SonarScanner CLI error: failed to request and parse localhost:9000 - msbuild

When using SonarScanner against a local source, following the suggested manual recipe for classic .NET and MSBuild, I find the following error (look at the bottom line):
SonarScanner for MSBuild 5.5.3
Using the .NET Framework version of the Scanner for MSBuild
Pre-processing started.
Preparing working directories...
11:30:19.134 Updating build integration targets...
11:30:23.344 Failed to request and parse 'http://localhost:9000/api/server/version': An error occurred while sending the request.
What's wrong? How to resolve this?

It has worked for me: I am a beginner, so I didn't know - and the suggested manual recipe doesn't mention it - that local mode requires a running SonarQube instance, working on this particular endpoint.
So before you run SonarScanner locally, you need to have a local SonarQube server, at least with the default configuration of SonnarScanner.
How to install SonarQube locally? Here is the instruction: Install the Server | SonarQube Docs.


MobileFirst build with gradle, get [android/init] timeout, works fine if built with ant

Developer server version is
mfp -v:
Production server version is
wladm -version
Project is mfp cordova type.
Building for developer server.
App built with Ant works.
App built with Gradle works.
Building for production server.
App built in release/debug with Ant - works fine.
App built in release/debug with Gradle, gets [] timeout or 500.
Signing is the same.
Configuration is the same.
wlapp is properly deployed to production and developer server.
On device app looks fine. Everything is ok, but cannot connect to WL server.
Looks like something is wrong with app authenticity.
But Ant signed-release works. Gradle signed-release/debug fails to connect.
Same project, same settings. Whats wrong. Have you seen this?
Looking at logcat logs, found this error
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/.../base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/.../lib/arm, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]] couldn't find ""
But when I just change address ( to local Dev server - everything is ok. No error.
Cordova applications created with the CLI are based on Cordova 3.7.
Cordova 3.7 does not support a Gradle-based project structure.

Pentaho Report Installation Issue For Odoo 8.0 in Ubuntu

I am in stuck with the installation of the pentaho For odoo 8.0 in Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS.
I have dowloaded the pentaho report module from the following links for git
And install successfully from my ODOO 8.0 With Fresh Database
for also refered the below link for installtion with the different blogs and website some thinks like this and some other
I had done the some of the steps which is mentined in the website or Blogs
like ..
Java installation and Apache-Ant Installation and Apache -Ivy Installaed successfully
2.Tomcat 7 Server installation and its user rights installed successfully
I am stuct with this steps for creating the .War file which is useful for deploying the tomcat7 server add apply that command to create the war file some think like this in ubuntu terminal
ant -lib /usr/local/java war
Give Me Error ::
Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.**
the error tells us the java classes does not understand while creating the war file
How Can I resolve that Error and What are the dependencies is needed to require for this creation of war file for installation ??
If you use the pre-built war file, you should be fine, rather than trying to build it yourself. All the dependencies are included.
The pre-built war file is mentioned on the git README you have linked to, and it maintains a link to the most recent build.
(The actual download address is currently , but you can always find it via the git repo).

Cannot access WL Console after upgrading to WL (fixpack)

We upgraded our AIX Environment from WL 6.1.0 to without stopping the WL Server (ApplicationCenter is not installed in this WAS Profile). We have WAS 8 in Netowrk Deployment Configuration.
Installation Manager installed it successfully, then we reboot the server and we got this trying accessing the console:
Error 500: javax.servlet.ServletException: Worklight Console
initialization failed.Logged Exception:
FWLSE0194E: Worklight server cannot be started because of failure
while getting a connection from data-source bound to resource
reference: jdbc/WorklightDS. Make sure the database is up, the
credentials are correct and the driver is available for the server.
[project buytec_worklight]
I searched the right way to upgrade and I saw that we should have stopped the server than we should follow this procedure:
But at first, with WL 6.1.0 we didn't use the ant-task to deploy the console, we just put the .war found in the Eclipse Studio with the right plugin, so now i cannot manage to understand how to upgrade the console manually.
Have you any suggestions?
I don't know what you mean by "upgrade the console manually". The Worklight Console is part of the .war file you deploy to the application server, but the console doesn't have anything to do with the connection to the database.
If you want to "upgrade the console", you actually mean that you want to update the .war file, so deploy a .war file that was generated using Worklight Studio
You can also follow the manual upgrade instructions for
Because you didn't properly start the upgrade process, I suggest that you will take the time to review all upgrade topics, from the start:
In addition, it doesn't matter how you first installed, you can still use either Ant or manual upgrading.
I simply re-add the .jar files driver for db2, checking that they are resolved, set again the Data sources JDBC, uploaded a new console.war created with eclipse and it worked!

Undeploy a failed Mule app

We have a Live mule server (Community edition ) 3.3.0 running on a Windows 2008 server.
We have several apps running on it.
We tried to hotdeploy a new app in it. It failed saying some port was already in use/bind - this was a JMX port. However we were unable to undeploy it. It didn't create any anchor file as it had failed deployment so we couldn't do the clean undeploy. When we tried to delete the exploded folder it didn't allow as it said the jars in the lib were in use.
We tried to re-deploy the same file with fix again but it had no effect.
Question is irrespective of what caused out application to fail - how can one undeploy or take out a Mule app (failed) completely? It doesn't have anchor file and trying to delete says jar in use. Only way we could do was to stop mule and then delete the folder and restart Mule - totally unacceptable in production environment.
Any clues?
This is a known bug on 3.3.0 that was fixed on 3.3.1.

GRAILS plugin error

I am trying to test my grails app using Hudson. I have in grails I will run the command of test-app -unit and will recieve the following message:
Running script /home/test/grails-1.1.1/scripts/TestApp.groovy
Environment set to test
Plugin [hibernate-1.1.1] not
installed, resolving..
Reading remote plugin list ...
Error reading remote plugin list
[Connection timed out], building
Unable to list plugins, please check
you have a valid internet connection:
Connection timed out
Reading remote plugin list ... Error
reading remote plugin list [Connection
timed out], building locally...
Unable to list plugins, please check
you have a valid internet connection:
Connection timed out
Plugin 'hibernate' was not found in
repository. If it is not stored in a
configured repository you will need to
install it manually. Type 'grails
list-plugins' to find out what plugins
are available. Finished: FAILURE
I believe the reason for this is that I do not have access to an external network on the server. If I do a list-plugins there is no returns it just times out.
I also beleive that this is a grails issue not a hudson issue.
The answer is the following:
navigate to the /path/to/hudson/Jobs/JOBNAME/
run - grails install-plugin /location/to/grails-1.1.1/plugins/
This will install the hibernate plugin for the specific job. This workaround can also be used for other plugins needed.
This has been tested in hudson.
Grails is going to need the Internet somehow to get plugin information. What you might be able to do is get Grails installed on a machine that does have access, get all of the plugins you need (i.e. by running what Hudson would normally run, test-app or whatever), and then copy over the entire grails installation to $GRAILS_HOME on your Hudson machine.
I can't say I've ever tried this, but it seems like it should work.