Postgres/SQL: How Do I Include the Current Row's Value Of Another Column In a Function Where The Function Finds A Record From Another Table? - sql

Please go easy on me as I'm learning SQL from scratch pretty recently haha.
Here's what I have going on right now (function works, update does not due to the '' can't reference the table in this spot according to the error. Added what I thought would work and hopefully you can see where I was going): skip to the end for the question
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getLastSetDate(selected_sub_bucket character varying)
SELECT max(coalesce(
(SELECT transaction_date
SELECT *, row_number() over(ORDER BY transaction_date DESC
) as position
FROM bucket_transactions
WHERE type = 'SET' and sub_bucket = selected_sub_bucket
ORDER BY transaction_date DESC limit 1),
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
UPDATE buckets u
SET amount =
FROM (WITH selectedRows as (select * from bucket_transactions where transaction_date > getLastSetDate(
SELECT sub_bucket, SUM(amount) as total
FROM selectedRows
WHERE transaction_date > getLastSetDate(
GROUP BY sub_bucket
) a
WHERE = a.sub_bucket and u.bucket_type = 'sub';
I have two tables, one being a 'bucket_transactions' table, and the other being a 'buckets' table. The buckets table contains the name, and the sum of all transactions' amounts under that bucket past a certain date. To find this date, I'm searching for the most recent transaction under that bucket or sub_bucket with the transaction type being 'SET' (setting the value of the bucket).
TABLE: buckets
Living Expenses
TABLE: bucket_transactions
Living Expenses
Living Expenses
Living Expenses
My question is, how would I change my code in order for each bucket to start at the 'SET' transaction and get the sum past of the amounts past that transaction date? Each bucket/sub_bucket would have a different SET date, if any. I'm looking to input into the function the current row's name, even though the script is updating the amount column.
Appreciate your time!


Function to calculate number of loans done in the previous year for SQL Server 2017

I have a Library loans table which records the LoanID, OutDate, DueDate, and InDate for each book loan. I want to create a function that will accept the previous year (ex. 2017) as input and output the number of loans for that year by counting the loan ids. I am able to do this but the number is repeated multiple times in the result set and I only want it to return one value.
create function Books.numLoansLastYear
#year as int
returns int
declare #numLoans as int
select #numLoans = COUNT(LoanID)
from Reservations.Loan
where year(OutDate) = #year
return #numLoans
To test I am using the following query:
select Books.numLoansLastYear(year(GETDATE())-1) as 'Number of Loans'
from Reservations.Loan
The only way that I am able to resolve this is by using DISTINCT in my test query so I am wondering if my function is incorrect.
Any ideas?
I am a little unclear on your question. If your query were:
select l.*
from Reservations.Loan l;
You would not be surprised at getting multiple rows.
The same is true if you select anything with from and no filtering (or other conditions). You are selecting all the rows in the table. This is true even for a function call or constant.
I think you simply want:
select Books.numLoansLastYear(year(GETDATE())-1) as [Number of Loans];
Note the lack of from clause.

Displaying entire row of max() value from nested table

My table CUSTOMER_TABLE has a nested table of references toward ACCOUNT_TABLE. Each account in ACCOUNT_TABLE has a reference toward a branch: branch_ref.
CREATE TYPE account AS object(
accid integer,
acctype varchar2(15),
balance number,
rate number,
overdraft_limit integer,
branch_ref ref branch,
opendate date
) final;
CREATE TYPE customer as object(
custid integer,
infos ref type_person,
accounts accounts_list
create type branch under elementary_infos(
bid integer
) final;
All tables are inherited from these object types.
I want to select the account with the highest balance per branch. I arrived to do that with this query:
select MAX(value(a).balance), value(a)
from customer_table c, table(c.accounts) a
group by value(a)
order by value(a);
Which returns:
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
176318.88 0
192678.14 1
190488.19 2
196433.93 3
182909.84 4
However, how to select as well others attribues from the max accounts displayed ? I would like to display the name of the owner plus the customer's id. The id is directly an attribute of customer. But the name is stored with a reference toward person_table. So I have to select as well & deref(c.infos).names.surname.
How to select these other attributes with my MAX() query ?
Thank you
I generally use analytic functions to achieve that kind of functionality. With analytic functions, you can add aggregate columns to your query without losing the original rows. In your particular case it would be something like:
-- select interesting fields
from (
-- propagate original fields to outer query
value(a).accid accid,
value(a).acctype acctype,
value(a).balance balance,
value(a).rate rate,
value(a).overdraft_limit overdraft_limit,
value(a).branch_ref branch_ref,
value(a).opendate opendate,
-- add max(balance) of our branch_ref to the row
max(value(a).balance) over (partition by value(a) max_balance
from customer_table c, table(c.accounts) a
) data
-- we are only interested in rows with balance equal to the max
-- (NOTE: there might be more than one, you should fine tune the filtering!)
data.balance = data.max_balance
-- order by branch
order by;
I don't have any Oracle instance available right now to test this, but that would be the idea, unless there is some kind of incompatibility between analytic functions and collection columns, you should be able to have that working with little effort.

SQL getting count in a date range

I'm looking for input on getting a COUNT of records that were 'active' in a certain date range.
id int identity,
name varchar,
active bit
The scenario is one where "members" number fluctuate over time. So I could have linear growth where I have 10 members at the beginning of the month and 20 at the end. Currently We go off the number of CURRENTLY ACTIVE (as marked by an 'active' flag in the DB) AT THE TIME OF REPORT. - this is hardly accurate and worse, 6 months from now, my "members" figure may be substantially different than now. and Since I'm doing averages per user, if I run a report now, and 6 months from now - the figures will probably be different.
I don't think a simple "dateActive" and "dateInactive" will do the trick... due to members coming and going and coming back etc. so:
JOE may be active 12-1 and deactivated 12-8 and activated 12-20
so JOE counts as being a 'member' for 8 days and then 11 days for a total of 19 days
but the revolving door status of members means keeping a separate table (presumably) of UserId, status, date
CREATE TABLE memberstatus {
member_id int,
status bit, -- 0 for in-active, 1 for active
date date
} (adding this table would make the 'active' field in members obsolete).
In order to get a "good" Average members per month (or date range) - it seems I'd need to get a daily average, and do an average of averages over 'x' days. OR is there some way in SQL to do this already.
This extra "status" table would allow an accurate count going back in time. So in a case where you have a revenue or cost figure, that DOESN'T change or is not aggregate, it's fixed, that when you want cost/members for last June, you certainly don't want to use your current members count, you want last Junes.
Is this how it's done? I know it's one way, but it the 'better' way...
#gordon - I got ya, but I guess I was looking at records like this:
1 Joe
2 Tom
3 Sue
1 1 '12-01-2014'
1 0 '12-08-2014'
1 1 '12-20-2014'
In this way I only need the last record for a user to get their current status, but I can track back and "know" their status on any give day.
IF I'm understanding your method it might look like this
CREATE TABLE memberstatus {
member_id int,
so on the 1-7th the record would look like this
1 '12-01-2014' null
and on the 8th it would change to
1 '12-01-2014' '12-08-2014'
the on the 20th
1 '12-01-2014' '12-08-2014'
1 '12-20-2014' null
Although I can get the same data out, it seems more difficult without any benefit - am i missing something?
You could also use a 2 table method to have a one-to-many relationship for working periods. For example you have a User table
UserID int, UserName varchar
and an Activity table that holds ranges
ActivityID int, UserID int, startDate date, (duration int or endDate date)
Then whenever you wanted information you could do something like (for example)...
SELECT User.UserName, count(*) from Activity
LEFT OUTER JOIN User ON User.UserID = Activity.UserID
WHERE startDate >= '2014-01-01' AND startDate < '2015-01-01'
GROUP BY User.UserID, User.UserName get a count grouped by user (and labeled by username) of the times they were became active in 2014
I have used two main ways to accomplish what you want. First would be something like this:
CREATE TABLE [MemberStatus](
[MemberID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ActiveBeginDate] [date] NOT NULL,
[ActiveEndDate] [date] NULL,
[MemberID] ASC,
[ActiveBeginDate] ASC
Every time a member becomes active, you add an entry, and when they become inactive you update their ActiveEndDate to the current date.
This is easy to maintain, but can be hard to query. Another option is to do basically what you are suggesting. You can create a scheduled job to run at the end of each day to add entries to the table .
I recommend setting up your tables so that you store more data, but in exchange the structure supports much simpler queries to achieve the reporting you require.
-- whenever a user's status changes, we update this table with the new "active"
-- bit, and we set "activeLastModified" to today.
id int identity,
name varchar,
active bit,
activeLastModified date
-- whenever a user's status changes, we insert a new record here
-- with "startDate" set to the current "activeLastModified" field in member,
-- and "endDate" set to today (date of status change).
CREATE TABLE memberStatusHistory {
member_id int,
status bit, -- 0 for in-active, 1 for active
startDate date,
endDate date,
days int
As for the report you're trying to create (average # of actives in a given month), I think you need yet another table. Pure SQL can't calculate that based on these table definitions. Pulling that data from these tables is possible, but it requires programming.
If you ran something like this once-per-day and stored it in a table, then it would be easy to calculate weekly, monthly and yearly averages:
INSERT INTO myStatsTable (date, activeSum, inactiveSum)
GETDATE(), -- based on DBMS, eg., "current_date" for Postgres
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM member WHERE active = true) active
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM member WHERE active = true) inactive

Filling one table using another table in SQL Server

I have two SQL tables as follows:
As you may note, the first table has a monthly frequency (date column), while the second table has a quarterly frequency. Here is what I would like to do:
For each issueid from table 1, I would like to look at the date, determine what is the previous end of quarter, and go fetch data from table 2 corresponding to that issue for that end of quarter, and insert it in the first table in the last two columns.
For example: take issueid 123456 and date 1/31/2014. The previous end of quarter is 12/31/2013. I would like to go to table 1, copy q_exp and q_act that correspond to that issueid and 12/31/2013, and paste it into the first table.
Of course, I would like to fill the entire first table and minimize manual inserts.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Try the following query
UPDATE issues
SET q_exp=(SELECT TOP 1 q.q_exp
FROM quarterlyTable q
WHERE q.issueid=i.issueid
AND q.[date]<=i.[date]
ORDER BY q.[date] DESC)
,q_act= (SELECT TOP 1 q.q_act
FROM quarterlyTable q
WHERE q.issueid=i.issueid
AND q.[date]<=i.[date]
ORDER BY q.[date] DESC)
FROM issues i

SQL count, use only last record

can someone help me about counting rows in sql. I have a table, archive, in which I have bank account and status of that account. One account can have and usually have more records, in my count I have to use last record, not records before. Example:
account status
5552222 A
5552222 B
5552222 A
**5552222 B**
4445896 A
4445896 B
**4445896 A**
I have to use this who are bold. Based on this there is one B(blocked) and one A(active) account. I have column datetime, which can tell me what is last record. I just need query to count that
Assuming you want to count based on the most current row for an account:
SELECT tab.status,
SELECT account, MAX(datetime) AS maxdate
FROM tab
GROUP BY account
) AS dt
ON tab.account = dt.account
AND tab.datetime = dt.maxtime
GROUP BY tab.Status
FROM yourTable
WHERE Status='B'
WHERE AccountName LIKE '%B'
Edit: After OP modified the question to include the table data.
So, the problem is that the same account number can occur multiple times, and you want to count on the basis of last status of the account.
If the account is currently blocked, you would like to count it, irrespective of the number of times it gets blocked earlier.
Assumption: You have a date type column in your table which shows the date when the record's (with new status value) was inserted (or it may be an identity field which keeps track of the order of records created in the table)
The query will be:
( SELECT Max(identityField_or_dateField)
FROM tableName t
WHERE t.acNumber = t2.acNumber AND Status='B')
FROM tableName t2
( SELECT Max(identityField_or_dateField)
FROM tableName t
WHERE t.acNumber = t2.acNumber AND Status='B') IS NOT NULL
) tblAlias
Glad to help! Please remember to accept the answer if you found it helpful.