react-native-device-info has method check dynamicIsland. Error call API be effected when run app replease (not debug) - dynamic

[react-native-device-info] has method check dynamicIsland. Error call API be effected when run app replease (not debug)


Getting Supabase Edge Function's bundled script

I am using Supabase's Edge Function to create a simple telegram bot (based on Webhook's). When I am deploying the function to Supabase and then invoking it through Telegram, I am getting the following error message in the log:
How can I go about debugging this error? Can I get the bundled source code of the edge function so that I can make changes to my script to correct the same?

getDevicePushTokenAsync error on bare workflow

I implemented push notification on managed workflow which is working properly but when I eject from managed workflow, I am getting error at line
pushToken = (await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync()).data;
Error: Encountered an exception while calling native method: Exception occurred while executing exported method getDevicePushTokenAsync on module ExpoPushTokenManager: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process com.luciajane.taskuser. Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
I passed experienceId but still getting error?
pushToken = (await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync({experienceId: "#luciajane/task-user"})).data;
I found reason. You have to setup by making new project on firebase then download google-services.json file and add that to your expo project. As expo mentioned Firebase Cloud Messaging is required for all managed and bare workflow Android apps made with Expo.For setup follow this link

React Native error in expo client running app: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'double java.lang.Double.doubleValue()' on a null object reference

I'm hitting this Java error in the expo client on Android. With other versions of this error posted as a question here, you typically see '... on a null object reference at ...' but here I don't get the call that resulted in the exception. Can anyone help me identify where I can pull that info?
There's no errors in the console/Metro.
Running react-native sdk 34.0.0 & expo 34.0.3.
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'double
java.lang.Double.doubleValue()' on a null object reference

remove msbuild console warning but keep warning in log file

I am building VC++ project using msbuild in batch file. I get about 1500 of same type of warnings (C4554). When running on a build server, i want that warning not be displayed on console window but they be logged in log file.
I have tried couple of methods like
call %MSBuildToolsPathVS%/msbuild %SolFilePath% /p:configuration=debug;WarningLevel=0;Platform=x64^
or even this
call %MSBuildToolsPathVS%/msbuild %SolFilePath% /p:configuration=debug;WarningLevel=0;Platform=x64^
call %MSBuildToolsPathVS%/msbuild %SolFilePath% /p:configuration=debug;Platform=x64;WarningLevel=0;RunCodeAnalysis=false^
still displays the warning on console.
call %MSBuildToolsPathVS%/msbuild %SolFilePath% /p:configuration=debug;Platform=x64^
causes log file to display warnings correctly but the console now hides the warnings but it also dosn't show usual steps of what configuration is being build, the target that is built etc, which is the information I want.
Any solutions?

IBM Worklight - AppCenter app missing Plugin ''

I'm having the same problem as this user. I've built the IBM Worklight AppCenter client application using eclipse (AppCenter -> Run As -> Build All Environments) opened it in xcode (iphone -> Run As -> Xcode project) and run the app in the iphone emulator via xcode.
After I enter my Worklight server credentials in the app (username, password, server, port, context) a "Loading" message is displayed and the app ceases functioning.
I've debugged through the app's javascript and traced the problem to the app trying to execute a call to a Cordova native plugin:
cordova.exec(pSuccessCallback, // Success callback from the plugin
console.log("Error connecting to server [code, msg, status] = "
+ e.errorCode + ", "
+ e.errorMsg + ", "
+ e.httpCode);
'', // Tell cordova to run "" Plugin
'updateConnection', // Tell plugin, which action we want to perform
[pUsername, pPassword, pServerURL]); // Passing list of args to the plugin
This error message is displayed in xcode: IBMAppCenter[2315:70b] ERROR: Method 'updateConnection:' not defined in Plugin ''
The native libraries implementing this plugin are in their expected locations but don't appear to seen by the application - IBMAppCenter/apps/AppCenter/iphone/native/appCenterLib:
Are there any additional steps required to include the native libraries in the application?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The method "updateConnection" is defined in the InstallerPlugin. I think it is simply the first method to be called of the InstallerPlugin, hence the problem might be that you accidentally removed the installer plugin.
The directory IBMAppCenter/apps/AppCenter/iphone/native/appCenterLib must contain the different versions of libAppCenterInstallerLib.a:
The method updateConnection is contained in libAppCenterInstallerLib.a.
If those libs are missing, you can copy them from the original installation directory of IBM Worklight.
Please never delete the native directories of IBMAppCenter/apps/AppCenter before regenerating the iphone or Android environment. If you delete the native directories, you delete those required libraries, and then the AppCenter client is not functional.
I managed to fix this by upgrading to Worklight 6.1.
In recent versions of Cordova, the Plugin method signature has changed.
Verify this by extracting the libAppCenterInstallerlib.a with:
ar -x libAppCenterInstallerlib.a
then run:
nm IBMAppCenterPlugin.o
look for the initInfo or updateConnection methods. If they have :withDict in the method signature, then this is deprecated in recent versions of Cordova.
Using the AppCenter project from Worklight 6.1, I no longer see this issue.