I need to see the trend of reopened issues in GitHub. How can I search for a list of reopened issues using the API?
I tried is:issue is:reopen, however it returns all issues in open state, even those that were never closed and reopened.
I pull the GitHub data from a Google sheet form with:
var baseURL = "https://api.github.com/";
var query = "search/issues?q=repo:<my_repo_name_here>+is:issue+label:kind/bug+is:reopened+created:"
var api = baseURL + query + startDate + ".." + endDate;
where startDate and endDate are taken from a cell value.
Greetings all: I have been struggling for 2 days to figure this out and have tried various techniques with frustrating results. I'm trying to start up a different database and close/quit the calling (first) database. I've created 2 button-click subs, one works very well and the second (which appears to be identical) flashes the new Db and then immediately returns to the calling DB. Here's the code that works well:
Dim objLeaveLookup As Object
Dim objOtherMenu As Object
Set objOtherMenu = GetObject("M:\QueryData\DBA Maintenance.mdb")
Set objLeaveLookup = GetObject("M:\QueryData\DBA_LookUp.mdb")
' Open Maintenance menu & quit DBA_Lookup
objOtherMenu.DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_MaintMenu"
and here is the code flashes the different Db, then frustratingly immediately returns to the original Db:
Dim objLeaveLookup As Object
Set objOtherMenu = GetObject("M:\QueryData\PurchMenu.mdb", "Access.Application").Application
Set objLeaveLookup = GetObject("M:\QueryData\DBA_LookUp.mdb", "Access.Application").Application
' Open Purchasing menu & quit DBA_LookUp
objOtherMenu.DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_PurMenu"
Any help to get the desired results will be GREATLY appreciated.
You may use FollowHyperlink.
See here: https://www.devhut.net/2018/01/21/ms-access-vba-open-another-database/
I built a very complex SeleniumBasic via VBA via Excel Addin setup that interacts with one of the leading ticketing system websites to scrap and populate data. The system interacts with 90+ different fields/clickables with 3 different pages, 6 different tabs, and nested popups...deployed to 120 users who use the automations about 20 times per day.
And it has been working flawlessly for over a year...
We have just provisioned 20 more users on the same system, and their automations refuse to work.
Here is where I am at with my research:
I am able to manually step through code on the new system and have it successfully go through the entire automation, so the issue probably has something to do with the speed VBA/Selenium is trying to interact with the website.
Once the system is unable to find a field or clickable, it refuses to find any other ones after that.
The way the system is built in order to go as fast as possible is via standard VBA error handling. It fails to find something, it goes to the error handler, the error handler says to wait for one second then try again. Again, this system has been working flawlessly for over a year and is currently working on 120 user's systems.
To see if maybe Selenium was refusing to reload the clickable, I broke out the error handling from a Resume to a Resume Next, and then had a do while loop with a boolean flag to keep trying until it was successful, but after the first failure, it refused to find anything else, including different fields
The one thing the 20 new users have in common is that they are all using v66 of Chrome, whereas all of the systems that are working have old copies of Chrome that are at least 9 months old
Thinking this might be an issue, I grabbed all of the ChromeDrivers and systematically went through one by one to test if we got a different performance with a different ChromeDriver, but all of the ChromeDrivers had the same error
So that is where I stand. I'm wondering if there is some key insight I am missing or a workaround that will get newer versions of Chrome to retry the fields. Or...do I need to try a VBA/Selenium tool other than SeleniumBasic to fix this. Or...do I need to roll back these 20 users to older versions of Chrome.
Thanks for sharing your expertise.
''''Check to see if there are any aliases=================================
For AliasCheck = 2 To AliasCounter + 1
If Hash = Sheets("Temp Subjects & Locations").Range("AY" & AliasCheck) Then
AliasName = Sheets("Temp Subjects & Locations").Range("AY" & AliasCheck)
AliasCount = AliasCount + 1
AliasDisplayName = Sheets("Temp Subjects & Locations").Range("AZ" & AliasCheck)
temp1 = ""
temp2 = ""
Call countryDictionary
'drops the country back into Excel to later remove the dupes
temp1 = Sheets("Temp Subjects & Locations").Range("BA" & AliasCheck)
temp2 = dict(temp1)
Sheets("Temp Subjects & Locations").Range("BG" & AliasCount + 1) = temp2
''''Click to add AKA's names
iframeText = "iframe_win_" & AddParty
robot.SwitchToFrame iframeText
iframeTracker = iframeTracker + 1
iframeText = "iframe_win_" & iframeTracker
robot.SwitchToFrame iframeText
robot.FindElementById("X_SUBJECT_ALTERNATE_NM.X_ALTERNATE_NM").SendKeys (AliasDisplayName)
End If
Next AliasCheck
The AddParty variable is a way to track the number of the pop-up we came from.
The iFrameTracker variable is a way to track the number of the pop-up we are going to...the system sequentially numbers its pop-ups...instead of legible names...
The newer systems will make it down to the SendKeys and then decide not to work. On a resume next, it will then refuse to find the OK button ("dijit_form_Button_0")
Here is the code I was playing around with to see if I could get it to retry using a "Resume Next" instead of a "Resume"
robot.FindElementById("X_SUBJECT_ALTERNATE_NM.X_ALTERNATE_NM").SendKeys (AliasDisplayName)
Do While FailRetry = True
FailRetry = False
robot.FindElementById("X_SUBJECT_ALTERNATE_NM.X_ALTERNATE_NM").SendKeys (AliasDisplayName)
If errorCounter < 21 Then
Application.wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
errorCounter = errorCounter + 1
FailRetry = True
Resume Next
MsgBox "Reached 20 second timeout. Stopping processing."
Exit Sub
End If
I'm trying to crate and display a whole series of QR codes (200+) in an excel sheet running on Mac. The first solution given by Patratacus found on Generating 2D (PDF417 or QR) barcodes using Excel VBA takes a long time to run so many codes and because the QR Codes are made up of multiple shapes the screen refresh becomes really slow with 200+ QR codes on one sheet.
So, I have got the code working on PC using #Luiz solution found at Generating 2D (PDF417 or QR) barcodes using Excel VBA but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on Mac.
With the code:
sURL = "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?" + "size=" + Trim(Str(size)) + "x" + Trim(Str(size)) + "&color=" + color + "&bgcolor=" + bgcolor + "&data=" + data
Debug.Print sURL
Set pic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(sURL + sParameters)
SURL + sParameters - seems to return the raw data of the image from the API https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?. So I have been able to get a Mac shell script to return the same raw data I think using:
sResult = execShell(= "curl --get -d """ & "size=" + Trim(Str(size)) + "x" + Trim(Str(size)) + "&color=" + color + "&bgcolor=" + bgcolor + "&data=" + data & """" & " " & "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?")
However, if you insert the returned string into:
On mac it doesn't seem to work either. So my guess is that on Mac ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert() is not able to read raw image data and only a path and file name to a picture file.
So I think our options are:
Find a why to display a picture on an excel sheet using the raw data returned by the API or
Find a way to save the raw data returned by the API as a picture file on Macs file system and then open that file using excels ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert() code.
Here is a link to the API documentation page: http://goqr.me/api/doc/create-qr-code/
I hope what I wrote above make some sense as I probably don't have all the terminology correct. I'm quite new to working with APIs etc.
I am starting to work with the QuickBooks SDK, and so far I am able to query Employees no problem, like so:
_sessionManager.OpenConnection("", "<software>")
_sessionManager.BeginSession("", ENOpenMode.omDontCare)
Dim requestSet As IMsgSetRequest = GetLatestMsgSetRequest(_sessionManager)
' Initialize the message set request object
requestSet.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeStop
Dim empQuery As IEmployeeQuery = requestSet.AppendEmployeeQueryRq()
' Do the request and get the response message set object
Dim responseSet As IMsgSetResponse = _sessionManager.DoRequests(requestSet)
Dim response As IResponse = responseSet.ResponseList.GetAt(0)
Dim empRetList As IEmployeeRetList = response.Detail
Which will give me a list of employees which I can iterate through. This works well for the basic employee data, such as name, date of birth, etc. but there is a EmployeePayrollInfo property that does not seem to be returned with the IEmployeeQuery.
I see that there is an interface IEmployeePayrollInfo but I have not as yet been able to figure out if there is a way to query it. I see that there are report related payroll info queries, but I am trying to query the EmployeePayrollInfo directly, to retrieve the vacation information. Is this something that can be done with QBFC?
I was able to get this working, see accepted answer below.
Open Quickbooks.
Go to the Edit menu and click Preferences.
In the Preferences window, click Integrated Applications in the list on the left.
Click the Company Preferences tab.
Select the application with which you are connecting to QuickBooks.
Click Properties.
Check "Allow this application to access Social Security Numbers, customer credit card information, and other personal data"
The employee data should now include EmployeePayrollInfo. Please comment if this does not work.
For anyone searching for the same functionality, the only information I was able to find seems to indicate that Intuit has specifically excluded this functionality from the QuickBooks SDK for security reasons. What we ended up doing to solve our problem is create a custom report in QuickBooks that included all of the information that we needed, exported it as a CSV file, and then import it accordingly in our software. Same end result, but a couple more steps than we were originally hoping for. Hopefully Intuit will change their mind about excluding this from the SDK.
I have finally been able to query the EmployeePayrollInfo, what was needed was adding "EmployeePayrollInfo" to the query itself like so:
So now the code looks like this:
Dim sessionManager As New QBSessionManager
sessionManager.OpenConnection2("", "<software>", ENConnectionType.ctLocalQBD)
sessionManager.BeginSession("", ENOpenMode.omDontCare)
Dim requestSet As IMsgSetRequest = sessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 12, 0)
requestSet.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeStop
Dim empQuery As IEmployeeQuery = requestSet.AppendEmployeeQueryRq()
empQuery.IncludeRetElementList.Add("EmployeePayrollInfo") ' this line did the trick!
Dim responseSet As IMsgSetResponse = sessionManager.DoRequests(requestSet)
Dim response As IResponse = responseSet.ResponseList.GetAt(0)
Dim empRetList As IEmployeeRetList = response.Detail
If empRetList.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To empRetList.Count - 1
Dim emp As IEmployeeRet = empRetList.GetAt(i)
If emp IsNot Nothing Then
' do something with the queried data
End If
End If
I Have an Excel 2003 file with a line similar to this:
I need to click "the button" and it adds that line as the last one on a Google Spreadsheet
Similar to:
Is it possible?
Should I use the command-line Google tools?
Is there a better way? Easier way?
How would you do it?
(once I know how to add "stuff" from VBA to Google Docs, how the f do i add it to the last line?)
More info: I have an Excel 2003 "program" that saves all of the company's sales (with the customer info), and I'd like do make a global address book that's easily updated by my (non it) co-workers.
You don't need OAuth or the spreadsheet API. Google Spreadsheet allows data entry with a simple form, which means also that a HTTP POST will do the trick. You just need to prepare your spreadsheet to accept data entries via a form as follows:
Login to your Google Docs account
Create a spreadsheet or open an existing one
Click on Tools / Create a form
Add anything in the form description just to enable the Save button
Save the form
Copy the formkey value displayed in the link at the bottom of the form creation page
Now you can issue a simple post into the spreadsheet without OAuth
You can test the entry now with curl if you have it on your system (replace the formkey placeholder with the formkey from your table):
curl.exe -v -k "http://spreadsheets.google.com/formResponse?formkey=<formkey>" -d "entry.0.single=test&entry.1.single=test2&pageNumber=0&backupCache=&submit=Submit"
Next we try to execute the form POST from our Excel sheet via the following code. Add a reference to "Microsoft XML, v3.0" before. Replace column1 with your desired values.
Dim httpRequest as XMLHTTP
Set httpRequest = New XMLHTTP
httpRequest.Open "POST", "http://spreadsheets.google.com/formResponse?formkey=<formkey>&ifq", False
httpRequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
httpRequest.Send "entry.0.single=" + column1 + "&entry.1.single=" + column2 + "&pageNumber=0&backupCache&submit=Submit"
'Check result in the following vars
Hope that helps
I had started answering your question, but realized that it was much less trivial than I thought it was when I started playing with the OAuth 2.0 API. I think it would be a lot easier if you could make your Google spreadsheet public, but I doubt that is advisable with sales data.
The reason this is non-trivial is the authentication part. The ASP OAuth below is probably usable with some work, but I noticed it uses Session variables and some other ASP objects, so you'd have to do a lot of tweaking.
In that light, here is my original answer, if it helps.
There is a google spreadsheet API:
The OAuth 2.0 link that the spreadsheet docs refer to is out-of-date. You can play with the OAuth requests here, which should help you get started.
API functions are called by GET/POST requests with XML, which you can call using the XMLHTTP object.
First, reference Microsoft XML in your Excel project (Tools->References->Microsoft XML, v6.0)
In your VBA, you essentially use the following to send XML requests:
x.Open "POST", "http://example.com/", False
x.Send "<xmldata></xmldata>"
You should be able to adapt this OAuth 2.0 ASP library for your VBA code.
This is an ASP example of how to use that OAuth library; again since both the ASP and the VBA are using the VBScript syntax, it could probably be adapted.
I spent the last couple of days trying to find a good easy solution to this problem.
None seemed to work for me so I had to utilize bits and pieces from various posts I found on-line.
Steps to follow:
Create a Google spreadsheet
Create a form (under “Tools” – “Create a form”) with a three fields (you can add fields later after testing)
Go back to the Google spreadsheet and it should have created a new sheet (called "Form Responses") with headings matching the field names given when setting up the form.
Column A will automatically have as a heading “Timestamp” with your field names as headings for columns B, C & D etc.
Now click on “Form” – “Go to Live Form”
Write-click and “Inspect” (Ctrl-Shift-I) and click on Network
Enter some data (anything) for each of the respective fields and click on “Submit”
Click on “Headers” Click on “formResponse”.
Under “General” copy the url of the form. Note a “?” is required at the end of the url.
Also under headers find “Form Data”. This will be used in MyURL
Look for the entry.123456789 for each of the fields.
You will need these numbers for each field.
Replace xxxxxxxx in your code with your form's respective numbers.
Open up your Excel spreadsheet and copy in the sub-routine shown below
In the VBA editor click on Tools – References select the Microsoft XML.v3.0, (Microsoft XML Core Services)
Sub Write_Info_To_Google()
Dim ScriptEngine
Dim http As Object
Dim myURL As String
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
Set ScriptEngine = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
ScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"
ScriptEngine.AddCode "function encode(str) {return encodeURIComponent(str);}"
myURL = "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/ . . . . /formResponse?" & _
"entry.xxxxxxxxx=" + Cells(2, 1).Text + _
"&entry.yyyyyyyyy=" + Cells(2, 2).Text + _
"&entry.zzzzzzzzz=" + Cells(2, 3).Text
http.Open "GET", myURL, False
http.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Google Chrome 70.03538.102 (compatible; MSIE _
6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
End Sub
Run this macro and watch your data from row 2 appear in the Google spreadsheet
Rather than use VBA in Excel, use a full fledged VB.NET application with the Excel Interop COM package. It's syntax is largely similar to the VBA commands, but to do the transferring to Google docs will be much easier in VB.NET.
Use the Google Documents List API to create a new spreadsheet.
Use the Google Spreadsheets API to move the data into your online spreadsheet.
Both Google APIs are REST APIs, so you'll have to use HttpRequest objects in VB.NET. Here is a great example of how to use them, just change the URLs so they are appropriate for Google. Google Spreadsheets even offers a library that abstracts away many of those steps.