How do I know that the user granted all asked permissions - google-oauth

After the user passes this screen, how do I know that the user checked all the boxes?
Also, I tried disabling Incremental authorization to get an error if the user refuses one of the requested scopes, but it seems that Google doesn't return any error.
So I'm stuck. I want to show users errors when they don't check all the requested scopes.
Any help?


AWS Amplify/Cognito- a way to set TOTP MFA on first time user login only

I'm setting up an authentication where MFA is not optional, which means from the very first login attempt after registration, the user will be asked to set up MFA (in this case I will be using Time Based One Time Passcode, or TOPT). For this, I can see that following steps would be reasonable:
1)Get user information via the login form - Auth.signUp()
2)Determine from the user data retrieved in step 1) whether TOPT-based MFA is set for the user already. If not, go to step 3) or else step 4)
3)If TOPT is not set, redirect to a form where a QRCode will be generated in order to set up this MFA feature. After verifying the code, log the user in.
4)If TOPT is set, ask for the passcode. After verifying, log the user in.
My dilemma: It seems I cannot get the information in Step 2), i.e, whether TOPT-based MFA is set for the user already without the user already being authenticated. The flag challengeName retrieved in the payload via Auth.signUp() in step 1) only gives me info on whether MFA is enabled or not ('MFA_SETUP'), and not whether TOTP-based MFA has been set up already. For that, the method Auth.getPreferredMFA() is what would do the trick, but it only works if the user object being passed to it represents an authenticated (or already logged in) user. Is there a way to determine if TOTP MFA is set up for a user trying to log in (but not logged in yet)?
Also, any other solutions to tackle this problem would be welcome. There must be somebody out there who has run into the same scenario I have, where MFA is mandatory from the first log in itself.
I am facing the same issue. If the MFA is required, I open up a modal to get QR code displayed and setup the mfa for the user.
code: "NotAuthorizedException"
message: "Invalid session for the user."
name: "NotAuthorizedException"
But getting this error because the user hasn't logged in and created any access token yet.
My idea of solving this is actually logging in the user but making their permissions to not go beyond the SetupMFA screen so they only gain some permissions when they have completed the setup.
Have you made any progress yourself? I'd like to hear any solutions.

SQL error: login failed for user 'domain\user'

I have looked at many posts on this issue, but for me all the proposed solutions didnt work. I am trying to access a database with a remote user, so I am setting the connection credentials as needed. I get the error as shown in the subject of this post. I have checked all the permissions, things like that, windows/sql authentication, etc. Any quick ideas of another potential problem?
Presuming the user has the permission, and you have entered the password correctly as you say, then another thing to look at would be to ensure the user is authorized to access the database remotely.

Stormpath, how to detect if user signed in with Google account?

It was super easy to integrate Google login for this fine tutorial:
I have to change the profile.jade file, so that givenName and surname are not displayed, if user has logged in with Google account.
The way it is now, if the user tries to change the 2 fields, the form response with error
Oops! We encountered an unexpected error. Please contact support and explain what you were doing at the time this error occurred.
This is to be expected, as those fields must be changed in Google account.
I'm able to access for any account via JSON:
in my server.js file
and I can look that up in Stormpath Admin panel, and it is indeed the Google directory. Then I can not display the 2 fields if a user belongs to that directory.
Is there a better way?
- like getting the name of the directory rather than the path?
Any suggestions are appreciate.

Developer access and when a token is valid

I apologise if the title is a little confusing, but I was a little stuck with the wording.
I'm currently working on a section of an application to allow users to grant developers access to their data through the application. This comes in a little 'Allow Some great app to access your account with the following permissions'. The application developer adds the required permissions, then when the user goes to authorize the application, these permissions are are displayed. If the user is happy to grant these permissions, the user shall press 'Grant'. This means that the user has agreed to every permission that has been displayed, and therefore this generates an API access token for the relevant application.
The issue now is that it has came to the attention that people may want to remove these permissions at a further date. At the moment, if the user would like to remove permissions, all permissions will be removed or disabled. The reasoning behind this is that if a single permission is removed from the application, the token that they authorized with is technically invalid as it does not have the permissions that were given to it when first creating the token.
Whilst this seems logical, there are also circumstances where the user would want to deny access for the third party application for a single feature (eg. The external application had a bug that was creating bad behaviour in a certain area, but was working fine in another area).
Would anybody be able to throw their two-cents in to this, as I'm having a hard time understanding if its best to allow modifications to a single permission in the event of problems, or to simply have to disable the application.

Facebook Unity SDK login permission request pop up for authorized user

I've followed through the InteractiveConsole and FriendsSmash example in Unity and learnt how to request permissions during login and get the friend list of the user.
But there's one little problem bothering me a lot.
When FB.Login("email,user_birthday", LoginCallback) is called for an authorized user. The user will be redirected to the Facebook page saying "You have already authorized App-Name".
I'm thinking to only call FB.Login("",LoginCallback) to every user, and then use the FB.API to check if the correct permissions exist, and after that call the original FB.Login method. However, this doesn't seem a very wise way to do this to me.
I did a bit of research but still can't seem to find a nice way to solve this. Can anyone please help me out on this?
If you have status=true in your FB.Init(), it should come back with login info if the user is logged in. You can then use FB.API() and do your permissions check.
I had PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll being called for testing purposes. I found that it was removing the Facebook data so it wasn't authorising on initialisation.
Make sure you don't call PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll()