extract week columns from date in pandas - pandas

I have a dataframe that has columns like these:
Date earnings workingday length_week first_wday_week last_wdayweek
01.01.2000 10000 1 1
02.01.2000 0 0 1
03.01.2000 0 0 2
04.01.2000 0 0 2
05.01.2000 0 0 2
06.01.2000 23000 1 2
07.01.2000 1000 1 2
08.01.2000 0 0 2
09.01.2000 0 0 2
30.01.2000 0 0 0
31.01.2000 0 1 3
01.02.2000 0 1 3
02.02.2000 2500 1 3
working day indicates there earnings present on that particular day. I am trying to generate last three column from the date.
length_week : gives number of working days in that week
first_working_day_of_week : 1 if its first working day of a week
last_working_day_of_week : 1 if its last working day of a week
Can anyone help me with this?

I first changed the format of your date column as pd.to_datetime couldn't infer the right date format:
df.Date.str.replace('.', '-', regex=True)
df.Date = pd.to_datetime(df.Date, format='%d-%m-%Y')
Then use isocalendar so that we can work with weeks and days more easily:
df[['year', 'week', 'weekday']] = df.Date.dt.isocalendar()
Now length_week is just the sum of workingdays for each seperate weeks:
df['length_week'] = df.groupby(['year', 'week']).workingday.transform('sum')
and we can get frst_worday_week with idxmax:
min_indexes = df.groupby(['year', 'week'], as_index=False).workingday.transform('idxmax')
df['frst_worday_week'] = np.where(df.index == min_indexes.workingday, 1, 0)
Lastly, last_workdayweek is similar but a bit tricky. We need the last occurence of idxmax, so we will reverse each week inside groupby:
max_indexes = df.groupby(['year', 'week'], as_index=False).\
workingday.transform(lambda x: x[::-1].idxmax())
df['last_workdayweek'] = np.where(df.index == max_indexes.workingday, 1, 0)


pandas: pivot - group by multiple columns

df = pd.DataFrame({'id': ['id1', 'id1','id1', 'id2','id1','id1','id1'],
pd.crosstab(df['id'], df['activity'])
I'd like to add another column for month in the output to get counts per user within each month for the respective activity.
I get error.
edit: Expected output in the image. I do not know how to create a table.
You can pass a list of columns to pd.crosstab:
x = pd.crosstab([df["id"], df["month"]], df["activity"]).reset_index()
x.columns.name = None
id month jogging running swimming walking
0 id1 2 0 0 1 0
1 id1 3 0 1 0 1
2 id1 4 1 0 0 2
3 id2 3 0 0 0 1

Multiplication of returns by company increasing in time (BHARs)

I have the following Dataframe, organized in panel data. It contains daily returns of many companies on different days following the IPO date. The day_diff represents the days that have passed since the IPO, and return_1 represents the daily individual returns for that specific day for that specific company, from which I have already added +1. Each company has its own company_tic and I have about 300 companies. My goal is to calculate the first component of the right-hand side of the equation below (so having results for each day_diff and company_tic, always starting at day 0, until the last day of data; e.g. = from day 0 to day 1, then from day 0 to day 2, from 0 to day 3, and so on until my last day, which is day 730). I have tried df.groupby(['company_tic', 'day_diff'])['return_1'].expanding().prod() but it doesn't work. Any alternatives?
Index day_diff company_tic return_1
0 0 xyz 1.8914
1 1 xyz 1.0542
2 2 xyz 1.0016
3 0 abc 1.4398
4 1 abc 1.1023
5 2 abc 1.0233
... ... ... ...
159236 x 3
Not sure to fully get what you want, but you might want to use cumprod instead of expanding().prod().
Here's what I tried :
df['return_1_prod'] = df.groupby('company_tic')['return_1'].cumprod()
Output :
day_diff company_tic return_1 return_1_prod
0 0 xyz 1.8914 1.891400
1 1 xyz 1.0542 1.993914
2 2 xyz 1.0016 1.997104
3 0 abc 1.4398 1.439800
4 1 abc 1.1023 1.587092
5 2 abc 1.0233 1.624071

Pandas rolling window cumsum

I have a pandas df as follows:
2020 1 1 1
2020 2 1 2
2020 3 1 1
2020 12 1 1
2021 1 1 3
2021 2 1 3
2021 3 1 4
I want to sum the TRX_COUNT such that, each TRX_COUNT is the sum of TRX_COUNTS of the next 12 months.
So my end result would look like
2020 1 1 1 5
2020 2 1 2 7
2020 3 1 1 8
2020 12 1 1 11
2021 1 1 3 10
2021 2 1 3 7
2021 3 1 4 4
For example TRX_COUNT_SUM for 2020/1 is 1+2+1+1=5 the count of the first 12 months.
Two areas I am confused how to proceed:
I tried various variations of cumsum and grouping by USERID, YR, MONTH but am running into errors with handling the time window as there might be MONTHS where a user has no transactions and these have to be accounted for. For example in 2020/1 the user has no transactions for months 4-11, hence a full year of transaction count would be 5.
Towards the end there will be partial years, which can be summed up and left as is (like 2021/3 which is left as 4).
Any thoughts on how to handle this?
I was able to accomplish this using a combination of numpy arrays, pandas, and indexing
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#df = your dataframe
df_dates = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(np.datetime64('2020-01-01'), np.datetime64('2021-04-01'), np.timedelta64(1, 'M'), dtype='datetime64[M]').astype('datetime64[D]'), columns = ['DATE'])
df_dates['YEAR'] = df_dates['DATE'].apply(lambda x : str(x).split('-')[0]).apply(lambda x : int(x))
df_dates['MONTH'] = df_dates['DATE'].apply(lambda x : str(x).split('-')[1]).apply(lambda x : int(x))
df_merge = df_dates.merge(df, how = 'left')
df_merge.replace(np.nan, 0, inplace=True)
df_merge.reset_index(inplace = True)
for i in range(0, len(df_merge)):
max_index = df_merge['index'].max()
if(i + 11 < max_index):
df_merge.at[i, 'TRX_COUNT_SUM'] = df_merge.iloc[i:i + 12]['TRX_COUNT'].sum()
elif(i != max_index):
df_merge.at[i, 'TRX_COUNT_SUM'] = df_merge.iloc[i:max_index + 1]['TRX_COUNT'].sum()
df_merge.at[i, 'TRX_COUNT_SUM'] = df_merge.iloc[i]['TRX_COUNT']
final_df = pd.merge(df_merge, df)
Try this:
# Set the Dataframe index to a time series constructed from YEAR and MONTH
ts = pd.to_datetime(df.assign(DAY=1)[["YEAR", "MONTH", "DAY"]])
df.set_index(ts, inplace=True)
df["TRX_COUNT_SUM"] = (
# Reindex the dataframe with every missing month in-between
# Also reverse the index so that rolling(12) means 12 months
# forward instead of backward
df.reindex(pd.date_range(ts.min(), ts.max(), freq="MS")[::-1])
# Roll and sum
.rolling(12, min_periods=1)

Nested loop for pandas

I have a database with consists of multiple dates corresponding to each ID. Now I want to iterate over each ID and find the difference between the i and i+1 dates to flag the data based on certain values.
For example:
ID date
0 12.01.2012
0 14.02.2012
0 15.09.2013
1 13.01.2011
1 15.08.2012
For ID 0 I want to find the difference of consecutive dates and compare them with a condition to flag the database based on that.
Are you looking for something like this:
res = df['date'].apply(lambda x : df['date']-x)
res.columns = df.id.tolist()
for input:
date id
0 2019-01-01 0
1 2019-01-06 0
2 2019-01-01 0
3 2019-01-04 1
Output will be:
0 0 0 1
0 0 days 5 days 0 days 3 days
0 -5 days 0 days -5 days -2 days
0 0 days 5 days 0 days 3 days
1 -3 days 2 days -3 days 0 days
for consecutive difference you can use:
date id
0 1984-10-18 0
1 1980-07-19 0
2 1972-04-16 0
3 1969-04-05 1
4 1967-05-29 1
5 1985-07-13 2
date id diff
0 1984-10-18 0 NaT
1 1980-07-19 0 -1552 days
2 1972-04-16 0 -3016 days
3 1969-04-05 1 NaT
4 1967-05-29 1 -677 days
5 1985-07-13 2 NaT

rolling sum of a column in pandas dataframe at variable intervals

I have a list of index numbers that represent index locations for a DF. list_index = [2,7,12]
I want to sum from a single column in the DF by rolling through each number in list_index and totaling the counts between the index points (and restart count at 0 at each index point). Here is a mini example.
The desired output is in OUTPUT column, which increments every time there is another 1 from COL 1 and RESTARTS the count at 0 on the location after the number in the list_index.
I was able to get it to work with a loop but there are millions of rows in the DF and it takes a while for the loop to run. It seems like I need a lambda function with a sum but I need to input start and end point in index.
Something like lambda x:x.rolling(start_index, end_index).sum()? Can anyone help me out on this.
You can try of cummulative sum and retrieving only 1 values related information , rolling sum with diffferent intervals is not possible
a = df['col'].eq(1).cumsum()
df['output'] = a - a.mask(df['col'].eq(1)).ffill().fillna(0).astype(int)
col output
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 0 0
4 1 1
5 1 2
6 1 3
7 0 0
8 0 0
9 0 0
10 0 0
11 1 1
12 1 2
13 0 0
14 0 0
15 1 1