I am trying to get the access code from the url, but in my scenario after clicking on submit button, the URL is unreachable(redirected to localhost/).So url is not coming due to unreachable page, i had tried both the following ways to get the url but no luck.
* waitForUrl('/verified')
* def actualUrl = driver.url
is there any alternative for this?
Eventually, nothing was helping me in this so got the text from the body tag, and from there I fetched the required code.
def item = text("//body[#id='test']/script[1]")
In case this may help someone.
Using karate-UI
Given driver 'http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/auth?scope=openid&state=eferov08J37HlzbycjxHGs4.xzyoGFvM3QQ.test&response_type=code&client_id=hetg&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fauth%2Frealms%2Fendpoint'
* fullscreen()
And delay(2000)
And input('#username', 'username')
And input('#password', 'password')
When submit().click("#kc-login")
Then waitForUrl('http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/endpoint')
This URL contains a value which we want to extract. waitForUrl waits for this URL to come and once this URL is received how to proceed further. Is it possible to store this in some variable somehow? As all demos I saw is that input is mentioned or button can be clicked on this URL what about extracting a value from URL. How to store this URL so value can be extracted?
Please read the documentation. waitForUrl() actually returns the value of the URL: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/tree/master/karate-core#waitforurl
* def actualUrl = waitForUrl('/some/path')
Also see driver.url: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/tree/master/karate-core#driverurl
* def actualUrl = driver.url
I'd like to automate my log in to my bank to automatically fetch my transactions to stay up-to-date with spendings and earnings, but I am stuck.
The bank's login webpage is: https://login.bancochile.cl/bancochile-web/persona/login/index.html#/login
I am using python's request module with sessions:
urlLoginPage = 'https://login.bancochile.cl/bancochile-web/persona/login/index.html'
urlLoginSubmit = 'https://login.bancochile.cl/oam/server/auth_cred_submit'
username = '11.111.111-1' # this the format of a Chilean National ID ("RUT")
usernameFormatted = '111111111' # same id but formatted
pw = "password"
payload = [
("username2", usernameFormatted),
("username2", username),
("userpassword", pw),
("request_id", ''),
("ctx", "persona"),
("username", usernameFormatted),
("password", pw),
with requests.Session() as session:
login = session.get(urlLoginPage)
postLogin = session.post(
redirectUrl = postLogin.headers["Location"]
First I find that the form data has duplicated keys, so I am using the payload as a list of tuples. From Chrome's inspect I find the form data to be like this:
I've checked the page's source code to look for the use of a csrf token, but couldn't find any hint of it.
What happens is that the site does a redirect upon submitting the login data. I set allow_redirects=False to catch the redirect url of the post under the Location-header. However, here is the problem. Using the web-browser I know that the redirect url should be https://portalpersonas.bancochile.cl/mibancochile/rest/persona/perfilamiento/home, but I always end up on an error page when using the above method (https://login.bancochile.cl/bancochile-web/contingencia/error404.html). (I am using my own, correct login credentials to try this)
If I submit the payload in a wrong format (e.g. by dropping a key) I am redirected to the same error-page. This tells me that probably something with the payload is incorrect, but I don't know how to find out what may be wrong.
I am kind of stuck and don't know how I can figure out where/how to look for errors and possible solutions. Any suggestions on how to debug this and continue or ideas for other approaches would be very welcome!
We have implemented an error handler for Yii 1. Also we have implemented the mail functionality with this as any error occurred an email will be send to us but the problem is we are not getting the current URL on which error is generating. Like one page controller/action can contain many images favicons etc. So if any image is missing then we are getting the image URL which showing 404 from:
$url = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl(Yii::app()->request->url);
But we are not getting current URL not even in $error = Yii::app()->errorHandler->error.
So we are not getting the page in which image is absent. Please let me know if is there any way to get current page URL as I have tried many ways but all they are returning the missing images URL instead of main page URL for which images are missing.
createAbsoluteUrl() expects route as first argument - it may return random results if you provide URL instead of route (like in your code snippet).
If you want absolute URL of current request, you may use combination of getUrl() and getHostInfo():
$url = Yii::app()->request->getHostInfo() . Yii::app()->request->getUrl();
In case of error you can get current page url using Yii::app()->request->requestUri in Yii 1.
I have one POST call related to search.It is like I am sending some data as parameters to call and some in payload.after getting 302 it gets redirected.But the issue is once it gets redirected,POST call gets converted to GET call and payload is lost.As a result I am unable to get desired search result.Is there anything related to config that I might be missing??
Yes this is the correct behavior. Sounds like you need to disable automatic re-directs for this test, see configure. You can do:
* configure followRedirects = false
And then get the redirect location manually as follows:
* def location = responseHeaders['Location'][0]
Refer to this test for an example: redirect.feature
When I open the URL with driver.get(url), how can I get the response content of the page? Please refer to the image for more information.
In a separate post I saw this answer. As per it there is a ticket opened for Selenium.
I'm using Python and Django, but it's actually simple to get the response. I'm using a StaticLiveServerTestCase as my base test for the test. The .get() method on self.client actually returns the response itself. For example:
response = self.client.get(url)
However, it looks like what you're really trying to get is the cookie based on what you're pointing to in the picture. I use Django and the Django test suite to authenticate a user session to be used in the test.
def create_pre_authenticated_session(self, username, url="/"):
user = User.objects.create(username=username)
session = SessionStore()
session[SESSION_KEY] = user.pk
session[HASH_SESSION_KEY] = user.get_session_auth_hash()
# to set a cookie we need to first visit the domain.
# 404 pages load the quickest!
self.browser.get(self.live_server_url + '/404_no_such_url/')
self.browser.get(self.live_server_url + url)
return user
This has some other stuff in it that I borrowed from Percival's Test-Driven Development with Python, but I hope that it can provide some guidance on what you're trying to accomplish.