How to automate changing SteamVR settings with code - config

For a VR project I am working on I need to be able to make a in-game interface that would allow to change the role of Vive Trackers, ideally without restarting.
However it seems you can only do it manually through the steamvr settings windows.
During my diging I learned that steam is using WebHelpers(a custom browser) to render the settings and communicate with the software through http (not secured) requests and websockets.
I used wireshark to spoof the packets send and managed to reprocude them using python, however there is a secret key used (x-steam-secret) that changes at every steam or computer startup. I didn't find any way to fetch that key which makes sense since it's secret. I understand that it prevents the user form having config or actions made from any rogue program but I as admin of the computer cant either.
import requests
headers = { "x-steamvr-secret": "13294285527328607850" } # Changes at startup
r =
headers=headers, timeout=5,
I also found a way to change the file where my specific config are store, either manually or through a webconsole that i can replicate without the secret key, however I need to restart SteamVR to have those changes applied and that would mean restarting my VR program.
Do you guys have any idea how to automate some settings changes (with admin right if needed), or even better how to force SteamVR to reload its vrconfig file?
Thanks in advance and have a good day !


How to configure TwinCAT EtherCAT PDOs?

I am having a problem to access to the rest of the memory of a etherCAT device, since it already comes with a default PDO configuration, but when i try to edit this configuration, it won't change and the device stops working correctly unless i use the default configuration again.
Is this the correct way of doing it, or is there any other mwthod to achieve this?. Or maybe, should I edit the ESI field to upload this properties to the device?
I already tried what beckhoff documentation says about adding new PDO directories, but i still get the same result. I also tried using the same directories and properties to the previous configuration adding the directories of the device that I also want to read and write.

Custom language server: how to get the client to send *all* files to the server, not just those opened/edited by the user?

I'm working on implementing a custom language server and a VSCode language extension. My starting point for the client side is lsp-sample. My server implementation is entirely from scratch, in a different language (not JS).
Currently, I've successfully set up textDocument/didOpen and textDocument/didChange messages to be sent by the client and received by the server. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to synchronize all files in the VSCode workspace, not just those that the user has opened. I can't find where this is supported in the protocol. The only text document synchronization capabilities I see are for documents opening, closing, and edits. What about all the other documents in the workspace?
For example, in order to handle "goto definition" requests, the server needs to know about definitions in other files, perhaps those that have never been opened or edited by the user.
A hacky solution would be, on the server side, to parse the URI of the workspace and just go load a bunch of files manually. But this seems like something that the LSP should support; perhaps I'm just missing where it's documented. (Also, it feels like I would be violating the spirit of the LSP design to do some covert ops like this behind the scenes, without communicating with the client.)
Perhaps you're looking for
DidChangeWatchedFiles Notification
See Specification
The watched files notification is sent from the client to the server
when the client detects changes to files and folders watched by the
language client (note although the name suggest that only file events
are sent it is about file system events which include folders as
well). It is recommended that servers register for these file system
events using the registration mechanism. In former implementations
clients pushed file events without the server actively asking for it.
Basically the client is responsible of watching the files you require and sends a notification to the server each time something changes on them. At this point the server is capable to load them.

Setting up an agent authentification with Pingaccess

I have a CentOS VM with an ready installed Pingaccess Server Testenvironment with access to the Pingaccess Admin UI.
Now I would need to set up an Agent-Authentification on the system but sadly have no experience configuring Pingaccess sofar. I also find it dificult to find documentation to complete my task.
I would appreciate any hints and pointers in right direction or information on how this kind of setup can be configured and what else I might need? Is it even possible to set it up in a local VM?
Here a slightly more detailed description of the scenario:
An application that itself is not able to use a corresponding protocol (Oauth, SAML2, ...) (e.g. a small PHP script or something similar) that cannot do anything other than output a user name that it reads from the HTTP headers.
Set up an Agent that extends the header attributes and e.g. something like Header-UserName. The application can then access the web server variables and use these values without having to worry about how the authentication works. The agent, on the other hand, can do the protocols and handle authentication via the server (here PingAccess).
Thanks a lot in advance.

SSL Proxy / Decryption?

One of my clients just received the software ordered from his chosen developers, asked me to look at it and prepare the hosting procedures.
It's an Java (jar) app, so far so good ... but I saw something suspect, every 60 minutes or so the software connects to a remote host :443 port using SSL and transferring ~ 3-10 MB of encrypted data (as POST) then closes the connection, this is very strange. Tried to wireshark it but everything is encrypted and I have no clue about what kind of data is transferred, I know only the destination hostname. The hosted data within the app will be highly sensitive (insurance-broker) and if my client decides to go with it - this is a serious issue for his business and also for his clients, I've asked the developer company about this and they said that no one added something like this even if I provided them the proff (pcap).
I can block it within firewall, but if they added something like this it could exist another hosts ready to receive the encrypted data.
The only way I can figure it out is to somehow decrypt the SSL traffic in order to read RAW data and give my client all the needed informations in order to talk with the developer company to sort it out, how can I do that ? With some sort of ssl-proxy or whatever ... tried to google it but didn't find any kind of relevant tutorials.
I have access to the physical machine which is running the Java application, I can see every single bit of the traffic but ... encrypted.
If I was in your place instead of trying to decrypt ssl connection would have tried following steps:
1)Since you are aware of the host to which it is making a post request , find out more about that service so as to learn what it does ? May be try contacting that site saying that we need to consume your service what should I send my in post request ;)
2)Second way around would be if you can decompile the jar file and find line in the source code which makes that request and then you could go back to the developer asking as why this has been written. To find the source code which is making the call what you could do is block the host access on your firewall.
The code would fail and mostly probably he would have logged the exception in his log files. Find the stack trace and you will know the line of code that is
making that request.
Hope this helps.

How to create a friendly url in Tomcat?

I want to modify my application URL from //localhost:8080/monitor/index.html to just monitor , so that on putting monitor on browser, my application should open. Is there a way to achieve this, can someone suggest the configuration changes which will be required for this.
Can I map my short URL to the existing one may be somewhere in web.xml. I am not sure about the approach any suggestions will be great.
Thanks and regards
You're mixing up several different protocol layers in your question.
If you just enter nothing but "monitor" in the browser URL bar the browser is going to first lookup "monitor" in DNS and finding nothing it will then probably send a query to Google or your configured search engine. In the past browsers have taken other steps, such as appending ".com" and prepending "www." but I don't think modern browsers do that any more.
So far, your server is not even remotely involved.
If you're a large ISP user (TimeWarner, Comcast) and use their DNS it's also possible the ISP will intercept your failed DNS lookup and route the request to a "helpful" search page (i.e. SPAM) of their own.
At this point the request is still nowhere near your server.
I suppose you could mess with the /etc/hosts file on your local system to resolve "monitor" to the proper hostname, but that's an extremely brittle solution that has to be hard coded on each machine you want to have this "shortcut" link (and which breaks when the hostname changes).
You're much better off just setting up a web shortcut in your browser that points to the right place.