IP address and Domain restrictions showing 404 error - IIS 8.5 - iis-8

I want to restrict some IP's to access the website so I'm trying using IP address and domain restrictions feature but it's showing 404 error to allowed IP and for deny IP it's properly showing the request is denied.
I'm configuring this changes on Windows Server 2012 R2 and IIS version 8.5
configuration for the allow IP
This are feature settings
Result When IP not added in Allow list
Result When IP is added in allow list
why this page not found is showing?
any other alternative to restrict the IP to access website?

Try adding the server's IP address(es) to the allowed list, because when you go to /sitefinity, the server sends a request to internal endpoint and if that request is blocked then you are getting redirected to your custom error page.


moodle gets into 'endless redirection' when configured as subdomain

I'd like to setup my moodle instance to be available by address: http://mymoodle.mysite.com.
mysite.com is already registered and I can easily access it because I've configured it at my hosting provider to refer to the IP (let's say IP address x.x.x.x) of my server where I store my web page.
To register the subdomain I'm specifying another IP address where my moodle instance is installed (e.g. y.y.y.y) and configure my provider to do permanent redirect to the URL http://y.y.y.y
moodle instance is installed at wwwroot folder of the web sever, it's accessible via http://y.y.y.y
Now it works for me in the following way: I type http://mymoodle.mysite.com in address bar of my browser and it redirects me to my moodle instance, I see a main screen, all works fine but the URL in address bar is changed to http://y.y.y.y
Alhtough I'd like to see my fancy subdomain address but not IP.
My config.php originally looks like that
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://y.y.y.y';
but if I change it to
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://mymoodle.mysite.com';
I'm getting into 'endless redirects'.
Is there a way to resolve this issue and get rid of IP address in address bar?
If you have changed the url of Moodle after the set-up you have to follow those steps : https://docs.moodle.org/310/en/Moodle_migration. Only updating $CFG->wwwroot will not be ok.

Issue in setting redirect URL in OneDrive application

I have Integrated OneDrive with my web application, on my local machine
for testing I had used http://localhost:123/Web/xyz in redirect URL on Application Registration Portal and it worked fine, but now I have deployed ny application on local server for further testing before going live and wanted to update Redirect URL to http://abc-xyz:81/Web/example and it gives error "Your URL can't contain a query string or invalid special characters."
how can I fix this issue
That error message is unfortunate. The error here is likely that redirect URLs for non-localhost servers need to be HTTPS and it looks like you are using an HTTP URL.
They have restriction about setting new redirect urls, it must be either
match the DNS name of the existing
sub domain of exiting
see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-limitations#restrictions-on-redirect-uris for more details

Drupal (Apache) behind Proxy

I have a Drupal 7 site running on an Apache webserver on server A with IP # a.2.3.4. This site A can be accessed and allows login using server A specific DNS.
Recently, this site has been put behind a corporate proxy server B (IP # b.5.6.7) which uses F5 for all proxy redirects. Lets call this site B.
Issue: I can access and login to site A - IP # a.2.3.4 without any issue. However, when I access site B (IP # b.5.6.7), I can access the site but i cannot login. I get ACCESS DENIED error on the login page after I hit SUBMIT.
Site A creates session cookies in the browser where as Site B cookies are not created.
Any help?

SSL Website showing 404 error over non-SSL (HTTP)

I've set up an SSL site on server 2012 using CCS and SNI. When attempting to navigate to it over a non-SSL link (http), the site throws a 404 error.
How can I get it to show the "This site requires SSL" message?
You need to add HTTP to your bindings in IIS.
Instead of showing "This site requires SSL" you should redirect your user to the equivalent SSL page (e.g. http://twitter.com/about would redirect to https://twitter.com/about).
It is bad for both end-users and SEO to display a message with a message asking the user to change the URL. If you look at different websites on the Web you can notice that this is automatic and doesn't require any action from the user.

Different pages related to website ip address

My website is assigned a particular ip address.
Now, is there any way to configure web server like apache so that when I enter the website url in a browser, it shows a different page than when I enter the ip address related to the website?
Yes. What you're looking for is apache Virtual Hosts.
You'll also need to configure your domain to point to your ip.