How to transfer Brave browser extensions between (Mac) computers? - backup

I transfer files between Mac laptops via an external drive (and concomitantly back all my stuff up) as so:
Laptop A > external drive 1 > Laptop B > external drive 1 > Laptop A and so on.
Recently my Brave extensions are deleted upon copying to either laptop, plus, when I open Brave Preferences, I am greeted with the error message "Some settings were reset. Brave detected that some of your settings were corrupted by another program and reset them to their original defaults. Learn more."
A poster on Reddit claimed that Chromium ties extensions to a hardware configuration. Be that as it may, Brave just deletes my extensions. I have tried dragging them manually into ~/Library/Application\ Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Extensions from the external drive, but they just disappear before my eyes.
Given my backup software (ChronoSync), I have tried to exclude the folders in Default that appear to hold extension data. So far, I have excluded:
Extension Cookies
Extension Cookies-jour
Extension Rules
Extension Scripts
Extension State
But my extensions still disappear and Brave still displays the error message.
Is there any other file that I can exclude from backup?


Multiple Users Open Same File and Overwrite Work

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
When I have a file open, my coworker can open the file and does not get notified that the file is already opened or locked. He can work in the file and save, and it overwrites my version. Then when I go to save, I get notified that the file was 'modified outside of Illustrator, do I want to continue?" If you click yes, it overwrites his work and his work is lost. Is this a bug that it does not indicate that the file is already open by another user?
Do you open the file from some kind of NAS server inside your office? Yes everyone can open such file with previlleges, and store their own respective cache. But when it comes to saving/overwrite current file it would produce such error. My solution would be saving your current work as different filename.
Maybe such feature should added by Adobe team, not only in Adobe InCopy where you can contribute to edit to one file simultaneously by different users.

How do I use PyCharm and WebStorm in the same project simultaneously?

I am working on a Django project using React for some aspects and seeing that I have licenses for both WebStorm and PyCharm, I would like to use both.
If I open them simultaneously, they keep having to reload the project. More specifically every time one of the IDEs receives focus, it prompts me to reload the project iff, the other IDE received focus since the last window switch.
I suspect this is because they are using the same folder (i.e. {project_root}/.idea) to store there cache/shelved changes etc.
Were can I change the setting, where these infos are stored in order to allow both IDEs to function alongside each other?
Idea-based IDEs (WebStorm, PyCharm, PHPStorm, IDEA, etc) have the same project format (.idea) but different settings/module types that aren't always compatible, plus each IDE needs to write its stuff to project files (for example, .idea/workspace.xml is updated each time you open editor tab, etc., as information about recently opened files, cursor positions, etc. is stored there), so having the project opened in 2 IDEs at the same time will cause such issues.
If you like to work on the same sources in different IDEs, I'd suggest sharing the sources folder(s) but keeping the .idea folders separated: just create a new empty WebStorm project in preferred WebStorm-specific location and add your shared sources root as additional content root to it in Settings | Directories, Add Content root. Same thing should be done for PyCharm. As a result, you will have IDE-specific .idea folders and shared sources

Chrome app file system in kiosk mode

i have an app (signage player) that loads video and placed it in folder which user pointed on the beginning (named 'media').
Then i define source attr of video element as "media/name_of_file.mp4"
In plain mode is works well - local video plays. But i and don't know why. In Kiosk mode app can't find a files at all.
Do you have any ideas about it?
What features has or hasn't file system in kiosk mode - it's really hard to debug it there.
Many thanks for any information about file system in kiosk mode.!topic/chromebook-central/zv1nxWBAce4;context-place=forum/chromebook-central
According to this answer, app in kiosk mode hasn't any access to file system.(but from my experience it isn't quite true, i can wright files and folders, read them via file api)
Main problem that i can't reach them from dom src property.
But anyway google demand additional license for this option, so any
kludges can be blocked in further versions of chrome os...
Create a shortcut to your Chrome executable, right click it, select "Properties" and then make sure the target field looks like this (for example):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --kiosk "file:///C:/Users/JohnDoe/Desktop/MyHTMLFile.HTML"
The executable must be in double quotes, as well as the file path.
You may need to embed your MP4 inside an HTML5 element on a local HTML file for this to work.

How to synchronise jEdit settings between multiple computers

I use jEdit as a text editor, because it's cross-platform, and has all the features I need (Java regular expressions, keystroke macros, etc). However, it's a pain to set up on a new computer, and to synchronise settings (keyboard bindings, file save options, etc).
Can anyone suggest a good way of doing this? Ideally it should synchronise in the background, perhaps writing to a Dropbox folder. I've had a look in the jEdit plugins, and there doesn't appear to be anything.
I use the following macro to clean up and zip my jEdit settings directory to my Google Drive directory on my Mac:
void delete(String name) {
path = jEdit.getSettingsDirectory()+"/"+name;
VFS vfs = VFSManager.getVFSForPath(path);
session = vfs.createVFSSession(path,view);
vfs._delete(session, path, view);
if (session != null) vfs._endVFSSession(session,view);
runInSystemShell(view, "cd " + jEdit.getSettingsDirectory());
// clean up files
delete("abbrevs"); // I use SuperAbbrevs
delete("macros" + File.separator + ".macroManagerCache"); // File.separator = System.getProperty("file.separator")
delete("jedit_quicknote.txt"); // or qn.txt
delete("mirrorList.xml"); // mirrorList can be updated by Options -> Plugin Manager
// clean up directories
runInSystemShell(view, "rm -f ~/Google\\ Drive/doc/; zip -r ~/Google\\ Drive/doc/ * -x '*.DS_Store'");
Then I can run the following alias to unzip the settings on other machines:
alias je_sync="rm -rf ~/.jedit/*; unzip ~/Google\ Drive/doc/ -d ~/.jedit/"
There is no built-in or plugin way I'm aware of to synchronize jEdit settings. But everything should be stored in your settings directory. ("should" because some plugins might store stuff elsewhere, especially if it uses settings together with other ways to do stuff, like git or svn that store user credentials in ~/.subversion/ and so on. Where the settings directory lives depends on the OS you are using jEdit on if you do not use the -settings switch to start jEdit).
So to synchronize the settings, just synchronize the settings directory via some means like Google Drive, Box, Dropbox or anything else. You can even make jEdit directly use those directories with the -settings switch, e. g. if you are on an OS that does not properly support symlinks like Windows.
But be aware that there can arise serious problems or unexpected behaviour. E. g. you will also sync stuff like recent files, last window and dialog positions, last opened files, ...
And more importantly, jEdit currently does not behave too well if you run two instances in the same settings directory, this for sure also would cover cases where you sync the settings folder via some means.
One scenario that will happen if you use two jEdit instances (not windows, real instances, like opened with -noserver) on the same computer on the same settings directory and will for sure also happen with such a synced directory:
instance A starts running, reads the settings files and stores their last modification date
instance A writes configuration file Z and stores its last modification date
instance B starts running, reads the settings files and stores their last modification date
instance B writes configuration file Z and stores its last modification date
instance A wants to write configuration file Z, but sees that its last modification date is newer than what it remembered. It will give a warning to the log, but nothing more and will not save file Z anymore until restarted.
So if Z e. g. is the properties file, any settings changes done after this in instance A will just be lost and not saved. And this happens on a per-file basis, depending on which instance first writes a certain file after both instances were started, so some files may be locked by instance A, some by instance B which could further increase confusion.
So, if you are ok with syncing stuff like recent files, last open files, and other stuff with paths in it and so on and so on and you make sure that you will not use two jEdit instances on the same settings directory at the same time, it could be ok to just use something like Google Drive or alike.

ERROR: Failed to load PhotonLicensing.dll

The logfile states that my Photon license has expired or the PhotonLicensing.dll can't be loaded.
Since Photon 3 you don't need a .license file if you are using Photon for free. Just delete any old .license files you still might find in your folders from upgrading etc.:
If you acquired a license, just copy the .license file into the above mentioned folders (depending on the environment you use).
However there is one edge case: When you unpack your SDK with the Windows Explorer built-in unpack tool your files might get blocked as they are marked as "internet download".
There are to ways to solve the problem:
you unpack with another tool like 7zip or winrar.
or you unblock the zip-file before you unpack with the Explorer built-in zip functionality - right click the “not trusted” zip-file choose “Property” and click unblock.