AWK Output Produces Function Not Defined - awk

I inherited this code so I'm seeing if someone can help me with the error message.
Here's the AWK file. This file uses a CSV file and is supposed to produce a formatted list.
The return error is FNR=1 fatal: function `header' not defined.
This must have worked at some point in time. Not sure how long it's been broken and I just learned about it a couple of days ago.
Can anyone help?
CSV File
# fieldname len
# 1 posn 6
# 2 status 1
# 3 title 30
# 4 begin_date 10
# 5 end_date 10
# 6 roll 1
# 7 a_number 8
# 8 a_number 9
# 9 first_name 15
# 10 last_name 30
# 11 egrp 4
BEGIN { pagelen = 20; pagewidth = 126
lenheader = 4; lendetail = 1; lenfooter = 2 }
header() {
print trititle("XXXXXXX", "Report",
sprintf("Page %d", pagenum))
print ""
print " Posn S Title Begin Date End Date " \
"R A-Number First Name Last Name Egrp"
print "------ - ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- " \
"- -------- --------- --------------- ------------------------------ ----" }
detail(X) {
printf "%-6.6s %-1.1s %-30.30s %-10.10s %-10.10s %-1.1s %-8.8s %-9.9s " \
"%-15.15s %-30.30s %-4.4s\n", X[1], X[2], X[3], X[4], X[5],
X[6], X[7], X[8], X[9], X[10], X[11] }
footer() { print ""; print trititle(user "#" sid, one_up, today) }
Shell Script
. $BANNER_HOME/local/exe/
PROG_LC=`echo $PROG | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"`
PROG_UC=`echo $PROG | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"`
CSV=$H/$(basename $PROG_LC .shl)_${ONE_UP}.csv
LOG=$H/$(basename $PROG_LC .shl)_${ONE_UP}.log
echo "BANUID = $BANUID" >> $LOG
echo "ONE_UP = $ONE_UP" >> $LOG
echo "PROG = $PROG" >> $LOG
echo "PRNT = $PRNT" >> $LOG
echo "H = $H" >> $LOG
echo "PROG_LC = $PROG_LC" >> $LOG
echo "PROG_UC = $PROG_UC" >> $LOG
echo "CSV = $CSV" >> $LOG
echo "LOG = $LOG" >> $LOG
echo "WHOAMI = $WHOAMI" >> $LOG
sqlplus -s $BAN9UID/#${TARGETDB} <<EOF
variable status number
begin :status := storeprocs.write_csv_file('$PROG_LC', $ONE_UP);
exit :status
if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]
then echo "$PROG_UC completed successfully" >> $LOG
else echo "$PROG_UC completed with failure" >> $LOG
if [ -f $LOCAL_EXE/$PROG_LC.awk ]
then LIS=$H/$(basename $PROG_LC .shl)_${ONE_UP}.lis
LC_NUMERIC=en_US.utf8 gawk -f $LOCAL_EXE/csvtolis.awk \
gurinso -n $ONE_UP -l $LIS -j $PROG -w $BANUID $BAN9UID/#${TARGETDB}
exit $STATUS
BEGIN { linenum = 0
pagenum = 0
user = toupper(ENVIRON["BAN9UID"])
oneup = ENVIRON["ONE_UP"]
"date +%m/%d/%Y" | getline today }
function csvsplit(str, arr, i,j,n,s,fs,qt) {
# split comma-separated fields into arr; return number of fields in arr
# fields surrounded by double-quotes may contain commas;
# doubled double-quotes represent a single embedded quote
delete arr; s = "START"; n = 0; fs = ","; qt = "\""
for (i = 1; i <= length(str); i++) {
if (s == "START") {
if (substr(str,i,1) == fs) { arr[++n] = "" }
else if (substr(str,i,1) == qt) { j = i+1; s = "INQUOTES" }
else { j = i; s = "INFIELD" } }
else if (s == "INFIELD") {
if (substr(str,i,1) == fs) {
arr[++n] = substr(str,j,i-j); j = 0; s = "START" } }
else if (s == "INQUOTES") {
if (substr(str,i,1) == qt) { s = "MAYBEDOUBLE" } }
else if (s == "MAYBEDOUBLE") {
if (substr(str,i,1) == fs) {
arr[++n] = substr(str,j,i-j-1)
gsub(qt qt, qt, arr[n]); j = 0; s = "START" } } }
if (s == "INFIELD" || s == "INQUOTES") { arr[++n] = substr(str,j) }
else if (s == "MAYBEDOUBLE") {
arr[++n] = substr(str,j,length(str)-j); gsub(qt qt, qt, arr[n]) }
else if (s == "START") { arr[++n] = "" }
return n }
function trititle(left, center, right, gap1, gap2) { # assume sufficient space
gap1 = int((pagewidth - length(center)) / 2) - length(left)
gap2 = pagewidth - length(left) - length(center) - length(right) - gap1
return left sprintf("%*s", gap1, "") center sprintf("%*s", gap2, "") right }
NR > 1 { nfields = csvsplit($0, csv); # print one record, with header/footer as needed
if (pagelen - (linenum % pagelen) - lenfooter < lendetail) {
while ((linenum + lenfooter) % pagelen != 0) { print ""; linenum++ }
footer(); linenum += lenfooter }
if (linenum % pagelen == 0) { pagenum++; header(); linenum += lenheader }
detail(csv); linenum += lendetail
if ((linenum + lenfooter) % pagelen == 0) { footer(); linenum += lenfooter } }
END { if (linenum % pagelen != 0) { # if not at top of page
while ((linenum + lenfooter) % pagelen != 0) { # while not at bottom
print ""; linenum++ } # skip to bottom
footer() } } # and print footer


Segmentation fault in the below program

The below code is being called from a simple script like this.
method line-validation is rw {
my $file-data = slurp($!FileName, enc => "iso-8859-1");
my #lines = $file-data.lines;
my $start = now;
for #lines -> $line {
state $i = 1;
my #splitLine = split('|', $line);
if ($line.starts-with("H|") || $line.starts-with("T|")) {
my $lnObject = line => $line, FileType => $.FileType );
$lnObject.ColumnIds = %.ColumnIds;
my #promises;
my #validationIds;
for %.ValidationRules.keys -> $validationId {
if (%.ValidationRules{$validationId}<ValidationType> eq 'COLUMN') {
push #promises, start {$lnObject.ColumnValidationFunction(%.ValidationRules{$validationId}<ValidationFunction>, %.ValidationRules{$validationId}<Arguments>, $.ValidationRules{$validationId}<Description>); 1};
push #validationIds, $validationId;
my #promise-output = await #promises;
for #validationIds -> $valId {
state $j = 0;
my $result = #promise-output[$j];
if ($result.Bool == True) {
if (%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> :!exists) {
%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> = 1;
} else {
%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> = %.ResultSet{$valId}<count> + 1;
my #prCol = (%.ValidationRules{$valId}<Arguments><column>, #.printColumns);
if (%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> <= 10) {
%.ResultSet{$valId}.push: (sample => join('|', #splitLine[#prCol[*;*]].map: { if ($_.Bool == False ) { $_ = ''} else {$_ = $_;} }));
%.ResultSet{$valId}<ColumnList> = #prCol[*;*];
say "Line validation completed in {now - $start } time for $.lineCount lines";
The code was working fine earlier but when run using larger files, it just arbitrarily throws the error Segmentation fault and exists. I cannot determine where it is failing either.

what does mean for this error "Notice: Array to string conversion in line 96"

this is the example of signup page. the error is"Notice: Array to string conversion in
C:\xampp\htdocs\sample\signup.php on line 96" what are the possible solutions.
here is the code........
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost','root') or die(mysqli_error());
mysqli_select_db($con,'kms') or die (mysqli_error());
if (isset($_POST['techno']) && isset($_FILES['profile_picture']))
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$middlename = $_POST['middlename'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$psw_repeat = $_POST['psw_repeat'];
$dob = $_POST['dob'];
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$occupation = $_POST['occupation'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$about = $_POST['about'];
$phonenumber = $_POST['phonenumber'];
$profile_picture = $_FILES['profile_picture'];
$q = "INSERT INTO user (firstname,middlename,lastname,email,password,dob,gender,occupation,address,about,phonenumber,profile_picture) values ('$firstname','$middlename','$lastname','$email','$password',$dob,'$gender','$occupation','$address','$about',$phonenumber,'$profile_picture')";
$target_dir = "uploads/";
$target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["profile_picture"]["name"]);
$uploadOk = 1;
$imageFileType = strtolower(pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
// Check if image file is a actual image or fake image
if(isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$check = getimagesize($_FILES["profile_picture"]["tmp_name"]);
if($check !== false) {
echo "File is an image - " . $check["mime"] . ".";
$uploadOk = 1;
} else {
echo "File is not an image.";
$uploadOk = 0;
// Check if file already exists
if (file_exists($target_file)) {
echo "Sorry, file already exists.";
$uploadOk = 0;
// Check file size
if ($_FILES["profile_picture"]["size"] > 500000) {
echo "Sorry, your file is too large.";
$uploadOk = 0;
// Allow certain file formats
if($imageFileType != "jpg" && $imageFileType != "png" && $imageFileType != "jpeg"
&& $imageFileType != "gif" ) {
echo "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF files are allowed.";
$uploadOk = 0;
// Check if $uploadOk is set to 0 by an error
if ($uploadOk == 0) {
echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded.";
// if everything is ok, try to upload file
} else {
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["profile_picture"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES["profile_picture"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";
} else {
echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.";
if($psw_repeat != $password)
echo("Password does not match");
mysqli_query($con,$q) or die(mysqli_error($con));
in line number 96...the code is for inserting data into database...
i have googled this error....ut there is no solution

script is not hitting any validation steps in awk

this script is supposed to read in csv in the following format
John Smith,09/05/2015,s,999-999-99
Mike Smith,09/06/2015,s,989-979-99
Fred Smith,09/03/2015,s,781-999-99
The first line is a header it is supposed to be skipped. So when script runs every .csv file seems to be moving to the GoodFile direcotory which i think is false positive, i fudged with the validation steps like the 3rd one and entered QE instead of SE(it has to be S or E) it doesn't even hit the code? i am not sure why.. for(linenum = 1; linenum <nr; linenum++) {
if (length(dataArr[linenum,3]) == 0){
printf "Failed 3rd a validation"
exit 1
for file in test/*.csv ; do
awk -F',' '
# skip the header and blank lines
NR = 1 || NF == 0 {next}
#save the data in to a 2d array called dataArr
{ for (i=1; i <= NF; i++) dataArr[++nr,i] = $i }
#verify coulmn 1
for( linenum=1; linenum <= nr; linenum++) {
if (length(dataArr[linenum,1]) == 0){
printf "Failed 1st validation"
exit 1
printf "file: %s, verify column 1, STATUS: %s\n", FILENAME, STATUS
#verify coulmn 2
for(linenum = 1; linenum <nr; linenum++) {
if (length(dataArr[linenum,2]) == 0){
printf "Failed 2nd a validation"
exit 1
if ((dataArr[linenum,2]) !~ /^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)[0-9][0-9]$/){
printf "Failed 2nd b validation"
exit 1
#verify coulmn 3
for(linenum = 1; linenum <nr; linenum++) {
if (length(dataArr[linenum,3]) == 0){
printf "Failed 3rd a validation"
exit 1
# has to be either S or E
if ((dataArr[linenum,3]) !~ /^[SE]$/){
printf "Failed 3rd b validation"
exit 1
#verify coulmn 4
for(linenum = 1; linenum <nr; linenum++) {
#lenght has to between 9 AND 11
if ((length(dataArr[linenum,4])) < 9 || (length(dataArr[linenum,4]) > 11)){
printf "Failed 4th validation"
exit 1
}' "$file"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
# "good" status
mv ${file} test1/goodFile
# "bad" status
mv ${file} test1/badFile
You don't need to save the file in an array, all you need is:
awk -F',' '
# skip the header and blank lines
NR == 1 || NF == 0 {next}
$1 == "" { fails1++ }
$2 == "" { fails2a++ }
$2 !~ /^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)[0-9][0-9]$/) { fails2b++ }
$3 == "" { fails3a++ }
$3 !~ /^[SE]$/ { fails3b++ }
length($4) < 9 || length($4) > 11 { fails4++ }
if (fails1) { print "Failed 1st validation"; exit 1 }
if (fails2a) { print "Failed 2nd a validation"; exit 1 }
if (fails2b) { print "Failed 2nd b validation"; exit 1 }
if (fails3a) { print "Failed 3rd a validation"; exit 1 }
if (fails3b) { print "Failed 3rd b validation"; exit 1 }
if (fails4) { print "Failed 4th validation"; exit 1 }
}' "$file"
To print the failure messages to stderr instead of stdout, btw, would portably be:
if (fails4) { print "Failed 4th validation" | "cat>&2"; exit 1 }
Here's the version if you don't care which error is reported first when the file contains multiple errors:
awk -F',' '
# skip the header and blank lines
NR == 1 || NF == 0 {next}
$1 == "" { print "Failed 1st validation"; exit 1 }
$2 == "" { print "Failed 2nd a validation"; exit 1 }
$2 !~ /^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)[0-9][0-9]$/) { print "Failed 2nd b validation"; exit 1 }
$3 == "" { print "Failed 3rd a validation"; exit 1 }
$3 !~ /^[SE]$/ { print "Failed 3rd b validation"; exit 1 }
length($4) < 9 || length($4) > 11 { print "Failed 4th validation"; exit 1 }
' "$file"

Running multiple nodes automatically using awk from tcl script

I have awk file named throughput.awk to calculate throughput from trace files in NS-2.
action = $1;
node_id = $4;
time = $2;
dest = $6;
app = $10;
pkt_size = $11;
if ( action == "r" && dest == "MAC" && app == "cbr" && time > 10 && (node_id == 1)) {
sum_ = sum_ + pkt_size;
what I want is I have to calculate each node's throughput for multiple nodes from TCL script maybe like this :
for {set node 1} {$node < N } {incr node}
exec awk -f throughput.awk
so "node" variable inside trace files can be changed from TCL. How to do that?
Just use -v parameter:
for (node=1;node<N;node++){
exec awk -v node=$node -f throughput.awk
And inside awk
if ( action == "r" && dest == "MAC" && app == "cbr" && time > 10 && (node_id == node)) {
sum_ = sum_ + pkt_size;
Before the "=" node will be the name of the variable inside awk and it's value ($node) will be node val in Tcl

Convert captcha generator from PHP4 to PHP5

I have an old image captcha generator written in PHP4 that i need to convert to PHP5
Any suggestions for what I need to change to get it to start working? The main error I'm getting reads "Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html" Which I already told it to have a MIME type of image throough the code below when I said header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
$alphanum = "ABGKLMNPRSTUXZ";
$rand = substr(str_shuffle($alphanum), 0, 5);
$image = imagecreatetruecolor(65,25);
$background = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$border = imagecolorallocate($image, 128, 128, 128);
$colors[] = imagecolorallocate($image, 128, 64, 192);
$colors[] = imagecolorallocate($image, 192, 64, 128);
$colors[] = imagecolorallocate($image, 108, 192, 64);
imagefilledrectangle($image, 1, 1, 65 - 2, 25 - 2, $background);
imagerectangle($image, 0, 0, 65 - 1, 25 - 1, $border);
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++){
$x1 = rand(0, 65 - 5);
$y1 = rand(0, 25 - 5);
$x2 = $x1 - 4 + rand(2, 8);
$y2 = $y1 - 4 + rand(2, 8);
imageline($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,$colors[rand(0, count($colors) - 1)]);
$textColor = imagecolorallocate ($image, 30, 30, 30);
imagestring ($image, 8, rand(8,10), rand(1,8), $rand, $textColor);
$_SESSION['image_random_value'] = md5($rand);
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1998 06:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
This image loads into the page here if its at all helpful:
function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {
if (field.value.length > maxlimit)
field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);
countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;
function form_visible(){
var el = document.getElementById('sf');
if( == 'inline'){ = 'none';
}else{ = 'inline';
var shows = 0;
var lc;
var i;
var image;
var ny;
function show(star_img,rnid)
if (shows){
for (i=1; i");
for (var i=1; i");
document.write("Please Select");
$value) {
${$key} = $value;
foreach($_POST AS $key => $value) {
${$key} = $value;
$db=mysql_connect($db_host,$database_user,$database_pass) or die("MySQL Error: Unable to connect to database please check that you have provided the correct Database Login usernameDatabase Login Password");
mysql_select_db($db_name,$db)or die("MySQL Error: Unable to select database please check that you have provided the correct Database name");
echo "";
$day =date("D d");
$month =date("M");
$year =date("Y");
$ent=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ez_ccomment_opt");
if($do=="do_sign" && $id=="$mid"){
if ($comment !="" && $email !="" && $name !="" && $rating!=""){
if(md5($_POST['security']) == $_SESSION['image_random_value']){
$comment = str_replace ("","&gt", $comment);
$name = str_replace ("","&gt", $name);
$email = str_replace ("","&gt", $email);
$website = str_replace ("", $comment);
$comment = str_replace ("", "", $comment);
$name = stripslashes ($name);
$comment = stripslashes ($comment);
for($x=0;$xPlease enter valid security image.";
echo "Please fill in the required fields.";}
echo "";
echo "Rating*";
echo "Comments*
Email* (Will not be shown)
Security Image*make sure to type security image in ALL CAPITAL characters!
* = Required";
echo "";
var el = document.getElementById('sf'); = 'inline';
$list = ("SELECT * FROM ez_ccomment WHERE status='confirmed' AND ccid='$id' ORDER BY op DESC");
$row_num1= #mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($list));
echo "Comments";
echo "No ratings yet. Be the first to add a rating!";
$list.= (" LIMIT $sfrom,$end");
$messag=wordwrap($messag, 55, "\n", 1);
if ($row[rating] == 5)
$star = "images/5star.gif" ;
$pk="5 - Excellent!";
if ($row[rating]>=1 && $row[rating]=2 && $row[rating]=3 && $row[rating]= 4 && $row[rating]= 5)
$star = "images/5star.gif" ;
$pk="5 - Excellent!";
if ($row[rating] $messag$row[name], $row[date]";
echo "";
if ($row_num1>$list_per_page){
echo "";
echo "";
if($start > 1){
echo "Previous";
echo "";
for($i=1;$i$i ";
echo " $i ";
echo " ....... $last";
echo "1 ....... ";
echo " $i ";
echo " $i ";
echo "";
if($start Next";
$next = "";
echo "$next";
echo "";
In that code, just change $HTTP_GET_VARS for $_GET and $HTTP_POST_VARS for $_POST
I tried it and it works.