {
iconMask: true
,ui: 'plain'
,title: 'Jobs'
,items: [
iconCls: 'home',
handler: function () {
AdSel.views.viewport.setActiveItem('homeMenuPanel', {type: 'slide', direction: 'right'});
AdSel.views.jobList = new Ext.List({
id: 'jobList'
,store: 'JobStore'
,disableSelection: true
,itemTpl: '<div class="list-item-title">{title} ({client}) in {market} entered by {owner}</div>'
* *********************************************** *
* *********************************************** *
* *********************************************** *
* *********************************************** *
* *********************************************** *
* *********************************************** *
AdSel.views.jobHistoryCheckerToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({
id: 'jobHistoryCheckerToolbar'
,ui: 'light'
,dock: 'top'
,defaults: {
iconMask: true
,ui: 'plain'
// ,title: 'Job Posting History'
,title: 'Job Export History'
,items: [
iconCls: 'home'
,id: 'jobhistorycheckerHomeBtn'
,handler: function(){
AdSel.views.viewport.setActiveItem('homeMenuPanel', {type: 'slide', direction: 'right'});
,{xtype: 'spacer'}
text: 'Check it!'
,ui: 'action'
,handler: function () {
var ovrEditor = AdSel.views.joborderHistoryCheckForm;
var filterid = ovrEditor.getValues().joborderid;
var theHeaderStore = Ext.getStore('JobStore');
theHeaderStore.filter({property:'id', value: filterid, exactMatch: true});
var theHistoryStore = Ext.getStore('ExportHistoryStore');
theHistoryStore.filter({property:'job_id', value: filterid, exactMatch: true});
var theHeaderList = AdSel.views.joborderPostingHistoryHeaderInfo;
var theHistoryList = AdSel.views.joborderPostingHistoryResultList;
AdSel.views.joborderHistoryCheckForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
id: 'joborderHistoryCheckForm'
,standardSubmit: false
,submitOnAction: false
,items: [
xtype: 'textfield'
,id: 'joborderhistorycheckform-joborderid'
,name: 'joborderid'
,label: 'JO Number'
AdSel.views.joborderPostingHistoryHeaderInfo = new Ext.List({
id: 'joborderPostingHistoryHeaderInfo'
// ,layout: 'fit'
,store: 'JobStore'
,disableSelection: true
,itemTpl: '<div class="list-item-title-dark"><b>Job Order: </b>{id}<br/>' +
'<b>Title: </b>{title}<br/><b>Client: </b>{client}</div>'
AdSel.views.joborderPostingHistoryResultList = new Ext.List({
id: 'joborderPostingHistoryResultList'
// ,layout: 'fit'
,store: 'ExportHistoryStore'
,disableSelection: true
,itemTpl: '<div class="list-item-title">Runtime: {date_exported}<br/>' +
'Career Site: {careersite}<br/>Rank: {rank}</div>'
AdSel.views.exporthistoryToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({
id: 'jobsToolbar'
,ui: 'light'
,defaults: {
iconMask: true
,ui: 'plain'
,title: 'Export History'
,items: [
iconCls: 'home',
handler: function () {
AdSel.views.viewport.setActiveItem('homeMenuPanel', {type: 'slide', direction: 'right'});
AdSel.views.exporthistoryList = new Ext.List({
id: 'exporthistoryList'
,store: 'ExportHistoryStore'
,disableSelection: true
,itemTpl: '<div class="list-item-title">{date_exported} exported job# {job_id} to {careersite} (ranked {rank})</div>'
I am assuming most won't need the index.html, but I might as well burn a few more bytes:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="touch/1.1.1/resources/css/sencha-touch.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="touch/1.1.1/sencha-touch.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app/overlappingListProblem.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app/models/models.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app/models/stores.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app/viewers/exporthistory-screens.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app/viewers/hardwiredmenu-screens.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app/viewers/job-screens.js"></script>
Posting my alternative approach where I use a form instead of stacking the two dynamic lists together in a panel:
The Form Panel
AdSel.views.joborderPostingHistoryHeaderInfoForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
id: 'joborderPostingHistoryHeaderInfoForm'
,standardSubmit: false
,submitOnAction: false
,items: [
xtype: 'textfield'
,id: 'joborderPostingHistoryHeaderInfoForm-adTitle'
,name: 'adTitle'
,label: 'Job Title'
,listeners: {
afterrender: function(ele) {
ele.fieldEl.dom.readOnly = true;
xtype: 'textfield'
,id: 'joborderPostingHistoryHeaderInfoForm-clientName'
,name: 'clientName'
,label: 'Client'
,listeners: {
afterrender: function(ele) {
ele.fieldEl.dom.readOnly = true;
And then load the desired record into that form adding a little code to the Check It! button:
theHeaderStore = Ext.getStore('exactMatchJobStore');
params:{id: filterid}
theHeaderStore.on('datachanged', function(){
var selectedNote = this.first();