how to get current date only in database table - sql

I have two tables in my database, where my second table has one extra column "date" and I want to copy my first table data to second with current date
so I tried this SQL SERVER query
and I get an error invalid object name 'GETDATE'.

Specify any values you want to include in the SELECT clause:
INSERT INTO TABLE2 (Field1,Field2,Date)
SELECT Field1,Field2,GETDATE()
The FROM clause is only used to specify the query's data sources: tables, subqueries, table-valued functions.


SQL how to create and import only specific columns from table A to a new table, table B

In Table A i have many fields like referenceid, amount, timestamp, remarks, status, balancebefore, balanceafter, frmsisdn, tomsisdn, id etc etc
I want to create a new table, Table B based of Table A(with column names, datatypes etc etc) but i only need specific columns that are in table A.
I tried select * into TableB from TableA where 1 = 2 but it says ORA-00905: missing keyword. I am using TOAD.
thank you
In Oracle, the correct syntax is create table as. SELECT INTO is used primarily in SQL Server and Sybase.
create table tableb as
select . . .
from tableA;
Only include the where clause if you don't actually want to insert any rows.
In MySQL the syntax is the same as Oracle's (see here).
Notice that the new table does not contain any constraints from the original table (indexes, keys, etc.)

How to insert generated id into a results table

I have the following query
SELECT q.pol_id
FROM quot q
,fgn_clm_hist fch
WHERE q.quot_id = fch.quot_id
SELECT q.pol_id
FROM tdb2wccu.quot q
WHERE q.nr_prr_ls_yr_cov IS NOT NULL
For every row in that result set, I want to create a new row in another table (call it table1) and update pol_id in the quot table (from the above result set) with the generated primary key from the inserted row in table1.
table1 has two columns. id and timestamp.
I'm using db2 10.1.
I've tried numerous things and have been unsuccessful for quite a while. Thanks!
Simple solution: create a new table for the result set of your query, which has an identity column in it. Then, after running your query, update the pol_id field with the newly generated ID in your result table.
Alteratively, you can do it more manually by using the the ROW_NUMBER() OLAP function, which I often found convenient for creating IDs. For this it is convenient to use a stored procedure which does the following:
get the maximum old id from Table1 and write it into a variable old_max_id.
after generating the result set, write the row-numbers into the table1, maybe by something like
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY <primary-key> ORDER BY <whatever-you-want>)
FROM (<here comes your SQL query>)
Either write the result set into a table or return a cursor to it. Here you should either use the same ROW_NUMBER statement as above or directly use the ID from Table1.

sql server add a row with same records except for ID

My code is as below"
select * into tbltemp
from table1 where ID='12345'
update tbltemp set ID='54321'where ID='12345'
insert into table1
select * from tbltemp where ID='54321'
drop table tbltemp
When executing insert into query, I got error saying 'Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.'
I wonder how I can deal with that?
My table1 has 50 columns with three computed columns.
Thanks for advice!
table1 and tbltemp must match by number of columns. You must explicitly name the columns do not use the * sign in insert into from select, if number of columns do not match.
I just realized that when I have computed columns, the query doesn't work well.
So I delete the computed columns before copy a new one, then do an insert into select *, then add computed columns back, in this way I can save the time for writing 50 fields.
You can't insert a computed column. You need to select especific fields in select and in value() statements. No select *

Difference between Select Into and Insert Into from old table?

What is difference between these in terms of constraints *keys* etc.
Select Into Statement
SELECT column1, column2, someInt, someVarChar
INTO ItemBack1
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
Insert Into Statement
INSERT INTO table1 ( column1, column2, someInt, someVarChar )
SELECT table2.column1, table2.column2,
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
and also
Create table ramm as select * from rammayan
Edit 1:
Database SQL Server 2008
I'm going to assume MySQL here.
The first two are identical, as the documentation states.
The third statement allows for both table creation and population, though your syntax is wrong up there; look at the right syntax for more info.
It's SQL Server =p
SELECT column1, column2, someInt, someVarChar
INTO ItemBack1
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
The first statement will automatically create the ItemBack1 table, based on table2.
INSERT INTO table1 ( column1, column2, someInt, someVarChar )
SELECT table2.column1, table2.column2,
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
The second second statement requires that table1 already exists.
See also:
If there's any difference in constraints, it would be because the second statement depends on what you have already created (and if the table is populated, etc.).
Btw, the third statement is Oracle(tm) and is the same as the first statement.
There are some very important differences between SELECT INTO and INSERT.
First, for the INSERT you need to pre-define the destination table. SELECT INTO creates the table as part of the statement.
Second, as a result of the first condition, you can get type conversion errors on the load into the table using INSERT. This cannot happen with a SELECT INTO (although the underlying query could produce an error).
Third, with a SELECT INTO you need to give all your columns names. With an INSERT, you do not need to give them names.
Fourth, SELECT INTO locks some of the metadata during the processing. This means that other queries on the database may be locked out of accessing tables. For instance, you cannot run two SELECT INTO statements at the same time on the same database, because of this locking.
Fifth, on a very large insert, you can sometimes see progress with INSERT but not with SELECT INTO. At least, this is my experience.
When I have a complicated query and I want to put the data into a table, I often use:
SELECT top 0 *
INTO <table>
FROM <query>
SELECT * FROM <query>
Select Into ->Creates the table on the fly upon select execution
Insert Into ->Presumes that the Table DB already exist
Create, simply creates the table from the return result of the query
I don't really understand your question. Let's try:
The 1st one selects the value of the columns "someVarChar" into a variable called "ItemBack1". Depending on your SQL-Server (mysql/oracle/mssql/etc.) you can now do some logic with this var.
The 2nd one inserts the result of
SELECT table2.column1, table2.column2, 8, 'some string etc.'
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
into the table1 (Copy)
And the 3rd creates a new table "ramm" as a copy of the table "rammayan"
Generally speaking
Each one has its own particularities, one creates a temporary table, other uses a previously existing table and the third one creates a new table with exact same estructure and formatting
SELECT…INTO creates a new table in the default filegroup and inserts the resulting rows from the query into it
INSERT INTO: fills an already existing table
The third option is known as CTAS (Create Table As Select) do a search and you will get tons of usefull links. Basically it creates a table, not a temporary one, with the structure and types used on the SELECT statement.
I wanted to add some more links but as I'm a new user I'm only allowed to post 2 links to prevent spam.
INSERT INTO SELECT inserts into an existing table.
SELECT INTO creates a new table and puts the data in it.
All of the columns in the query must be named so each of the columns in the table will have a name. This is the most common mistake I see for this command.
The data type and nullability come from the source query.
If one of the source columns is an identity column and meets certain conditions (no JOINs in the query for example) then the column in the new table will also be an identity.
CREATE TABLE ExistingTableName1 (ColumnName VARCHAR(255));
INTO ExistingTableName1
SELECT ColumnaName
FROM ExistingTableName2;
SELECT ColumnName INTO NewTableName
FROM ExistingTableName1;
The SELECT INTO statement copies data from one table into a new table.
SELECT column1, column2, column3, ...
INTO newtable [IN externaldb]
FROM oldtable
WHERE condition;
The new table will be created with the column-names and types as defined in the old table. You can create new column names using the AS clause.
The INSERT INTO SELECT statement copies data from one table and inserts it into another table.
INSERT INTO table2 (column1, column2, column3, ...)
SELECT column1, column2, column3, ...
FROM table1
WHERE condition;
INSERT INTO SELECT requires that data types in source and target tables match
The existing records in the target table are unaffected

all rows plus min / max values using a single stored procedure

I have a custom data source which pulls out data form a flat file. The flat file contains a timestamp , source and data. I can use sp_execute to execute a select query against the flat file.
I'm currently using 2 stored procedures .
- one which runs a select * from flat_file into a temp table
- the other which does a select min/max from flat_file grouping by source into another temp file
Im using the data retrieved using the stored procedures in a SSRS report
Is is possible in a a single stored procedure to retrieve all the rows from the file within a date range and also identify the min/max values for each group retrieved ?e
yes, combine all logic into one procedure and return a join of your two temp tables. you don't give any code, column names, etc, so this is a guess:
--populate temp table 1
--populate temp table 2
t1.*, t2.*
FROM #Temp1 t1
INNER JOIN #temp2 t2 ON t1.PK=t2.PK
SSRS can only handle one resultset from a dataset.
Without using a temp table (like KM's answer), this is 2 calls to the database.
However, if i read you correct, the 2 resultsets are fundamentally different: the min/max is an operation on the 1st result set after filtering and not on the original data.
So, you could do this in SSRS if you are grouping in a table control by using Min and setting the Scope parameter as your grouping